Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Meanwhile, Back at Evil Headquarters, the Democratic Party Eats its Old Constituents . . .

I was writing something grand about the impending end of Western civilization, but got distracted by my sick puppy. It really gets to me to see a sick dog--it's as though all his faith and trust in you has been for naught. This "little" evil one, however, does seem on the mend; the large doses of antibiotics (Israeli company, I note--take that Israel boycotters!) appear to be doing the trick. This morning he got up and destroyed the newly installed patio screen door. Just. Because. It. Was. There. What could I do? I can't yell at a "little" guy with an ear infection, right? Time to get a newer new screen door. When I got this petit beast I had the strong feeling I was having a weak moment; I was right. He makes me laugh no matter what he does. We got him when he weighed under 15 pounds, and is now a six-month old bruiser coming in at nearly 76 pounds. He is definitely headed for the 100-plus range. There is not one good thought in his rapidly growing head. He uses all his powers for evil, and to entertain me, and to make me stop thinking about the Big Evil One in the White House . . . almost.

Bear with me on this piece. I am basically thinking aloud as I sit in the vet's office. I'd appreciate any feedback, especially if you have noted the same phenomenon going on. As the military say, BLUF, Bottom Line Up Front: the Democrats are abandoning their white constituencies, especially working males, moving away from or overriding their traditional black constituencies, and building a new party based on the low-information, almost illiterate Eloi coming out of our universities, the incredibly stupid secular Jewish voting bloc, plutocrat moneymen tied in with big corporations and government projects, and an expanding pool of poor created by mass illegal migration from Mexico and Central America. They assume that the public sector unions, especially teachers, will be OK with this new pool of Democrats--who will vote mind you--as they also keep alive schools, and a range of government benefit programs on which public sector employees increasingly rely for their own employment. The DNC is sticking a big middle finger in the air and waving it at the private sector unions and their members, the black churches and the black middle and working classes, and, of course, nearly the entire non-elite white electorate of the USA. Taxpayers no longer have any clout. The Federal bureaucracy has become the armed implementation wing of the DNC.

We are seeing the Democratic Party openly reinvent itself, without any shame or purpose of evasion, into a party of career bureaucrats, educators, and crony capitalists, kept in power by stupid young people, Hollywood, the growing ranks of dole recipients, and, of course, the wave of  poor hispanics. The Democrats care not a a bit about the impact this massive wave will have on school quality, crime rates, health care, the prisons, deficit spending, or on the "poor" whom they so vociferously have supported for decades. Poor blacks and poor hispanics will be the first to feel the brunt of this tsunami as it sweeps through their neighborhoods. The traditional black Democrat urban political machines are getting creaky, and in some places, e.g., Detroit, losing large chunks of population. The desperately poor and easily manipulated immigrants from Mexico and Central America are just what is needed to restock the pond of misery on which the DNC scum feed.

In the US, we always have consoled ourselves with the idea that the "pendulum will swing back." The Democrats plan is to make sure that cannot happen by promoting a profound transformation of the Democrat party, and, of course, of our society at large.

Vet is calling.

Let me know if I am insane.    


  1. Not insane -- right on. One group of enablers you have left out is the press. It absolutely amazes me that some really smart people who write for newspapers and appear on TV are going along with what is happening in America. Sure, some of them are complicit because they are true believers -- the "gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet" crowd. And some are going along because they hope to score a good job in the White House some day. Finally, a few are going along because they honestly believe conservatives and Republicans are evil. But among even the firmest believers I would think there would be one or two who would have reached the same conclusion as you -- that a whole lot of people in the old constituencies are going to get screwed big time, and that neither the party nor the country will be better for it. Where is their voice? Baffles me.

    1. Bob Woodward dared to speak up, briefly, and was brutalized by his "peers", the Mikas and Madcows, and other Journolistas, just out of their internships, jostling one another to be the best brown-noser, to get a seat at the WH Correspondents Dinner. Of course Bezos and Zuckerberg have figured it out...control the information, control the sheep, control the Dem Party, who are just looking to get theirs, too.

  2. If you're insane Dip, I must be too!
    Btw, what anti-biotic was your pup on?

    1. Keflex is the brand name but I got the generic made by Teva

    2. Tks, 14 year old last of the pack male mastiff mix, and I, appreciate the info and the generic source. Best Regards~~~ P.S. also, tks for your thoughtful posts and commentary!

  3. The Dirty Little "Secret": The reason that politician supporters of "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" want it is so that they and/or their campaign, such as the Chamber of Crony Fascism and Serf Labor, contributors can have low cost, to them, serf labor. They would probably prefer actual out-and-out slaves but that is illegal. "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" Democrats, like Obama, also want it so that those who are now illegal can become legal and vote for them, if they aren't voting for them already.

    Does anyone think that any of these "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" politicians actually care one wit otherwise for the illegals. Does anyone think that any of the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" politicians are going to invite these Mexican Indios and Mezclados to join their elite/exclusive golf clubs? Come to live in their gated communities, other than as low paid servants? Invite them to their yachts, other than as low paid deck hands and/or servants? Invite them to their cocktail parties? Introduce them to their daughters?

    The big majority of the Mexicans who have come here/will come here are Indios and Mezclados, not the Spanish descendant fair-skinned ruling class of Mexico. This is a form of ethnic cleansing by Mexico's ruling class. So these "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" politicians are aiding and abetting and facilitating ethnic cleansing. If the U.N. were not such a joke, they would all be standing trial for trying to reintroduce a form of latter-day-slavery in the United States and for the mass ethnic cleansing of Mexico.

  4. They do this because they *can*. They have the upper hand in politics right now and can *afford* to exclude some constituencies. It's not like those constituencies are going to switch to the vapid GOP. Yeah, they might lose some to the saner elements of the tea party movement, but for the most part, the GOP has descended into despotism. With no leadership to threaten the Dems, yes, they will eat their own.

    - reader #1482

  5. With every post, I see such striking similarities here in the UK.

    The Conservative Party (RINO) and the Labour Party (Socialist) are effectivly doing the same thing.

    David Cameron, our Prime Minister, once labelled a section of his supporters the, "Turnip Taliban." He has literally alienated vast numbers of his own supporters to such and extent that, it is doubtful they will be able to contest the 2015 General Election properly.

    Labour, Captained by RedEd Milliband (Son of a Marxist that hated England) invited vast numbers of immigrants who, have settled in Labour Constituencies thereby alienating their core support - the white English working class.

    And then they wonder why they seem so disconnected from they traditional core support.

    1. It's happening all over the West

    2. Much strife in Rome was caused by expansions of Roman citizenship.

    3. But people all over the Empire wanted Roman citizenship, and then became Roman, even so many never ventured anywhere near Rome. What happened to Rome was bringing so many Slavs and Goths, slaves, into the City, while they, the Romans, bathed and cheered and barfed they're way into a declining birth rate.

    4. Typo: "their"; sorry.

    5. The hidden immigration of millions into the UK by the Labor government was started by the Blair government with the stated aim of changing the UK for the better.


  6. The only way the west can survive is to restrict voting to those who pay tax and make a net contribution. Not likely to happen so I hope the decline takes longer than it should.

    1. Yes, "No representation without taxation" sounds like a solution. In order for that to happen, those who benefit from the status quo would have to give up their power and the benefit of others' labor, and they won't. Not voluntarily anyway.

    2. I had a friend who grew up with Saddam Hussein in Iraq but was now an American citizen. He once startled me one April 15th by saying he LOVED paying American income tax!

      Of course, I asked why. He noted that in Iraq, with its oil, the government did not need its citizens. In America, the government HAD to have taxpayers to stay in power.

      I've always remembered that insight.

  7. The key of all you said is "The Democrats care not a bit about the impact". This is all about power and all else is subordinate and irrelevant to them.
    James the Lesser

  8. @Diplomad, right on. @F, even the smart people in the press are slow to see what's happening because they are trapped in the group-think of the Washington bubble. They cannot believe that this President, whom they all believed in, actually wants to do so much harm to America, to destroy the middle class and turn us into a 3rd world country. They don't see a 3rd world country. Everything looks good in DC! Lots of money! Good restaurants! Expense Accounts! The bad news from the rest of America is an abstraction to them.

    1. Oddly enough, anybody with eyes in their head can see that everything does NOT look good in DC. Maryland is a deranged, gerrymandered liberal sanctuary state with all that entails; northern Virginia is increasingly overrun by people not from there who won't go away when their administration is done (let alone some of the more vapid political appointees) and DC itself? Well, there are parts of it I wouldn't recommend even the Third Reich invading...

    2. Someone else who's seen Casablanca and heard Rick Blaine

    3. Isn't that from Sahara, and referring to parts of NYC?

  9. @Diplomad, I offer for what it's worth my own Theory of Obama: he's a front man who answers to two masters: the far-left, as coordinated by his consigliere Valerie Jarrett, and his political team. When the two masters agree on a course, Obama can act boldly. When they differ, he doesn't know what to do. Right now Obama is hiding as best he can, because the Jarrett crowd are saying "Forward! Press on! Open borders!" while the political advisers are crying "Danger Will Robinson! Danger! ( there's a 60s reference for you). Any thoughts?

    1. he's a front man who answers to two masters: the far-left, as coordinated by his consigliere Valerie Jarrett


      But the political machine is with Jarret.

      The other two forces behind Obama are the wealthy elite (Soros, Gates, the Google guy, etc.) and the crony capitalists in the banks and GE, GM, etc.

    2. Nadine and Robert--both excellent observations which I intend to steal.

  10. If you took a poll of the local newspaper (and also national TV news) the percentage of spouses or close relations in government or NGO employment is at least 40%. This is their rice bowl

  11. Surely, there must be at least 20 million real Americans left in the USA. Maybe its time to choose one state, all move there and then secede.


  12. Is your dog's name "Marley"?

    1. Nope. It's Txiki, Basque for little one or young one.

    2. How is that pronounced? I've had a hard enough time trying to say the name of Tour de France rider Amets Txurruka.

  13. I live in Canada, but read the conservative' US and UK papers and blogs. The overwhelming sense of siege of the Western cultural tradition is incredibly depressing. I tried to stop reading but it is like a horrifying disaster movie, you are hooked on the agony of it. I am sometimes glad that I am old.
    That said, Canada seems to me to be a haven. We control our immigration, we seem to have a minimal 'islam' problem so far, our ethnic mix in our major cities is such that no-one can as yet start a race war. We are overall wealthy, boring, and peaceful. We appear to have a managable level of political corruption and somehow our very 'over'-regulation and regulated Finance oligopoly saved us from the worst of the crash. Personal experience leads me to believe our 'free' health system mostly works and its presence gives enormous peace of mind, and we provide a basic support for our elderly (me!). It could be said, that we enjoy the fruits of not being very important in the global scale of things and of having a small population in a lot of space.
    Smug? No incredibly grateful!
    I believe that I have been blessed beyond my rights. But, says a worm in my ear asks will it all change? Will the tearing of the fabric of Western civilization come to our shores and poison our broad consensus. Will the son of that economic incompetent Trudeau lead us down the path of liberal/socialist suicide when the voting populace inevitably ousts the conservatives? Who knows, we survived the idiocies of the father, and it was the father's liberal party that cleaned up the economic mess in the 90s leaving a residual sense of 'never again' in the adult population. I count my blessings and sit by the Lake and enjoy my dotage and leave the passion to the young.

    1. DIsagree. Federal Finance Minister of the '90s, Paul Martin, had the advantage of all the GST revenues brought in by Mulroney. His job was considerably easier than supposed.

    2. Good point!

    3. Canada under Harper, Australia under Abbott, and Israel under Netanyahu are the only bright spots right now for Western civilization. I particularly admire how the Canadians managed to get their deficit under control and started doing it long before it became fashionable. Harper and Abbott are among the very few making sense on foreign policy, too. Harper certainly has a very clear understanding of the Middle East, and Abbott is onto the global climate change nonsense in a big way.

    4. Well, except for stuff like that little incident at the École Polytechnique (and that was a full quarter-century ago.)

    5. Picking up on your comment:

      'Abbott is onto the global climate change nonsense in a big way'

      Legislation repealing the carbon tax has this morning passed the Senate and the tax is gone. We have endured the usual histrionics from the Greens and the left, including the Greens leader in Senate reading a list of people who she says will be judged by history be to climate criminals.

    6. Nothing more to add except that this Aussie is cheering the end of the carbon tax.


  14. What strange beast is lumbering towards Washington to be born??

    1. The "beast" is already on the books in the form of the Defense Production Act of 1950, all that lacks is for an emergency to be declared. There are innumerable other acts and amendments with "emergency" clauses, but the 1950 Act is the core of them all. The Act was written to provide continuity of government in the event of a nuclear attack, but is has been and is being expanded.

      The Act provides for a command economy. The Secretaries of the Executive Branch have basically unlimited power in their various spheres.

      There is a very active program ongoing right now which is creating a coordination structure for police forces (all of them) when the emergency is declared (it will ignore all local boundaries, and bring everything under Homeland Security).

      The emergency will come in the form of economic collapse when the debt bubble finally breaks. Currently there is nothing but cooperative "global" international action keeping the economies of the world inflated. I think it is most likely that they will be able to keep things inflated until that "global" cooperative action falls apart and the world divides into factions.

      When the economic wheels stop turning in this country there will be a short period of chaos before the people demand that the government "do something". They will.

      Not to worry, when the world divides into factions war will not be too far behind.


  15. Dip, you left out one major faction of the Democrat's base - young white females. They are the key to Obama's election and re-election.

    Their presence in the Democrat's base is due to two beliefs:

    1. Abortion rights.

    2. "Compassion" and the belief that loving nurture can overcome all ills.

    Number 1 is easily the strongest reason and the Dems have been very successful selling the "War on Women" because of it. Number 2 is just women's biological nature, but they can (and will) turn from it if they feel threatened.


    1. You're absolutely right. I meant to quote Ann Colter's observation that Obama got elected by stupid single women and single moms who want the government to be their husband.

  16. I don't know about the young women being a totally reliable part of the Dem base - my daughter is thirty-ish and single, and quite ferociously conservative. And as for my own cohort - last night we were at our monthly Red Hat dinner - about eight of us, all more or less Anglo and fairly regular church-goers, all but my daughter over 50, and all but me with grandchildren - and they might not be the most internet-savvy or the most politically active ladies in the world, but they knew all about the flood of illegals at the border, and about the dangers of TB, scabies, malaria, Hansen's disease, measles, etc., that likely are coming in with the Central Americans. One of the ladies has a son in the Border Patrol - and not two weeks ago there was a shoot-out near his old assignment with a violent illegal felon resisting arrest. (Fortunately no one was killed, and she thought the felon had been apprehended, for now, anyway.)
    They knew all about how the recent illegals are being transported hither and yon, and stacked up like cordwood in holding facilities, and then being released to just any old someone. They knew all about this, and were horrified.
    So, the Administration might be squeezing the establishment media to keep it quiet - but too late ... we already know, and quite a few are absolutely outraged. And the other ladies have grandchildren ... many of whom will be going back to school, soon. When epidemics begin among school-children and can be traced back to illegal alien minor children ... the moms and grannies will be out for blood.
    Politicians and bureaucrats living in upscale gated communities and sending their kids to expensive private schools may think they will be immune from all this ... but they are only fooling themselves.

    1. I doubt we'll have to wait for a real epidemic. Head lice move faster. But will the media report?

    2. Likely not, Nadine - but the local blogs sure will!

  17. As many above have pointed out, this is not a phenomenon restricted to the USA. In fact, the USA is late to the party. Tony Blair's "New Labour", Australia's (I'm an Ozzie btw, but retired and I've been travelling widely in Asia and Europe for some years, watching, questioning and listening) disastrous recent Rudd/Gillard Labor governments, and pretty much the whole EU have gone down the same road, for the same reasons.
    Once upon a time it was bosses vs workers. Leaving the politics to one side, both worked and the conflict was pretty much over how big a slice of the pie each got. In Australia at least the Labor (that is the correct spelling for the ALP btw) party was aligned to the unions, the Liberal Party to business and the variously named Country/National parties, who normally formed coalitions with the Liberals, stood for the farmers and other people in the bush.
    Then along came the welfare state. It started small. Out of work? OK. The government will tide you over. No home? The government will rent you one cheap till you get on your feet. Can't afford the doctor or health insurance? No problem, it's wrong some can afford to get well and others can't, so the government will pay. (Welcome to the 20th century on that one America, and love the way you seem to have made a bigger mess of it than anywhere else despite being last in). To get elected politicans found all they had to do was promise a place at the table for more and more people. Even our present Prime Minister, Tony Abbott from the right wing Liberal party, has promised to bring in a new paid parental leave scheme, widely criticised as too expensive at a time of alleged austerity.
    So the new dichotomy isn't between the bosses and the workers, it's between the workers and the non-workers. It's between those who depend on the government for their living and those who don't.
    Are the lines between one and the other clear and simple? By no means. Some people simply live on welfare and contribute nothing to their own lives. To be fair, some can't work for all sorts of reasons, but they are still not likely to vote themselves into starvation because of that. More DO work, but their income ultimately depends on the government, be they public servants like the police, military and most teachers, or artists or scientists dependent on government grants, or even large corporations who rely on direct subsidies or protection from competition under various guises.
    No political party can simply say "Vote for me and I'll help you steal the few remaining workers' money and effort and give some to you!", though some come awfully close to the truth. So the whole collectivist deal is wrapped up in demanding altruism and self-sacrifice on the part of the workers and a kind of "Don't feel guilty about being a leach, it's not really your fault it's because you are (insert minority group here) and therefore a victim of those who have" to convince the recipients it's all moral and OK. People don't like leaching, they don't like feeling guilty, so the job of the modern left is to ease their consciences while keeping the gravy train running, and to make sure those on the inside gain and keep the power of deciding who gets what.
    That is the reason your modern left wing parties couldn't give a rat's about the traditional workers. That is why your supposed "right" wingers, your "RINOs", who actually stand for government protection and subsidisation of existing businesses, and stopping competition, couldn't give a rat's about small business and real capitalism. And that is why movements like the American Tea Party and UKIP in the UK are so popular. They are the only parties left who go close to representing what the real workers want.
    Dick from Australia

    1. Excellent comments. Thank you.

    2. "It's between those who depend on the government for their living and those who don't."

      Being an Ozzie you may not know this, but in the last US presidential election the harshest criticism that was made about Romney (the Republican candidate) was for pointing that out. He did it rather awkwardly with a comment about ignoring the 47% who depend on the government and the press were after him like baying hounds after a raccoon.


    3. Importing new voters who depend upon you has worked quite well for those who get away with it. The disastrous Rudd / Gillard government in Australia succeeded in six years in importing almost one entire House of Representatives electorate (the equivalent of one of your congressional districts). Of course the DNC has taken it to a new level.

    4. Mr DiploMad: Thank you for your most gracious comment.
      THWORG: Thanks for your comment, very relevant. Yes I knew about Mitt Romney's gaffe, and politically it was one if only because of where and when he said it, though only from the mainstream media so my understanding of the details may be wrong.
      Brett: My Aussie boyfriend is of Vietnamese-Chinese background. I was quite surprised that he was less than impressed with the Labor government's handling of the invasion of the boat people, given he himself arrived as a refugee. His attitude was he and his family came to Australia legally and the queue jumpers were actually preventing him bringing more of his family over legally because they were using up the immigration quotas illegally. It was enough for him to change his vote, and look what happened to Labor in the last election. Maybe he wasn't alone. Might the Democrats in America also find their plan backfires for similar reasons?
      Just by the way, how on earth does a country allow non-citizens, and illegal non-citizens at that, to vote? Sorry to sound rude but it really does leave me shaking my head that it's possible.
      Apologies in advance to any more commenters. I am off on holidays around Europe for the next 3 weeks so limited internet.
      Dick from Australia

  18. The only immediate solution to our political woes is for those Democrats whose constituents are being abused to break party ranks. Manchin of West Virginia comes to mind as one example. Landreau of Louisiana is already a short-timer.

    It seems like too many Democrat politicians are eager to sow the wind and reap the whirlwind, thinking they will come out ahead after the collapse.

  19. The Democrats are also the Party of legal harassment against anyone with traditional religious beliefs, at least if it's done by persons of confused sexuality. The Dems are also out to sacrifice rights spelled out in the clear light of the Constitution (Free Exercise Clause and Free Speech Clause) in favor of new ones discovered by judicial slight of hand in the penumbras (a fancy term for "shadows") of the Constitution (such as the right to subsidies or employer provision for an irresponsible sexuality).

  20. You are, as usual dead on in assessment on our current state of affairs. We have become a second Rome and are slowly spiraling down the drain.

  21. Would to G-d you were insane, and what you say here the ravings of a loon;but instead I see the perceptive observations of a true patriot.

  22. I wake up now hoping and praying the military will march down Pennsylvania Avenue and arrest Obama and his gang. The military is supposed to defend the Constitution from all enemies...foreign and domestic. It makes me sad to see the top leaders in our armed forces not doing anything to stop this. I think we will see a civil war here.

    1. Will Sheriff Arpaio ever wrap up his investigation and set in motion the removal of this illegal POTUS?

    2. That could solve one problem but open many more. First, our military has been purged of patriot leadership. Second, if a coup d'etat happened, what are the chances we could back out of it and resume a constitutional republic? These things have a pronounced tendency to death spiral, not restore.

      Still, I don't recommend accepting a seat on Air Force One with Obama on board any time soon.

    3. Me too!

      So many people have sworn to uphold the constitution-nobody is taking their sworn oath seriously.

    4. Every bar association in the country supports the Supreme Court's abandonment of and contempt for the OBVIOUS constitutional scheme. State chief justices routinely issue annual messages that are complete fluff. They swoon over civility, pro bono work, diversity in law school admissions and legal employment, and computerization of court records.

      That the Constitution has been discarded isn't mentioned let alone lamented.

      You read it here first.


  23. One more group that has not been mentioned is the lawyers. They have been having hard times for several years with law school applications falling. Now there will be seminars on immigration law and lots of government paid jobs advising illegal aliens. A bull market for lawyers !

  24. Here are the real statistics on why we are f-ed:

    50 people have agreed with Dip v. 317 million Americans.
    50 people have agreed with Dip v. 70,000 illegal refugees, and counting.

    Remember I am running for POTUS. Vote Anonymous!

  25. Dip, How timely. Just the other day I was thinking (hoping?) that BHO may have succeeded at something in less than 6 years that the GOP hasn't been able to do for decades......turn black voters into Republicans. That demographic has not fared well during his tenure and the current mess at the border could very well be the last straw.

  26. And someone new on the scene who is helping turn black voters into Republicans is Ben Carson. He was excellent on the Megyn Kelly show last night. If you listen to Ben Carson next to Obama, who is the truer representative of the best traditions of black Americans? No contest.

  27. Dip old son, the 'progessive' left and the Democrats look to be like your dog. Big, getting bigger, and you're paying for it. The return for feeding and medicating him is he is destroying your house and dumping on the porch. Like all on the left, everything is immediate, he does no long term thinking. Mercifully his speeches are shorter than those of the POTUS, and he does lick his own backside.


  28. Just a thought: If we have to import our "poor", doesn't that mean we have won LBJ's war on poverty? We can now fold up those tents and pack them away for the next "crisis".

    Reader # ... oh, I forget...

  29. "Not insane!" was the proud boast of George G. Papoon, 1972 presidential candidate of the Natural Surrealist Party.

    He and it were figments of the imagination of the Firesign Theater. There have been presidential candidates with much more severe shortcomings, notably the incumbent president of the United States.

    1. Don't forget his sidekick, Slow Joe Biden.

  30. If you are insane then I am too.


  31. As an occasional reader I'm late to this discussion, but having a look at this chart might be interesting.

    Obama v. Romney demographics: Draw your own conclusions

  32. thanks CJ, that is truly depressing.

    no, Dip, by my reckoning, you are only too sane.

    Question is, whats the best way to wait it all out. Given that it took the USSR 70 years to fail, Cuba is still hanging on, Argentina dragging along, and the US is becoming Mexico, how does one old enough to see the danger, but not rich enough to buy an island, find a sanctuary for ones family and heirs?

  33. This post, and the comments:superb. Thanks.
