Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Party of Lynching Objects to the Word "Lynching"

Wait! What? The Demprogs are in another snit of outrage? Collective mind exploding? All because President Trump used the word "lynch" in describing the secretive and fraudulent "impeachment" process now underway by the Dems? We truly have entered the world of Lewis Carroll.

I assume the Dems are upset over some sort of copyright infringement by the President.

Let us remember that the Democrat Party is and has been the political repository of slavery, racism, secession, Jim Crow, anti-Semitism AND, yes, lynch mobs. The Democrats OWN the word and action. I have  written before (here, herehere) about the long, sordid, and continuing history of the Democrats and lynch mobs.

As noted in one of those linked postings,
In the old days, Democrat-led lynch mobs terrorized the rural South; today, Democrat-led lynch mobs terrorize all of urban America.
 I should add that they terrorize the political sphere as well. The Antifa thugs are the direct descendants of the old KKK thugs and form the armed wing of today's Democrat Party much as the Knight Riders formed that of the old Democrat Party.

The incitement to mob violence; the appeal to base instincts; the obliteration of due process and fact-finding; those are the hallmarks of that party, both then and now. Justice Clarence Thomas, commenting on his Senatorial confirmation process to the Court, called it "a high-tech lynching," and, lest we forget, he said that to none other than Senator Joe Biden. Thomas was victimized as Kavanaugh would be later by vague unsubstantiated charges from a liar.

The whole #MeToo and #BelieveAllWomen campaigns are nothing but polished up versions of those lynchings conducted by Democrats in the old South that resulted in hundreds of black men hanged, shot, beaten, or burned to death.

So the Democrats feel, think, insist that they have the copyright on the word "lynching"?


It's theirs. They own it. They earned it.

They even had a corrupt Attorney General by the name of Lynch.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

BREXIT Runs Afoul of the Deep State

I don't pretend to understand all the parliamentary ins-and-outs of the ongoing battle over whether to execute the people's will in the UK. What I do know is that in June 2016, the British people, to the horror and chagrin of the global elite and their "Deep State" allies throughout the bureaucracies and legislatures of the Western World, voted to have their country returned to the people and taken out of the hands of the Brussels corruptocrats.

I wrote in May of 2016 (here) that the,
force driving the pro-Brexit movement is not solely or even mostly about economics, or finance, or currency exchange rates. It is about something much, much more important. It is about reclaiming the soul of Britain; preserving and restoring that which made Britain, notably England, one of the world's greatest countries, a nation of stunning consequence. It is about deciding whether the great British traditions and innovations that have made our modern world are worth saving or should be discarded . . . 
For me as an outsider, a person with zero British blood, and no family ties to the UK (although I do like British cheese), what's driving the anti-EU movement in Britain is the need to save the country, or what's left of it. Perhaps without the EU and its courts and mandates, British common sense can prevail, and the UK be saved, or at least England--and if the Scots want to stay in the EU, they should have another referendum and swap London's "rule" for that of Brussels, that'll teach 'em.
That little bit of analysis holds true.

Ever since the British people voted to get the UK out of the EU's smothering embrace, the Remainers have launched a campaign, not unlike that of the so-called "Resistance" here in the States following Trump's 2016 victory, of sabotage and obstruction to prevent the people's choice from becoming policy.

I have said it before, the left loves humanity, but hates people.

The left is for the people except for when the people are not for the left. The left in the West has become the party and movement of the bureaucratic diktat; the "elites" who run the public and corporate bureaucracies, the entertainment and "news " industrial complexes, and the "education" machines have become, in the words of the great Thomas Sowell, "the anointed ones" possessed of a "revealed truth" which entitles them to lead the rest of us deplorable hillbillies out of the darkness and into the progressive sunlight--whether we want it or not!

Britain, following the Brexit vote, had the upper hand in dealing with the Brussels mafia. The UK establishment, however, decided that Britain was NOT to be independent, and that the British people still just had too much say in how the country should run. The imbecilic PM May went along with the nonsense put out by the Remainers that the UK needed to have a negotiated exit from the EU. Rubbish. Britain should have announced that it was leaving as of a certain date, stuck to it, and told the EU that any legacy issues could be negotiated after the UK had regained its independence. But, no. A series of complex and foolish "deals" were negotiated with the EU and put to the yahoos in the Parliament. The Parliament geniuses gummed things up badly, even declaring that Britain COULD NOT leave at all without a mutually agreed deal with the EU, thereby putting the power in the hands of Brussels and taking it from London.

I have never seen such resistance to national independence.

Well, it seems, that Boris "The Dude" Johnson, given a lousy hand of cards by his "own" side, still managed to negotiate a deal with the EU. I don't know if it was great deal or not; maybe Farage is right, I don't know. What seems to me, however, was that it was a deal that got the UK out, at least in principle. Any remaining issues, e.g., the Irish border, I assume, could be renegotiated in the future. Just establish the principle that the UK is out! But no. That does not seem to have happened. Further delay and obfuscation comprise the order of the day.

Maybe PM Johnson can pull it off. I, once again, don't pretend to know.

I, however, do know that I am horrified at how one of history's greatest nations has fallen into the hands of those who hate it so much that they trust the Mandarins of Brussels over their own people.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Hoax Marks the Spot & the Rush to Fudge

Can today's Democratic Party--the world's oldest political party--survive without employing hoax after hoax?

The election of Donald Trump severed whatever mooring to reality still existed in that old organization known as the Democrat Party. You all know the sorry story, but the highlights: The 2016 election just wasn't supposed to go that way. Hillary Clinton, one of the most venal politicians of our age, had to and was supposed to win! The polls said so; the right thinking pundits said so; Hollywood "geniuses" such as George Clooney said so; the universities said so; President Obama--the Nobel Prize winner--said so!

Yes, Dear Readers, Hillary Clinton would get her long-denied due, become president, and usher in an age of progressivist domination which had been only hinted at under the horridly corrupt Obama-Biden misadministration. The Demoprog machine pulled out all the stops: voter fraud on a massive scale involving not just the usual voting dead Democrats, or just ballot tampering and harvesting on a huge scale, but also getting perhaps millions of non-US citizens to vote Dem. The Dems relied on their vast domestic and international network for help, as well. They employed street thugs, foreign intel agents, and creepy international professors; even the government of Mexico called on its citizens in the US to vote for Hillary. The Dems used the power of Silicon Valley and of the US intel community as well as a motley mix of Brits, Aussies, Maltese, and, of course, Russians and Ukrainians to help cook up one of the greatest political frauds of all time, i.e., the Russian-Trump collusion hoax in order to discredit Trump. Didn't work. The "Deplorables" and the "Irredeemables" insisted on voting for Trump, and he won. NO!

Then the prog cry went forward for recounts in certain states that Trump definitely just wasn't supposed to win. When those recounts began to show his lead growing, they dropped that demand in favor of calling on electoral college electors not to vote for Trump. They had to drop that when electors began defecting from Hillary's camp. Then, even before he took office, Trump was subject to calls to be impeached; he was labelled a traitor, a Moscow lackey . . . and on and on. Nothing worked. The Demprogs colluded with the corrupt leaders of America's powerful intel and law enforcement organizations and the media echo chamber to get Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate the "obvious" collusion between Trump and Putin--after all, nothing else could explain Hillary's loss. After some 2 plus years of "investigation," Mueller drilled a dry well. No proof of collusion by Trump! It was, of course, all a grand hoax. A hoax almost as big as Climate Change--uh, almost that is, nothing quite matches that one.

The progs could not give up.

Trump had to be destroyed and his followers and supporters humbled, shamed, destroyed. For a while, they toyed with the debris of the Mueller investigation, trying to find this or that in the rubble to justify coming after Trump. Nah. Garbage. Then! Oh sweet Manna from Heaven! The Ukraine phone call and the WHISTLEBLOWER!!! They jumped on the report from the fake whistleblower--actually, as has become clear, they helped draft the fake report--in which it was breathlessly reported that Trump had--Horrors!--asked a foreign leader, President Zelensky, for a favor. The favor? To investigate Joe Biden, and in exchange we would provide Ukraine some sort of aid or another. Trump as gangland boss! Too good to be true? Yes . . . yes, too good to be true.

The administration, with the OK of the Ukrainians, released the transcript of the call; it was a fairly innocuous call with no "quid pro quo" and no request for Ukrainian interference in our 2020 elections. Nope. Trump, it turns out, asked for Ukrainian help in investigating foreign interference in our 2016 elections. Wasn't that something that the Demprogs were all for? What was the whole rationale behind the drawn out Mueller investigation if not that? But, but, you say, why ask the Ukrainians about "Russian" interference? Because, as it is also becoming increasingly clear, much of the so-called Russian interference in our elections seems to have come from operators in Ukraine.

It was panic time at Demprog HQS! Trump was asking for help in uncovering the origins of the fake Steele Dossier which, as we know, the Dems commissioned and which seems to have had a lot of sourcing from Ukraine, not Russia, but Ukraine. Trump's request of Zelensky combined with the impending reports by Durham and Horowitz on the origins of the Russia collusion story and the abuse of the FISA process could prove a disaster for the Demprogs.

No time for another drawn out Mueller-type probe!

Impeachment by any and all means, except by the ones prescribed in the Constitution and by law, but besides that, anything goes. The rush to fudge was on! Clarity must be avoided. They borrowed from the old Kavanaugh playbook: produce fake "witnesses" and keep'em coming. They borrowed from the Spanish inquisition and every other instance of Star Chambers since time immemorial: don't give the accused the right to a defense; don't give him the right to face his accuser; don't give his supporters in Congress the ability to speak and question the process. Above all they borrowed from the ol' Soviet "As is well known" leitmotif. I have written before how at the UN when we would hear a Soviet-bloc delegate state "As is well known," we knew that a lie was coming. This tactic has been and continues to be used, for example, in the Climate Change hoax wherein something is repeated and repeated until the listener assumes it must be true. Now on "impeachment," we hear "lawless," "violation of oath of office," "cover up," "treason," etc., without any underlying evidence produced to demonstrate that the charges have any credibility. Even "impeachment" is a hoax as there is no "impeachment" process underway as prescribed by the Constitution and law, as noted above. No time for that!

It is all a hoax.