Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wisconsin Saves The World . . . Maybe . . .

No doubt about it.

Great result from the recall election in Wisconsin.

Republican reform Governor Scott Walker not only "survived" the expensive, and ultimately ill-advised recall vote staged by the big thuggish public sector unions, he triumphed in a way that provides at least a glimmer of hope in an otherwise dark panorama for the western world. There is a stark contrast between Walker's courageous stand against the destructive "business-as-usual-soak-the-taxpayer" policies to which we have all become accustomed, and the wimpy acquiescence of politicians in Greece, Spain, Portugal, California, Illinois, and New York. The Governor stared down the public sector unions, the lying mass media, the shouting academics and beat them soundly; Wisconsin has shown the way for the rest of the country, and, perhaps, the rest of the world. The Governor stood up for the taxpayers and the wealth-producers against the tax consumers and wealth absorbers.

Birthplace of Harley-Davidson, the Republican Party and Orson Welles, leader in the abolitionist movement, pioneer in labor law, and home of anti-Communist hero Joe McCarthy, Wisconsin has shown the way again.


  1. Shakespeare wrote about this:

    There is a tide in the affairs of men.
    Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
    Omitted, all the voyage of their life
    Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
    On such a full sea are we now afloat,
    And we must take the current when it serves,
    Or lose our ventures.

  2. I am going to go out on a limb and suggest this is not over. I expect the union led democrats to attempt to overwhelm Walker with lawsuits both civil and criminal.

    1. Agreed. And when Repubs win, the unions and Soros-backed Dems give their best shot to bleeding Repubs dry, in lawsuits and recounts.
      Still, it's a sweet victory this morning, even if temporary.

  3. What a good example he has set for his sons.

  4. There was even good news from California. Voters in San Diego and San Jose approved ballot measures that cut (yes, CUT!) municipal employee pensions. These cuts cover current employees as well as future employees. It is astonishing that San Jose, heart of Silicon Valley, approved this.

    Maybe even La-La Land is beginning to wake up to the fact that the public employee unions are breaking the bank. They must move away from designated benefits to designated contributions.

    1. The city of San Jose is not as innumerate as San Mateo, Palo Alto, SF, and other nearby cities. It has few, if any, very wealthy, guilt-complex, limosine liberals as cities to the north. Mayor Reed is not a flashy fellow, he doesn't make fanciful statements, he simply stays on message with facts.

  5. I am pleased you mentioned Senator McCarthy in a positive light. Since the release of the Venona decryptions, his accusations have been largely validted. Indeed Venona was his likely source.

    1. Glad you mentioned that. I was, in fact, thinking of doing a post on McCarthy. He, perhaps, was a bit boorish, did not look good on camera, and failed to appreciate the growing power of the leftist media to undermine him, but he was dead on with his concerns about Communist infiltration of the State Department and other agencies.

    2. There is a school of thought out there that the leftist media was out to get Nixon due to Nixon's involvement with HUAC.

      In other words, Nixon's paranoia wasn't entirely unjustified.

    3. Please scribe that post, Diplomad. Not enough people realize that the man was spot-on about subversives at the highest levels. Thanks for all that you do.


    4. Yes, please do write a post about McCarthy. Powerline has done some work refurbishing his record, but there is still much to do. Correcting the record about demonized defenders of American ideals is essential. McCarthy was one of the first on the left's chopping block, but certainly not the last. Goldwater, Bork, Palin, and many others deserve to have their reputations back as well.

  6. Great post, and let us hope your are right; we need a glimmer of light.

    I'd also like to read your thoughts on Tailgunner Joe and perhaps the various Soviet agents who were active in the US that the left refuses to acknowledge, even despite what the ex-Soviet archives reveal.
