Friday, October 12, 2012

Going from Ridiculous to Ridiculous: The Nobel Peace Prize Goes to . . .

Just taking a little break from covering the idiots who are running and ruining our country to devote a little time to The Idiots of The Great Far Abroad.

In those dark times when I despair that our country has acquired a global monopoly on stupidity, I turn to Europe for solace. We, in fact, do not have the monopoly on idiocy! No, in fact, I think we might, might still be running second to Europe on the idiocy index, although we have made great strides in shortening Europe's lead these last four years, and might well be within the margin of error.

Ah, yes, this year's Great and Noble Nobel Peace Prize has gone to--drumroll--the EU!! Yes to that monstrous bureaucracy that relegates the curvature of bananas, the cacao content of chocolate, and pays its bureaucrats astronomical salaries while its member states go bankrupt and enter varying states of anarchy. Yes, the EU has been credited for keeping the peace in Europe for the past seventy years . . . that the EU has not existed for seventy years, of course, is an irrelevant fact, and, besides, that just goes to show how good the EU is! Anyhow, the EU can certainly use the prize money.

Maybe next year the committee will award the prize for keeping Europe peaceful, free, democratic, and prosperous to the USA, or, at least, to NATO, the nom d'plume we use in Europe.

US Cemetery France
Its occupants eagerly await next year's Peace Prize decision. 


  1. "In those dark times when I despair that our country has acquired a global monopoly on stupidity, I turn to Europe for solace."
    Careful, having a gift for comedy can be a dangerous thing.

  2. While I agree with the general opinion of this post, they've awarded the peace prize to the EU for sixty years of peace. Seeing as the predecessor to the EU, the European Coal and Steel Community, was begun in 1952, this is not quite as mad as it sounds, in the sense that 1,700 yards is not quite a mile.

  3. ESC can hardly be considered a peace-keeper. The principle is the same.

  4. So what happened in the old Yugoslavia was peace?

    1. Doesn't count because the USA had to handle it.

  5. The Nobel Peace Prize lost all meaning when it was awarded to Obama on credit

  6. The Nobel Peace Prize lost all meaning earlier than that: Arafat, Gore, IPCC, etc.

  7. Great post and I love the comments.

    I just wonder who takes the Nobel Peace Prize seriously

  8. Perhaps it is the company that I keep (and it surely is!); but, the Europeans that I know (a rather small select bunch of nice folks) would all agreed that the USA is the reason for security (and the peace that goes with it) in Europe.

    But, as I say, they are a small bunch. I can only hope that they are representative of most Europeans, if not their leaders; But, I really don't know.

  9. Maybe the real reason for European peace is the steadily climbing average age of native Europeans?

    1. Ha! I guess they will have to have Muslim immigrants fight their wars for them.
