Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Liberals and Their Shiny Things

Go ahead ask a landed fish. OK, OK, cut me a little slack: I mean assume it were possible to ask a fish a question and get an answer. So, ask a fish about shiny things. As many a fish has discovered, shiny things are not always your friend. They might be hiding hooks.

Shiny things have presaged trouble throughout history--and not just for fish. European explorers and conquerors found they could fool indigenous people into giving up, for example, vast tracts of land with gifts of a few cheap shiny things, e.g., beads and mirrors. I remember in this regard an incident during a cocktail party at a diplomatic residence in Central America. A Latin American Ambassador, who would not have passed a DUI checkpoint sobriety test, loudly and throughout the evening harangued and berated the Spanish Ambassador demanding to know, "When are you going to return the gold you stole from the Americas?" The Spaniard, exasperated, finally lost his professional diplomatic cool and replied, "¡Cuando ustedes nos devuelvan los espejitos! " ("When you return the little mirrors!") A pretty neat and witty put down, and a potent reminder of the danger of taking shiny things in exchange for your birthright: once it's gone, it's most likely gone forever.

American lefties love shiny things. They are so much better for their purposes than dull, boring facts and reality. I wrote before about their obsession with shiny things when it came to Libya. Throughout the execution of Obamista foreign policy we see the obsession with the shiny "new" thing. Unfortunately for America, many times the "new" thing is only new to the ahistorical people who run our foreign policy apparatus. We see the enthrallment with the "Arab Spring," for example. Nothing new  there. The Arab world goes through "Springs" every few decades. Such "Springs" in the past produced beautiful flowers such as Qaddafi, Nasser, the UAR, and the Bathist regimes of Syria and Iraq. Out with the evil corrupt monarchs who favor the West! In with the even more evil and even more corrupt military dictators who favor the USSR and terror! Progress! The shiny new lures of the 1950s and 1960s, of course, proved to have some very large and hideous hooks hidden in them. The Obamistas, of course, are, at best, bored by history, and, at worst, driven by a desire to undermine the position of the United States, Israel, and the West writ large in the region. The latest shiny Arab Spring has brought about a resurgence of Al Qaeda and has lined us up for endless war in the region, with it spreading to Sub-Saharan Africa. The hooks are there, and they are sharp.

We see the Obamistas pursuing the same sort of nonsense in Latin America. We, in effect, have become totally irrelevant to developments in that region, and the region is slipping evermore under the sway of what should be the highly tarnished lures of Castro, Chavez, Morales, Correa, Ortega, and Evita Peron, er, uh, Cristina Kirchner. But for the Obamistas this is all exciting and refreshing to see the Latin Americans strike out on their own paths to the future . . . there will be consequences and, to quote the movie of the name, "There will be blood." Anybody with even a bare understanding of history knows that the current political movements in Latin America are not new at all, but then, we have the Obamistas in charge. Everything is new!

This obsession with the shiny thing, of course, is not limited to foreign policy. We see it in the continued obsession with "climate change," although every day seems to knock a new hole in the "theory." We see with the false "medical care" crisis in the United States which brought us Obamacare. We see it by the bucketful in the phony debate over "gun violence." Yet another shiny thing with which to distract the people from the disastrous "drug war," the collapsing economy, the ballooning deficit, and the hollowing out of the military. The gun grab effort shares with all the other lefty crusades, whether overseas or at home, the drive to expand the power and reach of the government, and to corrupt the nature and status of the United States.

Look at this shiny thing! Pay no attention to the laws and cops whittling away your freedoms at home, and the bureaucrats selling us out abroad.


  1. "Pay no attention to the laws and cops whittling away your freedoms at home, and the bureaucrats selling us out. ..."

    And the biggest new bureau in recent times - making us safer of course - The Department of Homeland Security.

    Doggone Liberals.


    1. Yes, the same DHS idiots that recommend we take a pair of scissors, literally, to a gun fight if we are being life-or-death victimized by a raging armed maniac terrorizing a school.

      The DHS wantonly has no respect for our intelligence or lives for that matter. It's all about disarming and herding us like livestock as they do with impunity at the airports.

  2. Just occasionaly folks (ordinarily Id'a typed "friends" but I dunno - friend of mine. I consider this site's commentors 'friends' - regardless ... one needn't turn the speakers up so luod to hear) ...

    Anyway. You know how it is to miss someone? Even if there was this middle time in the friendship you didn't agree?

    But then Age Really Cures?




  4. Thank you to anonymous for the link to real music.

  5. Dip, you nailed it again.

  6. "Springs" every few decades. Such "Springs" in the past produced beautiful flowers such as Qaddafi, Nasser, the UAR, and the Bathist regimes of Syria and Iraq. Out with the evil corrupt monarchs who favor the West

    Just to correct you those "evil corrupt monarchs" came to power by Britt’s then handed over to USA.

    let not forgot Franklin Roosevelt and his meeting in Sues Canal boarding USS Quincy (CA-71),both signed agreement Al-Saud supplying US cheap oil (near free) with full support and protection of Al-Saud regime.

    Let not forgot Bush also went there with all those “evil corrupt monarchs” shaking hands and kiss in Sharma Al-Sheikh!!
    So it’s not truly “American lefties” both sides playing same game.

    That regime with its billions spent in East , Pakistan and other countries breaded today terrorist you talking about the good father for them Bin Laden

    1. So, we should've invested our money, power, and presitge in keeping the Ottoman Empire propped up?

    2. Come to think of it, Anonymous, Faroukh's dynasty in Egypt was founded by a canny Albanian mercenary soldier named Mehmet Ali, with the Brits having little to do with it until the Khedif Ismail wanted the Suez Canal built.

      And, was Mehmet Ali's Egyptian adventure the first time in Islamic history that a conniving mercenary seized power from his supposed masters? If not, we'd never have had either the Ottomans, Safavids, or Mughals.

      Methinks you're an ahistorical person who thinks that the only reason things go wrong is because some Western European pulls a string. Or, perhaps, the JOOOOOOOOZ.

    3. Kepha:
      " breaded today terrorist", not sure if this should be taken with a grain of salt or a medium priced red wine. So this is the result of all the mid east students who were educated in the west during the 70s'-90s'. I don't know if it's a greater indictment of their social system or of our educational one.

  7. Dip:

    Nice imagery. No, not nice, but accurate. The clown posse has distracted the nation for years now, but I remain confident the pendulum will reverse course in my lifetime. When it does I think the Liberian approach has a lot to recommend it: posts in the beach and automatic weapons in the hands of drunk and incompetent soldiers.

    We are taught from our youngest years not to be vindictive in dealing with others. Especially those with whom we most strongly disagree. Why are Valerie Jarrett, Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama not held to this same standard? Why can they be vindictive but we have to be magnanimous? When the policies of this administration are exposed for the fraud they are and American finally reverses course, politically and economically, we will be admonished to be generous in victory. It's gonna be a hard sell for me.

    1. F:
      " It's gonna be a hard sell for me." You've got that right. They're building up a hell of an accounts payable. MSM and academy will try to write a history of them as populous heroes ala FDR.

    2. If stories like this are true, then MSM and Hollywood are going to have a really tough time in rewriting history. This man is going to end up being the most hated and despised President in history. Not the screaming ranting type of hatred the Left can manufacture at the drop of a hat - rather that deep-seated growling hatred where men get quiet as they reach for a rock, stick or whatever is at hand.

  8. Don't worry too much. The silliness of these new ideologies on how to live will come crashing to reality when female pairs skaters have to lift and spin their male partners over their heads. If women are in combat surely they will need to be everywhere else. Can't wait for ice hockey to get in on it......

  9. I thought this an excellent article:

    1. Yes, it is excellent. Problem is, Romney could not sell his vision in the face of an Obama campaign that accused him of tax evasion and murder, painted him as a rich fat cat, and meanwhile gave out free cellphones.

  10. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

    I really hope that we're not seeing the fall of the West. For we will be entering a new Dark Age if that happens. And this new Dark Age will make the original look like a party.

    I fear for my country.

  11. I wouldn't call the world's most bloated and perhaps soon to be expensive health care systems (really a sick care system) a non crisis. But ObamaCare is only making it worse.
