Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I was writing about something else when the news of the attack in Boston came through.  We should all be cautious when commenting about these things as, inevitably, the first reports have a high degree of inaccuracy. I won't comment on the event itself, except to say I hope the perpetrators are caught and spend an eternity in hell.

I am troubled by some of the comments being made by senior officials. I understand the need to avoid a rush to judgment and caution is understandable and welcome. That, however, does not excuse the nonsense being said, for example, by Axelrod clearly trying to link the attack in people's minds to conservative opposition to federal taxes.

I am also surprised bothered by how quickly a host of officials, including the woeful Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano, come rushing out to say there is "no evidence of a broader plot." This is the same sort of nonsense said about that creepy Islamist Fort Hood shooter and about the DC sniper. In my view, in neither of those cases did authorities fully explore the possibilities of much "broader plots." Why the hurry to say there was no "broader plot?" We all know "broader plots" get hatched every day all over the world in fetid little caves in SW Asia, in London and Parisian slums, and among foreign students here in the United States, just to name a few "broader plots" from the recent past. Why say such a thing? Is that supposed to give comfort to the public? It's stupid. Just say all possibilities are being explored.

We don't KNOW who did this, but I think most of us have a pretty good idea. Boston is the home of political correctness so we can expect a torrent of it, but others should be a little more circumspect not only in assigning blame but in ruling out where blame should go.

I hope the injured make a full recovery and, as I said, the perpetrators, regardless of who they are, get the justice they so richly deserve.

Those favoring "strict gun control" should note that the murderers here used no "assault weapon" in the attack, and that a host of local, state, and federal laws strictly prohibit building and using bombs. How'd those work out?

BTW, the attack seems eerily reminiscent of the bomb plot in the dark British "comedy" The Four Lions.


  1. And of course Matthews has already said it is right wing conservatives. And of course don't forget the bomber in a very small town in Arizona from the recent past in Casa Grande. This was a man that couldn't get a green card due to suspected terrorist activities, he tried to bomb the Social Security office. He is Muslim of course but this was labelled a non terrorist attack and the story has all but disappeared from the news even here in the town where the crime occurred

  2. Casa Grande Bomber note that according to this article his next court date was Feb 5th. Nothing in the news as to whether this court date was kept or not, what happened etc.

    1. hadn't heard of this. thanks for the link.

  3. I'm ignoring the Lame Stream Media. They have no clue, they have no insight but they certainly have an agenda.

  4. My rule of thumb: Wait about a week and you'll start to see parts of the truth. Also the MSM is so in the tank for the Libs that by watching how THEY react will tell you a lot about what the administration is thinking. Kinda like "whose on Lenins' tomb?" during the Mayday parades of days past.

  5. Well, i say let the authorities investigate, and, for those of us who believe, let's pray for the victims and wisdom for our leaders.

  6. Looks like the bombs were made using a 6 quart pressure cooker, simple black powder type explosive, and added debris (nails, bbs, etc) to maximize shrapnel damage. Not designed to cause damage to property, but to human flesh and bone.
    The exact same bombs used by the 2010 Times Square Bomber.
    Ignored by the MSM.

  7. Applying the reasoning of the current gun debate, I would expect Obama, Biden, and other high government officials to appear on stage with the Boston Marathon wounded and with pictures of the dead. They will call for universal registration and licensing of pressure cookers. The threat to the public is just too great. The yearly toll from pressure cooking accidents is unnecessary. Ownership of pressure cookers is not protected by an amendment in the Constitution.

    It is time to finally end the violence.

    - -
    This bit of dark humor is criticism of our politicians. I have only the deepest sympathy for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing. May the bombers be swiftly brought to justice.


  8. After Benghazi's lies and deceptions by Obama and his Administration, I will be skeptical of anything they claim resolves this crime.

    1. After Benghazi, I will never believe them again. So many blatant lies to us, to the world, to the UN. They are lying liars who liars.

    2. Oops. Lying liars who LIE.

    3. Its already started, the stories about a coverup.


      Of course most of this is unsubstantiated as of now, but a reasonable person could see the story fits Obama's modus operandi.

  9. And, pressure cookers have no valid defensive purpose. They are useful only for cooking tough meats and beans, for unusual and dangerous chemical experiments, and for mass murder.

    1. If we can save JUST ONE tough roast beef...
