Monday, May 20, 2013

Today's Scandals and The Wisdom of Blazing Saddles

Well, folks, it seems that President Obama is not aware of anything that happens at any time in his administration. As always the Great Jewish philosopher Mel Brooks foresaw the Obama administration.

Check out Governor Lepetomane's "work, work, work" style . . . Harvey Korman as Eric Holder?


  1. Obama is not aware.
    Holder doesn't know.
    Hillary can't tell what difference anything makes.
    The IRS Commish says its all legal.

    Who in the hell is in charge? Where is the accountability?

    1. One can ask the same thing about Chicago.

      In fact, you might get the same answer as to who was in charge.

  2. No boys, I mean a real song like
    The camp town ladies this song..........


    Dear Mr. Mad:

    Do you know anything about Raymond Maxwell? Are you in touch with others still at the Dept. of State who might shed light on the Benghazi mess on condition of anonymity?


  4. I learned about the IRS thing about 18 months ago. The exact same letter from the IRS to multiple organizations was published on the internet back then. I told my husband that the other day and he said "yeah, well you are just a house wife with unlimited time on the internet." I parried that the WH staff was getting PAID to know these things...
    Sorry but the "I didn't know about it until the other day" excuse just doesn't fly...
    The Obama admin deliberately targeted what they perceive to be enemies and held up their 501(c) 3/4 applications. The idea that some low-level IRS serf decided this on their own is laughable.
    Hey! Appoint me as special council!

    1. Babs, First-ouch!, Second-Astute!

  5. Strange timing.... I showed my wife this clip a few hours ago after she said "work work work". Are you peering in my windows? She was a bit taken aback at the "Hello boys..." line tho.

    1. My friends at the IRS keep me informed of your activities . . .

    2. Ha, Ha, LMAO, Dip!

      Hey, how do we know this isn't just a trap site, an internet honey pot, for just such as we, set up by the IRs? Talk about fear and paranoia!

      And hey, wasn't that the James Rosen of Fox News and the IRS situation, of wanting to scoop the competition, that Kepha, is setting up, rat here? This could be interesting, huh?

    3. PS, and I do really enjoy Kepha's commentary, always.

  6. @Jack: What commentary? I was simply curious if our esteemed blog host knew anything. I had a short time with the Foreign Service myself, and have a lot of respect for people who've served in it for a long stretch.


    1. I admire your comments, and points of view from experience, always, Kepha, and in fact look forward to them, because I am familiar with your background, a bit. I was somewhat kidding, and somewhat bringing attention to the current Rosen issue, for Dip's sake as a precaution, because your comment-question reminded me of TV coverage of James Rosen, getting the IRS to follow him, just for doing his job, for merely wanting to get info from State et. al. with his phone calls and emails to State employees to try to scoop the competition?, er.the web reportage competitors. I am likewise curious too, would love to know, but I suspect everyone is concerned about the rogues of the regime. There seem to be many, like badly guided missiles.

      I refer to each entry by we as a comment, which I think is the industry term, and a posting of a thread is I think what the boss is said to do, by my understanding of industry terms of blogs.


  7. Well Mr. Mad, it might be time to work up a #6 on them!

  8. "Explosive" revelations from two former diplomats here:

    Hat tip to Roger Simon at PJ Media.

    Looking forward to your comments, Dip.

    Sound similar to whats been written here:

  9. ..and then there was this from Obama's Radio Address on Saturday.

    “Right now, many of you are angry at the government, and no one is angrier than I am,” he said. “Quite frankly, I am glad that I have had no involvement in such an organization.”

  10. The question keeps popping off in my head, What hasn't Obama corrupted within the Federal government?

    There are so many angles to the corrupt behavior. We know enforcement divisions have been corrupted such as IRS, FBI, ATF, DHS and quite possible many others. What about blackmail of individuals such as Petraeous and individual reporters? Since the Obama team thought nothing about invading private emails of reporters its likely they became aware of conduct the reporter might not want generally known such as affairs or illicit behavior. Could this administration threaten a reporter to spin things the Obama way or get outed? Highly likely given recent revelations.

  11. Any thoughts on this report?

    Stevens’ mission in Benghazi, they will say, was to buy back Stinger missiles from al-Qaeda groups issued to them by the State Department, not by the CIA. Such a mission would usually be a CIA effort, but the intelligence agency had opposed the idea because of the high risk involved in arming “insurgents” with powerful weapons that endanger civilian aircraft.

    Hillary Clinton still wanted to proceed because, in part, as one of the diplomats said, she wanted “to overthrow Gaddafi on the cheap.”

    This left Stevens in the position of having to clean up the scandalous enterprise when it became clear that the “insurgents” actually were al-Qaeda – indeed, in the view of one of the diplomats, the same group that attacked the consulate and ended up killing Stevens.

    The former diplomat who spoke with PJ Media regarded the whole enterprise as totally amateurish and likened it to the Mike Nichols film Charlie Wilson’s War about a clueless congressman who supplies Stingers to the Afghan guerrillas. “It’s as if Hillary and the others just watched that movie and said ‘Hey, let’s do that!’” the diplomat said.

    He added that he and his colleagues think the leaking of General David Petraeus’ affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell was timed to silence the former CIA chief on these matters.

    Regarding General Ham, military contacts of the diplomats tell them that AFRICOM had Special Ops “assets in place that could have come to the aid of the Benghazi consulate immediately (not in six hours).”

    Ham was told by the White House not to send the aid to the trapped men, but Ham decided to disobey and did so anyway, whereupon the White House “called his deputy and had the deputy threaten to relieve Ham of his command.”

    The White House motivation in all this is as yet unclear, but it is known that Ham retired quietly in April 2013 as head of AFRICOM.

    1. On the web, early on after Amb. Stevens, et. al. were murdered, I saw several mentions of manpads being supplied to alQuada, and something about buyback. However, some sites mentioned this would be treasonous, and highly illegal. It was basically carried by PJ, and elsewhere:

      Does anyone know if something of this mess was treasonous, or illegal? This reason would be very serious in implications, called impeach. Or were they, could they, have considered it so strategically important to keep clinton clean to be elected to continue the socialization muslimization destruction of America process, started with hussein? And for this reason, lethality to the mission, would be an option, with "what difference does it make?" and a political prisoner for America. And then again, perhaps both reasons apply?

      It might explain the haste with leaking the IRS mess, to try to throw the pack off the original hot blood trail. Perhaps the refusal to allow sure aid to save all, would also be explained.

      Either reason, there is a terrible toxic to America stench about it. Can't think of a third possible serious reason, can anyone else?

  12. Well, re Charlie Wilson's War, it may have created the seeds of a future problem, but ultimately it showed the world that the Soviet Communist experiment rested on a very weak foundation. I suspect that the Charlie Wilsons and Ronald Reagans of the USA, whatever their public rhetoric, probably thought they might just let Moscow know that if they really wanted trouble, we could urinate in their back yard too--and then were startled when they found their stream of salt water washed away a very sandy foundation.

    When I joined State in 1989, the Tiananmen demos were going full blast and cracks were starting to show in the Eastern Bloc. I got taught political reporting with a stack of clippings on Gorbachev's visit to [then-] West Germany, wrote an analysis that the same cheering crowds that welcomed him would wake up the day after he was gone and see that mined strip and barbed wire stretching from the Bohmerwald to the Baltic, and watchtowers manned by Volkpolizei with shoot to kill orders, and hence West Germany would remain as cemented into the Western alliance as ever. My teachers thought me insightful, I was proud of myself-- and the next week the VoPo's were letting folks go to Czechoslovakia, which let them go to Hungary, which let them use Austria as the road to the Bundesrepublik, and then the whole Warsaw Pact seemed to be unraveling like a badly made sock. People were roaming the halls of Main State muttering, "What the heck is going on?"

    Of course, a whole new slough of international problems arose with the end of the Cold War (although it's still alive and well in the Far East, as Korean tensions show), and the proposed "end of history" did not materialize (methinks Francis Fukuyama was just too taken in by the eschatology of his Marxist opponents at the time).

    Well, I'm hoping the Republicans and conservatives are mad enough about the O administration's shenanigans to pursue all of these matters. I really hope they'll be smart and persistent enough to get the truth out.

    And I may be naive enough to hope that even the liberal media will probe these matters, too.

    1. Kepha:
      Re your time at State. It's amazing how perceived wisdom can be so wrong so quickly. I remember will how the Eastern Bloc seemed so permanent and formidable, then seemly overnight gone!

    2. As an historian, I never understood the appeal of Fukuyama's argument and said so at the time. It rests upon a fundamentally false premise.

      Then again the 90s was a weird time in academia (even weirder now, which is why I left).

  13. And I await eagerly our blog host's take on events and persons.

  14. Here may well be another example of the IRS exempt organization's division, not doing the proper vetting job, for the potus muslim's relations. This could become additional scandal at the least, for the pot. More and more, it looks like the Blazing Saddles governors crew, crooked as sin, and in control, sort of.

    Wonder where this part of the puzzle really fits in! And if and when it will get wings.

  15. I have been reading these comments and I am afraid that all of you must report to the IRS for audit. After that, you must all report to the DOJ for investigation. After that, the EPA would like to look into your use of household products. Next the DOE insists on looking at the report cards of your children. When all of this is done, HHS will be looking into your medical records and turning them over to the IRS for further audit. We have a 1000 question form you must get back to us within 2 weeks or we will decline your application........

  16. It must now be evident to even the dimmest bulbs that your African President is running your country like an African, he has destroyed your economy, the government is run for the benefit of selected tribes, friends and family. The press has been neutralized and only prints what the ruling junta agrees to. Everyday the USA looks more like Zimbabwe, South Africa or Egypt (you choose).

    Joe Wilson had the measure of the pretender king when he called him a liar during the Obamacare address to Congress, he was berated for his astute analysis.

    1. Hullo, Cascadian. I disagree. African leaders run THEIR countries the way a mediocre Western college student might run something. The O is, I regret to say, a representative American collegian of a certain era.

    2. Well, we are going to have to agree to disagree Kepha.

      Obama has many negative traits including those you ascribe to him. It takes a special kind of grievance-monger and affirmative-action recipient to emulate the third-world policies he is implementing.

      I am, of course, unconvinced by the narrative that he is a natural-born US citizen. Joe Wilson and Sheriff Arpaio are correct.
