Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Britain Surrenders; Invaders Triumphant; Dhimmi Quisling Government in Charge

As many of you likely have heard, our fellow bloggers and human rights activists Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs) and Robert Spencer (Jihad Watch) have been banned from the UK for being prematurely anti-totalitarian.

If you go to either of their excellent blogs, you can see the letter each received from the British Home Office stating that they are banned for expressing views that,
- foment or justify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs,
- seek to provoke others to terrorist acts,
- foment other serious criminal activity or seek to provoke others to serious criminal acts,
- foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK.
This menu selection is then followed by the helpful bureaucratic catchall phrase,
The list is indicative and not exhaustive.
In other words, if we think of something else we don't like about you, we can keep you out and not tell you what it is.

This is weird and wonderful stuff especially in light of the BBC interview of Robert Spencer and a local British Imam (here, well worth hearing) in which Spencer shows up the Imam for the ignorant dolt that he is; the Imam fails to refute any of the points made by Spencer about the intolerant nature of modern day Islam. The Imam cannot explain why Spencer and Geller should be banned except that he doesn't agree with them.

Spencer and Geller were to lay a wreath in honor of the British soldier beheaded on the streets of his capital by a couple of jihadis. That is just too controversial for modern Britain.

So now it is official: Britain is dead. Well, at least the Britain I always admired and respected is dead: The Britain where modern freedom and democracy were born and bred; the land of the Magna Carta; the tiny island that conquered much of the world; and the nation whose ideas are now the basis of modern civilization. That Britain has died. It is official.

I guess we are seeing a slow motion replay of 1066. No, that's silly. This is much worse than that: this time the invaders were welcomed with open arms in the guise of socialized medicine, free housing, free schooling, and generous public assistance cheques. To repay their hosts' generosity, the invaders have driven crime rates to record levels and have made parts of the UK unlivable. Now they have conquered the government.

Warning to Brits who might wish to flee to these shores. First our immigration laws won't allow it--you have to sneak across the southern border to be welcomed--and, furthermore, we are on the same path that your once great nation has blazed.



  1. Hope you don't mind Diplomad Sir - but it's likely your fine site's meter will (likeliest in "about" seven or eight hours) will be picking up hits from across the pond.

    Almost certainly crosslinked from our side.


  2. Taken literally. Thanks.


  3. And so are all the other English-speaking fact all of Europe too..all going down. DIfferent rates, perhaps, but the direction is the same.

  4. Let Britain be Britain. The people of Britain kow what is best for their ounty.

    1. Oh really? I wonder what that might be...

    2. "The people of Britain kow"

      Yes, as in kow-tow.

    3. If only it WERE the "people of Britain" who were deciding what was best. Watching your civilization be dismantled by a bunch of suicidal libtards is nothing to be proud of under any circumstances.

    4. Or a bunch of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels stripping out most of the rights of native-born Britains, while giving special consideration to certain immigrants who cannot be named without condemnation being heaped upon their heads.

    5. I recall when the first EU stuff was happening in the late 80s--there were a few who realized how fundamentally undemocratic it was, with the Eurocrats in Brussells passing edicts that weren't being voted on by the citizens of various EU countries.

      It's only gotten worse, and will continue to do so if the Euros don't wake up.

    6. Typos not withstanding, the British people elected the government that banned Spencer. The people wanted it, voted for, and got it. I support them in their decision. Should they need arms to free themselves from their democratically-elected government, I'll be happy to sell them all they can afford.

      Like the American people, they have voted away their liberty, their prosperity, their history, and their culture; all of which they found a burden too difficult to live with.

  5. " The people of Britain kow what is best for their ounty." and they're doing a smashing job at it ErisGuy!

  6. In the same area as Lee Rigby was butchered by muslims, two more were similarly sunnah murdered by muslims, in last few weeks!

    There are many growing to believe the populace of the West must learn the devestatingly hard way of suffering in order to learn what to do, what long and bitter history has taught must be done.


    1. I wonder if this blog is monitored by the NSA, CIA and all the other alphabet soup wankers? Ah well, such is life...

      I've seen some pretty big boys on the receiving end of a middle-weight bully. There's times a good punch in the mouth wakes them up to reality, and other times they never wake up to their potential.

      The Brits might go on to a slaughtering spree or they might not. As it sits right now though, the government will have to be totally replaced for the Brits to recover their homeland - just look at the resistance to the EDL national movement. Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, England - they all have their nascent national movements trying to manifest power, but the governments are opposed. War destroys wealth and the ruling elite are more interested in their privilage than anything else, IMO.

      Hence, "Peace, Peace - at any price.", which is fine unless it's your daughter or niece that's being gang raped. Then you might could care less about peace, regardless of price.

    2. Anonymous: The Buddhists of Burma were also on a killing spree against Chin, Kachin, and Karen Christians (and against their fellow Buddhists, the Shan; and against the animist Va) before they went ofter the Rohinga. In Taiwan, I rubbed shoulders in church with descendants of Chinese Christians murdered by the Boxers (there were far more of those than missionaries killed), who were Buddhist-inspired; albeit Mahayana rather than the Theravada as in Burma and Sri Lanka.

      Buddhism may be a peaceful religion, but its adherents can be as violent as any other fallen and sinful descendants of Adam the First (Uncle Kepha's Calvinism is showing).

  7. Welcome to fascism, PC style. As a friend of mine said about this, "every living British WWII vet must be wondering why it was worth the trouble."

    1. A sentiment that is both sad and tragic. I wonder how long before the same happens in the US, as our PC left is fully on board with the same sort of idiocy being practiced in the UK.

    2. My bet is on sooner rather than later.


    3. I'm sorry, can't take that bet - fear you're right. I'm sure a nation of 70 million deer hunters will have a word or two to say about it though.

  8. For the record, Geller and Spencer are not the first Americans to be banned from Britain. In May 2009 the UK Home Office published a list of 16 persons banned from entry due to "unacceptable behavior," of which 7 were U.S. citizens. Among the 7 was American radio talk show host Michael Savage.


  9. So goes Britain. Ti's all in pieces; all coherence gone.

  10. That's why I'm reading this in New Zealand. I emigrated here in 2009 and won't go back. Not even when I am dead, burned to ashes and in a little jar.

    Phil B

  11. More Brits are catching on.... the lefty media vilified anti-EU/immigration rot UKIP picked up a surprising number of votes this year.

    "The UKIP performance in the 2013 local election was the best result for a party outside the big three in British politics since the Second World War".....wikipedia

    Let's hope it is a real trend.


    1. This Penny, from a 74 year old former Para II across the pond (& on Dip's sidebar):

      Your duty is clear - vote UKIP at the next European election and vote 'OUT' at the referendum - if we ever get one!

      However - "knowing the guy" - that above wasn't the most surprising of things I've seen appear on his Duff and Nonsense (in the offchance you have to Google) rather this:

      May we pray Penny - "Our" Youfs & Youfettes surprise us as much as the Old F*art from Across the Pond was with his.


  12. But, but, but..they let in Justin Bieber......

  13. "Sorry, this episode is not currently available on BBC iPlayer Radio"

    Anybody capture the mp3 and willing to (unauthorizedly) put it up somewhere for a few moments?

    1. Try this
