Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Collapse--Part I

Who among us with an IQ larger than Peter Dinklage's shoe size thinks Obama has an American foreign policy?

Everywhere around the globe we see the collapse of the West, its influence, its values, its interests, its will to protect itself against both totalitarians and purveyors of anarchy. I cannot name another time in history when we have seen so rapid and total a collapse of Western foreign policy, and of Western understanding of how the world works. It would seem as though the most naive possible idiots have assumed power in the West, or, perhaps more accurately, those who hate the West have assumed control of the West.

Let's start with Europe, the Old World, once the center of the universe. Europe's once great confidence and creativity which shaped the modern world are now submerged in socialist economics, the demands of political correctness, and, of course, the quicksand of a "more perfect" EU--the bureaucratic monster to end all bureaucratic monsters. Europeans are willingly giving up their liberty and their heritage to the tender care of meddlesome well-paid bureaucrats. While those EUcrats worry about the curvature of bananas, the percentage of cocoa beans in chocolate bars, and the human rights of murderers and terrorists, Europe falls to an invasion of "immigrants," occupiers really, who hate and seek to destroy the very values that protect them in Europe.

Among the Europeans, the will to defend what is theirs has disappeared. Ancient European cities, the cradles of Western civilization, are increasingly nasty, rotten, no-go zones filled with the criminal advocates and practitioners of totalitarian Islam who live on the public dole and mock and detest the politically correct fools who provide it. Europe's leaders, prattling on about climate change and gay rights, quake in the shadow of a renascent and aggressive Russia led by a man who recognizes fear and weakness in others; he has shown NATO for the empty shell that it has become. Russia, now owner of a new military machine and flush with petrodollars and gaseuros, stands ready to resume a place on the borders of Old Europe, threatening to cutoff Europe's energy supplies--turning it into an ecologist's dream, i.e., a land unfit for human habitation. Internal decay spreads as armed aggression marches: the perfect storm. Europe is now a collection of dead and dying nations.

This time, however, no salvation comes from the New World. The disease and decay have spread across the Atlantic. America's increasingly ignorant and illiterate electorate--eager to emulate dying Europe--have put in power a coterie of quasi-Marxist thugs, ideologues, incompetents, racists, and, yes, haters of the very America they are sworn to serve and protect and which provides them with ample salaries and benefits. These malevolent creatures hate America; they cannot abide that the greatest citadel of freedom and liberty in the history of the world was founded by no-nonsense, gun-carrying, white male Christians--and I say that as a Jewish American, and the son of immigrants. They have accepted and propagated a perverted version of American history in which anybody not a white male Christian is a victim entitled to an endless array of benefits and to seeing an end to that "white male Christian nation."

I know this will be misunderstood, and that I will be maligned for this by some, but what we see afoot, in both America and Europe, is no less than a war conducted from the outside by forces such as the Great Muslim Murder Machine, and by a fifth column of "progressives" against Western civilization.

Let's be more precise. We have a war underway against white male civilization.

Let's be even more blunt.

The concepts of human rights, democracy, liberty, and free enterprise; the great scientific, engineering, and medical inventions and discoveries; the great explorations of the globe; the magnificent literature and art; these are overwhelmingly the products of white males--many of them Jewish, most of them Christian. In the past few decades we have seen a backlash against that, a movement that instead of calling on all to emulate these white male achievements, calls upon these achievements to be ridiculed, denigrated, and destroyed. That is the core of the issue in America and in Europe and around the world. The haters, the race-obsessed thugs are now in charge.

We see the results of this at home with the opening of our borders to a hostile invasion and most notably abroad as our power and influence are undermined from Washington DC.

My next post will look at the result of this war against the West as manifest in what passes for US foreign policy.


  1. Stirring stuff, Dip, and never a truer word spoken.

  2. Sounds like you are getting into NRx / dark enlightenment stuff... its a powerful point of view

  3. Unfortunately you are spot on.
    It seems that each day we get up and open the door and pass into the other dimension - The Twilight Zone.
    With apologies to Rod Serling, the aliens all know what is happening and the aliens and are powerless to alter the story because the aliens are us. Divorced from history, reality and christian cultural norms intent on worshiping the false gods of Gaia, Warming, Political correctness and believing that all cultures are equal.
    If only it were a TV series and we could change channels.
    Keep up the good work Dip.

    1. You ever read or watch, "To serve Man"?


    2. "Sooner or later we will all be on the menu...all of us."

  4. Great article Dip

  5. This is a dark message you covey Dip.

    It seems the West must go through this situation from time to time. It started with the decline of the Greek city states and a period of anarchy. European pre-eminence again surfaced with Rome, declined with the fall of the Empire, re-emerged with the Carolingian Empire thanks to Charles Martel and the battle of Poitiers, survived with the battle of Lepanto, and came to fruition again with the European enlightenment cemented by the expansion of European colonialism.

    It may not come in our lifetime but the concepts of the West will arise again for no other culture understands the concept of "total war" which is a western concept. Western armies starting with the Greeks seek bloody decisive frontal confrontation and will bounce back from the occasional defeat.

    Start with the Greek-Persian conflict where a vastly outnumbered Greek polis sought open confrontation with a superior force [Marathon, Salamis] and destroyed it. Then onto the Punic wars. When Hannibal defeated Rome in three battles culminating in Cannae Rome did not fold but formed new Legions and wiped out Carthage.

    The latest example is probably Pearl Harbour where the US shook itself and took total war to the Japanese in a way they did not appreciate.

    I have skipped Britain and its Commonwealth response to Nazism as it was a war between Europeans and illustrates the ferocity of European fighting European.

    Our current challenge is the ongoing war between Islam and western freedom. We will have a leader at some stage who takes the western concept of conflict to them in a way that will again set them back into their place. Israel shows it can be done just to remind us.

    Keep the faith.

    1. The only thing - or major only thing - you left out in that quick survey was the extent to which Arab's desert pirates took to the sea very early on and laid waste to Mediterranean commerce & culture in tandem w/.Rome's decline.

      Imagine Egypt as the breadbasket of the Med, her papyrus the means of widespead literacy. The need for high literacy was driven by the spread of commerce. Jewish and Christian traders cooperated in an upward spiral/spread of prosperity.

      And North Africa's red pottery brought into being "dining from plates". Archeology has confirmed the disappearance of that startling red slip concomitant with the desert tribes' slavery raids along the coast.

      Like Egypt's intricate agricultural engineering, North Africa's urban areas also disappeared under the dead hand of Arab desert culture. Hard to believe Augustine of Hippo and his sophisticated philosophy flourished not all that far from where we recently ruined Libya.

      Mark Twain noted somewhere that Islam uninvented the wheel in Mesopotamia. Under servile dhimmitude, what point in crafting a cart when your Muslim neighbor could take it from you whenever. Carters & wheelwrights just stopped teaching their sons a craft they couldn't utilize.

      Some (mostly German, I think) scholars are questioning whether or not Mohammed was a construct well after the fact. The Jews had their Moses, the Christians had their Christ. Somehow that would fit with the Arab desert culture - i.e., total fabrication. The joke is on the dhimmis.

    2. Understand your principles you are conveying and I agree with them.

      If we are drawing parallels between Greece and Persia and Rome and Carthage then I would say that Alexander the Great removed the theat to Greece form Ancient Persia permantly at Guagemal. As opposed to Athens and Salamis.
      Just my 2 cents.

    3. Don't disagree with you Mr T. Marathon, the holding battle of Thermopylae, Salamis and Plataea made the victories of Alexander at the Granicus River and Gaugemela possible. If the Greeks of Themistocles generation had not fended off and beaten the Persians there is every likelihood that what we regard as Western civilization would have been still born.

    4. Agreed.

      I think you make good points with the commonality between parralels of the West surviving at critical times.

      The main difference I see between then and now is that now we are being emasculated from within. The concequences of this are obvious.

      Our opponents meanwhile are experiencing the opposite effect.

      Just my 2 cents....again.

  6. I don't know why, but reading this brought "A Canticle for Leibowitz" to mind. Weird.

    1. Showing my age, but THAT certainly brings a flashback to reading it for the first time as a boomer student (either High School or college, I forget exactly when).

      Perhaps I should put my shopping lists online somewhere for post-apocalyptic reference.

    2. Either Canticle or On the Beach.

    3. When I see this, I think of Heinlein's "Crazy Years". I do agree that it seems to fit Canticle though. Thank you for that memory.

    4. Love the old jewish guy in Canticle.
      James the Lesser

    5. Very good book. How about "Man's best friend"?


  7. Not every lefty is a child of divorce, but nearly every child of divorce is a lefty.
    Our culture didn't get into this disastrous state due to external manipulation. We let them in with a view to openness and then gave them all the backing they need by enabling and encouraging divorce.

    If anything, the rise in ease and prevalence of divorce has been satan's work. Even "No fault" was ushered in by no less than Ronald Reagan himself.

    The mechanism is simple: a) break up the home so kids don't have any foundation of love and support, b) create an environment in public schools where they can feel a synthesized version of love and support, c) indoctrinate

    If we want new generations to think for themselves again, we've got to undermine the media's attack on marriage.

    - reader #1482

    1. "The mechanism is simple: a) break up the home so kids don't have any foundation of love and support, b) create an environment in public schools where they can feel a synthesized version of love and support, c) indoctrinate"

      Perhaps you don't realize it, but what you outlined was the philosophy of the Italian Marxist, Antonio Gramsci, and the Frankfurt Marxists of Berlin, and later our tony universities.

      Empty the churches (by making being religious politically incorrect), fracture the family unit, create victim classes (minorities, gays, et al) and indoctrinate children from a very early age. Create all those environments and what you will have is a entire generation that will accept the authority of the state (Marxism) because human nature requires that people believe in something greater than self.

      So it's really not the media's attack on marriage. It is the liberalism/progressivism that had infiltrated our educational system from kindergarten to college and that system has created those that now call themselves "journalists."

      Any parent who does not want their children to be subjected to mental abuse should pull their kids out of public education TODAY and home school them or send them to a parochial school that teaches conservative values. If enough parents did that, the public schools would quickly get the message when they no longer had the funding to continue to operate. Instead, we have the disaster now known as "Common Core" which was designed to simply create worker bees, not queen bees.


    2. Communist Cuba nursery school: "Little friends of the Ministry of the Interior"

    3. About a decade ago, I said something about the patients in our hospital, who were almost all fifteen to twenty five years older than I was, to the effect that they had nurtured a generation and now we were nurturing them in their latter years. A slightly younger nurse replied that we were "reducing them to children's status." My home life was very difficult at the time, a sick wife, young children, income only adequate, and that was only because I worked sixty hours a week, and consequently neglected those other parts of life. I asked whether she had children. Her proud response was "no." Words failed me, as they seldom do. I tried to convey the thought to her that she saw the matter in terms of power, while I lived constantly with my weakness,as measured against my responsibilities. Power? Only on planet Freakazoid! Power mattered to her. Love mattered to me.She could not begin to grasp the concept.Love that gives and expects no return on that "investment," is a skew line, intersecting with her ideology at no point.

      Yes, most emphatically, we home schooled or private schooled, even when we really could not afford public school, or, as one friend said, "so broke we could not pay attention."

      Those days are passed, thanks be to God. We just worry now that our daughter find a man who understands that he is to love his wife "as Christ hath loved the Church, and gave Himself for her." Patriarchy! Sheeit!

    4. I'm a child of divorce, and unrepentantly Conservative. Then again, my parents remarried 10 years after they divorced. I was a child (2-12) during the separation.

      They remain true blue Democrats. I am not. It is hard these days to discuss politics with them, but I think we would agree more than disagree.

    5. Divorce is just a crack; a symptom of the down.

      I, also, am from a broken home and is also from a poor family. I am not alone.

    6. true enough... how did public schooling go so wrong.... *sigh*.
      Got two kids that gotta go to school somewhere soon.

      - reader #1482

  8. Matt, the Seventh ReaderJune 18, 2014 at 8:26 AM

    I wholeheartedly agree with much of what you wrote, Dip. And I say that as a devout atheist. The accomplishments of white men are dismissed in what passes for academia today. The results are sadly visible. As a result, the idea of home-schooling my son has become appealing to me.

    My wife is a teacher and one of her colleagues home-schools his three children. (His wife is home with them) Even if we do not go that route, I am prepared to spend a great deal of time countering the non-sense that my son will be taught when he gets older. Perhaps I should start saving your work before some Obama-agency makes it disappear.

    On a different note, I would like to mention something about organized Atheists. For the most part, I cannot stand them. The idea that people put effort into preventing towns from having Christmas displays on city property nauseates me. And when someone wishes me "happy holidays", I respond with "Merry Christmas". The only exception to that is when Hanukkah falls close to Christmas. For the rest of my life I will happily use "BC" and "AD" instead of that drivel that has been supplanting them.

    Organized atheists have done everything to deserve the disdain that they experience. This is odd, considering that the rest of the PC-brigade enjoy growing social sanction.

    I wish that I shared the enthusiasm that David from Oz has for our future.

    1. Matt, I encourage you to homeschool. It will allow you choose the best works of literature - lots of wonderful books published pre-1960 that boys love. Books full of adventure and derring-do with noble themes of sacrificial love, friendship and honor. You will be able to choose the best math program for him, engaging science books and experiments, loads of field trip opportunities and time for him to develop his own interests and talents. You will be able to avoid stupid reading programs and junk-food books, explicit sex-education, revisionist history, and peer pressure to conform to the crowd, abandoning interests and talents that make him stand out. On top of that, there will be more opportunities to develop close-knit family relationships, to know your boy's heart and how he learns best.

      We only get one chance to invest in our children. It goes by fast and is worth the sacrifice. We have been homeschooling for 9 years and I am delighted to see my children showing a love of reading good literature, excelling in math and science but most importantly turning into young men and women of good character and kindness toward others.


    2. There are some bright lights. Read this.


    3. Ron Paul and Gary North have a program. Have not looked at the content myself.

  9. I cannot express, but will attempt to anyay, to tell you all how wonderful it is to read commentary from those who share my values and are as equally horrified regarding the state of OUR Union at this point in history. I remind myself several times a day that GOD is indeed in control and ask his guidance to be the soldier for Christ that he needs me to be each day. Even though the disastrous media vomits heinous news across the airwaves and broadband width 24/7, I can't help but feel hope.

    I'm like Ben Carson, I guess. I feel deep inside that God isn't done with us yet and there is MUCH more to come. After all, no offense to non-Christians intended (urk - PC comment, sorry, after all it IS my First Amendment-protected OPINION), I have read the Book and know how it ends - and WE win.

    I see patients all day long, many unemployed, many on welfare, many on disability. Almost every single one is very unhappy with our current misadministration, even those feeding at the breast of government largesse. They KNOW inside that this isn't the best life has to offer and are frustrated. I simply point out that they need to be registered to vote and then educate themselves and show up to vote - every single time. They know what I mean. I'm doing my best guys, and y'all keep me on the straight and narrow with the encouraging points of view. I have completely converted what was a medical office full of conservatives who didn't know they were and had helped to elect Obama just before my arrival (he's "cool"), to educated, full-blown conservatives/skeptics. I'm working on my neighborhood now.

    Lord, hear my prayer, may your hand ever be upon our Nation, even though we truly deserve what we now suffer.

    Keep on pluggin' away, guys. And thank you Dip, for your unique ability to lay things (like the TRUTH) out in such a viable and interesting way. God Bless You. Shalom.


  10. really? a war on white men?

    The main architects of destruction of the west (Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas and the Iranian government) are all white male.

    1. The West is being destroyed from within. Those you mention are nothing when compared to the power that the West could muster.

    2. White men? Really?
      They are muslim first and not recognised as white men as we of the Anglo-sphere know it. Culturally or religiously.
      Take your clumsy attempt at equivalency elsewhere, dimwit.

  11. December 2007 at Blackbird Restaurant in Chicago: My older sister excoriates me for voting for John McCain. She's livid and relentless in her scathing denouncement of my "racist, homophobic, hateful" Republican choice for President. I'm an Oberlin College graduate who got fed up with the Left, for God's sake. My final comment to her for my supposed treachery was this: Obama's election to the Presidency was the end of our father's world. And yes, my Daddy, whom I cherish beyond all things, was a white, male, Christian, World War II vet. He's gone and the world he helped fashion is disappearing.

  12. Putin seems to see in the West the same rot that you do but through a different lens. Russia should be like the EU or the US? Why?

    1. I agree with the first..but as for the latter?
      I think you would find Putin wouldn't even agree.


  13. I am in agreement and applaud your cogent argument. I would add this, however, which you came very close to saying but stopped just short. It is not just the the white Christian and Jew that the world hates - it is their God.

    1. Sure, you're right. I would be willing to say that.

  14. David Horowitz has written eloquently about the alliance between Islam and the American left. He, like you, has pointed this fact out as being the primary danger facing the West.|

  15. Mr. Amselem,
    You're telling the truth, that just isn't done you know. Poking the Grendel that's your old employer could be dicey, but the monster must be defeated one day and I applaud you.
    James the Lesser

  16. Spot on Diplomad. The one exception I make is the influence of the schools. At least speaking from personal experience, it seems that a father, making reasoned arguments to his children, can easily out-debate the influence of the schools and society regarding these things. My 5 kids attended or are attending both public and private secondary schools. My oldest son has graduated from a well-known east coast private college, and my secoond son has graduated from a state college in ultra-liberal Portland. All of them have had no problem maintaining conservative, and libertarian philosophies, in fact my oldest thrived on the debates at his schools.
    The parent needs to engage in the debate with their childrens' teachers though, and make the arguments reasonably rather than offensively I think. If they do, the fight is theirs.

    What to do with the rest of society is the bigger question.

    Mark in Portland

    1. Given the average public school student spends well over 11,000 hours in the government indoctrination centers we call public schools, it is unlikely they will emerge without adopting at least some of their teachings.

      Parents are responsible for their children's education. We may delegate part of the job, as most of us do, but we should at least make sure that those we employ have a worldview that is not opposed to our own nor working to undermine us.

      Why send our children to be taught by people/curriculum who think they need to be divested of their parent's beliefs? What message do we give our children by sending them? "No, we don't agree with what you are being taught but, hey, it's free!" It seems a waste of their time to me and confusing to boot. Why not instead have them learn what is true, worthy, good and beautiful while they are young so that when they are older they have a solid foundation and wholesome appetites and interests?

      I decided when my first was heading into kindergarten to not attempt to 'change the school' since this works for a while but always reverts at some point. But instead to invest that time in him and his other siblings. Aside from the socialism, environmentalism, and multiculturalism promulgated, our wealthy school district used a fashionable but non-scientific method for teaching reading. Boys do poorly with this method because it is illogical and, coupled, with the girl-oriented reading material is the reason there is a reading gap between boys and girls. I decided to teach him at home for at least the first year or two in order that he could learn to read in a logical way and read books interesting to boys. It worked very well. There is no reading gap between homeschooled boys and girls, by the way. We never ended up enrolling in that school or any other public school.

      Mark, it is great that your two oldest have held onto what they've been taught at home. The data suggest this is not typical, though.

    2. Do you KNOW?


  17. Just one more Alinsky-planned step towards the "fundamental transformation" of our country....

    ...sort of like how SNL demonstrated the "fundamental transformation" of seafood via the Bass-O-Matic.


    Are we getting dizzy yet from the spinning?

  18. Couldn't agree more, the seeds of our destruction are agressively and continually being planted. Let me tell you about my recent US citizenship ceremony in Minneapolis. 3000 new citizens, maybe 20 caucasians the vast majority of the remainder African muslims. A Democratic senator and a Democratic congressman (touting the fact that he was a muslim) delivering the poorly disguised message of 'vote Democrat' and many many volunteers to help fill out voter registration forms for those who needed help. The character of this great nation is very much under attack.

  19. That's the problem (Diplomad's take) us 'who'd be' the fly in the ointment has on this site attempting to comment. Can't muster even a smidgen of dissent and, whichever items of similar disgust I had at hand to drop into the midden Dip's already dropped.

    Whoda thunk Diplomad was aware the EUcrats were engaged in Bismarckian worryings as "the curvature of bananas"?


  20. I think that just possibly the administration has jumped the shark with the opening the borders to hundreds of thousands, if not eventually millions, of the poor and uneducated from south of the border. If (and this is a big if), the Republicans were smart, they might be able to parley this into a political gain among blacks, the working poor, and unions (and I recognize those are not mutually exclusive groups). A huge spike in those willing to work for low wages will have a significant adverse impact on those groups, especially in the low-growth economic environment we currently inhabit. Peeling away just a few percentage points from these groups would very likely make a difference in a number of elections around the country. We'll see if the Republicans can get their act together and capitalize on this. Not holding my breath, though.

    1. The democrats offering permanent welfare (what is it now 90 weeks?) and other benefits makes working a suckers game for the poorly qualified.

      Anyway as you point out the RINO's are dumber than a sack of hammers.

      This cohort of illegals are not here to work, they just want to establish a beachhead for all their relatives to later join them so they obtain "free" healthcare, education and the myriad services available.

  21. By and large, I agree with what Dip says.

    But, what is the West?

    The heritage of ancient Israel is far more important to the shaping of "the West" than the Greeks and Romans. It is the Nevi'im rather than the Greek philosophers who give us our self-critical bent. Paradoxically, it is the "intensely tribal" Hebrews who give us the idea of universal values, transmitted to us via that Greek-writing Rabbi Paul of Tarsus. If the Platonic spirit was preserved, it was because a bunch of Judaized Greeks between the 1st and 4th centuries said, "Hey, Socrates had the same problem that the Olympian pantheon that we had!"

    Further, I believe that it is the Gospel of Christ that not only offers salvation to a West willing to re-appropriate it, but may also be the foundation of harmony among civilizations. This was driven home to me by a senior colleague at a university in Taiwan where I taught when younger, who was both a devout Christian and an unashamed Chinese Nationalist (both large and small n). He politely reminded me that his was the great immigrant-receiving nation back in the 7th-9th centuries [China taken as a whole, not just Taiwan], and that loving one's own doesn't have to mean hating everyone else.

    As a teacher, I plan to do a little "rebunking" next school year.

    1. Great topic Kepha on "what is the West", although without taking anything away from ancient Isreal I beg to differ with your opinion.

      Rather than turning this blog into a historical debate and for that matter recieving an intellectual thrashing, is there studies/links on-line that you may know that explores this topic.


  22. I was privileged to see a screening of Dinesh d'Sousa's "America" Monday night. He makes many powerful arguments in defense of our great country,countering the nonsense about Columbus being a genocidal maniac, that only the US had slavery (he didn't cover the Islamic roots of the African slave trade well enough, however), how the Southwest belonged to Mexico and we stole it from it's rightful know, the crap that passes for "truth" in every high school history book nowadays. I've had a few discussions with our 30-something pastor of said subjects-now I just have to walk away when he starts in. As I told my husband as we walked out of the theater the other night, it was a really good movie, but it was preaching to the choir. There is a whole lot of Stupid out there, and I fear that it is nothing less than a sign of human kind's de-evolution..

  23. Bravo. This was so on target, that it finally compelled me to register just to say what a perfect distillation of the times your prose captured.

  24. What a brilliant article Mr D. Mad. Even better than your article on Martin Luther King Jr.

    I dont know wether to smile because you have spelled out the current scenario so well or cry because what you write is true.

  25. Tom Kratman wrote a book about this.
    You should write one..two..three! MORE@@@@@@
    Baen and Toni Weisskopf would probably pick you up in a second!



    Here is the book.

    Read em all!

  27. Well they outnumber us, don't they? In the past, the solution was to emigrate farther and farther to the West, but we've reached that limit now.

  28. Dip, I could not agree more.

    I work for a big US Corporation. There is a whole lot of PC about diversity, inclusion, gender equality, cultural diversity, etc. after all that rubbish is said and done. The White Christian Male Culture, is what gets the job done.

    This has been no accidental attack, the forces bent on destroying The West recognised the kernel of its success long before The West did, in fact it would be safe to say that The West still doesn't recognise the kernel of its success.

    From OZ.

  29. This was obvious in 1964 with the passage of the Snivel, as opposed to Civil,rights acts

  30. Dip old son. It occurs to me that western civilisation is the fruit, not the tree itself. The modern conservative can look back sentimentally to a time when manners were better, the law applied to all, and islam was confined to it's natal deserts. But very few actually wanted to cultivate the tree in their garden. In fact they have done the very opposite, ring-barking it. Nobody wanted the christian faith which calls for repentance that precedes a transformed life. We just wanted the fruit from trees planted by a previous generation. I don't know where I read the asiatic proverb that says the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the next best time is now.

