Sunday, July 20, 2014

For the Sake of the People of Gaza, Support the IDF

Regular readers of this blog know my view on how to deal with the self-proclaimed jihadis of the Muslim world who seek victory or martyrdom. Give them option "b."

I hope that this time, at long last, the Israelis will not listen to the voices of "caution," of "moderation," of "reasonableness," of "humaneness," etc. For the refugees in Gaza, who, in fact, overwhelmingly are not, the greatest weapon on their side is the IDF. It is the IDF which can liberate Gaza and the "refugees" from Hamas and the other jihadi lunatics and authoritarian corruptocrats who have turned Gaza into the widely recognized model for corruption and chaos that it is, and, of course, into a vast killing field.

Generations of bureaucrats around the world, including at State, have made careers and very nice salaries, working on the Arab-Israeli peace process. They seek to make it sound complex and beyond the understanding of ordinary mortals. It is not. There will be peace when Muslim leaders accept the existence of Israel. Period. The rest is nonsense.

It is probably impossible to count the billions of dollars the international community, including the USA under both Democrats and Republicans, has poured into Gaza and the coffers of its evil rulers. It is that same international community which conveniently has erased the history of how Gaza and the "refugee" camps came into existence and on repeated occasions has saved the rulers of Gaza from the retribution they so richly deserve.

It is Hamas which insists on civilians remaining in place when combat looms; on placing military stockpiles, including missiles, in civilian areas such as housing complexes, schools, and hospitals.  It is Hamas which wants bodies of "Palestinians" strewn about the streets.

The only way to put an end to Hamas' war on civilization, it to put an end to Hamas. I have written too many times to cite that the lunatics now leading the Muslim world must suffer defeat after defeat. Only that long and painful process will bring the rotten Muslim house down and let its miserable residents build something new, something not insane. Let that begin in Gaza.

For the sake of the people of Gaza, destroy Hamas. Support the IDF.


  1. It is becoming obvious that the principle occupation in Gaza is building tunnels. All the building materials allowed into the statelet are devoted to tunnels and bunkers.

  2. But isn't that the very crux of the problem? ie, the recognition of Israel as the jewish homeland. Arabs could recognize Israel as an Islamic state, but their religion, followed in the semi-literal sense it appears to be now, precludes them from recognizing or accepting Israel as anything but an Islamic state.
    I would love to hear some history of situations where muslim states accepted loss of territory and went on in peace with their neighbors. I haven't found any, and fear there is none. If that's all true, then Israel doesn't find peace so long as ... well.. not going to finish that sentence.
    I'd *love* to be wrong on this.

    - reader #1482

  3. Dear Dip,
    I am absolutely confident that you've got a zinger coming up for our hapless foreign policy with regards to Malaysian airlines and Mr. Vlad. Just come on out with it so I can have a laugh. :)

    - reader #1482

    1. You want to find something funny in nearly 300 innocent people murdered?

      Strange sense of humour.

    2. I'm sorry, I didn't intend that at all.
      That said, I don't think it would have happened if the keystone cops weren't running our foreign policy.

  4. I think you know how I feel about this, hammer them!
    James the Lesser

  5. The real question is whether Israel will pursue that objective to its end or whether this offensive, like so many others, will peter out into a negotiated compromise that simply returns the situation to the previous status quo, until it all happens again.

    1. If I offer you this bet: "If I win, I take everything, if you win, you keep what you have.", would you take it?
      That's what Israel does every time they 'return to status quo'.
      If/when hamas gets the upper hand (most likely through some sort of novel WMD/deployment strategy), they're not going to 'just keep what they have'. They don't suffer from the self-hobbling that Israel does in terms of caring about the opinions of the rest of the world.

      Israel *must* win in order to survive. I'm not going to say what that entails, but it means obviously far more than what Fuznutz Kerry is comfortable with...

      - reader #1482

    2. " I'm not going to say what that entails, but it means obviously far more than what Fuznutz Kerry is comfortable with... "

      Would prefer making a longish comment/reply as this'll appear "cold-blooded" but ... far as however Futznutz is concerned viz Israel in the main - Egypt & peripherally Libya to a somewhat lesser degree but still should be kept in the equation (for those not keeping up with Libya, recall back May 17 a former Khaddafy General Haftar [defected 80s, lived in VA USA returned Libya 2011] launched what the "proper" Libyan government so far, calls a coup -

      but to get to the "cold-blooded" part ASAP

      Far as Israel's benefit goes ... it's probably for the best Futznutz has got so much on his plate just now.

  6. They know by name who the trouble makers are. I say round them up and take them out over the Med for a plane ride. Fishes will make good use of them.

    1. You mean Israel should "let them go" as Arnold did during a late 80s early 90s action adventure

  7. It is often stated that an ideology cannot be defeated by warfare. Well, Hitlerism was and so must be Mohamadism. They've been at bit for 1400 years.

    1. So was bushido-ism. The German and Japanese ideologies were defeated AFTER a complete, undeniable destruction,defeat.

      The West does not have the ideological confidence to defeat orthodox Islam

  8. One of the best things I have read this week:
    Egypt is flooding the Gaza's tunnels with raw sewage.

  9. After hearing feckless (and brainless) John Kerry this week on Fox News (and hearing his hot mike moment), I am convinced that as a country we are about to abandon our ally, Israel. And I weep seeing all the demonstrations and violence in Europe breaking out against the Jewish people and I wonder, Sir, do you feel like we are heading to 1938 again?
    Sincerely....East Texas rancher

  10. I am encouraged, because I have not heard the word disproportionate.......yet. Perhaps even the morons from EU and UN have learned a lesson from previous interference with Israel's survival and Israel's very generous ceding portions of Gaza to the paliswinians to attempt a peaceful settlement, it did not work and only resulted in further terrorist attacks.

    Battle in urban settings is notoriously deadly and the Israeli populace must not waver in the face of terrible days like today. I hope that Israel has the perseverance to see this through and that their doves are not given a chance to squander victory.

  11. Thank goodness Israel is willing to start, perhaps their example could start a new crusade.
    Hamas and other rag-tag bandits could easily be defeated with even a modicum of effort if our spineless politicians grasped the issue and ignored the "religion of peace" bullshit.

  12. One of the morons you are looking for, a SkyNews anchor, to be found in the last video clip in this link.

  13. The Hamas Charter got a spirited response in this blog, when a blog correspondent suggested Israel was the problem in Gaza. I hadn't previously seen it or even known of this document's existence; it's a hell of a read, though, and makes complete sense of Hamas' rather strange (by Western standards) willingness to continue sacrificing their own people for their own ends.

    The document should receive much more publicity - much more - so reasonable people can see what they're dealing with here.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Vile comments like this should be deleted. We know that there are people like this commenter; we don't need to have them ruin a perfectly good breakfast.

  15. A Middle East peace is the holy grail of diplomacy; and as such, it's probably not likely to be found.

    But I also think there's a huge issue with Islam.

    First of all, Judaism and Christianity, both of which read the Old Testament as sacred scripture, know there's something called the Babylonian Captivity--i.e., the Good Guys aren't always on top. Christianity went almost a century and a half before Abgar of Edessa became the first secular ruler to call himself a Christian. However Muhammad, as someone pointed out once, was his own Constantine; and the Qur'an and Hadith offer no guidance for a time of divine chastening. Indeed, the sources of Islamic doctrine cannot conceive of a prophet or his people failing (hence the denial of the reality of Jesus' Crucifixion in Islam). Thus, I suspect that Islam has been in conundrums ever since the first Spanish Christian victory in La Reconquista.

    1. Excellent point. I had never focussed on that.

    2. @Dip, any comments on Ben Birnbaum & Amor Tibon's article in The New Republic?
      The Explosive, Inside Story of How John Kerry Built an Israel-Palestine Peace Plan—and Watched It Crumble

      It seems to be generating some excitement in the blogosphere.

    3. Great article, but doesn't it suggest that Kerry has horribly miscalculated what's going on? Abbas is no saint, but Israel's conflicts in the last decade seem to be HAMAS-driven, not PLO/PLA conflicts? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like Abbas has minimal, if any, influence on HAMAS.
      Netanyahu, Kerry, and Abbas could all agree to invite My Little Pony to supervise a peace agreement, but HAMAS would *still* be firing rockets from Gaza.

      - reader #1482

  16. Until Hamas recognizes Israel's right to exist the international community should isolate it, and its sponsors, politically and economically. Forcing Israel to accept a status quo that allows its population to be attacked by Hamas rockets is barbaric.

    Rather than seek to rewarding Hamas by rebuilding Gaza, the money should be invested in helping the PA develop economically, this will require an end to new settlements in the West Bank, but as the PA develops people from Gaza will seek to move there to benefit from the peace and economic opportunity.

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