Friday, September 19, 2014

Aussies Round Up ISIS; "Experts" Have Questions

I have been reading about the Australian raids on some domestic would-be head-choppers.  These raids haven't gotten the sort of attention they deserve. In my view, PM Abbott has it exactly right when he said that the raids were "a show of force, they needed to be", and that the national security challenge to Australia was "more serious today than at any time in the past".

Well, instead of praising the quick and decisive action by Australian intel and security organizations, the usual "experts" say the raids "raise questions." We have "terrorism 

experts questioning "whether [ISIS] had the capacity or inclination to sustain a terror campaign so far from the Middle East." 

I see, Mr. Expert. So those are the questions we need to ask? I think a better one is, who exactly are these "experts"? 

What kind of "capacity or inclination" is needed by a fanatical bunch of thugs who claim to be out to conquer the world and make everybody convert to Islam or die? What sort of sophisticated and expensive logistics are we talking about? We are dealing with people, e.g., Al Qaeda, ISIS/ISIL, who rely on the Western mass and social media to spread their message and images for free around the world. We are talking about people who specialize in attacking civilians, the unarmed, the helpless, and in torturing and killing them with knives and axes. 

All these psychotics need is to have pockets of supporters in the right places. Guess what? They have them in the Muslim communities that have set up shop in all Western countries. 

There are questions to be asked, but the "experts" are not asking them. The real questions are more along the following lines: What kind of insane immigration policies have allowed these Muslims into Australia? What benefit accrues to Australia to allowing followers of a brutal, totalitarian creed to enter Australia, enjoy all sorts of freedoms and free goodies, and who then express their appreciation by plotting to behead Australians?

Let us not forget the other "experts" and "analysts" such as the one trotted out by the BBC who makes this valuable contribution,

The news of an alleged plot to publicly behead a random Australian will shock many people here, including the vast majority of this country's long-established moderate Muslim community. 
Many Muslims are unhappy with what's going on in Iraq and Syria but would never resort to violence. These raids risk antagonising the broader Islamic community.
We are back to the 99% argument and the persistent refusal to acknowledge that the problems are Islam and that countries such as Australia, UK, US, Canada, Netherlands, Spain, France, Belgium, etc., have a "broader Islamic community." 


  1. Ahem........

    All these psychotics need is to have pockets of supporters in the right places. Guess what? They have them in the Muslim immigrant communities that have set up mosques in all Western countries

    I believe in freedom of religion, but Islam is a lifestyle not merely a religion.

    Well done Australia, I look forward to the day when Canada uses equally robust methods to remove some of the nutters (that would include so-called imams) from our midst.

    1. Islam is not a religion, it is a totalitarian ideology bent on world domination. We fought the Nazis, now, finally, the West, the World, must confront this particular enemy.

    2. You call it totalitarian ideology (I would not disagree) I called it a lifestyle. The point I made (very badly) is that these people are being radicalized by the teachings at the mosques/madrassahs, and therefore western governments should not be too squeamish about raiding or shutting down the mosques/madrassahs (school) if it can be shown that such teachings are contrary to the preservation of peace and good order. That should include the teachings related to the treatment of women eg the size of stick that can be used to beat them, but the feminists seem oddly silent on these subjects.
      In fact a more astute government might have announced the raids were in part carried out to prevent wife beating then see if the "experts" howled so loudly.

    3. Cascadian--you may have a point if the raids were about "wife beating". But I'll bet that before long, the "experts" will be questioning if the raids are against pedophilia. Cultural sensitivity and "children's rights", you know.

    4. The wife beating angle wouldn't work because the experts would claim that it is culturally acceptable

    5. I suppose there are religions which aren't also lifestyles, but certainly the abrahamic religions are all 'entire life commitment'.
      Yeah, people in those religions are free to 'not' do that, but the pinnacle is to live/eat/breathe/poop the faith. In that context, there's no real distinction.

      Perhaps there's a distinction between what's religious (abominable stuff) and what's cultural (more such abominable stuff), but again, there's little point in an analysis which separates the when there's no evidence of separation in the world other than in theory.

      - reader #1482

    6. I would actually like to hear the feminists make that argument Menai Pete, it would reveal there utter disconnection from reality.
      But lets stick to the major point, islamic mosques/madrassahs have been revealed in Iraq, Gaza, London and for all I know many other places as weapons caches and places of radicalization, why are they treated as holy places?

    7. How do you do, Robert of Ottawa?

      "Islam is not a religion, it is a totalitarian ideology bent on world domination." Why can't it be both? And a lifestyle (hi, Cascadian) and an entire life commitment (hi, 1482) a floor wax as well? I think we agree that religion or not, its freedom of religion does not protect its beheading activities, even inchoate ones.

      Hello, Menai Pete!

      The Australian criminal code must be 'way different from even the Californian one if it really, truly has a "culturally acceptable" justification, excuse, or mitigation of crime.

    8. Just for grins, I looked up justification and excuse of domestic abuse in Australian law.

      As it turns out, not only do cultural norms make no appearance, the definition of abuse has kind of spread out and incorporated feminist approaches--absolutely appropriately, of course!--to the point that actual innocence is no excuse. Well, not really, but only just barely.

      However, I don't claim that the same applies to murder, such as honor killings, so there's that.

    9. "I suppose there are religions which aren't also lifestyles, but certainly the abrahamic religions are all 'entire life commitment'."

      I think some guy once said something about "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's…"

      Not the same as Islam. Which means "submission," of course

  2. "I believe in freedom of religion, but Islam is a lifestyle not merely a religion."

    Even if it was just a religion (aren't they all lifestyles?) it would make no difference to the nature of the problem. Freedom of religion must go both ways within classic liberal thought. If we have one religion that refuses to co-exist peacefully with other religions, there is no particular reason why they deserve any religious freedom themselves. Liberalism (in the classic sense) is not intended to be a suicide pact, in which we are obliged to tolerate head-hackers in our midst.

    1. Just so, Mr. M.

      I believe in freedom of religion unless the way you worship your God is to kill me. Or even kill someone else--even your own family. I'm picky that way.

      For that reason, I would be willing to write an explicit exception into the First Amendment for the Mohammedan religion.

  3. You know what makes it real easy for people with axes and machetes to kill you? Not having a gun. Bet a lot of people down under are rethinking that decision.


    1. What happened to all the firearms the state collected a few years ago?
      In the long run, all governments want their peasants unarmed.

    2. All of the confiscated weapons were put to the torch.

  4. Well, from what Popular Front and I were discussing last night, these Muslim groups sure do know how to play the "victim" without missing a heartbeat. Western nations have seen this movie before, during the Cold War and during WW2. The peaceful neighbor who is a proper family man, who secretly behaves otherwise. He hides within the freedoms of his host country and then acts against it.

    1. YOU an enemy of the people? If you are old enough, maybe an enemy to young people--you're just to expensive.

      Hope I haven't aged you too much?

  5. You realize Mr. Mad that the majority of these experts are former marriage counselors.
    James the Lesser

    1. Very droll, Mr. the Lesser. :-)

    2. And as astute in identifying our present problems and proposing solutions as they were in their former professions.

  6. Abbott effectively pre-empted these so called experts when he said that all that was needed for the planned attack was someone willing to kill, a knife and iPhone.

    1. Abbott effectively pre-empted these so called experts when he said, "Nicknames, nicknames. Now, on the St. Louis team we have Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know is on third--"

    2. And Costello says: "Oliver's army is here to stay /Oliver's army are on their way / And I would rather be anywhere else / But here today"

    3. I love Abbott & Costello.

    4. Too right Brett, they were very funny guys who didn't need profanity or smutty innuendo to get the laughs. Honing their act onstage certainly helped, if you weren't any good in vaudeville you were booed off the stage.

  7. Shouldn't someone complement Diplomad on his new style of page and text display? The two tone display is very stylish. Not just any host would have done this for us.

    1. Argh! I don't know how that happened. I pressed some button I shouldn't have and couldn't get rid of this goofy FX.

    2. it's a real beauty... Internetting like it's 1999!

      - reader #1482

  8. Touching things you shouldn't eh, I'll shall avert my eyes.
    James the Lesser

  9. destroying the pocket muslim communities in western states would and will be satisfying

  10. The news of an alleged plot to publicly behead a random Australian will shock many people here [no doubt], including the vast majority of this country's long-established moderate Muslim community [we know this how?].

    Many Muslims are unhappy with what's going on in Iraq and Syria [(1) unhappy with how much success IS is having, or how much resistance it's getting? etc? (2) we know this how?] but would never resort to violence. These raids risk antagonising the broader Islamic community [(1) we know this how? (2) this matters why?].

    1. I'd swear that our liberal media has been foisted upon the world in order to neuter movements like radical islam. At every step they apologize for unacceptable behavior and declare "this is not *real* ". It's lame and failing attempts at propaganda.

      From now on, I think I'll read all these articles with a dangling "or else".
      ie, "Many Muslims are unhappy with what's going on"... or else...

      - reader #1482

  11. Well said, 129. I don't think we've met before, but now I've got your number.

    You're right: these thugs cannot be deported from Australia unless--as I hope--Australia is prepared to deport them from this mortal coil.

    They seek martyrdom, after all, so that would be a win-win.

  12. Progress in Canada

    it seems the old empire is awakening. I have no expectations that yUK or sadly USA will try to defend itself.

  13. Much nice to see the enemy being called by its name: satan's own cult bandit gang called mohammadan's islam, none else. When you can google it, be it in hours or days, don't miss Judge Janine's opening statement for tonight, 9-20-14, it will be worth the trouble. She stated what I've been saying to friends, find alternate ways to communicate, all individuals should be aware of attack at any time anywhere, to your neck with a knife, or worse, or with a gun, as happened to Brandon and way more. We in America have at least dozens of deadly enemy operatives in Boston alone, many more everywhere else, and traveling cross country, even in little nooks and cranny towns, like mine. I saw one with what looked like death in his eyes bolting down food, he saw my eyes, returning the hatred. And so it is today. We all know who is responsible for this, he lives in a big white house. Interestingly it was breached by a pedestrian today, as I understand it, so far.

    Judge Janine heroically nails the truth of living in America today. It does indeed remind me of WW2, and living in America, on guard. We each one of us, are today in a state of war, in our homes, streets, and businesses.


  14. By the way, clearly Judge Janine was definitely in a war at home right now theme, without doubt, and well about time. Personally, I along with most intelligent well informed individuals, know well the individual in the white house is one of them, our enemy, always has been since childhood. Which explains so much that is evil and wrong with national and global policy, these bad years, among his low IQ and general ignorance about everything except who he protects among the enemy, his brothers, and his brothers as well by themselves.

    I am beyond fed up with these excuses for humanoids. I look for the days where we see and perform the heroic accomplishments of Tepes, Martel, and Sobiesky, as well as the heroic endeavors of the Crusaders, no matter, but with real successes. Pound them all back into the desert crab holes they crawled out of, on the fields of black oil, and heroin fields of evil.

    I no longer care about PC, it's over for me, They are as we all good people know. Nazis on steroids calling themselves islamics , with no religion whatsoever, just a fraud excuse to get them into the gates manned by complete fools. They are satan's disciples, each and every one, including the so called moderates, not.

    I am proud to have as a friend one who runs the fight globally behind the lines, to save those possible, And my firm belief is we must have a VOA type global effort to help contribute to truth about satan-islam and the alternative of goodness, to join the human race, for once in their shameful mohammadan lives, everywhere.


  15. Latest news from the Antipodes: New Zealand voters have delivered a thundering, saliva-draped raspberry (Bronx Cheer to our American friends) to leftist politics by electing, for the third time Prime Minster John Key's National Party government (read 'conservative') with a 61 seat absolute majority which means they govern in their own right without having to kiss any ass of the minority/loonie parties.
    Well Bob it seems the Commonwealth nations are breaking the shackles of entrenched leftism. Allowing for the differences in the US system, I hope america can do the same, the world will be so much the better for it.

    1. I saw that. More positive news. We are working on doing the same here. The odds are at best 50/50 as so much of our culture has rotted under the stacked deck of the Left. After 28 more months of what we have, people may finally see clearly. Another 4 years like the past 6 will be unthinkable. The world can't stand another strain of the same virus.

    2. gDay Whitewall, just a silly point but if we here Down Under - Australia and New Zealand - are known as the 'Antipodes' (a term I've always hated btw), does that make Great Britain and Europe the 'Podes"?

    3. Both terms are awkward I think. Sounds like they should be associated with zoology or something. Britain is relieved and Europe is, well, Europe....clusterflop.

  16. Dorner had the cops running scared here on the West Coast for several days. What happens if a bunch of true believers decide to shoot up a mall? Ah, never happen, right? The Westgate Mall Massacre was just more "workplace violence" and not jihad. No big deal.


  17. What, exactly, is wrong with antagonising the broader Muslim community ?

    I say, let's threaten them. Let's turn the table on them, and make them afraid, very afraid.

    All that boasting about Allah's protection will only go so far. Human nature is not that different the world over.

    1. That, in itself is not a bad idea, Robert. Hitler could have been stopped dead in his tracks in 1936 when he re-occupied the Rhineland with just a few infantry battalions who were under strict orders to scuttle back across the Rhine if they met any show of force from the French (occupying) Army.
      Alas, the appeasers got their way but think on this: while Hitler was rattling his sabres and talking tough, if France, Britain, Poland and Czechoslovakia had banded together, they could have said to Hitler/Germany "you keep this shit up and we'll crush you like a bug" which they were perfectly capable of doing.
      At the time The French Army was the most powerful in the world and they had many more (and better) tanks than the krauts and many many more combat aircraft too. The Czechs also had a powerful army and their equipment was second to none, in fact the Waffen-SS was still using Czecho tanks and hardware as late as 1944.
      My point is; if the so-called 'moderate muslims' (oxymoron, emphasis being on 'moron') refuse to condemn the extremists amongst their number then fine, they're all in the same boat and subject to reprisals over the next poor boob who gets his head cut off.
      I'm not crazy but I see a war of extermination coming and soon.
