Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Democrats Doing What They Do Best: Lynch Mobs

A quick note on Ferguson.

The Grand Jury has refused (rightly so) to indict police officer Wilson for shooting Michael Brown. This normally would be a little story. Not much new, unfortunately: stoned street thug who happens to be black robs convenience store and then assaults police officer who happens to be white and who shoots him dead.

Our Imperial President, his Attorney General, and the liberal/progressive media spin machine, however, couldn't leave it alone. Instead of reporting something along the lines of how unfortunate it was for a young man to die because of his stupid actions, they turned it into a race war. We now see the consequences of what that means on the streets of Ferguson, and, I suspect, soon in other cities. Frustrated in their attempts to generate racial war with the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman incident in Florida, the progressives returned to the battle in Ferguson. They have succeeded this time. People will die for nothing except to further the progressive narrative.

We shouldn't be surprised. The Democrats have been organizing and leading lynch mobs for 150 years.

Lynch mobs were originally led by white Democrats; now they are led by black Democrats.

In the progressive mind, that is progress!


  1. Supposed to be visiting St. Louis with family in a couple weeks.. really hope this quiets down, as it's pretty close to the airport. Important stuff, can't cancel, but don't want our kids seeing this wanton violence either. Hopefully they'll take the route of the occupy people and go home because it's too cold.
    - reader #1482

    1. "... don't want our kids seeing this wanton violence ..." Why not? I watched the 1967 Detroit riots as a child and the experience forever taught me about the road to Hell and how it was built. It also gave me a well-founded fear of mobs and the need to be armed. Civilization is a thin veneer over barbarianism and a riot is a good way to understand why.

    2. Detroit never really recovered from those riots.

  2. As time goes by it becomes harder and harder to distinguish the Communist Party and the Democrat Party, and harder and harder to separate Charles (“Helter-Skelter”) Manson’s and Eldridge Cleaver’s ideology from Holder's and Obama’s ideology.

  3. This is iron-clad proof that there is no middle ground for compromise with the progressive left. Wilson is a hero for protecting the community, and he should be treated as one. Would they instead crucify an innocent man - yes.

    The left is the enemy. Obama is the enemy. The media is the enemy. The RINO leadership is the enemy.

    Conservative leaders must lead. Conservative followers must follow. Everything is slipping away. Going, going, ....

  4. The Devil and his minions -- Making the evil doers appear good and the good doers appear evil.

    I never expected national surrender would occur without a fight. Too bad.

  5. Weighing in at nearly 300 pounds, being used to bullying his way through situations like assaulting the store clerk after stealing cigars, Michael Brown then goes on to assault the officer and tries to take his gun. Hmmmmmm. A fool and his life are soon parted. This whole Ferguson/black "victim" hood charade is disgusting in the extreme!!

  6. I suspect the media/liberals/blacks and others will do their usual agitprop but I also suspect more and more of America has tuned them out. After all, so much of middle America voted for Obama and have gained absolution. They're through.

    1. I never sought absolution via voting for the O. I never voted for him for President, and wouldn't have voted for him had I remained in Illinois.

      All these people who get all guilty about slavery are indulging in a perverse kind of social climbing. Think of it: by proclaiming "we" imposed slavery, all these offspring of vintage 1880's Scandinavian homesteaders in the Dakotas, 1900-vintage Jewish garment workers on the Lower East Side, Italian push-cart vendors a few blocks away can all claim to be the peers of the old Virginia and Carolina Tidewater Aristocracy or Baaaaahston's old Codfish Aristocracy who owned the slave ships. You know, those folks who used to call us Snussgrinders, Hebes, and Wops.

      When will someone ask how the O can be the "black" president when, as a scion of East African Muslims, his folks were hunting, capturing, and selling slaves to the Middle East long after the last American slave owners were ruined in the Civil War?

    2. Kepha, darned good questions. Why does he maintain a tight circle containing himself, Michelle, Valerie Jarrett and Eric Holder? Holder's replacement you know has been "read in" as to her function. It seems these people are a "payback" squad or something. I don't think uncomfortable questions are going to be allowed, much less answered.

      I do know that Ferguson is how they create a Detroit, Gary, Newark and so on.

  7. -Democrats Doing What They Do Best: Lynch Mobs-

    i found this funny

    >Loretta Lynch, a Nominee for Attorney General, Is Praised for Substance, Not Flash<

  8. I did not see a single Mexican or Central America face among this mob.Probably they all have jobs to go to in the morning.Is that going to be the next reason for black riots?

    1. It's getting crowded on the plantation. The over seerers have to keep everyone happy. Tough job. Those that see the light of freedom and find a way to jump the fence are hunted down without mercy by their own people.

    2. Obomber and co. are pyromaniacs. The black and Hispanic groups are at odds with each other and they incite each.

    3. Ain't necessarily so, Robert of Ottawa, that the blacks and Hispanics are at each others' throats. My wife and I once visited a congregation of a very conservative denomination here in the States. Most were white, but about 25-30% of the people there were black, and there were quite a few Latin people--including the young man preaching (in unaccented English).

      Every so often, I get cynical and think that something like the Ferguson incident or the Zimmerman case get seized upon so professional race-baiters on the Left can plausibly deny that a lot of progress has been made over the last forty years. And they won't seize on an all white jury in Texas handing down a couple of death sentences on white supremacists who dragged a black hitchhiker to death behind their pickup truck--except to excorciate then-governor George W. Bush (who didn't even pretend to be gone fishing when the appeal for executive clemency reached him) for not declaring the case a "hate crime".

  9. There are people who seek the American Dream and then there are people who seek the Alinsky/Stalin dream. There are people who want only to be judged by the content of their character and there are people who seek to be on top. And, if history is any guide, there are people on the sidelines ready to sign on with whoever wins.

    1. Interesting that had Saul Alinsky lived in Russia, he probably would've disappeared into Stalin's Gulags. I say this only to observe that every so often, a cannibal eats someone who needs eating; not to mitigate the baleful influence people like Alinsky have had in our country.

  10. This piece lays out pretty much what is going on.


