Sunday, February 28, 2016

Madness On GITMO

It seems your president is out to secure his "legacy" achievements regardless of the cost to our nation. His past achievements include, of course, unprecedented debt and unemployment; disastrous Obamacare; relentless promotion of gay marriage; "ending" wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; "democratization" of Libya; recognition of the vile and putrid Castro dictatorship; surrender to Iran's ayatollahs; gutting our military; destruction of what remained of our immigration system and laws; exacerbating racial tensions to a level not seen in decades--and, of course, winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Those, of course, are just some of the more successful ones. He also sought to bring down the second amendment through his murderous "Fast and Furious" operation; install the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt; and sell-out Israel. Is there nothing this man can't or attempt to do in his ceaseless drive to undermine the USA and the West? Will he try for yet another laurel for his legacy?

The answer is . . . yes, but you knew that. Maybe another Nobel is in the offing?

In the waning days of his calamitous reign, The One now seeks to empty and close the prison in Guantanamo Bay. Why? Ah, yes, because it serves as a recruitment tool for the Islamic crazies that besiege us from Sydney to San Bernardino to Boston to New York to London to Madrid to Paris to Berlin to Moscow to Jerusalem to, to, to etcetera, etcetera, etcetera . . .  And the evidence for that assertion? Uh, well, how about nowhere to be found? Now, I have to say that we cannot blame this fallacious train of thought entirely on Obama-Clinton-Kerry. Under George W. Bush, let's remember, a pretty good president most of the time, we began to hear this tale about Guantanamo serving as a recruiting device for Al Qaeda and the other Islamic gangsters of the world. Sen McCain (of course) was one of the propagators of this line and a leader in calls to close Gitmo. Bush lamely went along, and said it would be a good thing to close the facility.

There, of course, is zero evidence that Guantanamo serves as a recruiting device for ISIS and other Islamic terror organizations. The only ones who repeat that silly line are the doyens of the Western media, and assorted progressive politicians in the West. The stories about torture of prisoners at Gitmo are rubbish put out by the terrorists' lawyers (yes, they have lawyers) and by anti-American politicians and commentators. I have been to Gitmo twice; I visited the prison there and talked to guards and the ICRC rep based there--yes, the Red Cross has a person based there. The prisoners are nasty sorts who threaten the guards, try to find out their names and then use the lefty lawyers to harass the guards' families back in the States. When I was there none of the guards had his or her name on his or her uniform; they had strict orders not to engage the prisoners in any sort of conversation. The Gitmo prison facility is much nicer and more pleasant than what you will find in a typical high security prison anywhere in the US, UK, Europe, Australia, Canada, or, ahem, Russia or China. It is an escape-proof facility--an escapee has nowhere to go, as even Raul Castro has vowed to return any escapee to US custody. It is the ideal prison for the sort of bastards who got picked up in GWOT.

Leave Gitmo open.  


  1. I agree. Leave it open. Fill the damn thing with Obama, Biden, Clinton, Kerry, Holder, Lynch, etc etc. Pretty much the entire political appointed level. If we can't jail foreign enemy combatants, then by God we can jail their domestic aiders abettors and enablers.

  2. The closure of Guantanamo will very likely serve as a recruiting device for ISIS and other Islamic terror organizations.

    Which would be important if our president were against that.

  3. I care about the religious needs of those incarcerated at Gitmo. As I understand it, devout Muslims are supposed to visit Mecca at some point.

    I say we take them part way there.

    Have their C130 turn back over the middle of the Atlantic after dropping them off to make the rest of the way themselves.

    Green Bear

  4. Perhaps you could have a competition? What to do with a few dozen Muslims. Ought to be fun.

  5. There's a tautological consistency... if we're not 'at war', how can we have 'prisoners of war'? Some of this stems from the lack of recognition that there's a very large section of the world at war with the US and the west. As I think this esteemed blog paraphrased: "We can't just decide not to be at war, the enemy gets a vote."

    I'm glad to hear from someone who's actually been to gitmo. My personal fear is that Obama will simply direct the treasury department not to transfer the annual lease payment for the Guantanamo Bay lease and then declare that the entire naval base must be removed for non-payment.

    - reader #1482

  6. Another advantage of Gitmo is that it is not on US soil. If Obozo succeeds on bringing the prisoners to a US prison facility, they will have to be treated, legally, as if they were US citizens. That includes a right to a speedy trial. How do you put these killers on trial? What rules of evidence apply? Witnesses? Miranda Rights? What a can of worms. I predict they will have to be released--and pretty quickly.

    Love this blog!

  7. Honey rose is a crazy person living in the mountains of Santa Cruz.

  8. "Can of Worms" indeed!
    And when they release this cadre of trained terrorists into the general prison population of wannabe homegrown terrorists, I expect the Farrakhan brigades will be ready to stoke the fires of hate and discontent in the 'Belly of the Beast'! Wait One. . . is that Mitt Romney saddling up to 'come to the aid of the party'? Oh Joy! Can the legions of Joseph Smith's polygametes be far behind? sarc/off...

    On Watch
    "Let's Roll"

  9. The lefties want to close Gitmo and bring them to the US? Fine, I'm willing to offer this compromise: Let's move them from Guantanamo Bay to Prudhoe Bay. Instead of letting them, and their leftist cheerleaders, stay on a Caribbean island, let them visit tundra.

    1. yeah, just seems ridiculous that people pay $200, or $500+ per night for that kind of tropical atmosphere... and our prisoners are staying there.

    2. Be sure the guards get rotated out periodically, and get an incentive pay. As for the terrorists, let them go home by walking across the melting arctic ice.

  10. Perhaps a double tap for each of the remaining detainees, followed by a shark feast. Problem solved. Lots of room for a new batch.

    1. I understand those people tend to give sharks a bad bout of stomach gas.

    2. B-U-R-P!
      Not to mention the runs~~~


  11. My little fantasy is to take the 9/11 ones and load them up in a capsule and launch them into the sun. Oxygen supply not required. But, I always come back to while a satisfying spectacle it is a garish display of power and certainly go along ways into making them martyrs. So the lethal injection and burial with a pig carcass seems like a good compromise.

  12. Election nite music:
    James the Lesser

  13. It's been awhile since you posted this, but here's my two cents: he wants to "close Gitmo" so he can give the whole base away to the Cubans. Don't think he'd let anything like a House or Senate stand on his way. Hrs got a PEN!
