Sunday, March 27, 2016

Oh, the Stooooooooopidity!!!!

Quick note.

I have been hit by some nasty digital comments re a memo of mine that appeared in one of the Hillary "What Difference Does it Make?" Clinton bathroom closet server dumps. A few of my things have shown up, but this one in particular seems to have attracted the ire of some really very stupid people--people who prove that not all stupidity comes from left field. You can go here and read some of these comments.

They respond to a little light-hearted unclassified note I wrote years ago when I served at the OAS (Organization of American States) and sent to the Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs (WHA). You can read that ancient memo here in its full leaked glory. The original recipient sent it to Cheryl Mills and others in the Hilary inner circle, and, apparently, it went on to the then-Secretary of State where it lodged in her illicit server.

The memo concerned the state of play in long-forgotten talks on Honduras's political situation in the wake of the removal of their President by their courts and their military. The note was written after a very long day (18-20 hours) and had as a closing line, "With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . ."

It seems some people, to judge from their comments, take that line literally, and as proof that I was somehow involved in a Satanic cult at State.

First, let me reassure one and all that no chicken or rabbit was actually harmed in the writing of the memo. I, in fact, do not have a rabbit's foot, and, furthermore, did not sacrifice a chicken in my backyard to Moloch. While I have eaten a lot of them, I have never sacrificed chickens, goats, lambs, or cattle to any idol or false god in my backyard, or anywhere else . . . way too wasteful of expensive protein.

Second, I was not involved in any Satanic cult at State--they wouldn't have me because I did not belong to AFSA (American Foreign Service Association), AKA, the "union."

Third, I did not then nor do I now worship at the altar of Moloch, Ba'al, Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness, Satan, or at that of his representatives on earth, the Democratic Party.

Now, please . . . move on!


  1. I'd like to say I am shocked that anyone could be so stupid as to take that painfully obvious joke seriously but I'm not shocked. Some people really are that stupid.

    Thanks for not being one of them!

  2. Lol. What a non-denial denial. I see you specifically left off your list vegetables and food sacrificed to idols by other people. I look forward to Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz denouncing you as a satanic rat copulator.

    1. My PAC, over which I have no control, will respond accordingly . . .

  3. You also forgot to forswear Phil, the Prince of Insufficient Light as well. He of the wooden spoon.

    1. and Mong the Merciless!

  4. Hi Jack here, after a long absence on comments. I suppose that greeting in another ten or twenty years (as I sound the final "death rattles" (technical medical term)) of hyper vigilance, will get me into embarrassment or trouble too, for not using the usually obligatory comma, just to be pissy, oops beg pardon.

    Dip, that gave me one of the best laughs I've enjoyed in a c***** age, in case that's now another no-no. And I need one. A laugh that is.

    Yup, it is difficult to understand, on the one hand, but how far have we come, considering what happened 2016 years ago, sort of this weekend, at the capable hands of the Romans? Now they want to include the 'joker' in their wilding.

    And so the anger of the rabble spreads, wildly. Pure zombies.

    Your denial of complicity was indeed a hoot. And as another long time associate of yours here, I had better be off "With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . ." and even to ULLR.

    By the way, at this point, what does it really matter?

    Ah, sweet!!!! Let's 'foul up' the interweb ship of fools!!!!
    Jack I am

  5. It takes the 'combined ignorance' of a group of reddit users to really say something stupid.

    - reader #1482

  6. what is that old saying..something is only skin deep, but STUPID is forever..

    1. "Ignorance can be fixed. Stupid is forever." Old trainers' saying.

  7. When I have described the summer when we collected snails from our garden for food, I've been accused of joking in bad taste about poor little creatures.

    Actually, they didn't taste too bad - just like French snails they tasted of butter, parsley, garlic and rubber - and it really was better that we ate them than that they ate our lettuces.

    1. I don't remember where I learned this, but, to prepare wild snails for the table, place them on a large tray covered with flour. They will move around the tray consuming the flour and, when their spoor turns white, it is time for the garlic, parsley and butter.

    2. Snail darters taste nummy with butter and garlic. Tastes like liberal tears.

    3. I'm partial to spotted owl myself. ;)

    4. Another thing that works, Potts old horse, is to put the snails in a bucket with a source of food (some outer lettuce leaves are fine) and a bit of water. Replace the water from time to time until you are confident that any nasties in the snails have been washed out; two or three days seemed to be long enough for us.

      In the end we decided that the protein/effort ratio was too low, but we've enjoyed enormously making peoples' skins crawl by telling our tale. We also used to make the implausible boast that since our house stands on a Roman Road the snails were probably descendants of some ancient Roman high cuisine variety. Some people gave evidence of believing this absurd leg-pull. Probably readers of the Guardian, I'd think.

    5. I learned it as corn meal for the last meal of the poor little beggars.

  8. Damn it, everybody, even the most rural of rubes, knows it's GOATS to Moloch and chickens to AHRIMAN. No wonder our foreign policy is a disaster.

  9. I see much merriment coming from this thread.

    By the way, for those who actually believe Diplomad sacrificed a chicken..well, they should have been thrilled Diplomad only sacrificed a chicken, because sacrificing a child is the usual method of worshiping Moloch.


    1. Hmmm . . . so that's why Moloch has never answered me . . .

    2. Well, liberal progressives are rather childlike. But you didn't hear that from me......


  10. Well good for you that your attempt at levity elicited a response of sorts. None of mine ever got the slightest response, and lord knows, there are times when wading through ponderous traffic really calls for some light-hearted rejoinder.

    I remember being in a small Latin American nation when the Teasury Department sent a notice to all diplomatic posts alerting us about the issuance of a new design of $100 bill, and asking us to alert our contacts (especially banks) that the new design was legitimate. I wrote back and explained our task would be made easier if they would ship us a box of the new bills to show around. Did that get even a titter out of Washington? Hah!

    Oh well.

    1. Actually, knowing Washington, I'm surprised the didn't seen you a few "samples."


    2. the = they seen - send

      Wow, the typos ran wild in that one short sentence.


    3. Many, many years ago I wrote a cable about the growing rapprochment between India and Israel and titled it, "The New Kosher Delhi." Not a chuckle, just a terse note saying humor is not appreciated.

    4. Hey, when I was stationed in Guangzhou, I every so often had to write a cable of miscellaneous things which we called "The Dim Sum (点心) Cable". And I don't think there were any of us there who didn't like Cantonese cooking!

  11. hmmm if my scroll of ritual is correct you were supposed to pass virgin girls to Molech where is that scroll hmmm it must have been lost while I was smokin ziggurats back in babalyon had to give it up was up to over two a day btw moolech apparently only takes kids hmmm when that that tablet get superseeded?

    reader 14


  12. Okay Lewis, reading that thread hurt what's left of my brain. Of course, why am I surprised, after all it's the Internet, source of all knowledge and power.


    1. Please don't do anything that might impede your ability to run your blog. I love that blog!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. As a former junior FSO and a serious student of the Bible, I got the reference to Moloch--as well as the somewhat punchy sense of humor FSO's tend to have at the end of a long day.

    BTW,@Anonymous above, it wasn't virgin girls they sacrificed to Moloch, but a woman's firstborn, if male. The Israelites were forbidden to participate in such a rite; they did anyway; and hence the Babylonian Captivity and diaspora (prooftext: a lot from Leviticus to the end of II Kings--and I say Second Kings instead of Two Kings, just to prove my bonafides. ;).

    1. ahh that explains the cracked ritual tablet there was pass fir>gap< kid thought they had gone to goats again translations are tough when there aren't any vowels

      reader #14

  15. Is it common to include humor into official reporting, especially something that could go up the chain? I myself ran into getting the wrong kind of noticed for writing emails that included levity on the subject at hand, which were only supposed to be read by my immediate peers, but we all know how emails can be spread, and soon enough executives had seen it, and I got to be known as the funny picture guy. Oh and a member of the layoff list a short time later.

  16. Aha! I knew it! Just wait till I report back to Dr. Fu Manchu! All this time I suspected as much (which is why when I went to your site I always covered my eyes when reading. Can't be too careful you know.)
    James the Lesser (and wiser)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. "A joke is truth wrapped in a smile." -Sigmund Freud

    The interesting thing about good old Moloch is that so many of his acolytes serve unwittingly. BTW, Dianna Ortiz says hi!

    1. The average IQ on this comment board just dropped 80 points . . .

    2. I'll have you know I have a very respectable IQ (137 last time I checked), AND I'm capable of feeling empathy for people who look and think differently than I do! That's what really sets me apart here... Oh, that and my understanding of climate change.

    3. I can understand why an ideologue like you would label my factual defense against your ad hominem attack as being "immodest." You have so much more in common with the Muslim fundamentalists you hate than you'd care to admit to yourself...

    4. Aaaah, those that know their IQ number, but still must check on occasion....

    5. That's to learn when your IQ equals your age.

  19. It is truly a pity that stupid isn't excruciatingly painful.

  20. On a separate note:
    Greece is using muslims from war zones as pawns for eu money...(letting them through the borders.)
    Turkey (Erdoshit) is using oil money from terrorists to hold the eu and us hostage.
    One has to wish that we had a state dept and an executive that had a pair....and a big stick.
    instead we have one that forces men in combat to undergo sensitivity training and berates them about their MALE priviliges.


  21. well, sometime back Dip threatened to write about the ugly going-ons down in Guatemala. Has the statute of limitations expired?

  22. virgin girls...are there any available these days?

  23. I do not speak of worship, of course, but did you not have a high regard for Richard Perle?

    1. Indeed, he was The One Prince of Darkness I would follow . . .

    2. warcriminals watch. org/index. php/ the-culpable/36-the-culprits/85-richard-perl

  24. "Chicken" is pedo code for "child", "chicken little", "chicken run". You can joke about your blatant email all you want, mockery is one of your/yalls main tools. But, I'm not buying what you're selling, at all.
