Thursday, May 5, 2016

One More on Trump

I don't work for the Trump campaign, am not an employee of any Trump business, get no money from him or his businesses, and have seen him exactly once--about thirty years ago from across the street in Manhattan. I have said before that, despite my being a conservative/libertarian and he not being one, I will vote for Trump. He was not my first choice, and I had serious doubts he could go the distance. I don't know if he can beat the Horrid Hillary, and nobody else knows either, including all those highly paid and voluble bien pensants who predicted he would not win the GOP nomination, or at best would face a horribly contested convention next July in Ohio. I will vote for Trump in the California primary; it's important for people to vote despite the suspension of the Cruz and Kasich campaigns to ensure that the GOP delegates go to Trump. I will vote for Trump in November.

I have been reading and listening to comments from the "NEVER TRUMP" crowd and from folks in the Democratic party gearing up for the campaign. People have the right to vote for whomever they wish for whatever reasons they have, and have the right to refrain from voting. I do not believe in mandatory voting. Some of the stuff, however, said against Trump makes no sense. Fascist? Really? Do people who use that term know what it means? Trump is another Mussolini, Hitler, or Mosley? What nonsense. What indications has he given of being a fascist? None.

He is a racist? Really? Do people who use that slur know what racism looks like, how racists act? Trump has done nothing to suggest he is a racist. An acquaintance of mine wrote to me and said "Look what he said about Mexicans being rapists." Really? That's your best shot? For years the progressive media has regaled with stories in print and electronic media about the horrors endured by illegal aliens from Central America as they cross through Mexico. One of the most commonly reported atrocities is gang rape of Central American women in Mexico. Let's see if the precious progressive snowflakes can figure out who is doing the raping of these women in Mexico . . . Mormons from Utah? Klansmen from South Carolina? Trump was reflecting the press reports about these atrocities. If they aren't happening, then the progressives should take it up with the media. By the way, when I worked in Guatemala, I interviewed lots of Guatemalans who had made the trek across Mexico to the USA, and they confirmed the stories of horrid treatment by officials and private criminals.

I see no indication that he hates, denigrates, insults, or disregards black Americans. He is talking about jobs being lost to illegal aliens; that affects Americans of all ethnicities and colors. That is a fact.

When I hear Hillary talking about the need to "tear down barriers, and not build walls" I almost get physically ill. This is a woman who for decades now has lived behind walls, fences, and armed guards, and ridden in limos and special aircraft. I am sure she locks her house at night, and the guards outside have real bullets in real guns. Trump is not talking about a wall to keep out Americans; he's talking about one to keep out illegal migrants, drug dealers and other criminals. Nothing wrong with that.

Anyhow, I don't want to go on. Let me just say, there is a lot that Trump can be criticized about--e.g., some might not like his prescription for taking on the trade issue--but let's keep the criticism grounded in reality. Too much to ask? Probably.


  1. I'm OK with Trump being a bit of Mussolini. Mussolini would have died in bed and probably popular if Hitler had not come along. I don't think he is but the more violent the opposition, the more temptation might be. I have no idea what he will do but it can't be worse than what we have. Ben Rhoades, Obama's national security advisor who has a degree in fiction writing, is now bragging about lying about the Iran deal.

    1. Popular or not, he was a monster and anyone who doesn't mind a bit of a monster needs to step back and rethink things a little.
      What he did to Ethiopia alone would have stood out as an atrocity for the ages were it not dwarfed by the era defining and incomprehensible crimes of Hitler, Stalin and Mao.

      Just because he was a bit of a pygmy monster compared to the giants astride the earth in those days doesn't change his essential and quite evil character.

      I have no illusions about Hillary and recognize she is riding shotgun with the devil, if not Beelzebub herself, and I will gladly vote for Trump over her. One of the reasons I will is precisely because the charges of neo-fascism are so patently ridiculous as the author notes. The good thing is the more over the top the criticism the more popular he seems to become.

  2. I´m all in for Trump.

    I mean, how the Hell could he POSSIBLY do ANY WORSE

    than Hillary or the RINOs ?!?

    1. Wow. It's gotten so bad, that all we're asking for is "not any worse"? Wow.

  3. No Mussolini wouldn't have. He decided to attack Albania and Greece on his own. Germany had to delay it's attack on Russia a month or two to clean up his mess. Plus I don't want a dictator in charge of the USA it's bad enough with Obama.

    1. Just because Ioannes Metaxas said "Ochi!" (no)

    2. "He decided to attack Albania and Greece on his own..."

      Not to mention his brutal invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 or 36.
      On the other hand he was fairly hostile to Hitler early on and was a bit if a wild card in who he would align with or wish to fight at any given moment.
      Ethiopia and the Brit/Frog reaction to it kind of permanently turned him toward Hitler.

  4. I have been a "free trader" based upon the notion that Smoot Hawley brought on the 1930's depression (an oft repeated argument). However, of late, I have been wondering how the world's second largest economy, China, can have equally onerous trade restrictions, yet no such economic disaster appears as a result. Maybe Trump is onto something?

    1. Wait a bit. The disaster is coming. I saw a report today that the Chinese government is muscling economists and reporters to report that the economy is doing well even though it isn't.

    2. (surprise) You mean to tell us the Central Planning Committee of a Communist Government could/would ever do such a thing?!!!

    3. Not too long ago, a Chinese economist, in a meeting which he thought would not leak its secrets, said that every province in China was a "Greece".

  5. The attacks on Trump are the typical leftist ad hominem; the truth is irrelevant, and they don't care if it doesn't stand up to analysis. They get the headline from a sympathetic media, and they know that low information voters will often see nothing more than the headline.

    And you have admit, if the dishonesty is put to one side, as a strategy, it is effective.

  6. "I don't work for the Trump campaign... " (My addendum: 'yet')
    Boy is there was a campaign that could use such experience and insight...

    But what do I know? Honestly, not all that much. I know there's a huge disconnect between what the establishment and media *think* Trump's campaign is about and what it actually *is* about. But that's about all in this regard.

    - reader #1482

  7. And Saudi Arabia is about to take a dive too.

    No tears from me about that. If Trump can make America strong and righteous again, I'm all for it (even though I don't live there, the world needs it, and Russia is the only country showing leadership at the moment).

  8. A President Trump would disappoint you. A President Rodham-Clinton wouldn't. She'd be just as vile as you'd expected.

    1. dearieme, this is when the devil you know is so bad you'll try the devil you don't know.

    2. Quite. That's my explanation for why people took a gamble on O when the alternative was the sorry McCain.

  9. I cannot in good conscience support HRC for POTUS under any scenario. If that means voting for Trump because any other vote - either for HRC or a unwinnable third party - will put HRC in, I'll hold my nose and vote for Trump. But if my prayers are answered and HRC is indicted, then it depends who the D's put up to replace her. Though the chances be slim to none, if the D's nominate a non-loony candidate like Webb or Malchin, I may have an alternative to Trump. But for both those things to happen? Not a chance. I'll just hold my nose and vote for Trump.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. How about if Trump picks Webb as VP ? That would throw the cat amongst the pigeons, eh ?

    3. Webb as VP would get my attention. I watched his expressions during a couple of Democrat debates and he looked like a man without a following, a party and even a recognizable country. Most Democrats would consider Webb an oddity within the party.

    4. Hillary won't be indicted, not if Obumbler has anything to say about it. The fix is in.

  10. "Some of the stuff, however, said against Trump makes no sense. Fascist? Really? Do people who use that term know what it means? Trump is another Mussolini, Hitler, or Mosley?"

    "What indications has he given of being a fascist?"

    There’s his 1990 interview with Playboy magazine:

    "That’s my problem with Gorbachev. Not a firm enough hand."

    "When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak …"

    There’s his admiration for Vladimir Putin:

    Per Business Insider: "I always felt fine about Putin," Trump said. "I think that he's a strong leader. He's a powerful leader … He's actually got a popularity within his country. They respect him as a leader."

    Trump said ‘it was a "great honor"’ to receive Putin's praise.

    In his interview with Joe Scarborough on “Morning Joe”:

    "Well, I mean, it's also a person who kills journalists, political opponents, and invades countries. Obviously that would be a concern, would it not?" Scarborough asked.

    "He's running his country, and at least he's a leader," Trump replied. "Unlike what we have in this country."

    "But again: He kills journalists that don't agree with him," Scarborough said.

    "I think our country does plenty of killing, also, Joe, so, you know," Trump replied. "... But you didn't ask me [that] question, you asked me a different question. So that's fine."

    Speaking of Freedom of the Press:

    Trump said on Friday. "We're going to open up libel laws, and we're going to have people sue you like you've never got sued before."

    TRUMP: I would just loosen them up.

    RUTH MARCUS: What does that mean?

    TRUMP: I’d have to get my lawyers in to tell you, but I would loosen them up. I would loosen them up. If The Washington Post writes badly about me – and they do, they don’t write good –
    … right now according to the libel laws I can do almost nothing about it because I’m a well-known person you know, etc., etc.

    He retweeted this famous quote by Mussolini: "It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep."

    He’s a popular candidate among White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis, and the KKK. He’s been officially endorsed by leadership in the KKK.

    Then there’s his positions on torture, war-crimes, killing civilians, and the U.S. military role in all of those things:

    ‘For months, he has promised that he would order the military to commit war crimes, torturing militants and targeting their families for execution. He was just as emphatic in promising that those orders would be followed.’

    “They’ll do what I tell them.”

  11. I just love it when people trot out 26 year old interviews by Trump and try to say it's his current point of view.

    I expect that there are things a President Trump would do that I might not like or support. I can't imagine supporting everything done by an office holder of any sort. And I suspect that there are times I might be disappointed by a President Trump.

    I will say this, he has more respect for the common men and women than most of the nose-in-the-air snobs that blog and write while calling themselves "conservatives". If the most recent "conservative" victories you can point to were during the Reagan administration, then your movement is already dead. We need someone in power that is willing to stick up for American citizens. We need someone to defend OUR rights, OUR jobs, OUR culture. And we need someone willing to fight for that. Trump has everything. He has money, power, nice family, beautiful wife. He is doing this to give back to the country. There have been times when we have had to rely on imperfect men. I always think about Ulysess S Grant. He was a failure at just about everything, but he was the general that Lincoln needed to win the war. I am more willing to give him my vote than I have any candidate in recent memory.

    1. Note that this is soon to become the 'rule' not the 'exception'.
      It used to be that people could shirk their past and go forward into a life of politics, with only the occasional skeleton in the closet coming up to rear its head like: "You were friends with WHO!?!?!?" "You said WHAT!?!?!"
      Now, anybody who spouted stupid stuff on social media when they were 18, will be living it down for the rest of their life.
      So in a way, Trump's high profile legacy is a precursor..

      - reader #1482

    2. General Grant made a pretty bad President Grant.

      The skill sets aren't the same.

  12. *Pretty good* article this WSJ piece. Yes I understand, "Paywall" but the way I got to it was, following the links provided via the Real Clear Politics website (in case this direct to WSJ doesn't work).


  13. Trump/Petraeus?
    I know he's made huge professional and personal mistakes, even if not to the level described in the muckraking... (If he'd been a Democrat, all of that would have been par for the course.)

    I don't know if I could handle Trump/Palin.. I had a much more positive impression of Palin until her Trump endorsement speech... which made her sound a bit off her rocker.

    Maybe he'll just go Trump/Trump... select himself as his VP candidate.. :)
    He's a breaker of rules, for sure.

    - reader #1482

  14. I have not seen anyone from the NeverTrump group argue that he is a fascist or a racist. The left makes that argument but the conservatives opposition to him says argues that he is unprincipled, incompetent , temperamentally unsuitable, has totalitarian instincts, has no respect for the Constitution, and does not value our historical alliances, all of which seems spot on.

    1. [T]he conservatives opposition to him says argues that he is unprincipled ...

      Here's Paul Ryan (at 2:14) saying on the House floor

      "Madam Speaker. This bill offends my principles but I'm gonna vote for this bill to preserve my principles."


  15. How does that argue that Trump is not unprincipled?

    1. It doesn't. It merely suggests he'll fit right in.


  16. Nuf said. Trump for king.

  17. One candidate has never read the constitution, couldn’t care less about it and doesn’t know what the truth is . The other candidate knows what the constitution and truth are, but views both as obstacles. It is difficult to say which is the lesser evil.

  18. One candidate has never read the constitution, couldn’t care less about it and doesn’t know what the truth is . The other candidate knows what the constitution and truth are, but views both as obstacles. It is difficult to say which is the lesser evil.
