Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Like an alcoholic pledging to stay away from the booze, I vow to avoid hearing, thinking, and writing about the ongoing presidential campaign. I have had enough.

The media is so reprehensible in the blatant effort to cover for Hillary Clinton that I can't stand it any more. I am voting for Trump; my mind is made up. Period. I know Hillary Clinton would be a disaster for our country and the West; I have seen her work. Even worse than Hillary, herself, of course, would be the progressive sludge she would bring with her. That thought keeps me awake at night.

So I am swearing off the campaign . . . really, I am . .  . no, seriously . . . I am going to avoid . . . . talking and writing about it . .  . I am going to focus on foreign affairs and memories . . . and not talk about the nonsense with the Muslim father and . . . oops . . . the media's sudden great concern for Gold Star mothers and the "threat" posed by Russia . . . I will not deal with any of that.

I went today to my friends at Faith Armory in Temecula and picked up my Remington 870 Tactical Express. Looks good. Can't wait to shoot it. I also submitted the paperwork to start the ten-day clock on a S&W MP40 Shield. Can't pick it up until August 12--also happens to be my 38th wedding anniversary. Gift for the Diplowife? Nah. This baby is mine, all mine.

So no more political campaign, not for or from me . . . who am I kidding?


  1. Frisco Scooter TrashAugust 2, 2016 at 6:11 PM

    If you can stop it sure makes reading the news easier. SKIP, SKIP, SKIP, Big Sur Fire, SKIP, SKIP, SKIP, The NORKS Launch Something, SKIP, SKIP...

    I've been waiting on your thoughts about the Ruskies roughing up our diplomatic personnel. That is unusual, isn't it?

  2. Take pity on us. We had noisy campaigning before the People's Plebiscite; remarkably The People won. Hurray for the Brexiteers!

    But the Remainiacs, the Remnants, the Remoaners are still campaigning, demanding a second referendum, wailing hysterically, copiously wetting their pants, and generally behaving as if Princess Di had perished all over again.

    God spare us from these infants.

    1. Is there a kind of plebiscite that isn't a people's plebiscite?

  3. DM,

    I had calculated your age to be about mine, and my greatest reason for wanting to retire is that so much is run by infants, today, who know nothing about anything.

  4. I always enjoy the tales from your past.

  5. When you go cold turkey you force us to do without too. Not fair to make this decision without asking us first!

  6. "You can't fire back at us, we're surrounded by civilians." - Hamas
    "You can't fire back at us, we're hiding behind a grieving family." - Hillary
    "I can't what? Sorry, I can't hear you over all the ordnance I have heading your way." - Trump

    1. Yeah, when people break the laws of war that way you should shoot them. If they survive (irregardless of the fate of their human shields) you should execute them as a reprisal under the laws of war. This will go a long way as a deterrent against future violations and prevent recidivism too. Same for using holy places and hospitals as arms depots. If you want people to play by the rules you have to enforce them.

    2. And get rid of the Damn UN. Send them packing. Tear that building down. Let Brussells have 'em.

    3. Nah, don't tear it down. That's prime office space, paid for by us, of course. Returned to the tax rolls of New York, well, it would provide more largess to distribute to the "Poor" who will vote Democrap, of course, but at least the tax burden on the productive would be eased, if only just a little bit.

  7. So these next 100 days will be the acoustic version with maybe some light jazz thrown in. speaking of jazz: Got to see Herbie Hancock's 1963 AC Cobra on Jay Leno's Garage which included a nice chat with Herbie. It's on CNBC of all places. No politics (surprisingly) just Jay having fun with cars. That episode also featured a jet dragster vs jay in a corvette. It was all about what is cool in a vehicle.

  8. I just got my S&W MP in .38 Special. Love it, and good shooting. Came with Crimson Trace, which required a little adjustment, but all good now.

  9. Brexit Timeline?

    I think the British did the right thing, because this removes a level of regulation and taxation that does much more harm than good. In the short term, it might hurt, like pulling off a bandaid quickly, but that'll pass soon enough. Then growth may reappear.

    Too bad we can't have a similar vote here.

    Green Bear

    1. England was the third largest economy. They paid the bills but had no say. Frick yes they left. ...
      France and germany can suck hind tit and support the slackers.

    2. I assume it wont be long before there's a 'Texit' referendum here!

  10. Trump, maddingly, keeps committing way too many venial sins. Hellary keeps blowing smoke to cover her mortal sins. Yet the media keeps confusing the seriousness of the two sin types. It is becoming increasing clear that voting for Trump will be like playing Russian (excuse the expression) roulette. Whereas, voting for Hellary will be the same ... only with all six chambers loaded.

    1. You say maddeningly, I say refreshingly. For my entire life republicans have complained about the media's treatment of them, even as they cower and capitulate the the lies and distortions every time. Last election we put up the most squeaky clean, inoffensive, milk toast RINO possible, and guess what, he got called Hitler and was demonized regardless, whereupon he claimed up and tried to outdo every other spineless republican candidate before him in trying to be inoffensive and not give the media an excuse to vilify him.

      We all know how that turned out.

      So Trump comes along and gives a clinic on how a real man handles the press, and these same people complaining about being picked on for 40 years recoil in horror and complain how Trump is crass and crude and vulgar...Even as he keeps winning.

      My message to these cowardly, uptight, loser republicans; suck it up, grow up, and grow a spine. Or continue to be bully bait. Either/or, but you better decide to win or continue to play the victim. Your choice.

    2. It was amusing to hear Paul Ryan the other day talking about a “battle to reclaim the soul” of the Republican Party. Why now? The proper time for this battle was in 2009 and 2010 when the very middle America soul of the party was organized and in the streets, peacefully demonstrating as the TEA Party. But no, this populist uprising was a threat to the political order–controlled by Democrats and their media as well as inside the beltway Republicans. But that was too much untidiness, too plain and therefore had to be crushed. Now the party is getting a different message and messenger and the Vichy Republican types once again run for cover.

      What will come of all this is not yet clear, but a soul? Never mind that, the other party has no soul- only appetite. Appetite for total power. That won’t be stopped by a soul. It will take back bone. Enough of these crawl for cover Republicans. If not Trump now, there will come a day when a “Trump” rises from the masses with more skill and finesse. This future “Trump” will have no more use for crawling Republican types than he-or she-will have for “progressives”.

    3. Trump's venial sins are allowing himself to be baited into these silly media todos. Taking on most of the media and 1/4 of your party doesn't feel like a winning strategy. Trump's macho mien is only admirable if it wins the war and not just some skirmishes. Right now I wish it could say that he will win the war. But he keeps telling his cavalry to go home ...

    4. George. Is that the same 7th cav that was massacred? The same Cav that despises him?
      Tell me, would you marry a bitch that talks behind your back. F**k the republican party. Vote conservative and vote trump. Vote or not...or you could be just another back note of the progressive writers of history.

    5. I'm of the opinion that Trump's moves (including publicity) are calculated, not accidental slips.

      Trump had no choice but to respond when called out by name. And by battling this guy in the media, Hillary looked less and less relevant.

      Yes, McCain and Romney would not have responded, but as much as they are 'good republicans', they ultimately failed to beat a weak opponent.

      My guess is that Trump's strategy is counting on getting people to the polls who ordinarily don't care very much about politics.

      - reader #1482

    6. the fellow running this blog projects Trump will gain 73 Million votes by energizing the normally non-voting mass of white males , higher than Obama's 66.5 million in 2008 which (one presumes) Hillary will be unable to come close to. The Last Refuge

    7. The media isn't confusing anything. They're Democratic operatives with bylines.

      Job 1 is keeping the public from seeing/hearing anything that would incline them away-from-Democrats/toward-Republicans.

      Job 2 is making sure the public sees/hears things that would incline them away-from-Republicans/toward-Democrats.

      h/t Instapundit

  11. MD, I purchased a Shield 9 last winter as my everyday carry piece, and it's a great gun for that. I just thought I might caution you, when researching the gun I saw many complaints about the 40 cal. Shield in that it is a a pretty large caliber for the size of the weapon, making it harder to shoot accurately compared to the 9. I haven't used a 40 myself, but I can see where it may be true, the Shield is pretty compact and light which is what makes it a good carry gun.

    Just a little advice for what it's worth.

  12. binary solution set.

  13. Media bias is unbelievable. There was a comment about becoming very anti anti Trump, which I totally understand.

    Foreign Stuff ideas that would be wonderful to read about:

    - Turkey - what a mess and what the US can do - not much IMHO.
    - Pope's comments Christian violence and how Islamic violence is not unique. You have to watch out for those Amish suicide bombers...
    - Ukraine - lots of people saying it was US fault for revolution that caused Putin to invade, and base it off European media. I don't think the US is that competent.
    - What NGO's do for spreading the Leftist Culture...
    - Wikileaks release of DNC emails, and why, or why not Russian could be behind it. What would be a Russian motive.
    - Possible futures in Europe on immigration. Will there be a breaking point and a true back lash?
    - Will anyone ever go into Libya to stop the refugee flow? I doubt it.
    - Nuclear weapon proliferation. When will the flood happen?
    - China's nationalism, and what they are doing in the South China sea, and possible escalations. I hope it continues to be a war of words.

  14. You had me at "who am I kidding" Whew!

  15. An interesting piece in FP about France and the Catholic Church.
    Le Pen might take them on.

    1. Do you think France still has the virility to fight this coming clash?

  16. I for one am very glad you were only kidding. Stay the course...

  17. Democrats, and I mean the voters as well as the pols, are responsible for Obama. They will be responsible for HRC if she wins. I never imagined Democrats could hate America so much. They took losing the Cold War much harder than I imagined. Seems they want a "do over".

    1. they're getting it... not long before bread lines start

    2. Nicely put. A do-over of the Sixties, with a different ending to (among other things) the Cold War.

      Although they celebrated their Obamessiah as the Second Coming of FDR, they didn't figure on a do-over of the Great Depression. Uh-oh. Bad luck, as Heinlein would say.

  18. Remington now offers a 20 gauge 870 Tactical Express that is perfect for the Diplowife.
