Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Uneventful Days

The holidays have so far proven uneventful in the Diplomad household. Lots of kids and their significant others, one granddaughter, and a new .45 cal 1911 Colt Commander enlivened the otherwise totally humdrum nature of our holidaying. Took the Commander to the range with one of my sons. It shot nicely, but I did have problems with one of the two magazines that came with it. The beast sticks when empty and is very hard to eject. On several occasions, it also failed to keep the slide open after the last round. Couple of misfeeds, too. It was just that one mag, so I retired it and bought a couple of Wilson Combat magazines (10 rounds); they seem to slide in and out quite nicely and I look forward to trying them out at the range in a couple of days.

Nearly gave the Diplowife a heart attack this evening when at dinner I announced that I would buy a 1965 Mustang. She raised hell, so, ever the clever negotiator, I dropped that proposed purchase and laid out "alternate plans" for a .357 Mag S&W Performance Center Model 627-5. The Diplowife, relieved that I would not bring home yet another "smelly old" car, quickly gave consent to this purchase. Hey, at times I do know how to negotiate! I will check out a couple of local gun stores tomorrow and see what they have on offer. We'll see if I fork out that kind of money or not.

I still remain livid over the Obama stunt in the Middle East. He is determined to undermine our one stable democratic ally in the region, Israel, and make the US irrelevant to that part of the world. He wants Trump to fail. Never in my lifetime have I seen that region in greater turmoil and Western policy and influence in more disrepair and disregard. I want, with our energy independence policy, to make the Middle East irrelevant to us; I do not want us to be irrelevant to the Middle East. There's a difference.

If nothing else I hope (forlorn?) that Obama's betrayal of Israel, driven by his leftist, pro-Muslim, anti-semitism, serves as a wake up call to America's dopey secular Jewish voters. They seem beyond all hope and just cannot bring themselves to dump the Democratic Party.

OK, I am going to try to finish watching a mixed up mess of a movie, "The Hollow Point," which is some Hollywood nonsense about bullet smuggling from US gun stores to Mexican cartels. Totally absurd, but I rented the movie, so . . .

Happy New Year to all in Year One of Trump.


  1. Does the Diplowife read this Blog?

  2. Replies
    1. Perhaps she has better things to do! :)
      My wife's eyes glaze over whenever I blather on about politics. She's sharp as a razor on all these subjects but has better things to do than listen to me flap my maw. :)

      - reader #1482

  3. I recently watched a Dennis Prager video. Where he asked Jews to preach what they practice. His claim was that Jews have a strong morale and family bond with an emphasis on education and self-reliance in how they raise their children. They practice everything a conservative says you should do if you want your children to be successful, but say their positions and votes lie contradictory to the very values they adhere to.

  4. Take it from a long time 1911 shooter (and retired SF guy) - buy Chip McCormick (CMC) Power Mags (8 Rd). They are the nexus of reliability and price. Wilson magazines are more expensive, but not "better".

    1. Just ordered two on your recommendation. Thanks

  5. John Bolton observed that contrary to folks saying that Obama stabbed Israel in the back, that instead he stabbed them in the front.....well said, I thought.... next will be John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) and his speech and we will see what other ill intent is planned.
    Still I worry over what the WH will do in the last days before leaving. I trust that they have some nasty things left in the bag of tricks.
    And I do hope all my Jewish friends understand now what voting Democrat will longer friends with Israel, the new Democrat party spits trash on everyone...
    From the ranch in E. Texas....Happy New Year.....

    1. Heard Kerry's long-winded speech today. In it, he proclaimed how much he loved Israel. That must be why he shtupped her.

  6. I am more concerned about a war in the Middle East. Iran has obviously enjoyed a close relationship with Jarrett and Obama and may have been lulled into thinking we are all weak. Chamberlain did Britain no good with Hitler.

  7. Great decision; you will love the the S&W PCM 627-5. I regularly play with one and it is a real treat.

  8. I use CmC 10 ROUND MQGS WITH MY 0,38 SUPERS . I like 'em a lot , Street carry of 31 rounds . Go nuts, get a Model 57 , takes down everything .

  9. First , sorry about the caps lock, secondly Mags , I plead senility.

  10. The grateful nation should erect a statue to BO on the former grounds of the UN for sewing the seeds of its destruction.

    "You would never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy..."

  11. Not to mention Obama placing Official Sanctions on Russia over what is an internal DNC scr3wup (Podesta responding to a phishing scam even after the IT guy said not to).
    I suspect Team Trump is already in contact with Vlad and they are working out an Exit Strategy from everything BO is doing...who would have imagined; an incoming POTUS having to work with a former KGB Colonel to counter the outgoing POTUS in order to salvage the credibility of the United States.
