Saturday, July 8, 2017

Not So Innocent Abroad After All: President Trump Dominates Global Gathering

Aside from President Trump is there anybody else at the G20 in Hamburg--I mean aside from the fascists rioting in the streets? The man dominates gatherings like nobody else.

He started with a tremendous speech in Poland in which he unequivocally stated that Western Civilization is worth defending. Hard to believe that needs saying, but it does. Judging from the wacky prog reaction to his speech, President Trump demonstrated, yet again, that somebody big and powerful needs to speak up for Western Civilization. Magnificent speech delivered in a country, Poland, that knows full well what can happen when we don't respect borders and hold to the values of that Civilization. On a scale of 1-10, I give the man a 12.

By the way, I wonder what Putin thinks about the guy he supposedly "got elected"? Might have backed the wrong horse, eh? Does anybody imagine a President Hillary Clinton giving a speech like that in a place such as Poland? Not even Jules Verne could come up wit that scenario.

In Hamburg, it seems Trump is the host and the master-of-ceremonies. Nobody else seems to matter. Everything revolves around Trump as thousands of fascists riot in the streets and confirm everything Trump has said about the path that Europe has set for itself. In his meeting with Putin, according to the post meeting read-outs, Trump seems to have held his own and pressed Putin on election meddling and other nefarious Soviet Russian practices--this despite all sorts of predictions on CNN and MSNBC that Trump would not touch the election issue.

Bottom line: I trust Trump to represent US interests in dealing with Moscow, something I could not do with Obama.

Back to my tour guide duties. Off to Vegas on Monday night. Trying to catch my breath between excursions.


  1. I admit it. I've been skeptical of the president and this speech delivered.

    Of course, there's more to a foreign policy than any one speech. But it's a good start--and far better than his predecessor did in eight years, or any Democrat in sight is likely to do ever.

    1. Not good reasons. I've been wondering about Commentary for a while.
      Russia may have tried to mess with the election but there is NO proof. You may accept Hillary and Podesta's story about why she lost but few others do aside from the wild eyed left.

    2. Likewise. I didn't vote for him as much as I cast a vote against the kleptocrat crone Clinton. In my opinion, his speeches have only gotten better. I'm very concerned about his domestic policy agenda and the inability of the GOP dominated Congress to do anything to support him. This is the opportunity of a lifetime to fully undo what the Progs have unleashed on our country but they're still acting as if they were the minority as well as playing "nice guy".

  2. I feel for the detractors who just can't get past their conception of Donald Trump; a non-politician.. ( first time ever not to be General officer or politician ) It's shame, b/c we're witnessing history.. a major turn of the rudder on the ship of state, and yet, there are folks in the bar complaining that the new captain talks funny and has a funny hat. Is this the beginning of the great unraveling that started with Wilson? The triangulation just at home is outstanding, but his Diplo-craft is .. well.. like nothing we've witnessed like this in our lifetimes.

  3. From Vegas, may I suggest Hoover dam, Zion, Bryce Canyon and then, ta da, Grand Caynon. Finally, if time permits, Rte 66 and Sedona. Can't be beat.

  4. see u in vegas. flyg from SD(love it)monday.

  5. If you are going to Bryce,push on a bit farther to Arches & Canyonlands. Magical views at dawn and sunset.

  6. Russia/USSR has decades of experience interfering in US elections. Normally via the American Communist Party...which has always supported the Democrat Candidate.

  7. I agree, Trumps speech in Poland was impressive. It is simply wonderful to hear a Western leader again speak in such manner about the greatness of the West . We need to go back to our "roots", we need to value what we have and what we can possibly lose. So, well done President Trump.
    I have read many reports on the Trump-Putin meeting and it seems like they get on very well together. I am not surprised. I expected it. They seem to be, in many ways, similar men. And then, to seat Melania next to Putin during the dinner was a stroke of genius. They both speak German, no interpreter necessary. He was obviously charmed.
    "Everyone benefits if Russia and the US establish good and honest direct dialogue with each other", Chancellor Merkel said during a press conference. I think they did just that but I also expect the McCain-Nuland- MSM axis to do what they can to tear them apart again. However, one of the trouble makers, the CNN, is soon out of business because of decision to commmit suicide.
    You write that election meddling is a nefarious Russian practice. Well, the Americans are quite good at it too, are they not ?

    1. Europe as well as the rest of the West got a good dose of comparison between the positive message of Trump's speech in Poland vs the alternative of Leftist rabble in the streets of Hamburg. These Leftists and their Islamic allies are the enemy of the West.

    2. I don't know that we are so good at meddling in other people's elections. I know that we sometimes do it, usually when one specific party is in the White House. I also know that it is seriously illegal. (Also, not very nice.)

    3. You may recall that The Dear Golfer warned Britons that if they voted to leave the EU, then England would go to the end of the line.

    4. "...The Dear Golfer..."
      That's about par for the course he plays on Cap'n!
      On Watch~~~

    5. unknown - illegal how?
      how would someone even gain standing to sue based upon allegations of US interference in a foreign election?
      afaik, we don't interfere abroad as a courtesy only.
      *maybe* there are some laws on the books passed by the looney left in an attempt to constrain the US from defending itself internationally... but they've got to be very untested.

  8. I am the Unknown Michael Adams.

  9. I'm wondering why the Israel-Europe gas pipeline never comes up in discussions of Syria.

    Israel-Europe gas pipeline

  10. Seems like Australia is going off of the deep end (along with Western Europe). This has gotten a lot of attention recently.

    1. As an Aussie, I am mortified that the twit from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation has seen fit to air his idiocy in public. I assure you that not all Australians believe as he does (though in fact we do have a large share of those who do.)

      Australian conservatives, generally belonging to the Liberal Party (which confuses Americans no end) have been trying to get the ABC off the governmental teat for ages, to no avail. This is exactly why!

    2. Chis 'wanker' Uhlmann said. “Some will cheer the decline of America, but I think we’ll miss it when it’s gone...

      Yo! Wanker! Your 'Fake News' report is even more worthless, than the CNN version. Fear not lil' jerkoff, your blather viz American decline is but a fevered exaggeration, resulting from standing too close to the 'Commander in Chief'! Advise you take your noodle, and piddle-paddle back home before you get tweeted!

    3. Chris Uhlman is married to a Labor (Left) MP. He is trying to protect the lying mainstream media and the Australian judiciary which has been stacked with political appointments by previous Labor Govts.
      His employer, the publicly funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation, should be charged with sedition. It continuously and relentlessly undermines any Govt that is not of the Left. It perpetuates myths championed by the Left. It should be dismantled and sold off.

    4. All of us in the West have a tumor in common- the Left. It does not get well, it never goes away. Sometimes it is dormant but usually like today it is malignant.

  11. Apparently there is something possibly brewing to move Consular Affairs and the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration from State to DHS.

    This is coming via CNN and WaPo, so grain of salt, of course.

    It's also backed up by a report Tillerson had commissioned, though the above story claims he is opposed.

    What is your opinion, Diplomad and any others knowledgeable?
    (Sorry if this multi-posts, my browser seemed to be eating it earlier)

  12. Joshua Green has written an actually rather interesting) hit piece attempting to portray Trump as just another opportunistic politician willing to abandon all of his beliefs in order to get elected.

    And this is why I don't care.

  13. If you are going to Bryce,push on a bit farther to Arches & Canyonlands. Magical views at dawn and sunset.

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