Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Perversity is Our Strength!

Just thought I would throw out a new slogan for the Hollywood crowd and the legions of progressive bien pensants who besiege us daily.

This slogan fits you like a glove.

I am talking about you, Woody Allen, Meryl Streep, Harvey Weinstein, James Franco, Jane Fonda, Madonna, Kevin Spacey, and on and on.

"Perversity is our Strength!"

Shout it loud!

Shout it proud!

You earned it!

Shout it from your walled-in mansions! Shout it from your limos! Have your agents put it out in press releases!

Wear it like a Pussy Hat!


  1. haha, dip getting belligerent after his twitter ban! preach it preacher man.

  2. Ooooh, isn't it a bit harsh to mention the others in the same breath as Woody Allen? Or have I failed to keep up?

  3. I would add that drug use in self-indulgent Hollywood is resulting in the annual deaths of thousands of Mexicans by their cartels.

  4. D'Mad,

    You forgot to include after "Limos," "And your private aircraft!" Aren't these same clowns the ones who are soooo worried about AGW?

    Green Bear

  5. Tom seems to have a way with words!

  6. Dwan, interesting. Thanks for both! I'll take a look.
