Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Gaza South: The Central American Caravan

I have written with some frequency and length about the existential threat the USA faces on its southern border. I see that the caravan stunt of last March-April has been renewed with great vigor. I noted at the time that,
this little stunt is outrageous as it is being, as noted, aided by a nominally "friendly" country, Mexico (see my take on Mexico's friendliness here and here). Not only that, but legally the marchers have no case. If they are fleeing Honduras, they can seek asylum in Mexico, the first stop in their "escape." Mexico has the responsibility to grant them asylum, turn them over to the UN, or return them to their country of origin.
That remains true today, of course. It is a hostile act, an overtly hostile act, by the governments of Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. The so-called march northward is clearly funded by somebody with deep pockets and good organizational skills, and abetted by officials in those countries. The immediate victims, of course, are thousands of poor people being lied to, exploited, and put in great physical danger.  We see pictures of marchers painting swastikas on American flags and then burning them, and waving flags of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador at the head of long columns of marchers. These people apparently so hate racist, xenophobic America, and feel so patriotic about their home countries, that they are putting their lives at risk to head for the USA and get away from their non-sh*thole countries.

The usual morons in the media are having a field day trying to blame these marches on Trump. I guess, in a way, Trump is to blame as under him the US economy rockets along and generates new jobs and rising wages for our workers, all of which serves as a magnet for the poor of the world. We should ask President Trump to stop winning for the USA, and that would, I assume, slow down the rate of marching. Right.

In other words, elect the Democrats and that will make the USA a much less attractive place to live for everybody. We could do that . . . or we could do what we should have done long ago: build the wall; change the immigration laws so that you can't come here to mooch or work illegally; and punish the traffickers. By traffickers, by the way, I include the governments of Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, and the funders of these marches. Do what I long ago suggested, that until these countries begin to act as "friends," use our military and other elements of national power to shut the border to all traffic in goods and people; suspend issuance of visas to nationals of those countries; and, of course, drastically reduce those nations' diplomatic and consular presence in the USA. Yank us out of NAFTA, and tell those American companies who build their factories in Mexico, that doing so is a bad bet on the future. Prosecute any American individuals or organizations involved in funding, organizing, or leading these marches.

The President has said that he thinks there are probably MS-13 and Middle Eastern terrorists among the marchers. The media, of course, sent a couple of reporters down to Mexico and could not find any such creatures. We, of course, all know that if we ask an MS-13 or ISIS member trying to sneak into the US, whether he is one of those, they will answer truthfully. Right.

You know, I don't care if there is or these isn't a member of the MS-13 or ISIS in these marches. The marches themselves are a threat to the US. If they are allowed to get away with the insertion of thousands of people across our border, we have stopped being a nation. The Israelis understand that and haven't fallen for the same stunt when it has occurred along their border with Gaza. The left want images akin to those in Gaza along our border. The marches must be stopped.


  1. Every asylum seeker we receive at any border should be counted against their country of origin and every transit country in between. The more show up, the higher the import duty and the greater the sanctions on government officials of those countries.
    There has to be accountability for running a country into the ground.

    Now *immigration*? Totally different matter. If someone's willing to wait their turn to gain entry, I'm more than happy to have them, but it's done by the law, not by the emotional response of a media-faked plight.

    What kind of person seeking *asylum* would parade around with a flag from the home country they're fleeing? "I'm really proud of the country that's persecuting me so badly that I've left it!"

    It's a farce that's taken in the entire left, afaict.

    - reader #1482

    1. Well, no, it has not "taken in" the Left. They just expect to use these "caravans" to take in the gullible.

      Michael Adams

    2. There's a distribution... I am surrounded by several leftist who simply have been taken in by media-heartstring-tugs... those were the people to who I'm referring. "Hey, I know they're cutting in line to get in, but these are desperate people, we should help them cut ahead of..."

      - reader #1482

  2. Notice too the attitude of the invaders vs legal immigrants. Legal immigrants have aove and respect for the US. These invaders have nothing but contempt. Why would we ever want to let them in?

    Silent t

  3. The first stop for the Hondurans and Salvadorans is Guatemala.

  4. The people behind this are pushing it toward a shooting situation. That is the logical end to this or just let them and anyone else come in. It's the ones using these people as catspaws who are truly beneath contempt.

  5. this will not end well. If all 7,000 had law degrees we would be seeing a different story

    1. No! No! Unfair competition! Must keep the hordes of cut-rate lawyers out! Shoot them!

  6. What the heck is Trump going to do about this? Short of violence I don't know what else to do with 7,000+ invaders. I don't get cable TV but I did see a short clip of Fox news on the internet that claimed 80% of the caravan were young men of military age, much like the European invasion. They seem to put the women and children toward the front to stave off any kind of riot control when the need suits.
    I can't imagine what is going to happen here but Trump must come through for us. I think his political career depends on it.

    1. Expect it will be a labor boon for the Mexican's NAFTA affiliates, and Farmers too. Put the invaders to work in the fields and factories for 5 years or so. Let them work off their debt to Mexico for their host's generous hospitality: feeding, clothing and sheltering the rousted Islamic inspired 'road dogs', shouldn't come cheap either! Give the wimmins and kids free rides back to where they came from! The wandering papas will be required to send 'care' packages back home, until they work off their indentured obligations, would likely be an improvement in their quality of life methinks...Viva Venezuela!
      "On Watch"
      P.S. say hello to my friend Ernesto...

  7. The problem with the "wall" concept is that to the east and west of this hypothetical barrier, is a lot of navigable water.

    Here in Oz, we have quite a bit of experience with assorted characters boarding dubious watercraft and heading for our shores.

    On the lighter side, I used to work with a Vietnamese "boat-person" who joked that in these parts, the local Anglo types were the original boat people; Botany Bay and all that. He was a Paris Conservatory-trained classical guitarist with a sidelines in electronics and Vietnamese cooking.

    In recent years we have been subjected to a slow, but steady stream of "asylum seekers" who have left "somewhere in the Middle-East / Mesopotamia, caught a bus or airliner to Pakistan, you know, an Islamic "first port of call", paid half their life savings for a crappy fishing boat, a GPS, a Sat-Phone and a few rations,and "found their way" to Indonesia, their SECOND "first refuge". Some appear to have flown to Indonesia and picked up their "tropical cruise" there, cutting out the Paki intermediaries.

    From there,they take on a few days rations and fuel and head south. NO radar, NO mast equipped with a radar reflector, essential in busy shipping lanes.

    At the first sign of a grey Australian patrol boat, all the modern stuff, including the sat-phone they used to CALL the Navy to assist their "sinking" (scuttled) boat, goes over the side. A backtrack on the gear and its setting could be a little "embarrassing".

    You can just about walk from southern Java to Australia on the piles of discarded electronics and personal documents.

    The Central American Caravan caper is a whole lot less subtle than our little adventures in compulsory compassion. What it lacks in "subtlety" it more than makes up for on sheer blunt force.

    And then,we both have very similar political / fifth-column / fourth estate enablers in the thick of it.

    1. "Adventures in Compulsory Compassion".. I love it

      - reader #1482

    2. If we could reduce the problem to only sea bound illegal immigration, it would be a huge win. The type of problem is the same as with Australia, but the scale is much larger. Millions of illegal entrants.

      We should acknowledge that the government of mexico no longer holds an approximate monopoly of violence within its borders. That is a failed state and we should treat it as such. Establish refugee camps in border territory on the Mexico side.

      - reader #1482

    3. a failed state and we should treat it as such. Establish refugee camps in border territory on the Mexico side."

      Don't think that "refuse camps on our southern border will serve the USA interests, stick with the wall till it's built! In the meantime (4 more years) The Trump Admin can drain the Swamp south of the Rio Grande, with the aide of the new regime in Mexico! Behave and e'll keep the order open for trade, if not, Clang goes the gates locking Mexican goods in, and I'd wager they never be missed!
      On Watch~~~

  8. Human traffickers behind this fiasco appear to be based in Chicago, see:

  9. Note: "
    Palestine and Latin America: Marches for Justice meet

    On Tuesday, April 10, the Mexican Coordination for Palestine (CORSOPAL) and the #WorldwithoutWalls delegation handed over a letter from the Palestinian Stop the Wall Campaign to the Via Crucis March of Migrants as it arrived in Mexico City.

    At the same moment that Palestinians in Gaza started the #GreatReturnMarch, migrants from all over Central America, in particular Honduras, started their march towards the US border, militarized by the Wall of Infamy. The letter highlights the connections between the people struggles as well as the complicity between the powers that oppress them." SOURCE:

    1. See:

    2. LJ, I should never write anything without checking with you first!!! Thanks

  10. I only googled it after reading your article...though M.O. seemed the same...Comintern style stuff...Salt March...March on Washington...Selma...they have only one playbook...they are hoping Trump shoots some migrants...I want him to intern them by executive order like FDR did Japanese, put them to work immediately building wall in chain gangs...that would stop time Supreme Court overturns wall could be built...

  11. At least 3/4 of this hoard are young males. Two upsides:
    1) Not many babies "ripped" from their mother's arms
    2) Your lawn care costs should go down

  12. Bangladeshis in caravan. How did they get to Honduras, and why?

    ISIS members deported from Guatemala. How many still there? Any in caravan?

  13. Trump should send B52s to carpet bomb the roads 1 mile ahead of the caravan. Far enough to be heard and seen but too far away for injuries.

    1. Nice. Good practice for the lads in the air.

  14. Of course, given how broken US immigration laws are, we're essentially sending these people to a forgotten oblivion, perhaps to be revisited in 3 years at the cost of US$4,500.

    Immigrants to fill labor needs, yes. Two-page forms, yes. Reasonable filing costs under $100, yes. Wait/approval times of no more than 30 days, yes.

    But what we have today...besides a resounding NO, who was the idiot who came up with today's legal US immigration system and its moronic complexities, and why aren't they in federal prison?

  15. And so it goes, the Democrat/Marxist plan dries up and blows away, before they can make it to the FAKE NEWS purveyors in the USA...

    The >>"caravan"<< is still some 1,000 miles from the nearest border crossing at McAllen, Texas, but the journey could be twice that if the migrants head to the Tijuana-San Diego crossing, . . . This one has begun to thin, with authorities saying 1,740 have applied for refuge in Mexico and hundreds more have taken up offers of bus rides back to Honduras.. . .

    AND THE FEDERALES DO THEIR JOB AS ElPresidente Trump has instructed under the 'Rules for Nafta' game!
    Mexico’s federal government hasn’t given the migrants on the road a single meal, bathroom or bottle of water, reserving any aid only for those who turn themselves in to apply for visas or be deported.

    Immigration officials appeared to be intervening more aggressively with the migrants’ movements amid the sweltering 90-degree heat.

    . . . An official from the country’s Human Rights Commission said migrants could go through if they were in vans or trucks that offered them free rides, but if they had paid they would have to get out because of insurance regulations.

    Cesar Antonio Perez Rodriguez, from El Salvador, said agents had forced him, his pregnant wife, Delmy Roxana Martinez, and their 3-year-old son out of a van the previous day. They were brought to an immigration office filled with more than 30 migrants.

    Hours passed with no explanation. Several in the group became agitated and pushed their way through a door, he said. In the commotion, Perez managed to flee >>>but his wife and child were left behind.<<< As he ran he looked back to see her holding their son and crying, blocked by agents with batons.

    On Thursday, at an internet cafe he [spent his last peso on Cervasa mucho frio... while desperately trying] to contact his wife’s relatives via Facebook to find out if they had heard from her. He had no money and his wife had their only cell phone, a Mexican number he didn’t know.

    “I don’t want to lose my son,” Perez said, choking back tears.

    WHAT A HERO! Abandons his wife and kid after taking them on this joy ride to pick Uncle Sam's pocket! Suspect Cesar Antonio Perez Rodriguez's is on Police Blotter in Mexico too!

    Oh well, glad he remains South of the Border! Suspect Mama and baby boy will be given a lift back to El Salvador, it's a Catholic thing, G-d bless'em, home to the nurturing embrace of family and friends...
    Excerpts from the Drudge Feed
    Comments my own~~~On Watch~~~

  16. What's the big complaint from the left...the invaders are suffering sweltering 90 degree heat??? That's what they live in all year around!!!!
    Sweltering heat is all they know in a shithole country.

  17. A wonderful opportunity for our RC Military Police to set up and operate a large scale “detainee” camp and another chance to make lemonades when given lemons by putting these people to work building The Wall. A couple of years in said labor camp might make them pine for their homelands. Sheriff Joe can run it as an appointee...

  18. Ain't history ironical. At last the USA is provided with a respectable reason to invade Mexico.

    1. HUH? "At Last"? If'n they wanted hat sh!thole they'd a kept goin south after Davey took the ALAMO! Shoot even the refugees down there now don't want no stinkin sanctuary in that snake pit! And if the resorts closed down the only tourists left in country would be flaky scientists getting funded to hunt dinosaur bones by American parents who believe their spawn are getting an education... Laugh or cry take your pick, but I sure don't see irony as the historical outcome, more like just another sad joke at the expense of dumb fools who watch too much TV. ~~~On Watch~~~

  19. Arrest the organizers as human traffickers.

    They are pointing all these migrants to the USA, which, as everyone knows, is a hotbed of racism and exploitation of poor and nonwhite people. In the USA, the migrants will be at the bottom of the social pyramid, and everyone knows it.

    Further, Honduras isn't stopping these people. Why can't they make boats on the Caribbean coast of Honduras and make for Cuba, which, everyone knows, is a paradise of free health care, free education, and close-to-perfect social justice?

    The whole thing stinks.

  20. Having watched the refugee disaster unfold in Europe my recommendation, however harsh it may sound, is shoot any invader you find on the spot. It will discourage the others. Nothing and I mean nothing else will work, witness all of Western Europe right now being subsumed by Islam.

  21. If we had a CIA interested in doing anything besides undermining the people's choice of chief executive we might send them to Honduras and Guatemala to find out just who is behind this.... and then act accordingly. Freeze their assets, indict for conspiracy to violate immigration law, etc etc. What nobody, right or left, has even tried to argue is that it is spontaneous.
