Thursday, February 7, 2019


As the Great Internet Philosopher Professor Glenn Reynolds has noted many times on his indispensable Instapundit re the Democrats, "All they have to do is not be crazy, and they can't even do that."

Do we have any better evidence of the wisdom of Professor Reynolds' observation than that provided by events of this past week or so?

I noted back in February 2017, that the election of Donald Trump has exposed the inner insanity of the Democratic/Prog machine like no other event in our times.
The man, Donald Trump, who ran the most unorthodox campaign since, since, well, you fill in the date, and who was given less chance to win than the Cubs, well, he won. The losers are not happy. The sort of attack they have launched on Trump, his administration, and supporters might seem unprecedented, although it might be comparable to how the Democrats in the South reacted to Republican-led Reconstruction after the Civil War, except it doesn't make anywhere as much sense. <...> 
After watching some anti-Trump demonstration on TV, a friend of my son's asked these intelligent questions of me the other day, "What has Trump done? Why is he accused of being racist? Why do they hate him so much?" Best as I can tell, I think they hate the idea of Trump. He wasn't supposed to be president. He is not, I guess, one with the body. He has, in short, exposed them as, no other word for it, crazy. Yes, crazy . . . 
[T]hey are for children but also for killing unborn ones with no restriction, no apology, and no need for a fee. They are for LBGT and women's "rights," but ally themselves with Muslims who practice FGM, oppose abortion, treat women like cattle, promote and engage in honor killings, and advocate death for LBGT people. They are for women's rights, but want men who think they are women to use women's washrooms. They are for free speech, but shut down anybody who disagrees with them, and, of course, they ally themselves with Muslims who oppose freedom of speech and thought as part of their core dogma. They are against racism but try to stir up old racial animosities and conflicts that had long been resolved, buried, and forgotten. They are for poor working people, but oppose the tax and the regulatory structures that create jobs. They are for poor working people but favor unrestricted immigration that drives down wages, crowds out jobs, and absorbs the funds of public welfare schemes. They want free education for all, but oppose letting poor and middle class people have the right to choose their schools, unlike the rich people who do. They shout "Love Trumps Hate!" as they bash opponents with bricks and poles. They have spent decades denouncing the military, the CIA, the NSA, and the FBI as oppressors of the people, but now want those agencies to sabotage an elected president. The wealthy ones denounce gun ownership and walls but live behind protective shields of men with guns and walls around their exclusive properties. Hollywood stars who made millions living in the land of make-believe denounce non-existent Trumpian "brownshirts" and bravely proclaim their resistance! They are for the environment and prove it by flying to environmental rallies in their private jets. They, well . . . you can go on with this sad litany. 
For these leftists, facts don't matter. Logic is absent, abhorred, and shouted down. The emotion is the thing. The posturing is the thing. The slogan is the thing.
I think that analysis holds up.

We see the Democrat Governor of Virginia, who ran a scurrilous campaign for election which depicted his opponent as a racist killer, openly stating his support for infanticide. He not only supports abortion at any time, and I mean any time, but even after a live birth he would have the doctor and the mother discuss whether to allow the child to live. That horror was not enough to fire up the outrage machine. No. He ran afoul of the new prog rules of behavior when it turned out he might have gone in blackface to some stupid party back in his medical school days. That's the outrage! There were some calls for him to resign but he seems determined to hang on as his Deputy, Lt. Gov. Fairfax (who is black), faces--shall we use the word?--"credible" accusations of sexual assault back when he was working for sleazy John Edwards. The number three Dem in Virginia, the Attorney General, also seems to have had a proclivity for "blackface" dressing up as a rapper for some teen-age party back in 1980. Outrage!!

Now, I normally would not care a whole lot about such stupidity by teenagers, but the Dems wrote the new rules . .  . so live or die with them! Imagine if the Gov had been a Republican . . . .

All this goes to my long-held belief that the Democrat Party is and has been for a VERY long time, the repository of racism (and antisemitism) in American politics. This is the party of Cherokee genocide, slavery, civil war, Jim Crow, the KKK, internment camps for Japanese Americans, Communist spies, and so much much more.

It is also the party of just plain crazy.

For new evidence of that--as if more were needed--look at the idiotic "Green New Deal" presented by Democrat rising star, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is, frankly, weird beyond belief. She might even be weirder, and with a more fanciful life story than previous Queen of Crazy, Elizabeth "Native American" Warren . . . or does that crown still belong to Maxine Waters or is to Hawaii Senator Mazie Hirono or to . . . it's a long list of Democrat pretenders for Queen and King of Crazy. That "Green New Deal," by the way, would destroy our economy and that of the West and bring untold misery to hundreds of  millions of people. But that's a minor point since, as noted above,
"For these leftists, facts don't matter. Logic is absent, abhorred, and shouted down. The emotion is the thing. The posturing is the thing. The slogan is the thing."


  1. They are driven by "pathological altruism". It results in madness.

    1. Seems they're begging to have their dumba$$es kicked to the bone, and their heads handed to them on a pike! That qualifies as "madness" alright, but stroking their stinking egos with their donkey sh!t, will get themselves a trip to the acid waters in a pair of cement shoes. Americans have more important things to do than listen to fools guilt-tripping US, while the worlds devils are at our gates, and knocking down fences! IMHO~~~On Watch~~~
      "Let's Roll"

    2. Maybe this should be here?

      PS Yes ww I had a Psych Prof in Grad School, early 70s, whose PhD thesis was on "Altruism". He was an imported Pole, or a Commie occupier escapee, hard to tell, until he started lecturing on the good intentions of the socialist state. I barely understood every 3rd word he spoke, but his theory was crystal clear. He got pissed off at me for asking too many questions. After I submitted my term paper, he said he didn't receive it, but I had my drafts, and submitted them via the Dept Chair a Korean War Vet! Grudgingly I got the 'A' I earned! Btw, looked up your reference:

      Fairly accurate hypothesis, and analysis. Still, shudder to think it's taken from then till now to debunk socialist altruism! Sorry if I seemed to be going for your throat!

  2. They tend to have liberal arts degrees from elite schools, where they only showed up for classes, and parroted back what the teacher wanted to hear, and came out of school knowing only that. They seem incapable of independent thought, relying on being told what to think.

    Engineering is a science lost to them, as their desire to eliminate aircraft attests, believing high speed trains can do the job better. Trains are superb for freight , not so much for people, at least not on the continental scale we require here in the US and Canada.

    So, too is economics. They cannot tell us where the funding for their flights of fantasy will, or even can come from. i will say this, I do not believe Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is bright enough to hold the office she holds, but I cannot work out who is her puppet master. If she does not have one, and was actually elected on her smarts, then we, as a nation, are doomed.

    1. It's been 100 years since Lenin. The lessons of millions tortured and dead are lost in history books to these people. We confront in this group here nothing but totalitarianism masquerading *again* as anti-capitalism.
      "But our goals are noble! We just want what (we think) is best for everybody!"

      no excuses, they intend on nothing less than murder

      - reader #1482

    2. From a longer piece:
      "Pathological altruism is at the root of the liberal left’s crisis of
      authority. The left derives its
      sense of moral authority from the supposition that its intentions are
      altruistic and its opponents’ are selfish. That sense of moral superiority
      makes it easy to justify immoral behavior, like slandering critics of
      President Obama as racist–or using the power of the Internal Revenue Service
      to suppress them. It seems entirely plausible that the Internal Revenue
      Service officials who targeted and harassed conservative groups thought they
      were doing their patriotic duty. If so, what a perfect example of
      pathological altruism."

    3. ..."they intend on nothing less than murder"!
      Give that numerical reader a BIG Stick! And don't tread on me either, you lefty pieces of manure! You'd better get a shoe shine kit to hide behind! Because we know where you're coming from and where you're going, if you don't change your ways... smile!

    4. She won because the guy that had the office didn't bother to campaign. And she won by a small amount of votes, 18,000 I've heard. If the Repubs had a brain, they would line up someone to run against her and start working that district now to line up votes. I doubt we'll see that.

  3. "Red Roy" Cooper is (unfortunately) the Governor of North Carolina. Ralph "Blackface , and Infanticide" Northrop is the Governor of Virginia).

  4. Yes, you're right. I was going to do something about VA and NC, but dropped it in the middle. Thanks

  5. Right 'ww', have heard packs of analysts at the Water Coolers, the Bars, Union Halls, City halls, Schools, stoops and Jailhouses, lament their 'woe is me' existence! They're always looking for some patsy to endorse their butt-hurt philosophy, so they don't have to confront themselves about the innocent lives they've made miserable! Sure, the Democrat Commissars, like the thugs before them, know where they can enlist packs of losers to do their dirty work! They always start by attacking the weak unable to defend themselves, good news is that even the meek and mild have had enough, and are now ready willing and able to meet force with counter-force. Too bad for the 'rats, the traditional mark, is ready for the dance this time around. So take the girls in their white dresses you're hiding behind and go back to the comfort of the slime n' sewer "shitholes" you all crawled out of and get a paying job, before you get your noodle cracked by some guy defending his family or a Mom who isn't moved by Hollywood pussy hats, but can shoot 1" groups with her pistol!
    On Watch~~~
    "Let's Roll"

    1. PS Yes ww I had a Psych Prof in Grad School, early 70s, whose PhD thesis was on "Altruism". He was an imported Pole, or a Commie occupier escapee, hard to tell, until he started lecturing on the good intentions of the socialist state. I barely understood every 3rd word he spoke, but his theory was crystal clear. He got pissed off at me for asking too many questions. After I submitted my term paper, he said he didn't receive it, but I had my drafts, and submitted them via the Dept Chair a Korean War Vet! Grudgingly I got the 'A' I earned! Btw, looked up your reference:

      Fairly accurate hypothesis, and analysis. Still, shudder to think it's taken from then till now to debunk socialist altruism! Sorry if I seemed to be going for your throat!

  6. What was the name of that congressman (D) who thought that stationing more troops on Guam might lead it to capsize? Is that "crazy", or low IQ, or even the onset of dementia?

    Talking of cognitive decline, and setting aside Pelosi: Sanders? Hellary? Biden? Surely they can't seriously think of running such geezers for an office that they presumably hope the winner will hold until early 2029?

    1. That was the learned Hank Johnson. AOC attended the same college of invention.

  7. Many forget that most of our modern wars have started under Democrat presidents ...

    1. W. Wilson, FDR, HST, JFL/LBJ, Bubba, and the exception being W who could easily have a D after his name.

    2. Oh Yes the aide de camp of Hussein Obamba, The infamous Heinz tomato swallower, JFLurch from Massachewshits.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) yearbook for me, had something more disturbing than what the media has brought forth. No surprise there. In the yearbook below the incriminating photo, is the nickname he was given in school. “Coonman” There is something very telling about that. Other students of that period and school have said that each student chose what to put in their yearbook entry. So, Gov. Northam not only approved of the photo, but of the nickname as well. For someone to gain a nickname like that it would strongly indicate that the blackface thing was not a once or twice gag, but a shtick that he played often. Back in the 80’s blackfacing was already taboo as the left were trying to erase Al Jolson from history around that time. Blackface is something you might do once as a rebellious gag, but to do it routinely is a statement. While we change over our lifespan, things like routine mockery of a race is something that is likely still present in Gov. Northam.

    1. He'll no doubt tell us that the reference was to a raccoon or a Maine cat. He's a politician.

    2. I am hoping that Gov. Northam sticks it out, and does not cave in to the calls to resign. He only gets one term as Governor by law, so he doesn’t have to worry about not being re-elected.

      Now, why do I wish Gov. Northam to remain in the face of demonstrable sins of the past. Because, it will utterly crush the social justice warriors major weapon systems. These detestable outrage mob people will lose their power over our society. Whenever they clamor on that cesspool also known as Twitter for the head of some person over sins of the distant past. The accused need only point to our “hero” Gov Northam, and say, look this guy is on your side and is clearly guilty of worse behavior than me, so when you take Gov. Northam to the lynchin’ tree, then you can come for me.

  10. Trump has the uncanny ability to make his opponents self destruct on live TV.
    And we haven't seen Democrats this angry since we took their slaves away.

    1. I hope you don't mind if I borrow that last line!

    2. :) Me too Kelly!

  11. It got very little publicity, but around a week before Gov Coonman was exposed, the Sec State of Fl, Mike Ertel(R) was forced to resign for....wait for it.....a blackface incident in his past

    1. HeeHaw BC!
      You made me flash back to my college daze, no guilt just a wistful grin, and a fond memory of a lit class assignment, wherein we students chose to enact a character from a short-story, and present it to the class. I chose the role of the travelin "Black Preacher", and dammed if I can recall the Title, or the Author's name, but talk about best parts, and memorable lines! -- I got those in spades! In closing, Said I, in black-face, bellowing-out, as the congregation was closing in on me, "DAMN THESE CHURCHES WITH NO BACKDOORS!"

      Hope nobody took pictures, although, a few co-eds did ask for my autograph...
      Author Author!
      On Watch~~~

    2. Oh and speaking of "Coons", I've lived on a Florida Marsh for 50years or,so, gators, raccoons, feral cats, squirrels, rabbits, hawks, eagles, pelicans, storks, egrets, and creeks fulla fish and crab! Of all the wildlife out the backdoor, must admit I've begun to feel a kindred spirit with the 'Coons lately. It started many years ago, when I had to slowdown my truck when, passing the ramshackle house of the "Coon Lady", who too often was host to 10-20 head of those masked critters! Well she eventually died off and the raccoons retreated back into the marsh.

      Years went by, I raised a pack of marshounds and a baby girl-- the dogs ran off the gators and everything else that got to close to the princess. One by one the hounds left us too, 14 years later my lil girl asked me when we were going to get a new dog - she was of the 'rescue' generation, but I wasn't ready! Hell what kinda dog do you get to replace a pack?! Anyhowl, as time went on I told my daughter that our new dog would just show-up, and if he wanted to call it home he could, if he was good. Well just before she went off to college, guess who shows up acting friendly(not foaming at the mouth), sorta needy, and cute as all get out? Yup, we were adopted by Rocky a local coon. At first he was sick, laying out in the backyard marsh, in the noonday sun! Just as if he was a dawg! I came out at night to check on him, and he'd make a token retreat 3' up a tree, and stare at me, wondering if I brought him something to eat? The old boy got well and stuck around to make the stray cats screech and kill birds somewhere else. the kid is now a senior, honors and all that, and as a microbiologist she isn't too happy with my choice for a replacement pet, and won't feed him anything, spect she's going to be calling me "CoonMan" before long, probably around Spring Break!
      On Watch~~~

  12. If Woodrow Wilson was alive today, he'd be doing his best Mr Burns..."Exxxxcellent!"

  13. There is only one thing that ties all the unfathomable beliefs of the progressive left. Evil. Satan's fingers fill many gloves.
