Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Problems with the Blog

Some sort of highly technical big-words glitch is affecting the blog. I will try to resolve it, but . . . . .

UPDATE: Suddenly my password and account name don't always work, and there is some screw up re the domain and web hosting. I spent hour on the phone with the nice people at GoDaddy.com but they were dealing with me, so not much useful got done. I will have to rely on kids . .  .


  1. My 10 year old neighbor kid fixed the flashing clock display on my VCR. I could put you in touch...

    1. VCR? Wow, that's a blast from the past....

  2. In the battle between complexity and continuity, complexity is winning ... (I'm having similar problems on my Google blog.)

  3. Macedonian content farmers??

  4. Antidisestablishmentarianism.

  5. ..."big-words glitch"... musta been the cleaning Lady, i heard they brought her in from France... or maybe we could aks Ms Cortez if she's gotta a clue?
    goin down to Boro Hall, I want some answers!

  6. You might try placing a call to anybody in Pakistan - probably best to go with whoever's the most unintelligible you can connect to.

    At least that seems to be the most common occurrence whenever I've ever resorted to clicking on the "Need Help?" tab.

    Either that or doing what Scott's recommended, although I've found that anybody ineligible owing to not being old enough to qualify for a driver's license has always been perfectly able. Doesn't necessarily have to be a 10 year old.

    Too I've found asking for references for whichever kid you do manage to hornswaggle away from the smartphone long enough to come over and tap the couple of keys is a waste of time - instead all I do is point to my rotary phone and if the kid appears mystified, he's qualified.


  7. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/acting-attorney-general-and-secretary-homeland-security-submit-joint-report-impact-foreign

  8. I was wondering as news stories last week have been to good to pass up.

  9. Hope you'll be able to share your reaction to the Commander in Chief's State of the Union Speech, Mr. WLA!

    From this Brooklyn Bum's 3 bowls of popcorn perspective, it was outta the Park~~~~~~~~~ by a Country mile!
    The Loyal Opposition: aka D'rats, from the silly-assed crooked :/ grin upon the Speakers maw, to their limp-wristed hand-maiden, "Mittens" in waiting, revealed clearly on camera, what's wrong with the USA today! Rancid NUTZ!
    On Watch~~~
    "Let's Roll"

  10. Call your Senators, this lady deserves confirmation:


    1. Never Fear Anon,
      Senator Sparticus has her back... sarc/off
      Just curious about the schiv he has in his
      left hand...
      On Watch~~~
      "Let's Roll"

  11. Last night's SOTU speech was optimistic, anti socialist and pro America. Democrats looked to be hardest hit.

    1. Affirmitive Cap'n whitewalls!
      I'd just hi-lite that the "Bag-Ladies in White" w/ Mambo Missy Cortez on pointe, be-clowned themselves again, as did Baba-Lu Lu Pelosi~~~ Maybe She can arrange airfare and a hot-seat at Havanna U in Raul Castro's Seminar Course# OU812-Socialista tactics w/Lab. And, xSenator Jeff-duh-Flake should get a free ride as the groupie Hog Caller--soo-ee pigs!

      Chief hOWlin~~~WOlf~~~

  12. Three words: MOVE TO WORPDRESS.

  13. I too had trouble with my blog...all of a sudden it wouldn't take my password (which I've had for years)..had to set a new password. I have recently had a notice from google, something about blog comments...I HATE GOOGLE... SO I disregarded google,...hence I guess my need for new password...GRRRR
