Sunday, April 7, 2019

Progs: Making the Case for a New Imperialism?

Almost eighteen months ago, I wrote a little post which noted that the progs had become,
engaged in a great debate about the remarks President Trump supposedly made along the lines of "why do we get so many immigrants from sh*thole countries?" Did he or didn't he say it? Not clear. White House denials have been, in my view, masterfully evasive almost as though if he didn't say it, he would like credit for having said it but yet maintain plausible deniability that he did. The progs and many international capitals have taken the bait, and now thrash furiously on yet another Trump hook. Wheels within wheels with this President; we should not forget that this indeed is a president who plays 4-D chess; he has an amazing ability, an unparalleled ability, to troll the progs, make them explode in outrage and, thereby, reveal the slimy hypocrisy that flows though their scaly bodies.
That hypocrisy continues to flow and gush as we debate--screaming match, really--immigration policies not just in the USA, but throughout the Western world. Here at home, our increasingly deranged and leftist Dem party inexorably has moved to the Open Borders position that their toxic logic on immigration requires--just as they now endorse infanticide as their logic on abortion requires.

We have Senator Kamala "Sleep My Way to the Top" Harris, for example, "welcoming" all "immigrants"--including those now considered illegal. Beto "DUI" O'Rourke proclaims that as President he would order all border barriers torn down--they pose a menace to drunk drivers, perhaps?--no word on whether those at his house or a Beto-occupied White House also would go. Elizabeth "1/1024" Warren, and other progs, want to abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.  Now, to put the cherry on the ICE-ing, we have a Demo candidate for President, Julian Castro, a former Mayor of San Antonio, as well as a former Obama cabinet official, calling for decriminalizing all border crossing. Yes, come on in! The more the better! No limits! Free stuff!

All the candidates support tax-supported welfare programs for "migrants," oppose deportation, and certainly have no objection to aliens voting in our elections--on the contrary, they live here, right? Sign'em up. In addition, let's do away with the Electoral College, and have voting by mail and email to ensure every vote in Tijuana, Dhaka, and San Pedro Sula counts! Make America the Great Souk! The Tower of Babel/Babble coming to your neighborhood!

According to the Demo candidates and their university and media acolytes, the USA, a racist, xenophobic, patriarchal, etc., tyranny must get rebuilt in the image of . . . well, not clear, but maybe Haiti? Venezuela? Cuba? Curiously, our white supremacist, xenophobic, etc., society remains a magnet for people all over the world, especially the non-Anglo world, and most notably south of the Rio Grande and west of Hawaii. We have to take people in and give them everything we've got, obviously, because, obviously, they can't return to their own countries. It, obviously, constitutes cruelty beyond compare to have a Mexican child raised in Mexico, a country with a great history and culture, as a proud Mexican by his Mexican family! The worst thing, obviously, that can happen to people from Somalia, Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala is to live in Somalia, Mexico, El Salvador, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Honduras, and Guatemala. They, obviously, must live as proud Somalis, Mexicans, Salvadorans, Bangladeshis, Nigerians, Hondurans, and Guatemalans, but here, and only here, in the evil, racist, etc., USA! Well, obviously!

We hear similar nonsense spouted by progs in Australia, Canada, the UK, New Zealand, Netherlands, Germany, France, etc. Everywhere that traditional Western Civilization has an outpost, it faces the demand to take in anybody and everybody who seeks to move in. Americans, Canadians, Brits, Australians, etc., obviously, have no right to decide who can and cannot live in their countries because . . . RACISM! It's akin to what we hear re Israel: Jews, obviously, must not live in "Arab" lands, but Arabs, obviously, have the right to live in Israel, Europe, Australia, and America. Because . . . wait for it . . . RACISM! Obviously!

As noted, the progs rule out deportation. While, however, these progs object, in public, to the term "shit-hole country," they tacitly acknowledge it as true. Their twisted logic on no deportation and in favor of Open Borders, gives away their real view of much of the rest of the world, to wit, that a whole lotta  countries out there earn that "S-H" title. The prog solution, obviously, consists of turning our Western countries, as I noted before, into open-ended repositories for people from around the world, and soon into copies of the countries from whence come these migrants. The Bill of Rights as a suicide note.

OK, if they can come here because their countries are a mess, let me make a modest proposal, and one not original with me. Some years back, in the 1990's I believe, the UN briefly discussed, didn't get too far, establishing a process for declaring certain countries"Failed States." Once such a declaration occured, the proposal went, a benign sort of colonial administration would run the country: somewhat like when the US ran Haiti, 1914-1934. Borrowing from that idea, therefore, we could have an Anglo-American-Australian headed consortium that would help bring the civilization of the Western world to those people so desperate to live under it. Save them the trip. Might prove cheaper and less risky all around. Uber-eats meets imperialism? British Empire, part II?

Maybe not. I guess the progs aren't ready for the ultimate logical conclusion to their own arguments on immigration. Obviously!

Build the wall. Obviously!


  1. Mr. Diplomad -- you are guilty of being rational. Please report immediately to your nearest Democrat Party office for deep reprogramming. You will be happier afterwards -- Trust us!

  2. Historically, Americans are ambivalent regarding the idea of empire, even when we had a small one. Nowadays, you might find more people amenable to the idea than back in the early 1900's. However, even if we "take up the white mans burden" again, as Kipling exhorted the U.S. to do in said poem, we would still be called racist, xenophobic, etc., etc., ad infinitum. So it is a situation of damned if we do or damned if we don't and the only way out is civil war, which is exactly what the commiescum want, so at the moment Western Civilization is, in my opinion, cornered with no good moves, just varying degrees of not exactly moral-immoral choices.

  3. Fitting spot for this:

    1. "The Conservative Disadvantage", 'bout sums it up 'whitewalls'! To win the revolution we'll need hybrids like the Potus. How many of his stripe are in the ranks would you reckon? Right! So like all wars, it comes down to, how and when we get swept into the inferno? The cleansing fire that leaves few uninjured survivors. The source of the blaze tho, makes a difference! 'Spect the firebug who ignites the fight, will turn out to be the beast that reunites conserve your ammo and temper your voice, till the push comes to shove, and the stores are empty! Then we may be able to determine, Friend from Foe! Methinks...
      On Watch~~~

  4. I live in a super progressive utopia, also known as Portland Oregon. Well at least it is for the progs.

    The progressive world view leads to a stratified class system. The wealthy progs that can afford to live in the city, ply the gourmet markets and restaurants. They express solidarity with all the right causes, plenty of lawn signs for black lives matter, even though there are few if any blacks in any neighborhood they will live in. There is, and I have seen this with my own eyes, a very lovely historic million-dollar home, immaculate yard, and “F*** Trump” painted in white house paint applied with a roller on the wall facing the street. Likely the work of Mr. Prog’s child who lives in the basement, and he is quite proud of their confused gender, and participation in the Antifa.

    Then there is the servant class. Those that are there to harvest the food and cook it for them. To cut their grass, to build and then clean their homes, watch their children while they are applauding at “Hamilton”. The progs need a beholden underclass to maintain their standard of living.

    The mentality has not changed over the centuries, only how they go about maintaining the lifestyle has evolved over time. First was by whip and hounds. Then by hood and cross. Now by EBT and Section 8.

    1. Before that, Lord(s) of the Manor and their serfs and vassals. Vassals could get uppity at times.

    2. "Vassals could get uppity at times."
      Yea! Then they want a vote on who gets what from the larder when! Ungrateful teetsuckers!
      King KnOWhOW III ~~~

  5. Trump’s approval among Hispanics is approaching 50%. A few more points and the Democrats will be mixing to mortar for the border wall.

    1. To see more on this: “”

    2. They (learnEd scholars) say: Nuttin suckseeds like SuckCess~~~~keep pumping George~~~

  6. Trouble is, you would get "failed politicians" putting their hands up to run those "failed States" because they can't stand to be off the Gravy Train.

    I can think of a dozen or so absolute wastes of space former pollies from Australia, and from both sides, who would be salivating at the prospect.

  7. I have long thought that if anybody actually cared for the well-being of the Haitians, they would support putting the USMC in charge there again. It was the only time in Haiti's history that the country had even halfway decent government.

    1. Failed Country? Apply TODAY to TRIPLE A!
      An Undergrad program of member states whereby its citizens and leaders 'learn and practice' the skills of self governance under the watchful eye and dedicated mission of USMC Drill Instructors: Including Force Protectors and Medical Corp VOLs to ensure the State's return to health and the Family of Man! ACT NOW, before your Nation becomes the next Venezuela! Get your ~AAA~ Civilized Society Training Program card, and survival Food Contract `FREE` to the first 50 "Shitholes" that apply ~~~ Earn an Opportunity for your future generations to migrate to job opportunities in the ~Anglo-American-Australian ~AAA~ Consortium and "MAKE THE PLANET GREAT AGAIN" (a Div. of MAGA Inc.)

      ON WATCH~~~~
      Lovingly, and
      wherever possible~~~
      "Let's Roll"

  8. It does make your head spin. Walk hundreds of miles to get to a country thought to be perfect and want to change it into something you left behind.

    1. Yes! Incongruity by design.
      Our anti-American enemies at work,
      supported tooth & nail by Democ'rats & progs,
      and Never Trumper GOPe skanks and squirrels!
      Continue pumping operations Mr Gridley~~~
      On Watch~~~

    2. And, while we're on the subject of:
      'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap'

      "So as the West is forced to admit Venezuelan refugees (and unlike the Central Americans, these are real ones), each and every one of them is potentially a carrier [as are the rest of the Illegal Alien Germ Bombs from South of the Border (SOBs)], if not openly suffering from... some of the most awful and once-thought-eradicated diseases from the 19th century. Next time a socialist [or PROG] speaks of 'progress' remember that this is what socialists deliver on their 'progress.'

      It amounts to >-->biological warfare on the West<--<, given that people outside Venezuela's socialist zone of misery are going to die from these diseases which had long been eradicated from the capitalist West up until now. The DEMOCRAT Gift to American Children & Families!
      ON WATCH~~~
      "Let's Roll"
      Hat Tip Instapundit
      Read more:
      Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

  9. Regardless of the claims, the fruits of and the motivations behind progressivism are hate and racial extinction.
    People should watch what the progressives *do*, not what they *say*. They control and distort words, but their actions speak much louder.

    - reader #1482

  10. Imperialism only make sense if the people you "administer" have something worth exploiting, and I use the word in the good sense. No point in wasting energy on people who are worthless.

  11. Off-topic Sir but I noted something off your sidebar and knowing your "fondness" of the 1911:

    1. In 2006, at 85 years old, [Pilot in Command] Owen Baggett died in Texas, but he will always be remembered as the man who used a .45 to get a Zero.

      ON WATCH~~~

  12. Sorry, but we don't need any of these shithole countries. It is not the responsibility to solve any country's problems or serve as the global "policeman". The one and only responsibility of the USA is to protect and defend the territory and citizens of this country.

  13. My my my Delilah~~~

    True, sometimes we do wish that we have 'Only One' responsibility! Unfortunately though, as history and life in general has taught US, we ignore EVIL MEN and Their EVIL Deeds at our own peril. Yes there are times to Stand Down, but there also times when we need Stand Up and defeat existential threats, to ourselves, our families, as well as our country and our allies. To do less would put us, as caring people, on a fast track to destruction. How does that old saying go...something like "All that is needed for Bad Men to succeed is for Good men to do nothing", I believe there is a lot of truth in that thought, as I have seen it many times over the course of my life. -- Another saying I believe offers good counsel is, "Fools rush in where Wise men never go"~~~ Pray we can recognize the evil extant in our world, and react to it with all Force necessary to defeat it. The mission may be viewed differently by women and men -- or by those not raised in or conditioned by Liberty and Freedom. Time will tell if the USA will continue to be guided by righteous thoughts and deeds? I pray for our Children~~~
    On Watch~~~
    "Let's Roll"
    Here's a nice Piano version of a tune with your Lovely name:
