Saturday, May 4, 2019

Harmless Fun with Guns

OK. Let's take a break from all the news and talk about important stuff. Here at the ol' Diplomad homestead that, of course, means guns, in particular 1911's.

I must confess. Yes, I did it again. I sneaked out of the house and over to my favorite gun store in Wilmington, Backwater Guns. I spent about an hour boring the very nice folks over there and then ended up buying a Dan Wesson Specialist chambered in .45.

Without hesitation I headed over to the local gun range and began blasting away. I know there's a lot of hype out there about Dan Wesson's (now owned by CZ) but this specimen, at least, lived up to it. It shot flawlessly with only one fail to feed when I used an aftermarket 10 round mag. If I stuck to the mags that came with the gun, no problems at all.

It's a beautiful gun, and very well made. Lots of attention to detail, lots more than you would expect in a production gun. Very smooth action, excellent trigger, great grips, and pretty neat sights. Even I shot very well at my usual chicken 10 yard distance. Tight groups; easy to keep the gun on target. It's a keeper.

Get one for Mother's Day.

Not to be a buzz-kill but my day at the range was almost ruined by a couple of new Wilson mags which I used in my Colt 38 Super. I know Wilson's have a good rep, and I have used them in other guns, but what a disaster in the 38 Super. I cycled both magazines through three times each. That's six  mag loads for those of you raised on the metric system. Every time, EVERY single time on the last round, the gun would not only jam, but the slide stop lever would partially come out and a HUGE jam would ensue. I showed it to the range gun smith; he said he had never seen something like that; I let him fire it, and--bam!--it happened again. No problem at all with the standard mags that come with the gun. I have left a message over at Wilson and will see if they call back. And Venezuelans think they have problems . . . ha!

One other note, a political one: the attack on AG Barr shows how genuinely desperate the Dems have become. They have to destroy Barr before he can show how the Russian Collusion story was the greatest political hoax of our time--much worse than the Dreadnought hoax--and involved senior levels of America's (and Britain's?) intel and law enforcement services. If I were the Dems, I, too, would be frantically trying to do something, anything, to head off that story.

We'll discuss it soon.


  1. I have a Colt 1911 in .45 and a Browning 1911 in .380. Like em both.

    It's going to get ugly when Horowitz reports.

    1. Horowitz, yawn. That process is so slow it seems designed to be so late as to be useless. Hmm, sound like most government programs.
      Watch where Barr works from. If indictments come out of DC, he intends to loose. If they come out of Utah, wake me up

    2. There better be serious jail time and reform of the intelligence apparatus or many will conclude that we no longer live in a republic. MK your FB post about Ricochet sent me into a rage. GW

    3. There won't be any significant charges filed. All the parties who made the whole think up will claim a groupthink defense and it'll be true.

    4. ..."the parties who made the whole think up will claim a groupthink defense...Anon May 7, 2019 at 1:17 AM

      Could be, but, as in such "legal" defences,(re Nuremburg to Watergate) there needs be, the Fall Guys! On the basis, of popular dislike, I nominate Former Director Comey, for the 1st noose!
      On Watch~~~

  2. I wish my range allowed less than 50 foot targets. It gets rather discouraging when shooting my mouse guns.

  3. You're making me drool again, but the keyboard's old & needs replaced anyway. It's been too long since I got a new gun, that's got to be remedied!

    Your range sounds enviable to me too- outdoors, I presume? My only option without many hours driving is an indoor range, 40 yd max and 10 yd minimum distance. I've got a little NAA mousegun, .22mag, which I like a lot for deep carry, but I can't even see if I'm hitting the target at 10 yards, the holes are just too small. Asked them if I could bring the target up to 7 yards but no, they had some idiot shooting the walls & ceiling when that was allowed so it's now forbidden. Sigh.

    Once upon a time there was lots of empty state land that one could go shooting on; now it's almost all off-limits, here in the ex-paradise of California. Double sigh.

    Now I'll go sing my song: I gotta get outta this place, if it's the last thing I evvvvvver do!

  4. I've had excellent luck with Metalform .38 Super magazines for my Colt. They're even affordable!

    1. I will give them a try. Kinda sour on Wilson.

  5. In 2013 Venezuela made all guns the property of the state. Are you listening gun grabbers?

    1. That's their DREAM...

      It's all about POWER, and CONTROL. NEVER, give up your defensive weapons...

  6. Diplomad, you in NC now. why do you not shoot in your backyard?

    1. Can't speak for the Chief Sid'
      But, I've found Dry Firing from cover,
      front, back, and side yards in all weather
      conditions day n' night is good drill as well as a good muscle memory workout -- and it doesn't scare potential targets or silhouettes away ;) Plus, contrary to popular rumors, its not too hard on the apparatus, especially if you use center fire weapons and snapcaps! My old Off Duty .38 wore out only 1 pin and 2 springs, over the last 5 years! Of course I keep my knees off the concrete and tile, or you'll wear them out a lot faster!~~~
      On Watch~~~

    2. Hahaha, your neighbors probably think you are a nut. I chuckle just imagining you rolling around out there with the gun. Must be a culture gap but i've always found places to shoot. Gravel pits, reclaimed strip mines, junk yards (particulary fun). One thing i've found that security or busybodies generally steer clear of guys blazing away with multiple calipers

    3. ..."your neighbors probably think you are a nut."

      Yup dem calipers can be formidable, and yes there are indeed rumors in my 'hood Sid', however my rustic style tastefully landscaped stockade fencing, prevents most eyes-on confirmation that a Nutjob is in residence, especially since all they hear is the clack-clack of the snapcaps! Unles...

      Altho, I did have an old Gent and his Gal come up last month, and peek through the gaps in the back fence--right where I had a sign that warned "BOXER ON DUTY" I Howled, "caneye hep yU folks", he said "looks like you have a wonderland back there"...I walked over a few feet closer and did my best "Wilson" impersonation "Yes Sir I sure like it", and chatted him up a touch, he asked if I liked cigars, I said "Sure do, but only Cubans, a bad habit I still can't break from my
      Squadron 12' days down in Cayo Weso"! Said he "I got a few stogies back home", he ain't come 'rouncheer since!

      Sure, I have my favorite live-fire haunts too, mostly where the off duty, Guard and LEOs hang-out n' shoot. Doesn't hurt to cultivate some character references, I reciprocate ;) As for those walk-abouts, got most of those plinking sojourns out of my system before I got married -- nowadays no telling what or who is lying-low out in the bush?! So, I Limit my wildlife excursions via my backyard dock up the Creek, out in the Bay, over to the Inlet, and a speedy return~~~ on the incoming tide~~~ thinkin of cold beer and BBQ fish all the way~~~
      On Watch~~~

  7. Wilson gets back to you fairly quickly . If you are looking for 10 round mags for the Super, try Chip McCormicks .. I have fired a couple of thousand through each Super and the CmC are just fine .
    Don't get too sour of Wilson just yet .You might try their ammo as well. Nice in .45 and 0,38 Super

  8. Went up to SIG Sauer Academy this past weekend for a Rifle Fundamentals class. I had a great time, and I am now looking into the purchase of an AR style rifle. Glad you had fun!


    1. The Maltese Phantom of Russiagate
      By Lee Smith, RealClearInvestigations
      May 30, 2018

      Took them long enough to get to the bottom of this pile of International CRAP! Now let's see how long it'll take our Representatives to round up the bastards that planned, engineered, and executed this 'coup. Let's Start with Brennan and a pair jumper cables on his chops, if he's got any, he'll sing like a canary, the Islamist POS!

      In the January interview, Roh asked Mifsud if he was working for MI6. “No,” said Mifsud, “no, never, I was never an agent.”

      According to Roh and Pastor’s book, however, he’s part of an international clique that >>> identifies itself with the values and causes represented by the Clintons and their various enterprises.<<<

      Mifsud, they write, >>>“was always a ‘Clintonist.’”<<<

      Mifsud said something similar in the interview he gave to the Italian newspaper La Repubblica shortly before he went into hiding. >>>“The only foundation I am a member of,” he said, is “the Clinton Foundation.”<<<

      It’s not clear what Mifsud may have been meant by that — there is no membership, as such, in the Clinton Foundation — except perhaps to identify himself as a part of liberal, internationalist circles, like his friend and Link Campus colleague Gianni Pittella.

      Pittella made a splash at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, where he took a very vocal position against Donald Trump. “I have taken the unprecedented step of endorsing and campaigning for Hillary Clinton because the risk of Donald Trump is too high,” Pittella told Time magazine. “I believe it is in the interest of the European Union and Italy to have Hillary Clinton in office. A Trump victory could be a disaster for the relationship between the U.S.A. and Italy.”

      Mifsud’s worldview, along with his array of European and American contacts, and the lack of response by those high-level figures to the spy charge, have led Roh to conclude that if Mifsud is working for any intelligence agency, it was Western rather than Russian. “I call him an asset, a person who cooperates in an operation, but is not a member of the team.”

      If Mifsud was a Western intelligence asset, as Roh and Pastor argue, it’s still unclear what his role may have been in the Papadopoulos case. Congressional investigators on the Republican side speculate that Mifsud may have been part of a sting operation designed to open an FBI investigation on the Trump campaign.

      Roh and Pastor may be overstating Mifsud’s role when they refer to him as an asset. Maybe he was more like a “cat’s paw,” a person used by someone else to carry out a job for ends and results of which he was unaware. Mifsud’s role then was to pass information, or simply take meetings, that would dirty Papadopoulos.

      Or the Maltese professor truly is a Russian spy. If so, Western intelligence services are looking at one of the largest and most embarrassing breaches in a generation. But none of the governments or intelligence agencies potentially compromised is acting like there’s anything wrong.

      Or he might just be a man who wanted to seem important by repeating a rumor he’d heard to another man who also wanted to seem important. It’s still unclear who may have put him in the middle of a political scandal and for what purposes.

      These EuroPEON Socialists and their anti-America Democrat collaborators should be rounded up and fed to the fishes! As for Shrillirry use her for chum! BUT! I'll settle for Indictments, Trials and Hard-time, on Devils Island, till they shrivel up and blow away!
      On Watch~~~
      "Let's Roll"

    2. Headphones OW

    3. Yes Anon, the "Fiction" that the Clinton MOB fabricated using cheap foreign cutouts, crazy jihadi-american converts, and Intl Socio/Commie bagmen: All in collusion with BO's dark state and Protected by Mulers Manure Mill, are falling-apart in a light breeze!~~~ Can't wait till the sh!t floating out on the horizon 'Hits Trump's Fan Base' come next hunting season!
      On Watch~~~
      "Let's Roll"

  10. I missed this:
    Brennan said to MSNBC on March 25, 2019: "Well, I don’t know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was. I am relieved that it's been determined there was not a criminal conspiracy with the Russian government over our election."

    Seriously... 'oops'? Is that how people excuse themselves for an attempted coup?
    Brennan drove this thing, and it was obvious that he did it *knowingly*.
    Biggest stench since Sandy Berger's stint at the national archives.

    - reader #1482
