Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Baltiless and Other Reflections

Baltimore has come to much, much less than it once was.

I have been in that city numerous times; each visit finds the city worse and worse. Baltimore, the home of our national anthem, Edgar Allan Poe, Babe Ruth, H.L. Mencken, Harriet Tubman, Nancy Pelosi, Frederick Douglas, Tom Clancy, the USS Constellation, and so many more; yes, that very Baltimore is a national disgrace: an embarrassment of epic proportions.

It has the nation's highest homicide rate (equal or superior to that in much of Central America), a poverty rate through the roof, consistently in the top ten ranking of rat-infested US cities, disastrous public schools, a collapsing police force, all, of course, as befits a beneficiary of decades of crooked Democratic Party rule--including by Nancy Pelosi's dad. The people of Baltimore have more claim to political asylum than do those from Guatemala.

So our politically incorrect President has the temerity to speak truth to power, and . . . wait for it, wait for it . . . "RACIST!" is the reply. No vow to check the facts; to do something about the politicians who have caused this calamity. No, attack the messenger. Protect the corruptocrats and the other con men who have produced this wreck. The message from the Socialists who now run the world's oldest political party, "Nothing to see here. Move along! Move along! Just an old racist ranting . . . pay no attention!" The Socialists don't give a damn about the people caught in that hell-hole any more than they do about the people in other Progressive sinking ships: Flint, STL, Chicago, LA, SF, and on and on.  They want to do what they have done in those places to the whole country. We can't let them.

Evil bastards. There is no other label I can put on them.

I won't be watching the Dem Circus, aka "Debate." I have zero interest in their delusions and fantasies. They hate America; they hate Western Civilization; they are merchants of poverty, misery and death.

I am with Trump and that's that.


  1. What they really hate is seeing their opposition being so successful.

  2. Not only Nancy Pelosi's father but also her brother was mayor.

  3. It's funny to hear republicans bleating about the government of Baltimore/Maryland not solving the problems of the people of Maryland for them.... and then the democrats declaring that the private sector (landlords) are the ones responsible and should be fixing it... How do landlords fix 2nd highest murder rate in the country? Even the most libertarian republicans agree that the government (democrats in this case) should be responsible for stopping murder.

    Baltimore has a nice wharf... it's too bad there's nowhere safe to park to enjoy it.

    - reader #1482

    1. "Bleating ?" Who runs Baltimore?

    2. I think 1482 is noting that Maryland, by some strange quirk, has a Republican governor (Hogan).

    3. The last Republican mayor of Baltimore was Theodore McKeldin 1963-1977.

    4. Correction 1963-1967

  4. 16 billion in fed money in 2018 alone. Where did it all go? Trump traced all of it. Mayor recently stepped down, a couple of FBI raids on local pols. Don't suppose the Sessions intercity task force had anything to do with it? Nah, Jeff was sleepin' everyone said so.

  5. 600K population, 16 billion $ = 26K+ per person. Must have misplaced a couple of bucks.

    1. Let me help you with the math: $16B divided by 32 billion rats + Elijah Cummings = .50 cents/rat or a very wealthy Elijah Cummings.

    2. A few years ago the school system "lost" $52,000,000. Don't know if it was ever "found". A friend tried to sell to the city a program that could track where money was going, but they declined to purchase it; and it wasn't over the cost of the program.

  6. I *really* hope they don't stop at the mayor... there's no way a few million in bribes there can soak up $16 BILLION.... it's going to be tempting not to get at the rest... the higher profile take down... easier to crow about than organizations full of kleptocrats.
    Hopefully they can take down most of the city council and the city's administrative staff.

  7. Democrats are the self proclaimed party of the poverty stricken and downtrodden. What makes anyone think that the Democrats would ever want fewer poverty stricken and downtrodden.

  8. I step back and marvel at the idiocy of the lefties. They do indeed hate from morning to night and do little to hide their revulsion to all things related to western civilization. All we hear is how racist we are. Whatever. It's all so tiresome and grim to listen to these peddlers of negativity.

    The idiocy factor fired on all cylinders when Dems wouldn't shut up about conditions in the detention centers. That's all we heard, all day everyday as if we should feel obligated to present an affluent life to a group of lawbreakers, no questions asked. Increasingly Americans began to ask why we should focus so much energy, money and attention on people who weren't Americans when our own citizens had needs, serious needs. And then Bad Orange Man let loose the hounds of reality. Bam. Look at our inner cities in spite of truckloads of money thrown at them to fix problems. And now the questions start to roll in along with cameras. It's delicious on steroids.

    I volunteer for an organization that provides transitional housing for women with children and field phone calls from very desperate women who need emergency housing- the need far outstrips the availability of beds all across this affluent city where I reside. I can say with 100% confidence that every woman to whom I've spoken would be thrilled to be able to walk into one of the detention centers and receive 3 hots, a cot, free medical care and all the other niceties we've lavished on lawbreakers who complain.

    There are some Dem pols who have a whole lot of 'splaining to do. Bad Orange Man sure can make these people dance. And this inner city focus is not going away anytime soon. Free healthcare for illegals contrasted with the inner cities. Go with it Dems, maybe if you shove it down our throats with more gusto we'll eventually like it. Because in the end the jackboot on our throats is how they intend to accomplish their misery for all.

  9. $16 billion...

    That's more than Bad Orange Man asked for to build the wall...

  10. I've noted that since around 2006 life on the political landscape in the US had begun to feel like a sort of neo-feudal system. If we look at how politicians view their seats, "the Kennedy seat" "the Dingle seat" etc it's as if we have an aristocracy embedded in the political class.....politics has become generational. My husband theoried these ancients hang on to these roles on Capitol Hill to enrich the family coffers. Why else would these geezers and wheezers camp out in DC when they should be enjoying their grandkids and their 4th vacation home.

    Bad Orange Man has really dropped one in the ole punch bowl as only he can do. BOM remains my banana cream pie in the face of these fake dukes and duchesses. I delight in each and every pie that is smashed in their powdered faces. Mean isn't it? I no longer care how I am perceived. Most every single one of them should be tossed down the Capitol steps and laughed at. I'd even volunteer to straighten their mangled tiaras.

    1. "I no longer care how I am perceived."

      A WONDERFUL way to live life!

      At my age, I don't care either.

      Trump seems to follow that as well. He throws truth out there, roughly half the population explodes their pea-brains, and he carries on, winning for the United States!

  11. I dunno... the lefties have stolen the word 'woke'. That just sucks.
    I wasn't even paying attention, and it's suddenly gone.
    When will they stop?

    - reader #1482

  12. Dear Dip, I often end an exhausting and depressing slog through the online news with a visit to this site. It always gives me a lift when I find a new screed from you! Cheers!
