Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Politics of, by, and for the Seriously Disturbed

Science. Settled. Progressivism equals mental disturbance. Being a progressive should qualify for one of those Red Flags (appropriate, eh?) that denies one ownership of firearms. Finally, a gun control scheme I can accept: no guns for Democrats!

These last few days have shown that mental disturbance in its full glory. First, of course, whenever one discusses mental disturbances, we perforce turn to Joe Biden. I have written before of this hoary politico (here and here, among other postings) and unveiled my view that he is, uh, not too bright--please, dear readers, I am trying to be kind. Over the years he has gone from a kinda goofy standard Dem corruptocrat to outright unwell, shall we say? He needs to leave the stage ASAP, go off and enjoy his millions.

He is the prime example of a Chauncey Gardner among the current crop of lunatic Marxists now running for president on the Dem slate. He is just there. No real reason. Just happenstance. He's there. Stands for nothing . . . well, except for getting very rich by being there. Got nothing to say. When the poor hair-plugged Sphinx does dare say something, almost anything, it is a lie, a convoluted fantasy, or just a plain old incoherent ramble that you expect to hear conclude with the phrase, "Mmmmm, pudding!"

The Dem machine, and I include the media, of course, has tried to protect ol' Joe from himself in the belief--perhaps not wrong--that as inane, corrupt, and disconnected as he is, he remains the best candidate the Dems have, the only "electable" one. Yeah, sure. But even that game is over. He is toast. Not even the huge media machine can protect him any longer. He, ironically, has been finished off by his friends trying to do him one last favor.

As you all know, the media ran lurid accounts of a mysterious and anonymous (of course) "whistleblower" who had revealed incredible evil doings by the Bad Orange Man in the White House, you know, the one who denied Hillary Clinton her rightful inheritance. President Trump mentioned the Bidens in a phone call! Oh the horror! It seems that this so-called President Trump had a conversation with the new President of Ukraine--how dare he!!!--in which the subject of corruption came up. This would not prove surprising, since the new Ukrainian president ran and won on a platform of ending the rampant political corruption in Ukraine. It seems that in discussing corruption in Ukraine the topic of the Bidens came up. No way around that.

You all know the back story. Joe served as Obama's "point man" on Ukraine and China. Not clear why (except perhaps as a way to make Joe rich), but he was "point man" on two countries of which he has no particular knowledge. Well, you see, ol' Joe has a ne'er do well son, by the macho name of Hunter. He got bounced from the Naval Reserve for drug use, has DUI arrests, and a bizarro personal life. He's ostensibly a lawyer but is in reality a kid living off his father's fame and position. Purely by accident, of course, Hunter got placed on the board of a corrupt Ukrainian energy company--along with John Kerry's step-son--and paid somewhere between $50,000-$83,000 per month for his "advice." Mind you the kid has no expertise in energy or Ukrainian affairs. Nice job. He also has a billionaire contract from the Chinese government for his firm. All of these things happened right after Daddy visited Ukraine and China. You can read up on all the sorry details. Joe Biden has bragged openly about getting a Ukrainian prosecutor fired who was investigating the firm that hired Hunter. It's all very embarrassing.

Now thanks to the mad prog insistence on going after Trump for allegedly "pressuring" President Zelensky to sabotage Biden, that torpedo aimed at Trump is--as with all the other ones put in the water by the lefties--circling back. Biden is in trouble. Suddenly his corruption is an issue. This might help explain why Obama tried to talk him out of running; that torpedo might just make contact with SS Barack. It now seems clear, especially after the Russia hoax, that Obama-Biden ran the most corrupt and dangerous administration in our history. I cheer for that torpedo.

I am also concerned with yet another sign of progressive mental disturbance. Some 16-year-old Scandinavian girl, Greta Something Swedish, is being hailed as a great beacon of clarity and moral purpose in pursuit of another ongoing hoax, Climate Change. I heard her speak at some fake panel, and while full of admiration for her English, I must conclude that we are witnessing either an ardent student of the Meryl Streep School of Acting or a seriously abused child. If she's not acting, I worry that she poses a danger to herself and others. Put her on suicide watch, at least. We have here a perfect example of a youngster programmed by some adults and sent forth much like we see Islamic child suicide bombers, or Mao's Red Guard, or the Hitler Youth.

The left is so mentally disturbed that they want to kill as many children as possible, in the womb preferably, and turn those who live into robots spouting nonsense and preaching death and destruction which can only be avoided by giving the Progs more power over all of our lives.

Give us your children! Your guns! Your cars! Your hamburgers! Your air conditioning! We will control all and ensure we all live good lives. All praise to Gaia!


  1. Re poorl little Great Thunberg:

    Oldemoren til moren min pleide å si at en svenske bare var en Norsker med hjernen slått ut.

    But that was more upper Midwest, good-natured ribbing of the neighbors. I see in the Greta case a mix of a Leftist Children's Crusade in search of a real-life Pippi Longstocking. It saddens me as much as it disgusts me. As a teacher, I have to be on the lookout for signs of my teenaged charges being abused; and here I see some other teen abused by the media powers.

  2. Backhandedly hopeful. The only candidate not virtue-signaling his communist credentials making way for the real 5th column.
    Trump's job just got easier.
    Very sad.
    A young relative of mine waxed poetic about how 'cool' it was that "Beto" f-bombed in his concession speech. "SO COOL"
    ... almost.. old... enough... to... vote.
    We're toast.

    - reader #1482

    1. "A young relative of mine waxed poetic..." sez a Heavy-Caliber reader #1400+pounds @sea level

      YO! Way COOL Dude, He Woke!

      Goin Off Duty~~~
      On an outgoing tide~~~

  3. My late maternal grandfather (of German descent) used to quote a little ditty he would hear one group of Scandinavian descent boys say to a different group of Scandinavian descent boys when he was growing up. "Ten thousand Swedes, snuck through the weeds, pursued by one Norwegian."

    1. My father used to quote a version of that.
      "Ten thousand Swedes ran through the weeds
      "At the Battle of Copenhagen.
      "Ten thousand Swedes ran through the weeds
      "Pursued by one Norwegian."

      In Norway they tell ethnic jokes about the Swedes.

    2. My German (immigrant) grandpa told me the same ("...and the dust from the weed made snus for the Swedes..."! We live in a heavily Scandinavian county in northern MN and the Swedes and the Norwegians (my grandma), rib each other all the time.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. My Dad was Norsk, and Mom was Svenska, so I should, technically not exist, I am a Catdog! A Norwegian/Swedish hybrid!

  4. And what if by some strange confluence of stars the Left succeeds and Trump is removed from Office by a Republican Senate fresh off the Kavanaugh farce? Do these lunatics think Hillary suddenly gets carried into the White house atop a golden throne?
    Civics 101: You get a President Pence who gets to hand pick a new VP who will be confirmed by a favorable Senate.
    And a very ticked off Electorate ready to send the Left packing right in time for the election season.

  5. ...if by some strange confluence of stars the Left succeeds...

    Let it be written, let it be said...but please Lord, I pray it does not happen(with or without the miracle of a WOKE 'electorate'... I got kids in the Game! Amen~~~

    On Watch~~~
    "Let's Roll"

    1. as long as the 'game' isn't politics... good on ya.
      nobody is served by having a politician in the family.

    2. Roger that Anon, happily my brood aren't so inclined, yet! However if word get's out that "Hunter B" is scooping up real money from the Chicoms, they may vote for a stout noose to string 'em up with!?

  6. If the torpedo circles back, leave us hope it is a Long Lance!

  7. Aye Aye Scotty!
    Beam me up ta the Bridge Lad |||
    >--All Ahead Flank-->>>

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. On the climate fraud front, do you know just how big of a fraud it really is? Plesse check out this new book on the subject:


    1. There is a lack of comparable scandals to make 'biggest in history' mean very much. Most scientific malfeasance has been limited to select researchers and/or departments.
      imo, we're seeing more of an applied sociology experiment.
      At this point it's pretty clear that the people of the US have decided that for 'warnings grave enough', evidence really is only a formality.

      Very similar to the eugenics movement of a century ago.
      Much like eugenics, it's "just obvious". CO2 is a greenhouse gas (marginally), and burning stuff produces it, therefore today's high temperature in the desert I moved to last year is caused by my car. The enormous evidentiary gaps in eugenics were pretty similar.

      Was eugenics a 'fraud'? Not one perpetrated by an individual who could be convicted of a crime. Similarly for the climate jokers, there's nobody who is individually perpetrating a fraud, they're mainly just incrementally invested in it by submitting their models to comparative efforts and benefiting from the research citations. The liability/culpability is quite diffuse.

      - reader #1482

  10. Why does everyone say Biden is a nice guy?

    Most of his public image involves his own stories of bullying someone? What's "nice," for instance, about his own account of his treatment of Ukraine? Then, as another example, there is his stated wish to meet Trump "in a locker room," where, as "a pretty good athlete, "he could presumably beat him up. Etc., etc. Such utterances go back years.

    He has always been a pathological liar. His stories have always been clearly embellished, if having any truth at all. E.g., He as a teen getting hold of a rusty razor to confront a black gang leader and his thugs armed with heavy chains who were threatening him. The gang leader was so impressed they ended up good friends.Yeah, sure.

    i could add Biden lies about Republicans and their policies/proposals shamelessly. I don't expect Dems to take this into account, but Republicans should care.

    His/his son's corruption has been known about for years.

    His "groping" problem has been known about for years.

    So why has Biden universally been labelled a "nice guy?"

    1. So why has Biden universally been labelled a "nice guy?"

      "Universally" MsHer?
      More like, the Democrat facsimile of a "nice guy" -- not unlike Billy Jeff Clinton and his drooling band of cesspool dwelling Constitutional fornicators aka Democraps.


  11. Ingen dorlig var, bara dorlig clar. no bad weather, just bad clothing. No climate problem in Norge.

    1. Ingen dorlig var, bara dorlig clar...

      Mange takk for the weather report from the North JB! };=)>
      @^@Iceberg 2 degrees off the Port Bow~~^~~

  12. Still, the disintegration of any kind of trust between the two sides in our country bodes very ill for the future.

    1. ...'disintegration of any kind of trust between the two sides in our country bodes very ill for the future."

      If the "two" sides were equally worthy of the "trust" you conjur Mr. K, I'd say you make a good point. However, we've known for a very long time that one side of the equation is morally and mentally bankrupt, and therefore unable to bring a good faith presence to the American political experience. To deny that reality for the long-term will surely bring more harm and decline to our Republic, than it will to confront and defeat it NOW in the near-term.

      "Keep America Great" defang and castrate the beast known collectively as Radical-Progressive-Socialism, or more commonly by their false flag nom de guerre ---> Democrats!

      On Watch~~~
      "Let's Roll"

    2. Touchee. There are lots of Dems near and dear to me. But the O years convinced me that the politicians of the Democratic Party are not worthy of public trust. But can I do anything but mourn as the country seems to begin its slide to a new civil war?

    3. ..."But can I do anything but mourn..."
      You just did, as usual, Kepha, and I believe you'll also do so on Election Day! Hopefully, enough of our countrymen including women will add their voices and votes to avert the violence of civil war to save US...
      Best Regards Teacher, keep planting those seeds!
      On Watch~~~
      "Let's Roll"

  13. DiploMad: Il se fache, donc il a tort.

    One might consider that anyone discoursing in this tone in the public square would actually be considered a lunatic himself, disparaging "political correctness"--or perhaps civility--in favor of invective and name-calling.

    The internet--sweet land of liberty -- and hate.

    1. Progressives have a problem with labeling justified name-calling as 'ad hominem', even when it include specific accusations of malfeasance.
      Your plan is to normalize the selling of foreign policy and extortion in the white house?

      - reader #1482

    2. ---> MOT #1482
      and he was breathing down my neck...
      Dive Dive~~~

  14. Mr. Amselem Sir?

    I just placed a comment over on Duff's this date (0136 GMT) I'd respectfully request you take a look at. Post title contains 'TDS' & 'BDS.'

  15. Well Old freund,
    since things have been so quiet 'round this outpost lately, I packed my knap-sack, a spare pair of skivvies, my compass and once sharp swiss knife, and headed off to the far shore of 'Nonsense to investigate a plaintive call -- of what sounded to my hairy ears, as a far cry from a Loon in distress or looking for a mate... Since the Chief seems to be incommunicado at present, I set off to gather what I could from those strange folk 'over there'. Why were they now, so concerned about "Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS)" or for that matter TDS?

    Luckily, I was able to uncover the 0136GMT commentary you referenced and so, snipped a copy from the underbrush. I have posted it below for the WLA to consider, should he return sooner rather than later, and spook the neighbors with live fire from the Armory! Have a relaxing Sunday~~~

    To Wit:


    Here's the official form required to submit a complaint of allegations:


    I do not expect you'll notice anything "out-of-the-ordinary" where the particular form is concerned so, I'll do it for you.

    You notice Bob on the lower right corner of the form the notation

    "Rev: August 2019"? On each and every of the pages?

    Neither do I Bob expect such as yourself to be familiar with a very specific change that was made between what was required prior to the revision made a mere 34 days ago - Care to guess what one of the (in my personal experience) most significant changes was?

    Bueller? Er, apologies. Bob?

    The previous form had a line stating: "The Intelligence Community Inspector General [ICIG] cannot transmit information via the ICPWA based on an employee’s second-hand knowledge of wrongdoing. FIRST-HAND INFORMATION REQUIRED. [My Bolding - JK] This includes information received from another person, such as when an employee informs you that he/she witnessed some type of wrongdoing."

    "If you think that wrongdoing took place, but can provide nothing more than second-hand or unsubstantiated assertions, the office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General will not be able to process the complaint or information for submission as an ICWPA.”


    Does the concept of "That seems mighty convenient" at all occur to you?

    (I haven't a clue how other Executive departments 'Reporting Forms' were available, whether those departments' forms demanded info to be first-hand, I just don't know. However knowing as I do the 'acronym agencies' which had a "I" in the nomenclature used to have the form requiring 'First Hand Knowledge' [You see Bob ol' JK is making unclear just how he knows this shit?] ...

    Anybody reading here on D&N have Diplomad's email address? Lewis Amselem's to be specific? I'd like to know whether his experience jibes with mine.)

    Posted by: JK | Saturday, 28 September 2019 at 01:36


    All you're proving is the complaint, as submitted to Congress, wasn't presented on the fill-in PDF. Is that unusual?

    Posted by: Bob | Saturday, 28 September 2019 at 01:59


    Belief in Trump has nothing to do with evidence. You might have noticed before now.

    Posted by: Bob | Saturday, 28 September 2019 at 02:00

    Apparently Bob you've not been paying attention.

    If the complaint had been "submitted to Congress" don't you think the "person" would've been leaked already?

    So far as you're inquiring about "unusual" is concerned ... well yes now that you mention it, alot of stuff surrounding this whole thing seems damn queer to me.

    Posted by: JK | Saturday, 28 September 2019 at 02:40


    Posted by: JK | Saturday, 28 September 2019 at 03:04

    On Watch~~~
    anticipating, with glee, the next 'Coup move of the Race' ;~}

  16. Then the clever lil commo/socialist Intell bastids went and changed the rules of the game, again!

    Intelligence Community Removed Requirement That Whistleblower Info Had to be First-Hand Knowledge

    Posted by Mary Chastain Friday, September 27, 2019 at 8:00pm

    No wonder only hearsay appeared in the whistleblower’s complaint


    On Watch~~~
    "Let's Roll"

    1. How is that even legal? A lot of those requirements come down via the IG Act, not just random guidance for assorted agencies. This stinks to high heaven (it's bad enough as it is, but still)

  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=9Jpk8Ix1CCg&app=desktop

  18. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/ukraine-whistleblower-complaint-intelligence-community-inspector-general-needs-better-editors/

    Well OW that little bit ought put to bed ...

    What Ever

    1. Well OW ...What Ever Anon 12:47 AM

      . . ."The 'Ukraine whistleblower' was actually provided this language, according to the new statement, so it wasn’t eliminated for his benefit. And again, when he filed his form he marked that he had both--> first- and secondhand knowledge,<-- so a requirement of firsthand knowledge wouldn’t have mattered anyway — whether it was an actual policy or just an erroneous sentence on an informational sheet. But man, what a train wreck."

      Concur a "train wreck" pretty much sums up Comrade Brenan's orchestrated scenario for impeachment of the POTUS. Since the pro-grade spook lingo aka "1st Hand knowledge is allegedly the work-product of the worried Whistler who is MUM and in hiding, for now -- perhaps the 2nd Hand knowledge Joker/s might share some newsworthy tweets & tidbits of their testimonial with the Media Mavens or even the Democrat's prime Target the CinC --just might keep things interesting as 'We The People' pore over the stinking wreckage of the Left's latest attempt to Destroy or Impeach The President of the USA!

      On Watch~~~
      "Let's Roll"

  19. How low can you be when Joe Biden is the best candidate?

    1. MC -
      According to the Knowledge & Wisdom of "The Ancient Order of Naval Undersea Weights & Measures": that would be off our charts and officially be recorded as "Lower Than Whale Shit!"

      V/R On Watch(SS)~~~

  20. I completely missed out on your connection to Pizzagate in 2016, but I ran across it recently. Perhaps you missed it, too? Search for "I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch" to see how your sense of humor has been and continues to be taken seriously.

    Couldn't find an e-mail address for you, so I'm using your commenting feature to send you a note.

  21. To any young impressionable readers in the audience, who may have become frightened by the reference to the often misunderstood Demon known as Moloch, here's a link that might make him less scary to you going forward -- Just stay out of the Bohemian Grove, if you're not packing heat, or wearing garlic!
    at the moon~~~

  22. {{{{{{{{{{HEY!}}}}}}}}
    ~~~~~~~If I May~~~~~~~
    Where's Everyone Going?

    Does Mrs. Diplomadic,
    ~~~have the Chief
    running the Beach?

    If not, hope all is well,
    up on sand crab hill~~~

  23. Yeah, hope all is well. I can't imagine Dip-in-Chief missing the show of lefty self-sabotage with deliberate power outages for rural (ie, conservative) folks in northern california.
    Al Qaeda has a hard time planning *attacks* this successful.

    - reader #1482

    1. Affirm -reader #_ _ _ _ been thinking, that, with all the personal refurbishment and range-work goin on up in the Carolina's the Trump Team just might of issued a Ready-Set-... youknow, in preparation for his troops call-ups for the Next DJT Admin -- 'Keep America Great' iteration, DOS Div.! ~~~
      On Watch~~~
      "Let's Roll"

  24. OK, not the hand sign, I'm getting worried. I need my Diplo fix. Just post some pix of the dogs for proof of life.

    1. "...I need my Diplo fix. Just post some pix of the dogs for proof of life."

      I feel ya babs! I day without a DiploMadism is like a day without a Morning, Afternoon & Evening cuppa cofevfe!
      Suspect the hounds are running the Beach too...hope the Diplowife wife is well as well!
      On Watch...
      got the shakes~`~~`~~...
