Friday, June 5, 2020

Defund the University

The latest Democrat "talking/screaming point"? Defund the police.

Yes, because nothing says you love poor people more than putting them in the hands of criminals. The same folks who tell us we citizens should not have guns, and only the police should, now want to do away with the police. Makes sense. Well, makes sense to advocate that if you are a criminal organization, and there no longer can exist any doubt but that the Democrat party comprises America's biggest criminal organization.

Nancy Pelosi, will you "defund" the wall around your palatial estate in San Francisco? Disarm your guards?

But, OK, as long as we have gone into the libertarian mode of cutting government services, I would suggest, for starters, that we defund public education, especially the universities.

In fact, I would argue that society would be much better off by closing all the public universities permanently.

What, after all, gets taught in those institutions? Garbage, pure and simple, hateful garbage. The little darlings are taught to hate their race, their people, their country, their history. They are taught hate. No need for taxpayers to support Anitfa recruiting centers. Shut down the public universities and remove all tax breaks from the rest. Let's see how many nonsense courses and "professors" can survive free market competition.

Learn to code, dears; better yet, learn to dig ditches; learn to do something useful with those bricks in your hands.


  1. Right on target as always. Can we start with NC?

  2. Sign UF in Gainesville for this program

  3. Have you done a post on all these talkative generals? If not, I'd love to hear your take on it.

  4. Back in the days when James Watt was a technician at the University of Glasgow, the practice apparently was that the professor got paid by collecting cash from those students who chose to attend his lectures. Re-institute that practice, and end taxpayer-supported student loans. Put a special tax on university endowments to repay the taxpayers for non-performing student loans. Cut off the flow of Chinese money to universities. And let those institutions which can adapt once more earn a respected place in society.

    But bad as the universities are, the real educational disaster happens earlier in grade schools and high schools. Let's also cut state funding for those schools. Let parents pay directly (instead of indirectly through property taxes & income taxes). Let the likes of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation take up the challenge of paying for those students whose parents cannot afford their education.

    1. "Back in the days when James Watt was a technician at the University of Glasgow, the practice apparently was that the professor got paid by collecting cash from those students who chose to attend his lectures."

      That is still basically the way that flight training works.

  5. Yes, too many active duty types who need to STFU.

  6. Fix the families and the kids won't be so rootless and susceptible to idiot humanities professors.
    (I'll take exception to the lack of specification. Having spent a great deal of time on the hard sciences side of academia, there's a lot of tremendous work going on there. Don't let the history majors and sociology 'PhD's bring the whole thing down.)

    - reader #1482

    1. Yes, fund the Sciences, and defund the Humanities, they have been corrupted, perhaps beyond saving.

    2. Take the STEM fields and convert them into Technical Institutes.

    3. I studied history and Chinese language. These made a conservative out of me.

  7. Here's the beginning of a fix. We should amend intellectual property laws to require that all patents and copyrights developed through public funding by universities and NGOs immediately enter the public domain. Some entities will respond to such a threat to their endowments by eschewing public funding. Others would become contributors to society!

    1. Is this reflective of a problem whereby universities derive revenue from useful patents generated by the hard sciences and then apply that revenue to the garbage fields?
      How does this slash the junk? ie, the broad groups within universities which are basically "professors' political opinion studies"

      - reader #1482

    2. Nicely-stated. Toss in forcing the universities to be responsible for defaults on student loans.

      Hard sciences and patents? No quarrel. Some of the university big-brains did, in fact, put us on the Moon and we still haven't gone back there until this presidency. Hmm. Obviously unrelated. But are research papers into national defense areas REALLY that good for us in the public domain? DARPA relies on these research teams.

      To #1482 = Right on. Now how do we change it?

      To Scott the Badger = Would you slash history, however perverted by socialists on the staff? Paul Simon was right about what they teach us in high school. Save a chance to tell it as it was, not how they wanted it to be, then or now.

    3. Correction: serious efforts were not restarted until this presidency and obviously are yet to come true. Got ahead of myself with Space Force optimism or some such.

    4. I see the efforts of this administration in space, and they are working against some very tight political binds placed on the government by prior administrations and congress. SLS just isn't going to fly in any meaningful context. I suspect NASA will eventually use another vehicle and 'designate' it to be the SLS. Most likely, it'll have to be SpaceX's starship, if that gets back on track, or maybe they can find a way to use multiple falcon heavies in different stages with rendezvous or something.
      40 years and NASA hasn't been able to produce a design for a new space suit.

      - reader #1482

  8. Well, I would defund the police....and here is why
    I would have the Governor station the Guard in my city to maintain order and to enforce a dawn-to-dusk curfew. Then I would fire EVERY cop. From the Chief all the way down to the newest recruit.
    Now this would have 2 side affects. The first being with no police force their is no need for the Police Union. So that gets broken and a major source of funding for the Democrats evaporates. The second thing is with an existing police force, the collective bargaining Agreement is also nullified.
    Then, the very next day, a new police force is reconstituted. This allows to to rehire any of the previous cops that actually do their jobs while letting you keep the bad and corrupt cops out...along with the cops who were the "Union Shop Bosses" and not working cops.

    Of course once the Democrat controlled cities figure out these side effects all of their placating talking points will go right out the window. Bad cops will be protected by the Union. The Union will give money to the Democrat politicians. The Democrats will do nothing to reform the police. And We The People will continue to get hammered from all sides.

    1. Maybe limit police deployments to 'war zone cities' (as mentioned here, anything Democrat-run) to ten years? We try not to subject our soldiers too such massively extended tours, maybe we should do the same for policing? Maybe rotate out, early retirement, whatever we need to do. It seems to me that a lot of problems may be due to the continued exposure of normal human beings to the worst of society. If anybody takes in enough of that, I expect it'd be hard to distinguish what to do.
      I strongly believe that the vast majority of police want to do their jobs and do it well.

      I also don't quite understand the need for police unions. imo, unions have value only where the employment market is dysfunctional, ie, a single employer dominates an entire region, resulting in people not being able to shop their skills to a diverse market of employers. It's true that states are single employers, but they have public oversight from the electorate and I'm not certain public servants need to be 'protected' from the government. Dunno, I have little information here.

      - reader #1482

  9. I got my start with the Chinese language via the university--albeit my father, alov hasholom, was wealthy enough to send me to a private one.

    The trouble is that institutions--including governments and universities--are sitting, tempting ducks for unscrupulous and ambitious organized interests, whether large corporations or revolutionary cadres. The problem becomes all the worse when there ceases to be any common morality.--Kepha

  10. Another matter: A good university library allows the curious and ambitious student to get around the narrative he's being fed.

    1. they've mostly been replaced by coffee shops....

    2. OK. Defund the University!

  11. Dude! Defund the IRS!

  12. If you defund the police, you may discover, hiding in the wings, a secret police, not bound by any laws, if the Woke White Women take over everything else. They are cancer to western civilization.
