Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Fake "Picks" The Phony

It's happened. For once it seems, the conventional wisdom and predictions proved correct.  

The most Fake presidential candidate in US history since . . . well, since forever . . . now has as his running mate the most Phony of the potential candidates on his list, with the exception of Michelle Obama.

There is nothing authentic or appealing about Senator Kamala Harris. 

Her personal story is one of deceit and invented stories, much like Joe Biden himself. She got her political start in California as the young mistress of the once-powerful Willie Brown, long-time speaker of California's State Assembly and then mayor of San Francisco (and a promoter of the Jonestown fiasco).  She has told fanciful tales of being in the forefront of school desegregation, when in fact, she was just a little kid who got bused around by the disastrous forced busing campaign which sought to "bring racial balance" to schools. She has lied about her record as Attorney General of California--I am sure the Republicans will POUNCE on those lies--and had a mediocre career as a US Senator during which she made clear that she would say anything to get noticed. 

While she now claims to be "proudly black," at one time, she refused to identify with any particular racial grouping: her late mother was a Tamil from India, and her father a mixed-race Jamaican, with white slave-owner ancestors. She would appear to be just as white as she is black. Kamala Harris spent much of her youth in Canada, graduating from high school there. Canada, of course, being in the forefront of the US civil rights struggle.

All that silly identity politics aside, Joe Biden has picked--had picked for him--the person who, during the primary campaign, accused him of being in league with racists, and of being a sexual predator--she "believed" his female accusers.  Is Joe even aware of that? The world wonders.

This is all very weird; clearly, Joe's handlers rely on the Dem-controlled media to whitewash the recent history between Joe and Kamala, and on the toxic "cancel culture" to shut down any criticism of Harris's past stances and her bizarre personal life. We will be regaled with puff pieces and fake fact-checking from the fake media in an effort to make Phony Harris seem absolutely wonderful. 

Don't believe it: Harris is just another nasty Phony and Fraud.


  1. I fully expect the Trump campaign to come up with a commercial rather quickly that points out her many hypocritical statements, starting with the "me too" "all women must be believed" comments from Harris.

  2. Another site, pointing out her place of origin making her ineligible for POTUS when Biden starts chewing up the furniture, wondered if this is clearing the way for Blinky to be elevated to the position.

    1. Were her parents US Citizens when she was born? If not, was she born in Jamaica? Canada? Jamaica Bay Massachusetts? Somewhere else in America? Is someone at this moment ginning up a stateside birth certificate that will be authentic but not genuine?

    2. She was born in Oakland in 1964. Her parents were legal immigrants, but not yet citizens. Which doesn't matter a whit. She was born here of legal residents, she's a Natural Born Citizen. No ifs, ands, or buts.

    3. She was born in Oakland, CA in 1964. Please, please don't rest your opposition upon such a weak and frail reed. You will be laughed at and with good reason. Don't go down that road. Use actually constructive arguments, not trivially laughable ones. Please!

    4. Got a link toots,
      no ifs, ands, or butts...
      "Let's Roll"

    5. She was born in Oakland, California. Not sure about parental citizenship at that time. Maybe it matters, but her birth in Cali will likely put that issue to rest.

    6. That's good to know. That means we can put her birth qualification in the same category as "Bush lied people died", and can move on to substantive arguments that will not be short circuited by easily refuted objections.

    7. Kamala Harris was born in Oakland, CA, to two foreign nationals: her father was Jamaican (and still is) her mother was Indian (now deceased, citizenship unknown to me.) Art.II of the US Constitution says to be eligible for president or VP, one must be a "natural born Citizen," which meant at that time a person born in the USA to parents who were US Citizens.

      The 14th Amendment does not void that requirement, but requires that a person born here be subject to the jurisdiction of the country. She was no more subject to the whole jurisdiction than any tourist, so her very citizenship is questionable.

      Here's a short article describing some of the problems with her candidacy:

      Interestingly, Kamala is a citizen of Jamaica thru her father's citizenship there, according to Jamaica Constitution Ch.2 Sec.3C. I found it amusing that her Birth Certificate, which no one disputes, says that her race is Caucasian!

      Here's another article questioning Harris' eligibility:

      What she is NOT, is any kind of black person or African-American, though she's spinning like an atomic-powered top to try to gin that up!

    8. Eskyman,
      The 14th Amendment does not void that requirement, but requires that a person born here be subject to the jurisdiction of the country. She was no more subject to the whole jurisdiction than any tourist, so her very citizenship is questionable.

      This was settled in United States vs Wong Kim Ark 169 U.S. 649 (1898). The people who are not "subject to the juridiction" of the US are people protected by diplomatic immunity, and foreign soldiers.

  3. Kamela loves power, and is willing to do whatever is required to obtain it. She is the pick of the Silicon Valley Sultans. I have already heard the derogatory name for the ticket. "Joe Blow".

  4. The out in the open skank of San Francisco. Trump will like that. Not Constitutionally eligible, not having natural born citizenship: US birth (jus solis) to citizen parents (jus sanguine)

    1. For another conspiracy theory, Biden an Hsrris win, Biden passes somehow, Harris is declared unconstitutionaly able to be POTUS, Nancy is next in line and takes over as POTUS :-(((

    2. That's nonsensical, since at this point children born in the US of illegal immigrants are considered US citizens, and between the 14th Amendment (parts of which are somewhat questionable) and the original Constitution and Bill of Rights, are 100% natural born citizens.

    3. I mean, seriously, this shit's just silly. This ranks up there with "John McCain isn't a Natural Born Citizen" and and the "sovereign citizen" shit I hear and have heard from loons. Learn the law, don't make it up as you go along. If you're not doing that, please provide links from non-nuts who actually know Constitutional law for research purposes.

    4. "Learn the law,..."
      Gotta link Lar' ?
      "Let's Roll"

    5. Thanks, Anonymous-

      That's an excellent link, and covers the Constitutional ground extremely well! I've now bookmarked CDR Kerchner's excellent blog.

      And much as some will try to deny it, Kamala Harris is NOT eligible to be president or VP of the USA!

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Normally just like Barack picking a weak #2 man, Joe's people picked a weak VP. But she will bump off Joe at the soonest possible time, if that opportunity comes up.

  6. Someone ought to note the number of young minority males she sent to prison during her career as prosecutor.

  7. On another site, I saw someone noting the "Joe/'ho" ticket.

  8. Deep down inside the Progressives must actually love Trump. How else to explain this ticket of losers.

  9. "...How else to explain this ticket of losers."

    No Not Love PHX, truth is, when you select
    your leaders from a pile of proven sh!tHeads,
    odds are they'll all STINK!

    On Watch~~~
    "Let's Roll"
