Friday, November 6, 2020

Fraud on an Industrial Scale: Mexico's PRI Stands in Awe

My apologies. 

I have tried repeatedly since the "election" to write about that travesty. I have found myself repeatedly unable to finish my post, overcome by rage and depression as I see the world's greatest criminal organization, the Democrat Party, try to destroy my country. Let me try again.

Seeing the Democrats openly steal this election should come as no surprise. They have prepared this heist for the past four years since they failed in 2016--actually they have prepared this robbery for decades with their growing control over our basic institutions. 

Looking back over the past few years, it all makes sense now. 

In no particular order, I offer some key features of the Dem strategy:

the iron-clad refusal to have a voter id requirement;

the fake Russia collusion narrative; 

the fake Ukraine collusion narrative and subsequent fake impeachment; 

the relentless fake stories based on "anonymous" sources about this or that skulduggery by Trump; 

the insistence that Trump accept the election result and commit to a "peaceful transfer" of power in January; 

the nominating of barely awake corruptocrat Joe "Beijing" Biden as standard bearer; 

the failure to run a real campaign--obviously not needed, and seen as a hindrance; 

the massive well-coordinated censorship of anything that showed the massive corruption at the heart of the Democrat enterprise; 

the grotesque exaggeration of the dangers of COVID-19 which required us to lock ourselves away, shut down our economy, and not vote in person

the enormous and unjustifiable--and possibly illegal--expansion of early voting and voting by mail, and extension of vote counting deadlines; 

the relentless, often violent, assault on our symbols, history, and identity as a nation, and the threat to increase those if Biden did not win; 

the fake election polls that showed widespread support for the non-candidate; 

the fierce opposition to filling a Supreme Court seat, and demands that the new Justice recuse herself from any cases involving electoral fraud; 

and, of course, a prog-dominated media empire, legacy and new, that refused to call states for Trump while obviously waiting for word as to which states would get the strategic and massive vote dump at the last minute. 

You, without doubt, can add to that list.

All this has come together, and now we watch Donald Trump, the hardest working man in politics, win re-election, and then have it stolen by bogus vote counts in four or five Dem-controlled cities. It seems hundreds of thousands of Democrat votes suddenly appear at 4 am. Funny how that happens in key swing states . . .

We have witnessed an outrage beyond all known political outrages in our history. 

I remember, years ago while assigned in Latin America, laughing about Mexico's elections. At the time, Mexico came under the rule of the PRI, perhaps the most successful political party in all history. I recall, in particular, an account from a small Mexican town in which the opposition candidate received not one vote; it would seem that neither he, his wife, his parents, nor his children had "voted" for him. Now, my country has reached and even exceeded PRI-levels of fraudulent elections. 

Does any rational human being find it believable, for example, that suddenly hundreds of thousands of votes appeared in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia marked nearly 100% for Joe Biden? Not even the PRI would have dared that on such a scale.

What comes next? I don't know. Can Trump save the Republic? I don't know. Will we get hand recounts? Re-dos? Will the election get thrown to the Supreme Court? Go to the House of Representatives? 

By the way, on that scenario about the House of Representatives, I hear Speaker Nancy Pelosi boldly announcing that the House stands ready to resolve the election. Has she actually read the Constitution, not that this document matters much these days, and the role it assigns the House in case of a disputed election? She gives the impression, as do other Democrats I have heard, that the Representatives as currently constituted would elect the President--and since the Dems have a majority in the House . . .. She and they need to read how the Constitution actually describes that process: If followed, Trump would win. Go ahead, Nancy, read it. 

Anyhow, what a disgrace. The legitimacy of our institutions is shot. Our principal institutions have fallen into the hands of people who hate our country, who hate our people and our history.

Some wag, I can't remember whom, famously noted that, "Decline is a choice." That seems, perhaps, perhaps, to have been the prog choice forced on us on November 3. If they get away with it, we might be seeing the death-throes of our nearly 250-year great experiment as a Constitutional republic, a situation brought on by the apparent triumph of the radical left over the will of the people. I look at my grandchildren and wonder what sort of world we have left them. I won't have to live in it much longer, but they will.


  1. "It all has all come together as we watch Donald Trump, the hardest working man in politics, win re-election, and then have it stolen from him by bogus vote counts."

    The election was not stolen from President Trump -- it is being stolen from us.

    1. We've lost a great opportunity to root out a corrupt, entrenched, deep state political elite. I pray it will not be our last.

  2. This is an Eisen Color Revolution unfolding.

  3. It's quite similar to the revelations coming from Hunter Biden's laptop and his former business associate: only a relative few will even hear or read about it, and the story will be reported, if at all, in the media as "Republicans Claim Voter Fraud Without Proof: Try to Disenfranchise Millions of Voters." They thought they had it in the bag in 2016, so were not prepared. They knew very well the polls were bogus this time, so were ready. I hate to be so pessimistic, but in their minds the end justifies the means. They think they are on the side of the good people, the ones who care, as opposed to the haters and racists, so whatever is done in that cause is justified. I feel that all I can do is pray, and the only thing that will do -- at best -- is ease my own mind somewhat.

  4. Be of stout heart. The nation survived eight years of idleness under Obama, and it will survive four years now under Harris. God is great---He has supplied us with McConnell and Justics Barrett, now the bulwarks against totalitarian decline.
    A split government has always been in the peoples' best interest, and it will be now.

    1. We shall see.....with control of White House, House (for now anyway) and MAYBE the Senate if they can steal seats AND the media, and with censorship of social media, it will be very, very difficult to overcome their wickedness.

    2. True, Miss Sarah...and I thank G-d and the CinC that we still have 'Brothers 'n Arms, and the 2nd Amendment to keep the wicked ones at bay~~~
      On Watch~~~
      "Safety Off"

    3. No

      I will not consent to illegitimate governance.

    4. Biden's ineptitude and senility and Harris' personality may be a blessing in disguise. They will now have to fix the COVID economic mess and the electorate will hold them accountable. Additionally , even if they win the house , their representatives I suspect will no longer have the luxury of supine lockstep with the odious Pelosi given how close many of those races were. I suspect they will be wildly unpopular if they try and the midterms will be brutal for them. The republicans also need a purge in their own party , IMO - in team sports yopu always back the star QB even if you hate him. The level of animus and sabotage he has faced from within needs to be cauterised pour encourager les autres. I think the never Trumpers more than anything else cost him the election - if he had won by a massive margin , none of the fraud would have mattered. Thank god for the genius of the framers of your country - any insane excesses by this team of congenital idiots will be reigned in by midterm elections and the threat of losing the house and the senate. This is the real triumph of the constitutional republic you Americans have built. Be of stout heart and be proud of it. And if the dolt Biden needs a nursing home during his term , you can always petition to make our feckless imbecile , Trudeau jnr , your "leader" Lastly , it ain't over yet! The process allows for appropriate court challenges via that very same constitution and thank to the same geniuses that framed it. Buck up my american friends!

    5. The nation survived because free elections were still possible in many states, including some blue ones. The obvious plan now is that every state with a Dem Gov and Dem SecState, will never get a Republican elected again. They will all be California, with complicit media and the laughable naivete of Democrat voters, including family members of mine.

    6. Maplotter, I think the C19 will run its ourse, and the corruptocrats will take credit for the work of herd immunity. Further, when the medical researchers conclude that most c19 fatalities were due to the comorbidities and that the things no worse than some other colds and flu, the results will be suppressed.

  5. I dunno. Democrats underperformed down ballot. Joe Biden will probably have a slimmer house majority and still a republican senate. Plus I think the sheer scale of irregularities may finally raise the issue of voter fraud to the moderates who ignored it thinking it was a minor problem confined to a few corrupt locations like Chicago. We might actually get some traction on ballot security.

  6. I would also add that the Democrats seem to be seriously questioning identity politics, which would be a major reversal from the last decade. Of course, that likely means internal civil war between the AOC/Antifa wing of the party and the few moderates left. (Donald Trump is probably one of the closest things to the old moderate democrats ironically. )

  7. In this day and age, all votes should be a) paper ballots, and b) from verified voters (in-person biometrics).
    Again... America gets what it wants.
    In the age of childless-by-choice, what's the point in elections?
    San Francisco had about the highest possible vote for Biden (and I believe that) but the lowest birthrate in the west, or possibly the world.

    My more outrageous proposal... voters get votes equal to the number of children and grandchildren they've have raised or are actively raising. Why would we want the government run by dead-enders? Changing 'who can vote' is very American. Early American voting only included land owners, so there is much precedent.
    Will save that one for when we have to rebuild this place from the ground up after the forthcoming Harris administration.

    - reader #1482

    1. Can't speak for anybody else, but I'm okay with the government using my tax dollars to pay people to get proper identification .... democrats won't accept that because they don't want voting restricted to legitimate voters... but there are probably enough legitimate voters left to get such a change through.

      - reader #1482

    2. Count me in,
      eader #1482 ~~~

  8. They're not done yet. Once they feel they have got the Presidency in hand to the point where they can hand it over to the media to take care of gaslighting a credulous nation about the result, the Senate tally will be next.

    I'm 64 years old. I'd say that this is such a catastrophic collapse of the Republic I love that I thought I'd never live to see it -- but the saddest part of all is that all of us here have seen this coming for long years, while our friends and even families thought we were crazy, obsessive pessimists. But we were all modern-day Cassandras.

    Making a martyr of a great patriot, if the Left actually manages to do it, will perhaps have been the Left's great tactical error: they will have, in their lust for victory, extended an indefensible salient into the very heart of the historic American nation.

    Above all, we must not flag or fail. We must all embody the indomitable spirit of Churchill as we face this, our darkest hour.

    1. naw... 'darkest hour' will be when Harris takes over for a deceased or conveniently 'incapacitated' Biden.... 9/11 will have succeeded.

      - reader #1482

    2. I doubt ol' Joe will last to Easter.

    3. I doubt ol' Joe will make it past Jan 21. If he's lucky. Either that, or Joe will suffer a "mysterious heart attack" on Jan 21, 2022, so that Harris can still run for two terms. A lot will depend whether Jill Biden can carry out the role of Edith Wilson.

    4. ==================================
      'Plugs is tough to count out but,
      If by some miracle, the SOB's still
      around come Easter, expect he'll be
      the Easter Bunny at the local Nut-House...

      Btw, I heard, 'Round Heels Harris',
      will be doing Mattress commercials
      for the "My Pillow Guy", pretty good
      gig for a Hooker~~~baba-d-boom!!!

      Drive Safe~~ I'm "hOWlin Woof",
      appearing nightly, Remember to
      TIP your Waitress & BARMAIDs~~~

    5. Pol Pot in a Pantsuit is soon to act to see that Uncle Joe "commits Arkancide" at which point Pol Pot in a Pantsuit becomes Veep.

      Pity the Presidents Harris. To whatever degree at one's discretion. At any rate they tend not to last long.

      Ides of November an' all that.

      Too bad about ho all this is looking like it's gonna work out. Damn shame actually.

      I'm thinking OW, if you'll indulge thinking about my intention, about changing how I've usually signed as 'JK' to, "Harrison Bergeron Was Here"

      Sorta like "Kilroy Was Here" if you can catch my drift.

      JK (for the present)

    6. ...OW, if you'll indulge thinking about my intention,
      about changing how I've usually signed as 'JK' to,
      "Harrison Bergeron Was Here"

      That may take some time JK... I certainly would indulge thinking about your intention, especially since you seem to be mostly full of good intentions... however I've become acustomed to the simplicity if not understated elegance and rhyme of your monogram sign-off... I'm pretty sure, your proposed "Harrison Bergeron Was Here", now departing will take a bit of getting used to, and in truth, that "grackle squawk" is a bit grating... still I can sense that this latest ProgRat-poliical mess has been unsettling for you, as it has beeen for many of us with Patriotic sensibilities... My medication is to listen to Victor Davis Hanson, profess on history, wars, politics, and his once upon a time, idylic S.Calif home of his earlier years.
      My Prayer is that the ChiComs don't mistake our quiesence as an opportunity to get even more stupid...Btw, I have nephew named Harrison but if you want to use "Bergeron" in lieu of "Kilroy", I could get used to that handle, but the "grackle squawk" has got to go-- as will the deadweight~~~ Hail to the Chief! and have a recharged AM,
      Over n'out, JK~~~

  9. I lay awake early this morning trying to puzzle out how we arrived at this ‘open’ attempt to steal a national election and agree 100% that your synopsis of events is spot on. It has truly been a “long con” by the Democratic Party, deep staters and a host of others.
    But as Graham wrote in his earlier comment “Be of stout heart”. Good advice!

    Much time remains between today and when the states must declare their vote. I would hope that the USSC rules for the rule of law, especially, in Pennsylvania where the state SC usurped the role of the legislature. Or, we may see these legislators grow a pair and elect the EC slate as many of the state constitutions allow rather than allow an obviously corrupt result to stand. We shall see.

    However, if we hold the Senate, with the USSC as currently constituted, this is our firewall against the tyranny of the mob.

    As we used to say back in Naval Air “Keep the faith”.

    P.S. I always enjoy reading your take on events.

    1. Only if the RINOs in the Senate give Biden exactly what the Dems gave Trump -- complete and utter obstruction, impeachment, etc. But do you trust them to do it? I don't.


    If "proof" is needed, just watch the last video on that post.

    Yeah the guy is a challenge to follow however if you can just hold on for the first 20 minutes then it'll get easier.

    (Incidentally folks, our RINOs are colluding with the Ds and the media. FOX included.)

    "They" are putting us all in extreme peril.


    1. (Incidentally folks, our RINOs are colluding with the Ds ... FOX included.)"They" are putting us all in extreme peril. JK

      Damn Bragh, I don't like the sound of that! Those are pretty BIG GAME, and harder to take down than an Ephalump! I'd quess you'd need at at least a .458 Winchester Magnum -- Plus their Horn is not only protected, but dangerous too, even if its been twice removed!. Now "Fox" is a different story, hell you could take them w/ a mouse gun I'd wager! 'Cept the lil beasties are disease carriers! Let me know how your Safari goes, and be careful it's a JUNGLE out there! Your PAL,
      ON Watch~~~ wink wink ;+)
      Happy Huntin Boss
      Ck this out:

  11. Thank you for this excellent summary. It is truly outrageous, and what is worse, being gaslighted when instances of questionable (at the very least) electoral activity are brought up. I fear for our republic. I really want to tell every single MF Biden voter that when we all go down the socialist garden path and they start to complain that it isn't what they thought it would be -- it will be THEIR OWN DAMN FAULT. One small thing that make me chuckle a bit -- news of screaming match among House Democrats.

  12. Hey JK! Good to see ya up n' at'em
    Found this Topside @ 'Nonsense ,
    it was stashed under the bedpan,
    just a damp piece of desk-calendar
    paper, w/cryptic scrawls which
    I have decipherd below.!t seems to
    tick all the boxes, especially,
    "IndiCIA" and "Badges" No wonder the
    CinC was reserved yesterday~~~:

    On Watch~~~
    "Let's Roll"

    1. OW,

      You'll maybe recall 'everybody' creaming their jeans back when Lindsey Gtahem was spouting off during whatever hearing that was

      "I hope you never regain Power!" speaking, ostensibly, to the Ds - Well the fact of the matter is this, Ol' Lindsey having spent all his time right alongside McCain (Doing The RINO) just managed to hoodwink everybody besides the South Carolina voters he's been hoodwinking for these many years past.

      One "trusts" a DC pol of 'long-standing' at one's peril.

      This, This what they've done puts the very Republic at great risk.

      This isn't promising to turn out well.


    2. Amen JK, I thought he'd revert back to his former, 'name only' iteration!
      He did put on a good show for the ACB iterrogation, but I never believed he had a REAL working pair... sides, I thought he was ready to resign, when the 'Rats BiGBucks were bankrolled against him!
      Now w/the TRUMP Train temorarily side-tracked, I'd expect that he'd bare a hand! We Shall See... My Take is that it's not over yet. I wager, Donald & Company made plans for just such a contingincy. Do see where a Mid-Term offensive, would be a wise interim objective, while he fights off the MOBs... As would DJT and TEAM building a TV/Inet Operation that can't be censored by the OPOsition -- Upside, he could get healthier for the NEXT TRUMP/PENCE OR PENCE/TRUMP Campaign!
      Thanks for all your inputs JK, overhere and overthere, take care~~~
      On Watch~~~
      "Let's Roll"
      P.S.How 'bout that RUSH?! :)

  13. There is info since last night that Trump had much earlier set up an election sting using blockchain watermarks and embedded isotopes on ballots. The high tech makes fraudulent ones easily distinguished and valid ballots traceable. Supposedly, only military intel has the means to track and identify these ballots. Natl Guard was activated in 12 states, so some think those may have been the ones of most concern re expected fraud.

    Trump spoke often re election fraud the past few years. In 2018, he issued an executive order re election interference. The blockchain tech was discussed before on ensuring more secure elections. There is plenty of debunking of this supposed sting operation, but it may be that Trump and the task force are giving the Dems enough rope to hang themselves.

    Since Trump has always been several jumps ahead of others, this is reason to have hope.

    1. That's unlikely, as states print their own ballots.

  14. What bothers me the most is how the media belittles the president.
    How big tech is ruining our society, I am in utter disbelief how people rely upon twitter Facebook and Google for everything.
    How about the CDC releasing a presser encouraging people that are sick with COVID to go out and vote

    Speaking of Google, take a really good look at your phone.

    1. this site, blogspot, it hosted on google.

      - reader #1482

    2. I looked for this "Google" thing on my 16 y/o Nokia candybar phone and did not find anything with that name?

  15. This is a teachable moment for the entire world. Future generations have learned that lying and cheating will allow you to reach the pinnacle of power. What a society we have just birthed. The Democrats may win this battle, but they have sold their souls and their children's birthright of equality for all. The meek will not inherit the earth, the wicked and the strong will overrun all else.

  16. One of the sites I read run by a former military guy had a line I like.

    No one is more successful running an insurgency than an American.

    time to pull out some manuals.

  17. This has been an appalling week. So much sedition.

  18. This election is going to prove if voter fraud is the perfect crime

  19. I was born in South Texas where voting machines gave out whichever candidate had greased the skids the most. My Mama witnessed (by accident) the burning of the ballot box that gave LBJ his Senate seat in 1948. Mama finally breathed a sigh of relief when Lyndon died in the early 70's.
    We moved to the Texas Hill country to Blanco County, near Johnson City, Lyndon's hometown. At 15 Daddy, an old Texas rancher/cowboy, told me that Lyndon knew how he voted shortly after he exited the polling booth.
    I asked him how on a pasture ride, where all Texas ranchers teach good lessons by telling stories and conveying wisdom. Daddy said that where he and Mama voted was an old Post Office/General Store and that LBJ could figure out which rancher voted for him or against him. Therefore, unless on a pasture ride we did not talk speak of politics ever. I was nearly 30 before figuring out my folks were Republicans.

    I read that AOC wants lists of Trump donors so the Democrats can go after them. That does not surprise me. If the President cannot win this in courts I dread the next four years. I have already told my Sister that our ranches, which we have owned since 1836, are in danger of being sucked up. This present bunch of Dems means business when it comes to Socialism. We may all want to go ahead and move to Russia when they unleash on the populace revenge for selecting Trump to begin with.
    Praying he is able with God's help to hold on to the Presidency.
    East Texas Rancher

    1. I read that AOC wants lists of Trump donors so the Democrats can go after them. That does not surprise me.

      I should hope not. There are much worse lies out there. Little lies like this should not surprise.

  20. "Hammer" & "Scorecard"
    The Dominion programs didn't "glitch". They have software in place to rig elections, and they have succeeded.
    What they should have done, however, is wait until they had perfected the corrupt system and no one would have been the wiser. I think Trump made them move their schedule up too fast.
    This will come out in the weeks to come. I hope that this will outrage Americans en masse, but I'm not holding my breath.

  21. All this has come together, and now we watch Donald Trump, the hardest working man in politics, win re-election, and then have it stolen by bogus vote counts in four or five Dem-controlled cities. It seems hundreds of thousands of Democrat votes suddenly appear at 4 am. Funny how that happens in key swing states . . .

    I really held out hope that you would be above the conspiracy theories on vote counts, but you have proven me wrong again.

    There is no bogus vote count, and the "Red Mirage happens everywhere. It's only news in the swing states, but all over the country, as the mail-in ballots are cast, more of them are Democratic. Perhaps that has something to do with your sides obsession with voting on Election Day?

    Nothing was stolen. Y'all lost because people don't support your policies or your hatred.

    1. I don't want your nonsense anymore. It's no longer amusing. You are so intellectually dishonest it beggars belief. The Dems are trying to steal the election and you know it. There is ample evidence and more is coming. Go back to citing quotations from Chairman Schiff . . .

    2. I rise to Second that Motion~~~
      On Watch~~~
      On Duty~~~

    3. It's unanimous.


    4. Astonishing that you are so uneducated that you don't even understand the basics of how your own country works. Like him or hate him , Trump has every right to contest the election results via the legal process. Conspiracy theories have nothing to do with , ignoramus.

    5. Seems like the legal process is ongoing. I haven't seen any evidence of large scale fraud, but that might be hard to come by since vote counting, at least in some jurisdictions, had very limited oversight due to 'covid precautions'. That has me concerned... but..
      I think it's the case that Americans are not *overwhelmingly* Trump voters. They might have the slight plurality, but Biden voters also might have the slight plurality (in terms of electoral college contest).
      The results of the election are generally in agreement with that analysis. If Democrats are stealing the election, it's likely by 'rounding error' level rigging, which would be an undetectable attempt in a 2016-like scenario.
      Fact is, Americans, on average, can't get their poop together to come face to face (or mask to mask for whoever their liking) to figure out what America should be or should continue to be.
      Large swathes of progressives actually hate the very *foundations* of America, the whole 1619 project of lies and hiding has produced ample evidence of lies-justified-by-hatred. For that kind of hatred, cheating is nothing.

      But... were there sufficient unobserved, unrecorded, corrupt vote counting efforts to turn a large Trump victory into a slim Biden victory? I doubt it. If corruption played a role, I would expect it to have played out in the +/- 0.1% of the vote scenarios and in states where there's no legitimate claim that there's a preference for President. (about even)
      imo, when there's not clear preference for a winner, president should probably be decided by drawing lots... much simpler than rehashing of crap that's probably corrupt already.
      I don't see how anybody could recount 10,000 votes and get the same answer as before, much less 10 million.

      - reader #1482

    6. Also, Expensify CEO promised that a "narrow victory" would lead to civil war. He insisted that only a Biden landslide could avert said civil war. He's probably out recruiting soldiers of fortune as we speak.

      - reader #1482

    7. I find the fact that millions of Americans could vote for open borders and ruinous environmental silliness absolutely bizarre. If out imbecile here in Canada even suggested ruining the oil industry or opening the borders he would be thrown out like old putine or stale maple syrup by his own party. I think the dieffence between our nutty left and yours is that the left here actually love Canada (even though their policies are mainly stupid and obviously I dont agree) and the left in the US seem to genuinely hate America. Completely bizarre.

    8. There are an impressive and outrageous number of Canadians who voted for Biden. I know some of them. They're called 'dual citizens', living in Canada for their whole lives, but jumping over the border for health care and ... to vote.
      Should be jailed.... and if the law isn't there for it already, we need that changed.

      - reader #1482

    9. Yup they are morons too. Voting for a policy that will detonate our oil , farming and mining industry. Canada has an excellent private health system for the well heeled.
      We call it "America" Hypocrites.

    10. DiploMad,
      I don't want your nonsense anymore.

      The nonsense is your disconnect from reality. However, if by that you are asking me to not return, I will respect. You need only say do clearly.

      There is ample evidence and more is coming.

      There is zero evidence, which is why all these Republican judges are handing the Republican lawyers defeat after defeat. There are some altered videos, and some mischaracterized videos, but no evidence.

      In every precinct, all of these ballots were counted with poll watchers from each party watching. That's the plain, simple truth.

      At some point, you should ask yourself how much you are willing to tear this country apart in order to try to win. Because that's what your one-sided accusations and reliance on misleading sources is doing.

      Go back to citing quotations from Chairman Schiff . . .

      I don't believe I have ever quoted Schiff.

    11. maplotter,
      Astonishing that you are so uneducated that you don't even understand the basics of how your own country works. Like him or hate him , Trump has every right to contest the election results via the legal process. Conspiracy theories have nothing to do with , ignoramus.

      I completely agree that Trump has every right to contest every result in every precinct, if he so chooses, and it's his money to spend as he wishes. As it happens, I did not even mention Trump or his legal challenges, so regarding why you would assume I took the opposite position, you will have to consult your own fevered psyche.

    12. maplotter,
      I find the fact that millions of Americans could vote for open borders and ruinous environmental silliness absolutely bizarre.

      I don't understand people voting for Libertarians, either.

    13. One Brow, You are a charlatan and a liar. You posted LONG quotations from Schiff and promoted his bizarre Russia collusion nonsense. You are a troll. Yes, please go find somewhere else to play. Good bye. I will institute Twitter inspired rules against you if you try to post here again.

    14. DiploMad,

      This is my last comment. Thank you for your kind hospitality. Goodbye.

    15. #1482: Re US-Canada ual nationals, it's what we get when both countries have both jus solis and jus sanguinis citizenship, have been at peace for 205 years to the point where they guard their borders with customs sheds and museums, and intertwine their economies no end. That both countries have a history of respecting human rights and make it hard to lose nationality also helps. I would even guess that a guy like Ted Cruz probably forgot that he was a dual national until someone made an issue of it.

  22. Oh ye of little faith, don't you know our President, Donald J. Trump?

    Let me point out that everyone continually 'misunderestimates' him, to borrow a word from G.W. Bush.

    Trump's survived his campaign being spied on by Clinton & Obama operatives, several unsuccessful coup attempts, a failed impeachment, continual lies from the DNC & the MSDNC, & all the Communist sympathizers in the world- yet he's delivered the best economy this country has EVER known, made peace across the Middle East, calmed down the impetuous dictator of N. Korea, etc. etc.

    Does everyone here know that President Trump has been nominated for FIVE Nobel Peace Prizes? He won't get any of course, but he deserves all of them! This didn't happen by chance, he MADE it happen.

    Haven't you noticed that President Trump doesn't seem bothered in the least about possibly losing his presidency? Don't you know that he always plans things out meticulously so that there aren't ever any loose ends? I guess some don't know our President very well!

    Apparently the police are supposed to call up a drug dealer's house before a raid, to tell the druggies that they're going to be raided at about 6AM, so they'd better get ready to go to jail- oh wait, you say they don't let the druggies know ahead of time?

    Well neither do US Marshals or honest members of the FBI & DOJ, who are criminally investigating election fraud! They don't tell the crooks that they're on to them, they let the crooks execute their plan so that they can be caught red-handed!

    Listen to Thomas Wictor explain:

    And you might want to check out the C.I.S.A. Very interesting!

    1. I pray not but we will see how fast Pres Harris can undo every one of them.
      ( please, don't give me Sundowner, he couldn't make a command decision past what pudding flavor he wants)

  23. If DJT could have controlled his Twitter impulses and had a bit thicker skin, then I think the votes would have been too far in his favor for even the Democrats to manipulate the results.


    1. Kinda hard to take a landslide victory, which Trump had, and then make it a Biden win without really massive vote fraud, which is what we have now.

      The good news is, the vote fraud is so blatant & obvious, and DOCUMENTED, that they won't get away with it!

      Now for someone who controls his Twitter impulses & has a thicker skin, you'd probably like a chap named Romney. I don't!

    2. IF DJT could have controlled his Twitter impulses...bla bla bla

      BS Old Man! The Fight came to DJT from DAY ONE, and will continue till he's 6ft under! No amount of salve would have deterred the ChiCom Demo-Prog Coup & their useful idiots, from attacking him 24/7! His armour was/is his WIT, Street and Bizness Smarts, and on how to size-up & kick DUMB ASS when necessary! MOREOVER, his supporters, over 1/2 the VOTing public KNEW IT TOO, FROM DAY ONE to ELECTION DAY! They had no desire or NEED for another GOPe loser, the likes of which, you prescribe!
      Don't know what part of what country you come from, or when you left it, but by your remarks, your either senile, dopey, drunk, or a leftist fool - pull up your socks now and dodder on over to the Park~~~ Have a Nice NAVY Day.
      On Watch~~~
      "Let's Roll"

    3. Bravo ZULU Eskyman,
      That's why we have Diplomats!
      On Watch~~~

  24. Please buck up ,my American friends. If you allow these people to take over the final bastion of common sense in the west , the rest of us are screwed. Your party needs to root out the traitorous defeatists like Romney et all by pouring money into reasonable conservative challengers , freeze out the Wallaces and other pseodocentrists by refusing to engage with them and given the results in the house , take the ground game to rural America and the inner cities - explain what the green lunacy means in dollars and cents , explain how increased taxation reduces employment to blacks and hispanics , formulate a clear plan on healthcare and immigration. I'm a Canadian now and really concerned for my adopted country - even the idiot Trudeau would never get away with the green new deal , open borders and the like. I remain astonished at how any Americans can vote for such lunacy. Finally , an unfettered , fabulously wealthy ex President Trump could be a fearsome danger to those that wronged him. Pelosi and co will need to be looking over their shoulders. Republicans need to understand that war is about winning and substance is more important than style. My RSM always said that you fight to survive by any means possible in war , god bless him , up there in Valhalla. You have lost a battle. Regroup , reorganise and strike back please. For all of us.

  25. It is tragic. The United States of America. The City On The Hill. Cannot run an honest election. Tragic. js

  26. Pelosi et al will go after Trump. They've said as much. And they have the corrupt machinery of state to do so.

    1. They may regret doing so. He is no George Bush. He relishes the fight and doest play by the Marquis of Queensberry's rules. Going after an angry vindictive billionaire seems unwise.

  27. We all want the President re-elected, however, do the Judges and Justices who will preside over these cases? Are they impartial? Will they rule on the evidence or will they twist logic into a pretzel? It seems to me that the Dems used specific states to cheat in, ones where the state supreme courts are filled with Democrat judges. Conservatives and even Republicans want to play be the rules, unfortunately, it is a weak point when confronted by an opposition that has no scruples.

  28. Excellent post Dip!

    I am in shock over the level of voter fraud in the US for this election. And I think it’s bigger than anyone imagines.

  29. READER 1482,
    Know you must be busy with better things,
    but, if you get some free-time, think we
    might benefit from what you could add to the,
    BENFORD LAW - BIDEN Ballot discussions:
    >>Joe Biden’s votes violate Benford’s Law (Mathematics)

    2.FACEBOOK WON’T ALLOW THIS LINK TO BE POSTED: Joe Biden’s votes violate Benford’s Law. It didn’t work when I tried.

    They won’t let the shortened version be posted either. Maybe the story’s wrong, maybe it isn’t, but this is bullshit.

    315Posted at 10:06 pm by Glenn Reynolds Link to Article


  30. In retrospect I am sure we will all be amused at this spectacle of a President-for-a-month. By mid-December when it is apparent that President Trump has been re-elected and additionally there are individuals facing prison time for election fraud, possibly including some of the media who presume to have the power to designate a President elect, we will admire our President all the more for his foresight in preparing for this grotesque attempt to add millions of fraudulent votes to the count.
