Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Putin: War Criminal or Bosom Buddy?

Just a quick one. I am writing a piece on "isolationism," but couldn't resist a comment on something quite incredible, well, quite credible coming as it does from Biden.

The alleged president of the USA has called the president of Russia a "war criminal." 

Them's fighting words, no? 

But, does Baffled Biden mean it? It seems not. 

It seems that while Putin is a "war criminal," he also leads negotiations for the USA with the Persian polecats. Yes, Russia is negotiating a "nuclear deal" with Iran on "our" behalf.

Does this make any sense? My head spins.


  1. It's called BL, Biden logic. Let us not forget Bidet is a mental defective and his VP is mental midget.

  2. That is just incredible. There will be no ratification of any such treaty and nothing will come into force.
    That said, I would expect them to 'agree' to the US depositing a very large sum of money in an 'international escrow' that would be payable to Iran should a future POTUS rescind the agreement. This is what Iran has demanded, and we don't negotiate with Iran. As Kerry has mentioned, they're not going to budge, and this administration needs a deal, so they'll just ask for some air freshener in their bright new lemon.
    While I am quite certain that this will be done, I'm also quite certain it's unconstitutional by power of the purse. SCOTUS will likely declare it unconstitutional, but by then, the money will be hidden away.

    It's just insane that Russia is involved in any negotiations for anything with the current conflict in Ukraine ongoing. It should be decades before there are normal diplomatic relations between the US and Russia again.

    - reader #1482

  3. Criminals are running the show. If you are not a made man you will not fare well in the coming trials.

  4. There was a news item that one third of the US population is prepared to risk nuclear war over the Ukraine. It seems that Biden is merely trying to make sure those people get what they want.

    Why is the West trying to pump up the conflict instead of trying to tamp down the violence and find a resolution? Certainly, with this kind of public statement, Biden has basically castrated himself as a potential father of a peace treaty. Instead, "Our Guys" are playing with fire.

    1. I don't think that's the intent. I presume the intent is to make the invasion costly enough that Russia pulls its forces out without imposing a unilateral treaty or armistice on Ukraine.
      Ukraine's been a mess, but Russia is now a PRC client state and may have already been for quite a while. Sanctions from the Crimea annexation have had no effect because the CCP walks right around them. Xi appears to have a tight hold on the leash, ordering Putin to prepare a large distraction before Xi starts up a 'Taiwan reclamation project'.

      The US is left reacting and unable to summon up confidence after abandoning a most strategic position in Bagram kitty corner to both moscow and beijing.

      "Gee... our sanctions seem to be having no effect on Russia... I wonder why that is.... sanctions caused massive injury to both Iran and Iraq when they were applied, but Russia still has all the modern accoutrements... it's almost like someone is bankrolling the russian economy from outside!"

      When all is said and done, only a few things are pretty clear to me:
      1) The vast majority of people in Ukraine don't want the Russian military marauding through their country.
      2) The effectiveness with which Russia's superior firepower has been stymied by Ukrainian resistance shows the battlefield has, again, changed significantly.
      3) The PRC, having modeled *all* of their military hardware on supposedly cutting edge Russian models, now has to wonder whether their armed forces would be anything other than an embarrassment in a conflict between the PRC and the USA over Taiwan.

      *If* the only return on the current US investment in arms for Ukraine is an extension on the PRC invasion of Taiwan that will allow time for the PRC to implode their own economy, then I'll be ok with that.

      - reader #1482

    2. 1482, I like that last part very much. The nature of Communism is to protect the top communists when all else falls apart.

  5. Our Vegetable-in-Chief has gone from being habitually wrong to downright dangerous when he speaks in public. And then there is Heels up Harris. God help us.

  6. But we have always been at war with EastAsia, or was that NorthSouth America, it's hard to keep track.
    Either way lots love a war.

  7. The people who control what appears on the Usurper's teleprompter have had an infatuation with Russia and Putin for years. They beat Trump over the head every day with Russia, Russia, Russia.

    When the Usurper's bagman abandoned his laptop loaded with incriminating information. Including evidence of taking millions directly from the Russian oligarchs. The cover was of course Russian disinformation. These people only have one Bogeyman and it has become quite tiresome.

  8. "...These people only have one Bogeyman
    and it has become quite tiresome."


    Beyond the current "Russian" Bogeymen,
    and in the most MILD of Diplomatic terms,

    Metinks, kind sir, that had we gentle
    Americans, men, women & kids, been so
    assaulted, by "those people" whilst
    under the protection and enlightened
    RULE of her majesty the 'Queen of Hearts'...

    "Those people" would've earned
    that their heads, could become
    extracted for their own good~~~

    Even with the unmitigated trechery of
    "these/those people's" Marxist misdeeds
    or intentions make clear, is that what an
    Old Viking Hero once signaled to me:
    "Restore the Monarchy"~~~
    On Watch~~~
    "Sancho... My Sword"

    "Let's Roll"
