Monday, July 10, 2023

Hot Time in Madrid

Well, the Diplowife and I are back in our little place in Madrid, and will head off for our place in San Sebastian later today. We will be in Spain for about three weeks. 

It is hot here. It is currently 230 am and in the mid-80s. No A/C, of course, not with European energy prices. The temp will break 100 again later today. This, of course, has the chattering classes going on about Global Warming, you know, this is "the hottest it's been in 125,000 years"! Right. So why was it hotter 125,000 years ago? Nonsense, of course. It's summer in the northern hemisphere; that's all.

Anyhow, I see the Great Mystery of the "Cocaine in the White House" has yet to be solved even with the WH now trying to push the coke off on some workers who were refurbishing a part of the WH. Yeah, yeah. All the while Uncle Joe depletes our ammunition supplies, even giving away our stocks of cluster munitions, the same ones the lefties decried as inhumane not that long ago. I guess, when it comes to giving stuff to Joe's Ukrainian masters, everything is fine, nothing is too good. 

This, of course, taking place while our idiotic Secretary of the Treasury does her best imitation of one of those Perpetual Drinking Birds while meeting PRC officials: bow, I must bow repeatedly to our New Lords . . . Disgusting.

The Stumbling Biden Mummy has taken his show on the road to London, where he met the almost as stumbling King Charles. 

What a crazy pair! 

The West is coming apart at the seams as our economies sputter; we edge closer to nuclear war with Russia over something not of our concern; and our cities become vast wastelands thanks to unfettered immigration from hostile nations. These two intellectually limited grifters talk about climate change.

Dark times for the West.


  1. OldJoe has depleted federal ammunition supplies. The citizens have trillions of ammo rounds.

    I wonder if they are aware of that fact.

  2. Technically, it is hotter now then 125K years ago. We were in the middle of an ice age after all. :)

    Has anyone told Biden that using F-15's on gun owners is not going to work since he's shipped all the ordnance that they would use to the Ukraine?

  3. Good riddance to the antiquated military systems we're shipping to Ukraine. We cleared out advanced staging area warehouses where contractors weren't performing the maintenance we were paying for... resulting in materiel that was not in significantly better shape than what Russia was providing its own army.
    IMO the biggest problem with our country's defense sector is cushy jobs with no deliverables. When the F-35 program is decades behind goals and an order of magnitude beyond budget, we're very clearly not prioritizing defense.
    These companies and government organizations aren't staffed with warriors and scientists, but rather keep-my-cushy-job clerks and diversity-officers.
    Example, achievable maximum laser intensity has increased by an order of magnitude every two years. Where has this been integrated into publicly demonstrated new weapons platforms? They're not, because that would be a threat to enormous contracts for antiquated weapons.
    What we get are "response fundings".
    Russia displayed a missile traveling at orbital velocities near sea level with evasive maneuvering capabilities and suddenly we pass funding to 'follow along'.
    This would all be just fine if the Putin/Xi/Khamenei axis didn't recognize all this so clearly.

    - reader #1482

    1. I would point out also that these really are antiquated systems for large scale war. M1A2 tanks are ancient, because we have no need for them. Paladins, and other ground systems are merely transportation of munitions to target, which is performed much more effectively and efficiently via jet or rocket. Ukraine could have 500 tanks and get nowhere because they'll always be 'out of position' because intelligence capacities now forbid the local aggregation of forces. But 300 fighter jets can be on site in minutes, so suppression of enemy air defense is the closest thing to a nuclear bomb there is in modern war.
      The US supplied HARM missiles to Ukraine, but apparently the Russians rigged up countermeasures. What worked in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and the rest of our dabblings, no longer works in Ukraine. That should have our entirely DoD scared. As we found with the F-117s in Serbia, 'stealth' is only a marketing slide.

      - reader #1482

  4. Biden Crime Family can't do anything to get caught and the Democrats Propaganda Ministry not covering for them.

  5. "almost as stumbling King Charles."
    How very dare you? Charles the Daft has plenty of faults but to compare him with Geriatric Joe is absurd. Probably lèse-majesté too, but we don't care about that any more. Anyway, here's the old boy in action:

    1. I dunno... Charles is perhaps the worst. When traveling, he insists that every piece of furniture in his apartments be disassembled and moved with him day to day. Apparently the slightest thing out of place results in a tantrum.
      I'm not sure there's an American, even in San Francisco, that is so entitled. Ok... maybe, but it's a big stretch still.

  6. No one who could obtain clearance to work in the Whitehouse would bring cocaine onto the complex. Only someone who is not subject to search and a TS SCI security clearance could and would bring cocaine into the building. I am certain that there is video and forensic evidence pinpointing exactly who it is. The puppet masters know. Fredo's fate would not surprise me.

  7. State Department spokesperson has a double slip of the tongue. Or is telling the truth.

    1. It's not like someone invading our country can be represented as a 'strategic success' for your country.
      I'm not quite certain it's been a strategic failure for Russia. They got the chance to show their bully creds by declaring openly that they'd sacrifice whatever it takes to get bakhmut, and they did that. While people might retort that they lost insane numbers of troops, Russia can simply respond "we delivered on the promise, the greater the cost, the more you'll take our future promises seriously."
      Of course, this is likely all intra-Russian politics, which is difficult to distinguish from their mafia.

      - reader #1482

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