Saturday, September 30, 2023

Bottom Line for 2024

Spending too much time on X (nee Twitter) and getting caught up in the nonsense there.

Time to focus on the real issue.

The country and its people were far better off under Trump than under the Zombie now in the White House. 

That's the bottom line.

The country and its people will be better off after the elections under a Trump or DeSantis administration than under a Biden/Harris/Newsom administration. 

That's all that matters. 

The rest is just noise.


  1. If Trump is able to return to the WH. He will have a monumental job in turning things around. I watched him briefly and the first thing he said he would do is start drilling and producing oil again. That would be a great start.

    The biggest problem he will have is the same people who fought him during his first administration are still in power in congress on both sides of the aisle. We need a complete housing cleaning in terms of GOP leadership.

    1. This time he will know who he can trust and who he needs to send to the Gulag.

  2. Drilling creates the cheapest known energy source. Everything else, and I do mean EVERYTHING else, comes from cheap energy.

  3. @ Anonymous
    don't agree! He could have spent a lot of his time (validly) "retributing" his first term: he didn't (at all).
    strongly doubt he'll waste any time "retributing" his (hopefully) second term

  4. People are certainly much worse off now than they were under Trump; but that detriment doesn't spread evenly across the community. Inflation cannot be hidden however some are more insulated than others; although the difference now is that the middle class is really feeling it. The media is however doing everything within its power to hide the effects. In that scenario the questions becomes are there enough people, who would ordinarily be able to weather an inflationary storm, now being pinched to the point where it will influence their vote, and, more particularly, will the Democrats and Independents among them move or withhold their votes from the Democrats in sufficient numbers to make a difference. In ordinary times the rational conclusion is likely to be 'Yes', but there has never been a time of such rampant and pervasive dishonesty among the politicians and the media, so I am now not so sure; and that's before you even try to factor in probability of repeated irregularities in the electoral process.

  5. The chances of Trump winning are so low as to be unworthy of serious consideration by serious people. This is some kind of mass delusion, where you have an election stolen from you, the people who stole it have total power for 4 years, then for some reason they let you win the next time.

    1. Roger that AW~~~
      M'd is obviously over prescribed
      to Biden's Medicinal 'script. Let's
      hope & pray that real Americans
      are ready, willing, and able to toss,
      all the enemy Asses overboard on
      Election Day 2024, or however long
      it takes------> Gob Bless America~~~
      On Watch~~~

      "Let's Roll"

  6. No one that I know of has said this, what if the Democrats try to remove Biden from the ticket but he decides he likes being Prez and fights!

    1. Fights with what? Not sure he knows he's president. "Yes Joe, you are still president, look out that window, it's the white house lawn, can't you tell? Those guys in white? They're secret service pretending to me orderlies in an institution."

      - reader #1482

    2. He is President, how could he be removed without damage? The only way s I know of would be pressure exerted by threatening his family or assassination.

  7. I'll be honest, Trump lost me when he started treating with the Taliban. I hope the GOP puts up someone else, so I can go to the polls. I've always felt that it's a civic duty to choose the lesser of evils in the absence of a candidate, but I'm not sure at this point.
    If we wanted to withdraw, then withdraw... no point in talking to the Taliban in that case either. China and Russia will run the course of their threats to US interests over time, but groups like the Taliban are permanent unless excised complete like a tumor.

    - reader #1482

  8. As of this moment it looks like a rematch of 2020 which is the last thing the country needs. As long as FJB can sit up, blink his eyes and take nourishment, he will be the Dem candidate and will most likely "win" again. I believe Trump would be slaughtered so badly that we would also be slaughtered all down the ballot even into Governor elections and below. Is America stupid enough to "elect" Biden again? Yes, with or without rigging. The America of Reagan is mostly gone. If somehow Trump could win, a major problem arises...just who would work for him? Who would endure a Senate confirmation all for DJT? Nobody we would need to help him fight the Swamp. If his first four years brought turmoil, another four would be turmoil on steroids. If Trump is our nominee, I will be first in line to vote for him which is all I can do.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. I am under the opinion that RDS IS our best candidate. He will deliver on what he proposes or die trying...
    He does not carry the Herculean baggage of Trump and has a proven tract record.
    Please, get over Trump and elect someone with the same ideological bent that has a really strong team behind him.

    1. DeSantis is toast. He threw in with Rove and Ryan in an attempt to kill the America first agenda. If DeSantis had backed trump he would have been the easy front runner in 28. Now he’s toast and the large donors are looking for someone else to do their bidding.

  11. We have a mallard drake we call Leonard, who lives on property where I work. I honestly believe Leonard would do a better job than any of the Democrats running, or proposing to run.

  12. If Trump does not win the nomination, I don't think any other Republican will win the general election. While there are lots of people who hate Trump.There appears to be many Republicans who have not given up on him. Maybe RDS , or NIKKIE could beat Biden, but the left has been able to destroy the Republican candidates in the past. Trump has been the only one who was able to fight back. If the state of affairs in the US is not bad enough to dump the corrupt, woke Obama/Clinton/Biden Dems, then we just need things to get much worse before we collapse. The sooner the better. "When in the course of Human events..."

    1. Exactly right. The democrats and the media made Romney look like a bad guy. Who ever takes the republican mantle will get the sane treatment and they’ll be hated very quickly. It’s weak minded republicans that fall for the trump is divisive nonsense.

    2. And they did it to McCain before him... until he was up against Obama, McCain was commonly lionized in the media as a wonderful, courageous former-POW and all that... but even his liberal leanings and divorces wouldn't stop them in the end when they had a foaming-at-the-mouth wannabe-communist for an alternative.

      - reader #1482

  13. ..."Leonard {the Duck) would do a better job than any of the Democrats running, or proposing to run would do a better job than any of the Democrats running, or proposing to run."

    I hear ya Scott, happily we just got rid of
    another quack named Malley, unfortunately
    we still have many more Rat's & Quacks hiding in
    the US Sewer.System... Sultan Knish lays some it out
    for US Below

    ...In 2021, Robert Malley, Biden’s Iran special envoy, currently under investigation for mishandling classified documents, who had turned over the negotiations to Iran lobbyists, brought Tabatabai into the negotiating team where she spent over a year before leaving over an undisclosed issue.

    There were multiple red flags about her even before the release of the emails.

    Iranian dissidents had repeatedly warned about her ties to the regime. And even her own article on Iran’s “counterterrorism” in which she claims that Iran is actually fighting against terrorists, draws on “several years of fieldwork in Iran, interviews with current and former officials”.

    But the Biden administration chose to ignore those warnings and it has refused to address the emails, replying that it won’t comment on “purported leaked Iranian government documents.”

    Even in the face of serious evidence that the State Department and the Department of Defense are employing an enemy government agent, the Biden administration is not backing down.

    The speed with which Tabatabai, who had been living in Iran during the Ahmadinejad 2009 election, has been able to fully penetrate the highest echelons of our national defense in a little over a decade is a testament to the national security collapse within a disloyal bureaucracy.

    Under the Obama administration allegiance to the Iran Deal came to matter more than allegiance to the United States. Anyone willing to argue, as Tabatabai was, that Iran was eager to make a deal and could be trusted to keep to its terms had a smooth glide path into the liberal defense establishment that was busy sidelining the ‘hawks’ skeptical of Iran’s intentions.

    Churning out articles like “Why Regime Change in Iran Wouldn’t Work” and “Don’t Fear the Hard-Liners” didn’t make Ariane Tabatabai look like an Iranian government propagandist, but like an Obama administration propagandist. Even while the Obama administration was covertly investigating its political opponents for ties to Israel and Russia, it had so thoroughly blurred the lines that Iranian propagandists couldn’t be told apart from administration figures.

    Under Biden, who was backed by Iran lobby figures and benefited from an Iranian hacking campaign, the two groups have blended together so much that they are indistinguishable.

    Robert Malley was the prototype of figures like Ariane Tabatabai and others who are not merely anti-American in the traditional leftist fashion, but appear to have outright foreign allegiances. The Left, like most extremist movements, is no longer capable of making such distinctions. And neither is a government whose foreign policy ranks are being populated by Iran Deal advocates.

    Tabatabai’s elevation to Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict show how deep the rot is in the Department of Defense. The DOD, entrusted with defending the nation, has allowed itself to be suborned into ignoring national security and its allegiances in order to do the bidding of the Biden administration.

    Not just politics, but the most fundamental kind of national security, requires urgently cleaning house in the Pentagon. It’s either that or hand over control over our government to our enemies.

    On Watch
    "Let's Roll

    1. Obviously placed for purposes gender/ethnic diversity, not competence, and definitely not allegiance to the USA.
      It's really unbelievable.
      And it's unbelievable that the GOP is squabbling over money when these traitors are lounging in the Pentagon.
      "We're really like to argue about how much money we're going to give to the Pentagon.... don't wanna forget to give Iran enough!"

      - reader #1482

  14. All the attempts to downplay and bury the Rob Malley disaster have now completely failed. It's about time. Why did it take so long?

    - reader #1482

    1. "...Why did it take so long?"
      Color of Skin? Or perhaps,
      just the color of his Blackheart...
      As his worst, and ongoing damage
      to the USA, has not as yet, been fully
      accounted for~~~
      On Watch~~~

      "Let's Roll"

    2. Oppenheimer and Lawrence, grandfathers of the atom bomb. Kerry, Obama, Biden, and Malley, great-grandfathers of the ayatollah bomb. The JCPOA and the Doha deal are the most shocking foreign policy blunders since the end of the cold war. This represents a diplomatic apparatus totally out of touch with what constitutes and enemy of America today.

      - reader #1482
