Sunday, November 5, 2023

The Rise of the Kapos

Sitting here in Madrid, reading the news from back home and around the world, and I am not encouraged for the future.

The war against Hamas in Gaza seems to be going well. The Israelis are taking a deliberate and methodical approach to destroying that hellish organization. 

I would also note by way of tooting my own horn that I called it pretty much right in my post of October 8, drawing the analogy between the Viet Cong's disastrous Tet offensive and Hamas' own disastrous holiday offensive:

Hanoi, you will remember, convinced the Viet Cong (VC) into launching a frontal attack on US and ARVN forces across South Vietnam on a holiday, taking over cities such as the old imperial capital of Hue, terrorizing pro-Saigon officials, and, most important, getting lots of media attention, e.g., attacking the US Embassy in Saigon. If you read subsequent accounts by VC leaders, they had argued against this strategy noting that the VC would get annihilated, but they went ahead. Well, it all went per Hanoi's plan: the VC caught the US and ARVN forces off-guard, terrorized the populace, temporarily seized (with NVA help) Hue, attacked the Embassy, etc. The media reporting, of course, helped foment the belief that the VC were some sort of invincible force, blah, blah, and blah. Once the US and ARVN got their act together, the predictions of the VC leadership came true: the Viet Cong got annihilated, and never again was a significant military force. It was now Hanoi clearly in charge.

Hamas [at Tehran's urging] has launched, on a holiday, a major attack on Israel, including attacking military bases, catching the Israelis asleep at the switch. They are getting their fifteen minutes in the media; they inevitably will get themselves killed by the Israeli counterattack. What will be left of Hamas will be purely an Iranian puppet, however, they will have reminded the world, as was done fifty years ago in another Yom Kippur War, that the Israeli intel and military are not invulnerable and all-seeing. Netanyahu might not survive the following political fall out in Israel. 

Iran will have its main terrorist sock puppet left, Hizbollah, which after all is Shia and much more compliant to Tehran, and it will have destroyed the peace talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

If anybody listened to the rambling 80-minute diatribe by Hizbullah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, a couple of days ago, you would know that he basically confirmed the above Tet analogy. He praised Hamas for its courage; said Hamas had launched the attack on its own; disassociated Hizbullah from the attack of October 7; said Hamas can handle the Israelis by themselves, and, well, thanks buddy. Love and kisses from Lebanon.  

Much more troubling than the tired rhetoric of the global Muslim Murder Machine is the noise being generated on the streets of the West by "pro-Palestinian" mobs. We have seen in Washington DC, New York, Chicago, London, Paris, Copenhagen, and other cities, large unruly crowds, often violent, marching for "Palestine." If you listen to their slogans, and interviews of organizers and participants, these are not for "Palestine." No such entity exists and the marchers couldn't tell you the history or location of the place. 


The organizers of these marches don't care about Palestine, they are for, let me quite blunt, killing Jews, AND destroying the West. 

In other words, they are perfectly in line with the objectives of modern-day Islam.

One particular group within these marchers deserves special mention. Yes, I refer to fellow Jews. They utterly revolt me. I don't know how many Jews have taken part, but judging for example, by the "pro-Palestine" letters coming out of Hollywood and academia signed by prominent Jews, it's probably not an inconsiderable number, not as many as the "marchers" pretend, but still.

These Jews remind me of the Jewish Kapos who worked with the Nazis in the death camps and the ghettos helping the Nazis liquidate Europe's Jewish communities. The most prominent of these living Kapos, of course, is George Soros. He and his organizations continue to work with today's Nazis to eliminate the Jewish state and to promote the destruction of Europe and America, e.g., uncontrolled immigration from the Third World. 

They seem to think that the crocodile will never eat them. 

They are wrong, as so many earlier Kapos found out. The Muslim crocodile is not easily sated.


  1. I think spelling it Hizbullah or the even-worse media 'Hezbollah' kind of obscures the fact that it's a translation of "Islamic Party of God" by making it unclear to idiot western lefties that this is a muslim-theocracy-effort. The direct arabic translation of "Party of God", "Hiz'b Allah", makes it a little more clear in my view. I'm guessing mainstream media doesn't use that term for fear of 'islamophobia'.. or rather.. being branded with the label of fomenting it. As always, the easiest way to be branded as a 'hater of X' is to directly quote 'X'.
    Similarly, Hamas spend a lot of effort to hide their islamic extremist roots and muslim brotherhood connections early in their rise. A ridiculous fraction of western lefties thought Hamas was a secular organization. After all, the UN works with them right? Separation of church and state? Perhaps they still think so... I don't know.

    I think the difference here is that Israel isn't going to become "mired in self-doubt and go home" like the US did after Tet.
    Iran is panicking. I don't think they intended for the hamas incursion to be as effective as it was. They're threatening to bring in Hizb'allah and escalate with a direct confrontation because they know they mismanaged hamas. They don't even like hamas... barring strategic calculations, Iran would kill every member of hamas just like hamas' progenitors killed Iran's most revered hero.. basically assassination by thugs in a dark alley... would be a fitting end for all of hamas and the iranian terror state.

    I'm seeing many accounts of sleeping lefty jews being suddenly awakened to the lefty hostility all around them.

    - reader #1482

  2. When certainly learned American Universities are loaded with Kapos, and those who aren't are having to figure how to end them

  3. The current pro-Hamas brouhaha in the West is rather reminiscent of the similar outpouring about the Ukraine back in the distant past. (Remember Ukraine?). We were told that Russia's invasion was "unprovoked"; we were told that the "whole world" opposed Russia;
    we were told that the Ukraine under the sainted Zelensky was winning on all fronts. Distant days!

    The lesson seems to be that actions on the ground are more important than Western gnashing of teeth -- or even Arab gnashing of teeth. Notice the dog that has not barked -- Big Dog Egypt has not activated its military to support Hamas. The question is whether Israel has the fortitude to ignore "international" condemnation. and the resources to eliminate Hamas.

    1. I have no doubt Israel is galvanized to complete the dismantlement of hamas and emplace terrorist-weed-block to prevent it from shooting up again. It'll still only be partially successful so long as qatar, uae, and iran are still on-the-loose, but it'll be a big improvement over this stupid "they shoot rockets at us, we use iron dome.. and just keep going until they figure out how to defeat it.."

      ukraine's a different nut.. I remember thinking during the ouster of yanukovych "they just did a putsch against a likely-corrupt politician who won an election judge fair by a large swathe of independent observers... this is bad, this is not going to end well"... and it hasn't... that doesn't justify russia's invasion and I hope they're kicked back to UN borders... but the situation was highly predictable. Yanukovych was certainly acting as a Putin patsy much as Lukashenko is, knowing that embracing the EU would mean Putin taking the donetz basin and crimea. Tough situation for everybody (well, except Putin).
      When it comes down to it, I'll side with the country that develops enough domestic talent to have more than one person in 25 years that can lead the country.

      - reader #1482


      Opinions are like assholes...but they seem to seep like shit into the whey.
      Men of Good Will beware.
      Candy is easy to see.
      "first is free"
      As for Diplo Mad...

    3. The mandoo who speaks from a major slavery ring...und yu7...Ibay sibay tibat yibou ibare ...culpable asl.
      luck on speak and ...I wiould guess that your fat is now affecting your bones and joints..and now you have to take medications for medications.
      7 months for you.
      I say.
      I hav3e never been wrong
      Will time sir.
      son, you, dottir,
      step out. ...
      and go out as a man.
      of good will.
      some can see.
      some can do.
      some serve
      I give you....six months, 4-7days.
      and you die by natural causes.
      This is to notify you that there is no's just
      Wouldn't 7you want others' you love to know ...

  4. The Tet offense was Hanoi's way of getting rid of their "Bolsheviks" and leaving them in charge when they got the US out.

  5. Yeah, Tet pretty much destroyed the indiginous leadership of the NLF in the south--after that they were just an extension of the North Vietnamese regime. They pretty much were anyway, but this killed an vestige of autonomy they might have had.

  6. Israel has killed over 10,000 people in a month. The majority being women and children. You're a monster.

    1. You're looking for the 'hamas fanbois blog', not this one.

    2. Are you a serious person?

    3. "Israel has killed over 10,000...a month...majority
      being women and children. You're a monster."

      Smells like a rank load of K'rap, fresh outta
      the Kansas City Stockyards, MacDimwit~~~

      On Watch~~~

      "Let's Roll"

    4. You are either naive or a dickhead - or probably both and most likely incapable of rational thought.

  7. Dip history sure has a way of repeating ( see TeT).

  8. ~~~Bulletin Bulletin~~~
    Just when I learn that Olde/New
    Spain is Safe for my Retirement
    Dreams, I hear the News the Muslims
    are now Taking Over and Rioting in
    the Streets~~~pLEASE adVise~~~

    On Watch~~~

    "Let's Roll"

    1. Oops Intended this Song:


    2. Oh so that's what happened, overthere!
      On Watch~~~

      Let's Roll"

  9. In "News of the Obvious", clandestine Ukrainian forces identified as responsible for the Nord-Stream breach. Who in their right mind would've thunk otherwise?
    I have no doubt that virtually nobody knew about it, purely for plausible deniability. But the operation was so cheap and badly masked, that they were almost broadcasting their responsibility.

    "And we'll do it again..."

    - reader #1482

    1. ...", clandestine Ukrainian forces identified
      ..."And we'll do it again..."- reader #1482~~~
      Oh that "clan" ;~} go figure "-... On Watch~~~

      "Let's Roll"

    2. Sure, identified by whom? How? Six men on a sailboat dove a reported 1.5T of explosives and emplaced it properly at 80m depth, detonating it later, without being detected?

      Are you the same Anonymous who wrote:

      "ukraine's a different nut.. I remember thinking during the ouster of yanukovych "they just did a putsch against a likely-corrupt politician who won an election judge fair by a large swathe of independent observers... this is bad, this is not going to end well"... and it hasn't... "

      Forgetting or ignoring that Yanukovich betrayed the country by reneging on the agreed EU accession plan and going for the EEU version? That this drew perfectly legitimate street protests? That Y opened fire on these protests with his secret police? That while nothing actually happened to him, popular anger was such that he figured out that he should leave, and did so, taking half the treasury with him? There was no putsch, he cut and ran, and his vacancy was filled in good order, not by a dictator for life but by the Rita, That one replaced by a free election, that one replaced by a free election. What putsch?

  10. Nichevo: yes. You are correct. Ukraine is a free country, as demonstrated by their cancelation of free elections. That is what "free" countries do apparently...
