Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Great Debate

I decided to wait a couple of days before commenting on the June 27, Trump-Biden debate. I wanted the post-debate furor to calm down a bit. 

Mind you, I, as a strong Trump supporter, had serious misgivings about the debate, and feared Trump had let his cockiness lead him into a trap. Trump, it seemed, hastily had agreed to every condition laid down by the Biden camp and CNN--well, I repeat myself: The date; no audience; a mute button switch in the hands of CNN's wildly anti-Trump moderators, who had in the recent past compared Trump to Hitler and had promoted a variety of anti-Trump hoaxes, e.g., Russia collusion, denying the authenticity of the Hunter laptop, pushing the "inject" bleach story, the "suckers and losers" and the "fine people on both sides" canards. CNN spent the typical news day blasting Trump as a "convicted felon," and heaping every possible insult on him, as you all know too well. No way, I thought, could Trump walk out alive politically.  

Well, guess what? Trump proved me wrong, again. Almost every time ever since he rode down that escalator in Trump Tower  in 2015, to announce his candidacy, Trump has shown himself as a master politician with an almost unerring sense of the political game. He, however, did let himself get trapped in a no-win situation by the Covid scam, but I have dealt with that at length elsewhere and won't go over it again. I have no doubt that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump by a combination of overt electoral fraud, and a massive Federal-high tech censorship operation, and, as we have seen lately, the use of the DOJ as a political weapon. But, back to the debate.

Let me start by saying that the Diplowife (ret) did not want to see the debate, as it made her "too nervous." She worried as did I, see above, that Trump had fallen into a trap laid by the sort of crafty South Pacific cannibals who had eaten Uncle Bosie. So my three dogs and I sat in the den in our Wilmington, North Carolina house to watch the debate, while the Diplowife (ret) locked herself in another room downstairs to watch Netflix. The minute, however, I saw Biden walk haltingly out on stage with his signature weird gait presumably produced by those no-fall swim fins he wears as shoes, and timidly point at the podium, into my head popped a snippet from the theme from an old TV show, "Petticoat Junction":

                                And there's Uncle Joe/

                                          He's amovin' kinda slow/

                                          At the Junction . . .

Right there, I knew it had ended, game over. I started frantically calling my wife to come upstairs, she would miss a great and rare spectacle of live TV. "Biden is finished!" I kept shouting before he had said a word. Then Trump walked onto the stage, like a great hungry Kodiak bear looking for food along the river bank. It now would prove just a matter of time; the Delaware salmon would get eaten. 

This time I was right. 

Within minutes, it became an embarrassing blow-out. I won't go over it all. You've seen it. Biden had spent days sequestered with 16 advisors at Camp David prepping for the event. His clearly feeble brain had been pumped full of a jumble of facts, one-liners, ready ripostes, and words, lots of words, lots of them. He overloaded; he stumbled; he froze; he stared vacantly into the distance, away from Trump. I expected to see a spinning circle on his chest with the words, "Buffering, Buffering, Buffering."  Trump apparently had prepared out on the streets and fields campaigning, holding his signature mass rallies. He looked energetic, fresh, and relaxed; the contrast with the doddering Biden could not have proven more stark. The split screen was devastating for Biden, who had a vacant, almost frightened look, as though he feared his turn would come up. When it did, his answers made no sense or were just, no other way to put it, lies, delivered in a raspy voice, hard to hear much less understand, and then he would switch into angry old man mode, shouting incoherently. The Diplowife (ret) came by in the middle, and was horrified. She said what I have heard many others say since, "I almost feel sorry for Biden."

Let me take that up. Feel sorry for Biden? Nope. Not one bit. For the past fifty years, Biden has been one of the most disgusting, unprincipled politicians on the American scene. Look up his performance on the Clarence Thomas hearings, for example. He stole years' worth of classified documents, tried to peddle them to a ghost writer, participated in his crack head son's shady businesses, took money from foreign businesses and governments, and was clearly a racist and an abuser of women, and his daughter. He is a borderline pedo. He tanked his first run for the Presidency when he plagiarized an entire speech from, of all people, Neil Kinnock (Ugh!) He has been a serial fabulist making up wild Walter Mitty-type stories about his past, e.g., arrested on his way to see Mandela, taking on Cornpop. He has lied repeatedly about his first wife's death, and that of his son, Beau. More important, he has been a disaster as President, and has caused our nation, and the West serious, perhaps irreparable harm. He has destabilized the Middle East; led Putin to invade Ukraine; encouraged Iran and its proxies to seek nuclear weapons and increase their global terror campaign; he has opened our border and our society to a flood of millions of illegal aliens from all over the world, murders, rapes, and other mayhem have followed. Feel sorry for him? Hardly. 

What will be the consequences? I don't know. Will it all blow over, and the abysmal Biden performance be forgotten? Will he make it to November? Lots of questions. Let me know if you have the answers.


  1. As an outsider with an interest in the health of a US government as the largest and most powerful of the Western nations I watched the debate with some trepidation as the format seemed to be set up to disadvantage Trump.
    It soon became evident that, for all the effort that seemed to be expended in that aim, the end result was a disaster for Biden and the Democrats.
    I hope the rest of the Democrat campaign is equally well run and that November sees the return of a Republican President.

    1. Oops. Pressed the submit button before identifying myself.

    2. Hey David,

      Just saw you and dropped by to say Howdy


    3. G'day JK,
      Good to hear from you. I trust all is well with you and yours.

  2. The Democrats know it's over for Biden. They are trying to find a way to gently remove him from the ticket. The problem is Jill "Call me Doctor Damn It!" Biden. She's acting in the role of Edith Wilson and she doesn't want to let go of her power.
    I've also got posts I'm working on that it may be to late to remove Biden. Several states, Nevada, Wisconsin and Georgia won't allow a replacement on the ballot. (There are probably others)
    I suspect that President Trump and his team knew what a train wreck for the democrats the debacle...debate would be and that's why they accepted it. He basically stood back and let Biden drive his corvette off the cliff.

  3. Debate was after my bedtime so couldn't watch it live but did next day.
    They couldn't have juiced him up as at the SotU or his Dark Brandon speech. It was a disaster and who knows how they will get out of it.
    But Trump has a date with a hanging judge in a couple weeks and would guess a high probability is jail time. It could cause a Constitution crisis but they don't care, they haven't set up a Kangaroo Court to let him walk away with house arrest.
    I have 0 sympathy for Joe

  4. It turned out as I expected. I love Trump and have voted for him twice. I'll vote for him again.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  5. “The only existential threat is climate change”. Christ, he’s stupid, has dementia, and is insane.

  6. How about nuclear war? The one you brought us closer to asshole.

  7. I love it. The Progressives are in a full panic. The First Witch is not anxious to return to Delaware and be stuck changing Joe's diaper. So she is a major impediment. If they try to replace Joe who will they call on. I see very limited and poor choices. They may be stuck with him and he won't be getting any better they never do.
    Trumps July 11th court appearance will be interesting. What happens if that looney judge sentences him to jail? That could get real ugly real fast.

    1. The progressives will draft MIchelle Obama.


    2. No, Kepha, it will be Hillary. She will reluctantly accept the nomination. It is her turn, still, you know.

  8. We need to dispel the idea that the problem is Biden (or whoever the Democrats choose to nominate). It does not matter whether the executive is Biden, Gavin, or Michelle; the outcome of their polices will be the same. The problem with the Democrats is their Leftist policies, and their willingness to do anything (including disregarding the Constitution) in order to remain in power.

    By focusing on Trump vs. Biden, we offer them an easy solution of simply changing their figurehead. We need to disregard the ‘Cult of Personality’ battle, and focus on policy differences. Any debate about Biden’s abilities should begin with, “I know Biden is unfit, but that’s not the problem…”

  9. If Biden continues as the nominee, Trump will run non stop ads featuring highlights from Biden's performance during the debate so there will be no chance the public forgets what they saw. The question is, will Trump be doing it from jail, which is a whole different issue!

    1. Hi, all. Here's what ruins my sleep: how 'bout if Trump's people are blocked from running those ads? And if, after threat of lawsuit for election interference, the ads are only allowed to run in the middle of the night, along with the Ronco ads and the Home Shopping impersonators?
      Stay safe

  10. I suspect his paedophilia is beyond borderline. Biden is evil scum.

    1. This is what knowledgeable entities told us when we looking into an unlawful diversion of our family's living trust containing millions, which involved several suspicious deaths:

      "The people who did this to your family have done it to many others previously and will do it to many others. This is a criminal enterprise with a national reach which is protected at the highest levels of government, the highest levels, and pedophiles are well represented among them..."

      Here's Zeke's Rule of Guilt: If you suspect them of doing 'X', investigation will prove them guilty of 10X, 20Y and thirty Z.

      "Always present your guesswork as evidence because by the time it gets before a judge it will be evidence."
      - Lt. Raul J. Diaz,
      Cdr., Metro-Dade Homicide, ca. 1981

  11. Neglected to identify myself re above comment to do with pedophile gangsters in high places.

    Two things come to mind. One, communists and leftists are mad. Now they're desperate. Desperate madmen and women tend to do desperate, insane things. Expect anything. Absolutely anything.

    Second, should these madmen choose a successor, be it Governor Brylcreem, or the Michigan Madwoman of Chaillot, whomever, their reign will make Americans and the world nostalgic for the 'peaceful, tranquil Biden era.'

    Nothing is off the table with crazy desperate people who exalt marxist ideology above results.

  12. The damage has been done.

  13. The democrats problem isn't that Biden is running to be President in 2025.... it's that he's running to be President also in 2028... and that dude is clearly not going to make it to 2028 in reasonable form, even if he can amp himself up to making cogent statements in a second debate.
    Yeah, Trump accepted each and every requirement *because* he knew getting Biden on stage without handlers would win him the election.
    Trump is now running unopposed... the democrats can convince people that they'll be voting for Harris.. but that's not going any further.

    - reader #1482

    - reader #1482

  14. If scotus had ruled for democrats, they’d basically be saying “In the week before leaving office, the president’s office of legal counsel must provide a list of every possible allegation of criminal behavior that the president will sign as a pardon for himself.” Because the only known limit on the pardon power is impeachment.

    Why didn't Trump pardon himself for his actions or inactions on Jan 6? Because nobody in their right mind thought he would need to.

    - reader #1482

  15. "Trump accepted each and every requirement *because* he knew getting Biden on stage without handlers would win him the election."

    That is the most important thing about the "debate." Trump was willing to ignore all the advisors telling him it was a setup and CNN would never let him look good. In the event, it looked like CNN treated him fairly although it might have been the shock at seeing Biden fumble.

    1. It's not like CNN could really side with Biden in that debate, Biden was absent.

      - reader #1482

  16. And dont let the Media get away with their attempts to exonerate their own part in foisting this fool onto the Nation.

  17. I think I've figured out Trump's plan for Ukraine. On or about when it becomes clear that he's going to win 2024, he will propose: 1) Russia owns what it's taken and no further, lines will be redrawn where forces currently are. 2) If not, the US will withdraw from NATO. The 'whip' on Putin will be a threat of direct intervention or nuclear escalation. The 'whip' on Ukraine will be seeing the abandonment of *all* of its neighbors over the fear of losing the US in the alliance. Even the baltics and poland will stop openly supplying arms to Ukraine. They won't be happy about it, but it's that or waiting to be next in Putin's take-back scheme.
    And sure enough, NATO defense spending will be > 2% all around... with the exception of the northern leeches in Canada, where they'll just continue to assume that their proximity mandates US protection.
    There's a chance that Ukraine would opt to go-it-alone... and there's a chance they could win it afghanistan-1980's style. Those seem less likely than capitulating and accepting that they kind of opened themselves up to this by running a fairly elected corruptocrat out of power for 'maiden' rather than being more patient with democracy.

    - reader #1482

  18. Using actuarial tables found here:
    The chance of Biden dying in the next four years is about 30%.

    The calculation is: 1 - (1-0.071)*(1-0.078)*(1-0.086)*(1-0.095) =~ 30%

    for a 78-yo, just shy of 20%... for a 50-yo, just under 3%.

    Trump should be running against Harris, because that's who'd end up in the office if Biden won 2024.

    - reader #1482

    Rampantly liberal 'scientific american' seeks to take down Gorsuch on Ohio v. EPA:
    --- In five instances, it confused nitrogen oxide, a pollutant that contributes to ozone formation, with nitrous oxide, better known as laughing gas. ---

    Total idiocy... "You can't say nitrous oxide... it's 'nitrogen oxide'"

    There's 'nitric oxide' and 'nitrogen dioxide'. There's also a collective 'nitrogen oxides' with an 's'.. but there's no 'nitrogen oxide'.

    Ok ok... gotta stop laughing... It's the super-smooth-takedown that leaves your opponent on top....

    It's from their whole editorial staff too... oh my...

    - reader #1482

  20. "anti-Trump hoaxes" It's awfully diplomatic of you to call these efforts hoaxes; I would call them frauds or frame-ups.

    1. Roger That dearie~~~
      Up All Hands
      Turn Two!!
      On Watch~~~
      "Let's Roll"

  21. I've been praying that Trump would be born again. Shot by an assassin being harried by pursuing officer... in the upper right ear. My take: that's the holy spirit telling him to start 'listening'.

    - reader #1482

    1. that could be read incorrectly.. I do think Trump was saved there for a purpose....

    2. Golly. And was the poor fireman killed for a purpose?

    3. Nobody but the shooter to blame for the attack.

  22. "Joe can't pull out of the race now, we've already got all the voting ballots filled in with his name checked off for office and stashed under the counting tables.... what are we gonna do with those if he pulls out?"
