Good or Bad for the Jews

"Good or Bad for the Jews"

Many years ago, and for many years, I would travel to Morocco to visit uncles, cousins, and my paternal grandmother. Some lived in Tangiers;...

Monday, July 29, 2024

On "Weird"

Ah, yes, "Weird"

Ok, the word has gone out from DNC Control to all its minions and bots to refer to the Trump-Vance ticket as weird. 

Have to say it's quite breathtaking to see some outfit like Lincoln Project referring to anybody as weird, given their own history of "weirdness." Also quite amusing to see Congressman Swalwell calling somebody weird, given his own "weird" history of involvement with a Chinese spy, but I guess DNC Control doesn't narrow down its instructions to only the non-weird.

Let's play along. 

Has there ever been a more weird candidate for President than Kamala Harris? As a "friend" of Willie Brown, she slept her way into California politics, and became a disastrous prosecutor in SF. She padded her conviction numbers by getting thousands of black men locked up for smoking weed, while freeing murderers who murdered again. She barely won a seat in the Senate and then decided to run for Prez. In the end, of course, she participated in no primaries, quitting when polls indicated she would receive MAYBE 1-3% of the vote. In the debate of Democrat candidates, however, she called Biden a racist, but got picked by him for VP, anyhow, because she wasn't white, and was thought to be less crazy than weird Stacey Abrams. 

BTW, when I lived in California she promoted herself as Asian. Now, this woman who grew up in Canada in an Indian home, is suddenly black and was some sort of leader or participant--all very vague--in the US civil rights movement: that's "weird." Everything about her is weird.

As VP, she proved practically invisible; her staff was in constant turmoil, many noting that she was a lazy bully, who didn't like preparing for meetings. Biden, a lazy bully himself, made her Border Czar to address the disaster on the border created by Biden's own policies. She made a trip to Guatemala, issued some weird word salad statement, and did nothing more. The border continued to be a disaster. 

Her foray into European politics was also equally as disastrous and her inept and weird policy statements frightened our allies and emboldened Putin. Weird.

Now, she finds herself running for President, not because Biden resigned and made her President, but because some DNC power brokers decided Biden should not run for re-election, since he was going to get smoked, and the DNC needed a new candidate. No primary. No open process, just a weird coalescing around Harris because the Dem bench is very sparse. And, no they did not want to make her President now; they left poor mentally inept Biden in the office because he wasn't as weird.

She's a completely fake candidate around whom the power brokers are trying create an air of weird excitement.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kamal Harris: How Fake Can You Be?

It seems that the woman, Kamala Harris, who slept her way to the top of California politics, and who unsuccessfully ran for President in 2019, while calling Joe Biden a racist, and who, later, once Biden got DEI'd into taking her as VP,  assured us that Biden was just fine mentally and physically--"sharp as a tack"-- and that he would run for re-election, has now succeeded in engineering herself into the DNC nomination via an extraordinarily undemocratic process which involved pushing aside the old zombie. Well, better put, her handlers have succeeded; they even dragged reluctant Dem party pols such as Schumer, Pelosi, and the Obamas into tepidly endorsing her. The Obamas (yes, plural) endorsement proved particularly cringeworthy, tepid, and reeking insincerity. It's, however, probably enough to get Harris the nomination at next month's DNC coronation convention.

Meanwhile, back at the Ol' Gaslight Ranch, the party elites with the invaluable assistance of the legacy media, and chunks of the tech industry, are busy rewriting her record. The same folks who told us how incredibly successful and consequential the Biden years were, now want you to understand that Harris had nothing to do the disastrous Biden years. "Border Czar"? No, she was never the Border Czar even though we all saw her get appointed by Biden as such on March 24, 2021. Sure the border is a disaster, not her fault, because she wasn't the Czar, but the border is secure thanks to her because she was. . . yeah, OK, George Orwell call your office. 

This is a candidate who openly called for defunding the police, supporting the BLM/Antifa rioters, decriminalizing border crossings, dissolving ICE, and providing illegal aliens the full panoply of public services, but who now says the 20 million or so who have entered the country during her rule as Czar, are not her fault, and besides they are a good thing, oh, and she wasn't Czar, anyhow. Never mind the murders and rapes, and look, there's a fake FBI crime chart to go with the fake economy charts!

Voters in Pennsylvania, I am looking at you, she repeatedly called for a ban on fracking and retraining energy workers in a new field. Now, as of two days ago, she puts out a statement saying she does not favor a ban on fracking: take that Greta! She also has called for an end to offshore oil exploration, and, if any of the states with offshore drilling become politically viable, she'll deny ever having said that. 

The Russians, the Chinese, the radical Muslims see weakness in the USA. Our allies, especially Israel, should be worried as it becomes evermore clear that nobody is in charge in this White House. The disrespect shown Netanyahu has been noted around the world.

Imagine how much worse it would be if  @elonmusk had not bought Twitter.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Biden: Good-Bye and Good Riddance

As of this date, we have heard only via a post on X/Twitter which contained a letter supposedly written, signed, and sent by "President" Joe Biden, in which he declines to participate in the forthcoming election. A few minutes later, we saw a rushed post, again on X/Twitter, saying that, yeah, he endorsed Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee. His "letter" gave no reason as to why Biden had sought not to seek re-election, but also made clear "his" intention to remain as President until January 20,2025. As I stated, as of this date we have heard nothing further from Biden: no press conference, no official statement from him, nothing. 

His official program for the week remains blank. Where is Joe Biden? Last we knew he was at his beach house in Delaware recovering from COVID. Does he know that he is not seeking re-election despite his endless assertions that he was "in it, to win it," and that he sought "to finish the job"? Do we have a President? 

His party minions appeared on our TVs up until this past Saturday, assuring us that Biden was fine, that he was running for re-election, and looking forward to his next debate with Trump. Now, no more. Well, you never know: he might wake up from whatever Jamba Juice cocktail they have him on, and he will appear vowing to run for reelection . . . 

This all seems very Third World, or, more accurately, like some "Godfather" sequel in which the old man is handed a letter by "the Bosses"and told to sign if he knows what's good for him and his family.

The DNC shills and bots on X and other social media immediately, in good Orwellian fashion, began praising Biden for his patriotism, selflessness, etc. Why? As noted, he never stated why he was stepping away from the campaign. Medical? Who knows? If I had to hazard a guess, the bosses, e.g. Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, looked at the polls and realized the Old Fraud was heading for electoral disaster, maybe one too big to rig, and was threatening to take with him lots of the down ballot. The Democrats were facing a disaster. They had to get Biden out of the way, and try something new even at this late date.

I hope he's gone. 

He was a horrible President, the worst in my lifetime; he posed a serious threat to the USA and to the West. His policies were disastrous, from his open borders to his coddling of the Iranian regime, the absurd withdrawal from Afghanistan, and lots in between. He was a despicable human being with a long track record as a liar, fabulist, plagiarist, promoter of dangerous hoaxes (e.g. Russia interference, "fine people on both sides," bleach injection, "suckers and losers"), a jailer and censor of opponents, bully, sexual abuser, racist, pedo, thief of government documents, and money launderer. He headed a large criminal family which got wealthy thanks to him and his "public service."

Good-bye and good riddance.

Oh and Kamala Harris, who seems to be in the lead for the nomination? She's another fraud who helped cover up whatever was going on with Joe. Another despicable human being. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

A New GOP? Maybe

I have been glued to the TV watching the Republican National Convention. These things can be boring and irrelevant, but, I think, I hope, there is something very different and even exciting with this one. I think, I hope, that we are seeing the birth of a new Republican Party. 

Before I go on, let me acknowledge that I have been wrong before. I had high hopes for the TEA Party and its populist message to transform the stodgy the GOP into something more in touch with the people being hurt by bipartisan economic policies which were hollowing out our industrial base, and bipartisan foreign policies which produced only war after war-- overwhelmingly fought by the very people clobbered economically. That didn't happen; the TEA Party got absorbed by the GOP and faded, with only a defective smoke alarm-like chirp heard every so often in the background. The Republican party, what passed for a conservative party in the USA, remained hardly indistinguishable from its nominal rival, not unlike the British Conservatives vis-a-vis Labour. The West went all in for the "globalist vision" which destroyed Western industry in favor of China's, and now destroys the very basis of Western culture with its promotion of unfettered "immigration"--invasion, really.

Like the Tories in Britain who could find no replacement for Margaret Thatcher's leadership, our TEA party got lost becasue it had no national leader, nobody who could galvanize us into action. It had nobody who could take on the globalist infrastructure and withstand the abuse, the violence, the economic stress, and the "lawfare" that would get thrown at him or her. Those of us of a conservative bent, appalled by what we saw, had to settle for the tepid conservatism of the GOP here, or of the Tories in Britain--a conservatism that in the end conserved next to nothing, if not, in fact, nothing. 

In sum, there is--Surprise!--a role for leadership, and sometimes it emerges in the oddest places.  In our case it came from Donald Trump, a billionaire real estate developer and--Horrors!--a coarse-talking, reality TV star. Many of us laughed at him, saw him as a distraction, and just wanted him to go away, and let us elect Jeb Bush. I was one of those. I was very wrong. Trump saw the malaise and confusion sweeping over our country; he could see where the globalist elites were taking us. Maybe because of his background in construction, and long association with blue collar workers, he understood the mood and anger of the forgotten country. He began asking long-forgotten questions which can be summed up with, "Why do we have to do this, this way?" 

We all know what happened. Trump demolished the line-up of approved GOP establishment candidates, and went on to take-down the despicable Hillary Clinton. The media hated him. He didn't care; he was Rhino not a Rino, with thick skin and incredible energy. Once elected, he suffered repeated attacks which you all know; he made newbie mistakes, the biggest one was trusting other Republicans, e.g., Paul Ryan, Mike Pence, and despite an amazing economic boom and highly successful foreign policy, got taken down by the COVID scam, the Russia Hoax, and, quite likely, some, ahem, creative vote counting in the  2020 elections. 

But he's back, and this time he's not making mistakes. The establishment types, again, are trying to destroy his reputation, his wealth, his freedom, and making it clear that he needs to be stopped by any means. They, at a minimum, created the atmosphere for the attempted assassination--one in which Trump showed incredible bravery. None of this has worked out for the establishment.

As we can see on our screens, MAGA has taken over the Republican Party. I see the choice of J.D. Vance as an inspired one, which augurs well for the future of a MAGA GOP. I had a friend, of sorts, write me and say that it was very unusual for a former Republican President George Bush, and a former GOP standard bearer,Mitt Romney not to be invited to speak. Exactly. This party is not that party anymore. Those people can go speak at the Democrat convention, well that is, as soon as the Democrat circular firing squad runs out of ammo and we see who is left standing. 

Maybe, just maybe, we are witnessing an historic AND positive event.