Sunday, February 15, 2015

Copenhagen Gets Added to the List

The practitioners of the Religion of Peace have been having a busy time.  They have struck in yet another center of Western progressive thought and politics, in another place that welcomed Muslims, gave them shelter and sustenance, and treated them with the sort of kindness and toleration that they could not get in their home countries from fellow practitioners of the Religion of Peace (ROP). They have repaid the Danes' hospitality in the same way that they repaid that of the people of Sydney, Boston, Ottawa, London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Madrid, Paris, and, of course, New York. Yes, murder is their coin of preference; that's how they show gratitude; that's how they pay their debts.

While our sad little President chokes on labeling these acts as terrorism, or even identifying the "bankrupt" ideology of the perpetrators, the practitioners of the unnamed ROP have no problem, whatsoever, openly and proudly engaging in "random acts" of violence against Christians and Jews. Our tiny "Commander in Chief" has no issue with getting on his "high horse" to denounce some MSNBC-watching atheist progressive nutcase who killed three Muslim students in North Carolina over a long-running parking dispute, and labeling his act, in effect, terrorism or a "hate" crime, but he just can't bring himself to get too, too worked up over the daily and mass killings by the followers of the ROP all over the world.

As I have stressed when dealing with ROP acts in other countries, it is time for the Danes to take a serious look at what is happening in and to their country and decide whether allowing the ROP into their country is a good move.

Denmark is a marvelous country with a terrific history.

One of the most fascinating accounts you can read is about the Danish resistance to the Nazi occupation. This tiny country handled it brilliantly and drove the Nazis mad with a mix of targeted killings of Danish collaborators, passive resistance, and endless bureaucratic hassles and negotiations. The Danes, ordinary CHRISTIAN Danes, made sure that almost every Danish Jew got smuggled out of the country and away from the Nazis.

I hope that Denmark can rediscover the sort of courage for which the Vikings and the aforementioned resistance were known, and not let the grim example of what has happened in Paris and elsewhere in Europe become the model for their quite extraordinary society.


  1. Nothing to worry about; its just 'random'. Now, where are my golf clubs.

  2. Sydney, not "sidney".

    1. Unless your surname is 'Greenstreet', then it is perfectly acceptable Bob.

  3. You've outdone yourself with that second paragraph. Nice job. <3

  4. Shooting in Denmark. No doubt the work of a "culture enricher"?

  5. Mad,
    Is this the beginning of the awakening in the West or the beginning of surrender, I don't know. Personally as things stand, I think it could go either way. I definitely think we're seeing the beginning of the collapse of the old order for sure in Europe. It certainly seems that those in charge are not going to do anything, they seem to be frozen, perhaps from the realization that their way of life is going bye bye, no matter what. It'll be the people themselves if anyone that will resist. Will they have the leadership, cohesion, and determination to be successful again I just don't know.
    James the Lesser

    1. Alas, it was disheartening (but not surprising) to hear the Danish PM say "we don't really know what motivated this" followed shortly thereafter by the standard issue useful idiots talking about how "jobs for jihadis" will somehow make this all better.

      Getting the politicians out of politics may be the first step the west needs to take before it can seriously face the islamist threat. Our political establishment, for the most part, remains willfully blind to it.

  6. Here is Europe's big chance to take their own advice -- trade them land for peace!

    1. HEARTILY agree!

      How does several thousand hectares at the bottom of the North Sea sound?

  7. The WW2 Danish Resistance movement gave new meaning to the term 'hiding in plain sight' which was their only option as there is really nowhere to hide in that basically flat country. They tied the krauts up in knots from Day One of their occupation, through staggeringly obstinate bureaucracy and defiant yet passive civil disobedience. Naturally the modest Danes made no big thing of this post-war, unlike the French who despite having their arses well and truly kicked in 1940 (and then went on to be active collaborators), made out that THEY actually helped win the war which is a national delusion still prevalent in France today.

    1. Absolutely. I have always had a spot in my heart for the Danes. The Danish resistance is one of the great little known stories of WWII.

    2. This situation does not call for Danish resistance. It calls for German blood-lust.

    3. A great story I read about the Danes concerns the Shell House anti-Gestapo airstrike in Copenhagen, 1945. The crews of the RAF Mosquitos who conducted the rooftop bombing reported seeing Danes in the street, leaping about and waving & cheering and being chased away by kraut troops. The air raid was a great success but tinged with tragedy as one Mosquito crashed on approach, unfortunately onto a school and burst into flames and several of the next wave bombed the school, thinking it was the target. There was heavy loss of life of children and teachers. Post-war The Danes very publicly forgave the RAF for this, saying that they themselves had asked for the airstrike and that "this was war and these things can happen". Now that is praiseworthy.

  8. There were some serious Dutchmen, too. I was spending a week at a medical meeting in San Francisco with a well known Dutch surgeon some years ago. We were walking across the city one night late after bar hopping. I mentioned that it was not safe to do this alone. He laughed and said, "I am not worried. I killed a few Germans with my bare hands during the war." He was in the resistance as a young man.

  9. A great post, Diplomad! I am pessimistic about either the USA or the Euros doing the right thing, which is to EXPEL ALL MUSLIMS. they have 57 Muslim countries already, let them stay there. no more tourist visas, no more students, any meetings via telecongference.

  10. What really annoys me is the alphabet media are always referring to "The Prophet Mohammad" (he is not a prophet for me) and never to "The Messiah Jesus".

  11. Before the Danes get on their high horse let’s recall the many Viking atrocities.

    1. Atrocities? Tony Curtis & Ernie Borgnine in 'The Vikings' for one. Plus Kirk Douglas chewing the scenery faster than a termite.

    2. Vikings speaking English was hard to figure, especially that long ago.

    3. At least they didn't all have British accents like the ancient Romans . . .

    4. Or the scene in the Long Ships (I think) where Richard Widmark's wristwatch was clearly visible.

  12. I think hopes of something being done about this are far fetched. The EU is little more than a very large Home Owners' Association.

    - reader #1482

  13. Kepha, masterstroke "Hakka, and said in one tone (儿),it means "child", and in another (屙)it means "to defecate"--America's first Third World Great Leader wannabe." even more valid, than overgrown little boy kindergartner, which I always see the little undergrown boy as, personally.

    Whitewall, I agree with every single word, in your 9:35 full description starting as Mr. Boehner's invite of Netanyahu is a master stroke. For once, hussein, the “red bastard” will have to address a new reality, in his little baby face.

    Unfortunately, life is actually worse than just this, more could be seeing this program already emplaced, such as gorgeous Danish women, and formerly Viking males, as follows: “Islamic State chops off women’s hands for using cell phones” and only whips men……..

    One also should be aware of the little admission of the UN secretary about killing off capitalism, as mentioned among several places, here:

    And that is not, nay, the last. One may read amazon number four, “The Hundred Years Marathon”, speaking of sino studies, by Michael Pillsbury, at the Hudson Institute, a vastly safer institution than many, for reality. The book details the declassified part what is still partly classified materials, and knowledge, unsettling absurdity in its own right of reality. A start point here: and maybe here:

    All the finest principles of the free world and it’s blood and fortunes, are under great assault. One has no choice but to gird, to educate oneself, and become strong, each man. This world is no place for little “redder boys”, all “hakka’d” up! “Only strong statesmen need apply.” “Preferably warrior experience”
    Browser brought up Feb. 15, but maybe belongs in Jan. 23, and maybe bears repeating, whatever. Sorry if out of sync here.

    1. Still bears repeating and still relevant. The subject doesn't change at all. The focus only gets clearer. Who was it that said " history doesn't repeat, people repeat history". Well, here we are.

    2. Ummm, Hakka is a Sinitic language spoken by about 20-30 million people in China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Mauritius, Tahiti, even Jamaica and Sowth Effrika. It's my wife's native language (along with perhaps 3 million other Taiwan-born folks), although we speak mostly in English or Mandarin.

      I picked up some of that language while living in the cities of Zhongli and Zhudong in Taiwan, where Hakka was the majority home language.

    3. Kepha, thanks for the nice disambiguation of the rest of the comment:
      "Hakka, and said in one tone (儿),it means "child", and in another (屙)it means "to defecate"--America's first Third World Great Leader wannabe."
      Most interesting, indeed, and appreciated, by us, (me, myself and I), that is, of the relatively unwashed.

    4. Jack:

      No problem. I'm of the mind that anyone who is a student of languages should have at least one language (not an accent, not a dialect) that does without courts, military, and universities. It's also a reason why Yiddish is such a wonderful tongue, even though nobody but Chasidim speaks it anymore (Dip, how's your Ladino/Judesmo?).

      In any case, my use of the Hanzi was to be a tipoff that we're dealing with a Chinese "dialect" (which is actually as different from Mandarin as French is from Portuguese).

  14. Dear Diplomad... lets hear more stories of your exploits and travels! It's why I love the site and your blog. Most of us will never leave our cities and states and even the mundane travel and expat lifestyle stories are entertaining.

    Thanks in advance

  15. I see where PM Netanyahu has encouraged Europe's Jews to begin returning to Israel (Aliyah ?). I trust American officials somewhere have let them know they are welcome here as well.

    1. They have to go to Mexico and sneak across.

    2. Have a canadian buddy who's been employed here for almost two decades (TN1s and H1Bs) and is *just* about to get his green card. If he hadn't been law abiding and employed and paying taxes the whole time, he probably would be protected by Obama.

      - reader #1482

  16. and i read yet again that the most faithful of the r.o.p. bombed another mosque in pakistan. i served in ksa and indonesia, two polar examples of the islamic world, and knew decent elites and common folk in both places. im not facetious when i ask someone to explain if and how the islamic world will cleanse itself. or maybe never, as tony soprano explained to an old high school buddy whose business tony just trashed, "it's my nature, i can't help myself."

    1. Why does the epicenter of this new Islamism seem to be mainly centered in the Arab Muslim world? Indonesia is the largest Muslim country and they seem to be mostly sane. Is it a defect among Arabs?

    2. I think it is. David Pryce-Jones did a pretty good job of explaining it.

  17. I don't think the GOP leaders really comprehends the antipathy towards monarchists in the US. I'd call myself a 'reliably conservative' voter (Bush, Dole, Bush, Bush, McCain, Romney), and there are few democrats I *wouldn't* vote for over Jeb. I have nothing against Jeb, and he may be the best candidate in the running, but I really don't care. I dislike the dynasty aspects of US politics *that much*.... not that anybody should care what I think.

    - reader #1482

  18. This does not bode well for the Danes: or the source: In either source, it is a video of Danes speaking of rehabilitating jihadis or mujahedeen, as today's American government ridiculous comments. With this CNN video, naiveté looms greatly in Denmark, today. Fundamentally, they do not understand exactly what islam demands, period. Here is the clue on the white house summit mid week, in America.....for me, frightening implications.......

  19. "one fourth of humanity is Muslim, they also make up the poorer share of the global population "

    Coincidence ? I don't think so. The last center of polio cases is in the Muslim are of Uttar Pradesh where Muslim activists have convinced mothers that immunization is a Hindu plot to sterilize Muslims.

  20. Well, I see Rudy Giuliani spoke the truth about Obama last night. "I don't believe Obama loves America". As a bonus, he added to what he said. Sources are everywhere. Media and Dems are wetting themselves.

  21. Openness and decency repaid in blood and lead.

    The political caste all over the West is making itself a laughing stock.

    And the ROP is making itself an object of (some) fear and (a lot of) loathing.

    I have no doubt the majority of muslims living in the West are sickened and scared as well, but it is becoming harder to believe in that fundamental human decency the longer these attacks go on without any sign of comment or protest by "the lawabiding majority Muslim Community"

    I am genuinely puzzled why that it is... am I being excessively naive assuming they are equally decent as Christians/jews/rastas(!)/hindus/sikhs/buddhists/taoists

    1. If the President of the United States of America wont say it, why would rank-and-file muslims? I mean.. I can see reasons why some muslims wouldn't, even if POTUS took a strong stand on it, but that's not the case.
      Obama's solution appears to be 'convert to Islam and this wont happen to you'.

      - reader #1482

    2. My point is that Obama's position *may* be: "All religions are just superstition (guns & bibles), so why not just have everyone follow the one with the squeaky wheel?"

      - reader #1482

    3. Guys, I think it's a more serious issue. "Smart people" in the USA, especially in its policy communities, know that "religion" (defined as a belief system extant before the Scopes Trial) is backwards, "unenlightened", and jettisoning whichever one you were raised with is something of a rite of passage to attain elite status (there's a sort of indulgence granted to Roman Catholics, at least from what I observed in the halls of State--but it's safer to be a "pro-abortion Catholic").

      How the peoples of the Muslim world dare to defy the logic of this viewpoint (we all learned it in high school! Are these folks unejjikated or sumpfin?) has been thowing US policy into conniption fits ever since the Iranian Revolution, when Khomeini did his end-run around the odd-son favorites in the Tudeh.
