Thursday, February 19, 2015

Is it All About the Profit, Muhammed? The State Department Wants to Know . . .

Where to begin.

We have a White House and a State Department almost immune to ridicule. How, after all, can you make fun of the Three Stooges? Can you really heap ridicule on Benny Hill or the Marx Brothers? This Misadministration is just about beyond parody.

One of the latest Stoogismos--of so many--comes from the apparently 18-year-old college freshman whom Obama has as his State Department Deputy Spokesmanpersonhumanbeing. Marie Harf said in an interview on MSNBC (where else?) that when it comes to ISIS (my emphasis added),
"We're killing a lot of them, and we're going to keep killing more of them. < . . . > But we cannot win this war by killing them <. . .> We need . . . to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it's lack of opportunity for jobs, . . . If we can help countries work at the root causes of this -- what makes these 17-year-old kids pick up an AK-47 instead of trying to start a business?"
I know I promised--sort of--not to make fun of these folks, but please: Marie Harf, World Renowned Military Strategist? Not even Brian Williams claimed such lofty creds . . .  Yes, apparently, she knows how to run a war, or whatever it is we're in with ISIS. I hope the Marine Corps leadership is listening to Fieldmarshal Harf. World War I's greatest general, Sir John Monash, could have learned so much from our very own Marie . . .

Just as we can't drill our way to lower energy prices and energy independence, we can't kill our way to victory. Next, it will be, we cannot eat our way to obesity.

I tire of the stupidity . . .

We might do a face palm and utter, as did TV's Batman, "Poor, deluded child," but, in fact, this Spokesperhubeing has captured the essence of the Obama Misadministration, to wit, a total, ultimately disastrous disconnect from the real world. For them, people are just sad little brainless marionettes who can be pleased with a few shiny bobbles, you know, like, a job or, uh, hey, start a business . . . maybe a green business recycling adult diapers at a senior center, you know, do something for Gaia . . . that's the ticket, Muhammed. Get the little people little jobs and businesses and we can be free to run the world as we see fit . . .

My Dear Marie, and with whatever respect is due, My Dear Mr. President, ISIS already offers a job to its members. The job? Killing Christians and Jews--and any "random" not sufficiently Islamic Muslims--on its path to the apocalypse or global domination, whichever comes first. ISIS wants a final battle with the forces of Rome. Islam, you see, is the root cause for "folks" joining ISIS, not the lack of burger-flipping jobs, bad health care, or depressed minimum wages. The 9/11 hijackers, let's remember, came from wealthy families as did Osama bin Ladin. You see, Deputy Spokesperhubeing, these ISIS "folks," to use President Obama's endearing term, believe in something for which they willingly kill and die. It is a twisted retrograde ideology called, I repeat, Islam--yes, I said it, again, the forbidden word. A repellent creed, but one in which they believe, and motivates them to commit horrors. Give them at least credit for that.

Would fanatical Nazis have been dissuaded from conducting the Holocaust had they been offered jobs at McDonald's? Would fanatical Shintoists have given up massacring Chinese, Malays, and Filipinos in exchange for work at Barnes & Noble or TESCO?  I think not. In addition, of course, there are poor people all over the world who do not go around cutting off heads, burning prisoners to death, kidnapping and raping hundreds of schoolgirls, and vowing global conquest. I have lived in and visited lots of poor countries, e.g., Haiti, Bolivia, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, and those folks do not march people down to the beach and have televised beheadings, pour acid on their wives and daughters, throw gay men off tall buildings, set prisoners on fire, or vow to conquer the world in the name of religion. Something else than just poverty needs adding to the mix. Shall we call that active ingredient Islam? It is not just a matter, to paraphrase Andy Hardy, of, "Hey guys! Let's rent a barn and put on a show to raise money for jobs for the ISIS folks!"

Is this all too nuanced for you, Ms. Harf?

Dear Marie, it's not a profit that drives the ISIS thugs, it's the "Prophet."   

Too hard on the Deputy Spokesperhubeing? Probably. She, of course, is crippled by an elite education; we must take that into account. Worse, however, the inane insanity she spouts is THE OFFICIAL LINE. Yes, Dear Marie had not strayed off her talking points. At his pathetic little Extremism Summit, the President once again took to the podium to remind us that his teleprompter tells him that we are not war with Islam. Even he, however, has a problem coming up with non-Muslim terror in his pathetic little speech. Once he starts dealing with specific examples, guess what happens? They're all examples of Muslims killing people in the name of Islam. He admonishes the Great Unwashed that despite that, we should ignore the news cycle's portrayal of Muslims and that we should stress our success at diversity. In the midst of his speech, the "Leader" of the Free World, spends a lot of time berating Europeans for not "embracing" their Muslims.

The echo chamber media now reverberates with "embrace" Muslim headlines (Google the words, "Obama," "Embrace," and "Muslims"). What exactly have Muslims done that requires us to "embrace" them? Did people go about "embracing" Irish, Jewish, Italian, Chinese, or Japanese immigrants to the USA? Not to my knowledge. They came to America, became Americans, and then many became successful Americans. No "embracing" requested, required, or given.

No sense going on. You get the drift.

We placed in power people who refuse to acknowledge that Western civilization is under sustained attack from Islam. This President has presided over and encouraged the greatest retreat of Western influence in decades, perhaps centuries. His foreign policy is beyond disastrous. There is not one success to which he can point. Libya is a bloody chaotic mess; in Syria, we now fight on the same side as the pencil-necked dictator we once vowed to remove; in Iraq, we depend on soon-to-be nuclear Iran and poorly armed bands of brave Kurds to "degrade" our ISIS enemy; in Latin America, we beg Cuba to normalize relations with us; in Asia, we watch passively as China tries to bully its way to predominance--and let's not even talk about the domestic side of the equation where our borders have vanished; our laws put into the freezer; millions of our jobs wiped out; and our economy nearly devastated.

We have a Misadministration that rather talk about "social justice," school lunches, having the military open to transgender recruits, and, of course, the "threat" posed by climate change.

On top of it all, we now must worry about jobs for ISIS and whether they can start a business.


  1. Diplo, do not get mad, like me. Yes, this administration has a goal, and it is the defeat of the West.

    That is the only way to understand this administration's actions. We can expect a hundred years of war unless we set to and destroy the Islmo-fascists violently, as we did the Nazis.

  2. Well Mad,
    Again you sugar coat it, when are you REALLY going to say what's on your mind? Well enough tongue in cheek. What do you do when the enemy is clear as a bell about their actions and intentions and the guys on your side aren't? Then there is the "summit", just more recycling from their domestic political playbook. And people wonder why it's so easy for Putin to deal with these people.

  3. You gotta admit 'Jobs for jihadis' is a catchy line, and taylor-made for the new world smart young things who surround the apologist in chief.

    1. +1

      - reader #1482

    2. Long ago, i read a collection of P.J. O'Rourke's essays entitled _Holidays in Hell_. Back in the '80's when he wrote it, even though the "jobs for jihadis" catchline hadn't been coined, he noted that for most Third World thugs, roaming the hills with an AK is a lot more romantic and fulfilling than tending the family goats or souk.

  4. The worst part of it? Before Marie Harf became a PR flak, she was a freakin' CIA analyst specializing in "Middle East leadership issues."

    This is from her official bio on the State Department website -

    "Ms. Harf began her federal government career in the CIA’s Directorate of Intelligence, where she was an analyst on Middle East leadership issues. She produced finished intelligence products -- including items for the President’s Daily Brief -- on top foreign policy priorities, providing insight and context while identifying risks and opportunities for the United States."

    1. The CIA? If she began there, then the State Dept. is not the only agency in need of a complete enema....daily.

    2. I wonder if she had a role in the 2007 NIE that concluded Iran had given up on the Bomb ? That could explain her rise in this clown show.

    3. That NIE was sabotage against the Bush adm. which effectively iced it in place and was a catalyst for Iran advancing to their current situation. In my opinion, the people who crafted this did so with malice and subversive purposes. I regard the people involved as being in a class with the Rosenbergs if Iran gets the bomb.

    4. The CIA hired Aldrich Ames, promoted him several times in spite of his performance reviews, and was unfazed when it was manifest he was living beyond his means.

      Some time ago, Reuel Marc Gerecht offered his diagnosis of the CIA's malady having worked there: an inane promotion system. Officers were judged on the number of sources they recruited even if the sources were worthless.

  5. Obama is likely surrounded by people who have no reason to survive beyond their politics and narcissism. As a result, they can't comprehend someone being willing to fight and die for *any* cause, let alone one as objectionable to them as submission to a (perceived) deity.
    Obama needs the advice of someone strongly devoted to a 'plays fair' religion (okay, I can only think of one off the top of my head, but I'm a bit of a chauvinist). He needs to hear that religion isn't a matter of "where do I fit this into my life" but rather "where does my life fit into this". (trinity united, chicago and Rev. Wright, would be the *former*)
    I honestly think he's missing 'just that', as it appears incomprehensible to him and those with whom he surrounds himself. I could be wrong... I wish I were, but there are fewer and fewer explanations fitting as time goes on.

    - reader #1482

  6. This comment was meant for last post, but got delayed, so I’ll post here as it is just as applicable if not more so here, in response to Kepha’s last fine comment.

    If anyone thinks this is all totally less than as serious as the founding of the U.S.A., let them study what the devil bandit gang of mohammad did in about year 1000A.D, for many hundreds of years and about 80 or so million lives cost, from memory.

    As usual, the liar in chief technically lied again, stating that no religion would do such “terrorism”, such murder, such butchery. Actually he spoke profound truth, as not one true religion actually states, nor practices, to go out and slay non-believers and enslave women and all others, not killed, as slaves. Only islam does so forever in writing as a fraud god command! The liar in chief actually made it very clear, that islam is not a religion, because if the masses actually read the koran, the final medina koran, and the verses of the sword, everyone would know the “liar in chief defined islam as not ever a religion”

    If the masses studied history of the world they would know he defined islam as not ever a religion, because they have made war to conquer lands and people and booty, since inception!

    Sadly, all over the West, including America, partly thanks to the tendency Kepha mentions, we have far less strong belief in the value of the one True G-d, and all the lessons of goodness, taught in the Torah, and the Bible, from the 613 Commandments, through the Ten Commandments, which far too many do not follow. Science has become the replacement god, yet to be learned how empty and impossible is life without respect to the one True G-d’s advice for living.

    The gang members believe 100% in the opposite of God's admonitions for living, passed on by the Great Rabbi, to all of us. May the doubters read another intelligent man's assessment of the times in this book: and see him speak here: They do believe in lies, and deceit, exclaim in writing that “allah is the best of deceivers”, expect taqiyya of adherents of the gang, and the obvious exclamation that “war is deceit”, handy as well for their eternal war making, and coincidentally, Caruba has a fine column today, here: also highly pertinent to this post. And if anyone else hasn’t noted it as well as RofO, liar-in-chief is following as well as he can in his position, the written captured war plan of the muslim brotherhood, and all actions, and apparent timidity and reluctance, are best explained by this fact, getting ever so more obvious, to those of us who know, and watch. Explore Frank Gaffney, and Claire Lopez and all the other highly qualified leadership and work in this period we are in here:
    I know science, medicine, and astronomy, had made similar errors myself, for a time, and know how empty, flawed and temporary are scientific "discoveries, and suppositions". Oh yes, they seem like such fun, until one looks widely, in time and place, such as is the utter void that is the lot of everyone's detriment that is mohammadanism, to the so-called believers, just the same as all evil (that does indeed exist) empty ideologies of time, Nazis, Shintos, thuggees, mao, stalin, marx, etc..

    There is a place for science, and true principles of science, but it exists within a limited framework, like a tractor plowing the fields, even if fully automated, and guided by "intelligent" satellite tracking, and the farmer no more than a trained technician.

    But the underlying principles of life, belong to The G-d of the Ages. And interestingly enough, includes declarations such as this, among several, never forget it: ”Blessed be the Lord, my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle” -Psalm 144:1

  7. I usually go the "child" route instead of heading for "human being". It helps that "spokesperchild" seems to fit Ms. Harf nicely.

  8. Sir Mad,

    Please note what happened to the former State Department Spokeswhatever. She's now the White House Communications Director.

    Note, too, that the months ago hack of the State Department's insecure e-mail system has still not been terminated, nor has a culprit been identified.

    And then there is the fiasco of abandoning Yemen.

    Green Bear

  9. Excellent essay. So is Austin Bay's analysis of their strategy

    "IS forces are probing Baghdad. Several IS leaders are Iraqi Sunnis with ties to Saddam Hussein's regime; they definitely want to seize control of Iraq. Two former Iraqi Army lieutenant colonels hold high positions in the IS military hierarchy. Al-Baghdadi met them when they were imprisoned at the old Camp Bucca detention complex."

    Well reasoned.

  10. Start a business? Only to be told by the Democrat party that they "did not build that?"

    That's not much of an incentive, is it?

    1. That's pretty funny F - admittedly (for me anyway) one of those "takes a minute to sink in" observations.


  11. ISIS and jobs, well, they seem to multi task on jobs. Judge, jury, executioner.

  12. I have to say, there is no better test of the United States as an entity than to have BHO as President. If our country can weather his Presidency, I have to seriously wonder if the old adage about the eventual fall of *every* government is really true.

    - reader #1482

    1. If our country can weather this Presidency, it will promptly elect another similar one to try harder.

  13. For all who notice how easily it is to understand all the actions, words, behaviors of the imposter hussein, if one assumes that which I believe RoO and 1482, I and many others familiar thoroughly with mohammadanism and especially the muslim bro'hood, and its captured detailed plans for conquering us, I just noticed today over at Gates, the beginning of a 5 part story with exactly that theme specifically, with some good names authoring it, hot on the heels of recent high level former officers, retired, stating the massive infiltration of MB connected people throughout the regime of the USA. I expect likely a very interesting informative article through the Gates here: for whomever is so concerned as I.

    It starts out with some history of the mb, starting in the 20's, and progresses. It is revealing what I have come to realize, as in this early statement it makes in a prologue: U.S. under Barack Hussein Obama: A Captured State, Property of the Muslim Brotherhood

    I imagine many of you will want to follow this piece.

  14. "(...)what makes these 17-year-old kids pick up an AK-47 instead of trying to start a business?"

    As someone who watched a parent (who owned a small business) finally give up after being gradually broken down by the ever expanding regulations and bureaucracy constantly being piled on to small business owners, I believe I can answer that in one word.


  15. well it is all fun and games. But if iran gets the bomb, it is easy to see that millions could die. Small consolation that history will show these clowns as the feckless fools that they are.

  16. Just to update where to "do a runner" to after reading about Ms. Harf, which of the three options below are best in general for expatriate life oh great Diplomad:

    Papua New Guinea

  17. Absolutely brilliant statement of facts and consequently the truth. Perhaps your best ever! Keep hammering Dip.

    I must put in a plug for Canadian counter-jihad hero Ezra Levant. Sun News is kaput but Ezra continues the fight with his new weapon

    The other fighters include ex-Sun News giants Michael Coren and Brian Lilly. I'm Irish. We were born rebels.

  18. This is really about also defanging all religions everywhere. The role of the socialist or Marxist is to denounce the legitimacy of religion. The most basic aspiration of the socialist and Marxists are to become God in the biblical sense by providing all the wants in addition to the needs. By promising wants and needs, these people get ride of all objections to their stranglehold on ruling the masses.

  19. A review of insults to friendly Freedom loving nations, and our long term friends and allies, insulted by hussein, and the worst kind of uncivilized nations welcoming treatment by the madman imposter, can well be learned or reminded in Bill Whittle's piece here:
    I only can say to the piece, "Truth never dies, but lives a wretched life." So goes the kindergarten regime playpen. Why the impeachment hasn't occurred, lies beyond my ken.

    1. Why no impeachment? The Republican party would have to go it alone because the Democrat party has whored away any integrity it ever had. The fault line is the Oath of Office.

    2. Nobody wants to face the prospect of nationwide black riots if impeachment were to be tried. Ferguson, MO was a warning.

  20. Having lived and worked in all three, I would choose Australia first, Palau second, Papua New Guinea third. Outside of Moresby, Papua New Guinea improves, but not by much; Moresby is insecure lethal anarchy manifest, the only reason it's not more lethal is because of anarchy. If someone like ISIS community-organized the Moresby ruffian community it would be Syria. IMO. YMMV.
