Monday, February 23, 2015

Obama, a Muslim Hater of America?

As observers of the MSM herd know, the "elite" media have swooned over "scandalous" allegations that Obama is unpatriotic and that he might be a closet Muslim. Instead, however and of course, of investigating whether these things are true, the media commissars have focussed on the "crazy" right-wingers who have dared to broach these taboo subjects.

Well, broach them we must; broach them we will.

To the first issue: Does Obama not love America and, in fact, does he side with our enemies? While this humble blog has dealt with this issue many times in the past, the best reply to that, as usual, comes from the great Canadian observer of the world and truth teller, Mark Steyn,
One way to look at the current "leader of the free world" is this: If he were working for the other side, what exactly would he be doing differently? 
For example, he has spent most of this week hosting an international conference on something called "violent extremism". Whatever may be said of Munich, Chamberlain never hosted a three-day summit on "rearmament" in general whose entire purpose was to deny that "rearmament" and "Germany" were in any way connected. Yet that is exactly the message the United States government has just offered to the world - in between such eccentric side spectacles as Marie Harf, star of the hilarious new comedy Geopolitically Blonde, explaining her jobs-for-jihadis program, and the new hombre in charge of the planet's mightiest military machine having his woman felt up on camera by Joe Biden. Now there's a message to send to the misogynists of Burqastan about what happens when you let the missuses out of their body bags.
Steyn nailed it: If Obama hates America, what would he do differently than what he's already done? In short, is Obama guilty of hate crime? We will get back to that in a few minutes but first let's deal with the Muslim issue. I have to admit that I initially didn't pay attention to allegations that he was a Muslim. My thinking on that, however, has "evolved." It has thanks in large part to the Diplowife, who one day said, "I don't know why people deny he's a Muslim. Look at how he was raised. Some of that had to stick." Agree, and that means the answer is a bit more complicated than a straight up "yes" or "no." Let me expound.

His father was an anti-British, Muslim/Communist (a popular Third World ideological mix in the 1950s and 1960s). After his Kenyan father abandoned the family, his mother (apparently, a rather strange drifter and a leftist) remarried to another Muslim--I don't know if she did, but she probably had to convert to Islam or at least pretend to do so. The new family moved from Hawaii to Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim country. There Barrack Hussein Obama spent his formative years in a Muslim school, engaging in Muslim prayer rituals and learning about the religion, before returning to a highly dysfunctional leftist-tinged family situation that awaited him in Hawaii. Then it is all mystery surrounded by yet more mystery. As I noted over two years ago,
We are not allowed to ask how this self-admittedly mediocre, drug-using student from a highly dysfunctional family, raised in Hawaii and Indonesia, managed to attend exclusive and expensive schools.
Who were the young lad's benefactors? How did he go to expensive private school in Hawaii and later on to a series of very expensive elite colleges on the mainland? Why did his odd-ball leftist grandfather entrust his mentoring to an old line Communist like Frank Marshall Davis? All very weird; all very unexplained. As the Diplowife would say, some of that had to stick.

After attending several "elite" universities, Obama moved to Chicago and became a "community organizer." He joined a phony "Christian" church headed by Jeremiah Wright. This "church," of course, was just a political front and an activist center for the promotion of grievance and hatred for America. Obama made a smart and calculated political move in linking up with Wright. He fit right in.

What we have in Obama is not a full-blown Muslim or a full-blown Communist. He quite simply does not have the intellectual sophistication to hold a fully developed ideology. He is a product of years of learning hate, resentment, and entitlement. He is a product of the grievance culture which dominates our "elite liberal" universities, "elite liberal" media, and, of course, "elite liberal" culture--listen to the speeches at this year's Oscars if you have doubts on that score. (See a piece I wrote several years ago, Marxism Mutates, which discusses the "new" Marxism.)

Islam feeds right into that culture. Radical Islam is an ideology for the aggrieved, better said, for the losers of the world. It is no coincidence that it is the fastest growing cult among prisoners in the West. Islam is about mindless grievance and revenge for slights real and imagined, regardless of when and where they might have occurred. This is why progressives have such difficulty criticizing Islam and taking a tough stance against its barbarities. Islam is seen as part of the "Third World" reaction to the "offenses" of the "white" West, be those the Crusades, the great European empires, or the West's technological and economic dominance. Islam is the friend of progressivism in its hatred for Western culture.

There is a Molotov-Ribbentrop type understanding between progressives and radical Islam.

Obama has incorporated into his thinking and acting the Muslim and the progressive strands of grievance culture and their joint hatred for the West. He leads the movement to destroy America. I touched on Obama's leadership of the hate America "folks" a couple of years ago,
Obama has captured this movement and its view, and represents and promotes it better than anybody else in living memory. Unlike Carter, Obama is not incompetent in promoting his hatred for America's traditional values and in embedding it into our institutions, e.g., the ruinous Obamacare, the rapid expansion of the federal dole, the insistence on apologizing for our successes, the disastrous "stimulus" spending, the glorification of the "victim" culture, promotion of envy and cynicism, and denigration of individual effort and success ("You didn't build that!") That is the real threat posed by what Obama represents. Overcoming that threat will take years of sustained effort.
Obama hates America and Western civilization. He wants to replace them with some sort of horrid Third World culture in which the progressive elite will be in charge.

He shares his father's dream. 


  1. No way... once asked about the specifics, he will cite: "That's above my pay grade."
    After all, what Allah has declared, what would Obama be about challenging?

    - reader #1482

  2. Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck.... maybe it's a.... "thing that is a water-fowl-like animate object but can't be truly called a 'duck' without legitimizing its claim to duck-itude" (And specifically here I'm talking about Obama, not ISIS.)

    This concept of Obama claiming to be a Christian and lecturing the world on what is or is not 'Islam', is indicative of the level of disrespect for religion that this administration has in total.

    I'm with you regarding Obama and his dabbling in Christianity. I call it dabbling because when I first read up on his church in Chicago at the beginning of the '08 campaign, I saw numerous references to social justice, no reference to Jesus/Christ, no reference to salvation or serving, and only *one* reference to 'God'. With this background, it makes sense that Obama would have a very difficult time comprehending why a devotee of a religion would choose to live out the core principles of his religion.

    I can't say it's the same with all religions (apparently you have to be POTUS to have that kind of immodesty), but the Christian bible calls all Christians to be followers of Jesus. In that context, the Christian is to say "How do I fit my life into Christianity?" rather than "How do I fit Christianity into my life?" If the same analysis is applied to Islam, what is the result? As you've explained before, Islam doesn't have a real mechanism of handling a decline in the empire as it appears to be predicated upon the expansion of Islam being unstoppable. How does a modern "Islamic extremist" make their life part of Islam without becoming a jihadi?

    Religion is generally *about* extremism (for example, Caleb suggesting the invasion of Canaan against ridiculous odds, and an entire army of men circumcising themselves on the bank of a river!)... this charade of a conference should have been about "implementing compulsory agnosticism", where people are still allowed to go to the church, temple, or mosque, but can't perform the more 'dangerous' elements like serving the poor (without recompense from the government, at least), or fighting for the caliphate. Essentially, that conference was about neutering all religions so atheists can 'get their nihilism on'.

    Does Obama hate America? I think we can all agree that he probably wont hate America after he's done with it.

    - reader #1482

    1. I Tweeted your last sentence and did give you the credit for it 1482

  3. Someone correct me if I'm wrong--

    I understand that one reason why Stanley Anne Dunham left Lolo Soetero (apart from probably being some sort of perpetually unsatisfied person) was because he opted to go to work for the new Suharto regime in Indonesia, which had just massacred Communists everywhere from Aceh to Ambon.

    1. Ann Dunham did not separate from Lolo Soetero until 1971 (and their daughter was born in 1970). Suharto was formally installed as President of Indonesia in March 1967. Lolo Soetero was a technician with the state oil company. It has never been established that the death-happing re the Indonesian Communist cadres between December 1965 and March 1967 was aught but a spontaneous bottom up phenomenon.

    2. It is quite amazing that the 'furniture dealer' had a niece, Virginia's daughter Debi, known as Laya that married an oil man as well. Her husband is a Civil Engineer and a manager with Saudi Aramco.

      Do you think Don Warden, aka Khalid Al Mansour, the former Black Panther, currently a lawyer for Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Tatal, and up until last month the Saudi King, had anything to do with arranging marriages for these people? Percy Sutton seemed to think he wrote a letter to Harvard for Obama. Must have been acquainted with Obama.


    3. It is quite amazing that the 'furniture dealer' had a niece, Virginia's daughter Debi, known as Laya that married an oil man as well. Her husband is a Civil Engineer and a manager with Saudi Aramco.

      It's not the least bit amazing.

  4. No actual proof, though, who Obama's parents really were. And a good deal of suspicion that he was registered as a foreign student in college. At Occidental, he was assigned dorm housing with foreign Muslim students.

    1. No actual proof, though, who Obama's parents really were.

      His parents were Barack Obama, Sr. and Ann Dunham, and there is as much proof in his case as there is for any random individual you might meet born in a mid-sized city in 1961.

    2. That assumes that random individuals you might meet who were born in a mid-sized city in 1961 all thought it advantageous to create photoshopped images of their birth certificates.

    3. Dum dee dum dee dum. The long form of his birth certificate was released and what happens is just what Ann Coulter predicted would happen: the hard core would retreat to some other objection (or, in your case, throw up chaff). Long form birth certificate, contemporaneous newspaper announcement, testimony from surviving members of the social circle of both parents, residence and employment of the mother's parents in Honolulu, school registration of both parents in Honolulu, and the nuttiness of thinking that two impecunious college students would engage in expensive international travel in 1961 when international travel was characteristic of soldiers dispatched overseas, academics on the foundation dime, and rich people.

      Look, if it pleases you, make something up. Just stop bothering the normal.

  5. proggslam

    Rebutting Snopes on 'Obama's Muslim Gang Sign'

  6. I have searching my memory for a historical precedent for a leader/chief/coach that doesn't really, in his heart of hearts, side with his coach/tribe/team. I think we may be dealing with something new in world. Look... i'm not one to chant USA USA at soccer games... but hell I do think we deserve a leader that likes us.

    1. country/tribe/team ... s

    2. Chanting "USA USA" at a soccer game would indeed be suspicious, as Americans don't go to soccer games. :)

      - reader #1482

    3. good point, but i am not adverse to my daughters playing...

    4. One of my sons played kids' soccer when I was stationed in Bangkok.

      Still, I confess myself the sort who looks on sports as a way for kids to get together and have fun. If a bunch of friends invite me to a professional match, I'll go for the conviviality. However, the idea of paying grown men oodles of money to just play a game bothers me.

      I did know a minor leagues baseball player once. He had left the racket and was doing sales, and said his later life was a far better one than the exploitation he had as a professional athlete.

    5. "Chanting "USA USA" at a soccer game would indeed be suspicious, as [REAL] Americans don't go to soccer games. :)"

      - reader #1482

      LOL. Good point. [Fixed it for ya.] :-)

  7. Let us not forget that Obama's half brother, Malik Obama, is the international finance officer for the Muslim Brotherhood.

  8. According to some sources, the gold ring Obama has worn all his adult life (since before Michelle) has an inscription in Arabic, "There is no God but Allah."

  9. Islam isn't a religion one can opt out of. To do so is apostasy.

    1. Alas, I fear we face a truly destructive war in the not too distant future. Our pointy headed "leaders" refuse to name the enemy, let alone seriously evluate his values and goals.

      I don't think we'll see an ounce of prevention today for what is going to take megatons of cure in future!

  10. For years I thought that if Obama was anything, he was agnostic. He joined a church in Chicago that subscribed to black liberation theology, a creation of James Cone who designed it around the liberation theology from the lower Americas to fit the black grievance industry in the U.S. Obama accepted the grievance part of black liberation theology but not the [small] Christian part. It was a perfect fit for an opportunist, which he is.

    But I have to agree with Mark Steyn: if Obama was on the side of the enemy, what would he do differently?

    But now we have not one, but two videos from Obama's appearance at the African Leader's Conference held just this past August. It took a while before someone noticed there was an odd thing Obama did at that conference. On the first video, he is walking on stage with others. Someone in the audience shouts "allahu Akbar". Obama moves his hand to the back, and side of his head. He then makes a perfectly formed usbu-al-shahada, the sign that "there is but one God and Mohammed is his prophet." It is a sign that is widely used by ISIS and other radical Islamists.

    The second video shows Obama on stage. He looks at someone in the audience (the person that shouted "allahu Akbar" maybe?), makes the sign of shahada and mouths "allahu Akbar." I watched both videos without sound and it is very, very clear what words Obama was mouthing to someone in the audience, as two African leaders of Muslim nations smiled in approval.

    Obama is a product of his raising. His mother, if not a Communist like her father, at least a devout Socialist. But when Obama was grown, it was not his mother's beliefs that he chased, but his absentee father's belief. People need to remember that the title of his book was not "Dreams of My Father" as you would think would be written by a young man trying to connect with a father he really never knew, but was "Dreams From My Father", a book written as a testimonial of the goals of his Muslim/Communist father. Yes, President Obama, words do have meaning and the words of the title of your book is quite telling. His mother's Socialist views, his grandfather's close association with known Communists and his father's radical Islamic/Communist views formed a young man attending expensive, left wing universities in the Great 48. Add that influence mix William Ayers and Edward Said, and you have the perfect melting pot for a man who truly doesn't love this nation.

    I believe Obama views the United States as a bully, an expansionist nation that has stepped on many heads to achieve its own interests. He equates it with the colonizing practices of the UK and intends to prove that we are no better than anyone else, especially oppressive Islamic nations. Other presidents have looked at the goodness of our nation, first to respond to the plight of others, willing to spill our blood for the freedom of others. Not so Obama. We are a cocky nation that, in Obama's mind, needs to be brought down a notch or two.

    Is he a Muslim? Well, he would be considered an apostate by any true-believing Muslim, but his sympathies lie with Islam. So I would have to say yes, in his heart, he is Muslim.


    1. His mother, if not a Communist like her father,

      Stanley Dunham was a hail-fellow furniture salesman, about as Communist as Willy Loman.

  11. Lets not forget he has appointed five times as many Jews to high government office as he has Muslims. So, I guess he does stand with Israel and hates America.

    1. Yes, and American Jews are SO conservative...
      No, just being sarcastic.
      They are amongst the most left-leaning and socialistic of our citizens, unfortunately.
      Does the name Rahm ring a bell??

  12. " He equates it with the colonizing practices of the UK." Exactly. And Churchill's support of the quashing of the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya (his father's country) was the reason that, amongst his first acts in the White House, he returned Churchill's bust to England.

  13. Spot on.

    You ask: "How did he go to expensive private school in Hawaii ..."

    I have wondered about this for a long time. Punahou School, it seems, requires a bit of Hawaiian blood and we know how anal school boards can be. Imagine a Leftist school board allowing some kid in. Thus, I submit, he must have a bit of Hawaiian blood. According to Wiki the King Kamehameha schools only allowed two non-Hawaiian kids from 1962 to 2002.

    Then how was it possible he was enrolled? Stanley Anne once said "I don’t need to date or marry to have children” I believe he was Hania-ed. This practice still exists. It certainly explains the ever-present Hawaiian Royalty Movement and the "King Obama".


    1. I think there is a bit of confusion here; Kamehameha is for those of Hawaiian descent, but he attended Punahou, which accepts any ethnicity so long as the steep tuition fees are paid (or a scholarship is awarded). He was neither poor nor (reportedly) a scholar - his grandparents must've paid for Punahou.

    2. Thanks, Betsy. Point duly noted.

      I must say the resemblance between Malia and Kaʻiulani is striking.

  14. Obama also traveled to Pakistan in early 1980's when it was banned for US citizens to travel there.

    1. When was it banned to travel to Pakistan? Do you have a citation?

  15. I have met quite a few people who did vote for Obama and now express profound regret. It will be interesting to see in the years to come the number of people who did vote for him either express regret or simply deny ever having voted for him.

    1. I worry these same people will line up, lemming-like, to vote for Shillary as the savior of whatever distorted left wing vision they are still cherishing. Media's already in the tank for the Dems. GOP better get their A game on. No sign of that yet.

  16. His grandmother was, from 1970 until her retirement, a vice president of the Bank of Hawaii. The family lived in modest circumstances common among the bourgeoisie in Honolulu, in a high-rise condo in the Maliki neighborhood. There were no other children in the household after Ann Dunham returned to Indonesia in 1974. There really is no mystery as to how the family afforded the Punahou School.


    The family situation had its defects, but the level of dysfunction was just off normal. Tens of millions of his contemporaries were reared in situations at least as troubled, including...yours truly. His grandfather worked only fitfully and failed to function all that well as a father substitute, the results of which can be seen in Obama's vocational drift between 1983 and 2004 and his lack of any non-derivative opinions on any subject.

    Including the subject of religion. Obama seems the bog standard type among the bicoastal professional managerial class. He is thoughtlessly snobbish and has no serious commitments to any religion or politico-economic programs, just a disdain for a certain vernacular type.

    1. " The family lived in modest circumstances common among the bourgeoisie..."

      What is a "bourgeoisie"?

      But before we get too far afield, please explain to the class who bought The Bank of Hawaii, how that buyer is connected to the Oil for Food Scandal, and Namdmi Auchi's connection to Tony Rezko.


    2. His grandfather was a commission salesman and his grandmother a salaried employee. His mother had a salaried position working for the Ford Foundation. His stepfather was a salaried technician employed by the state oil company in Indonesia. None of these people earned hourly wages, thus they are bourgeois and not working class. There is no indication that his grandparents had much in the way of assets other than their home, some consumer durables, and pension rights. Hence they are not patrician. VP of a bank is a good job, but it's a reasonable wager she was not particularly well-connected outside of Honolulu banking circles nor could she fix a traffic ticket. So, you would not call her an influential in the manner of the Bank of Hawaii's chief executive.

    3. But before we get too far afield, please explain to the class who bought The Bank of Hawaii, how that buyer is connected to the Oil for Food Scandal, and Namdmi Auchi's connection to Tony Rezko.

      What does some skeezy character Obama knew decades later have to do with his upbringing and why do you fancy that I'm obligated to chatter about some piece of scandal literature you're interested in?

  17. Obama hates America and Western civilization. He wants to replace them with some sort of horrid Third World culture in which the progressive elite will be in charge.

    A more deft statement would be that Obama is post-American, which is bog standard in the faculty lounge. He identifies with his class across the sweep of occidental countries, not with the wage earning element in his own country.

  18. Unlike Carter, Obama is not incompetent in promoting his hatred for America's traditional values

    Mr. Carter has a number of shortcomings including vanity and a susceptibility to the worldview of what might be called the Davos type. There is not much indication that he 'hates' America's 'traditional values' (or hates much of anything, though he does have his resentments). What he suffers is an inability to look at some cretinette like Mary Robinson and see truly what is in front of him.

    1. Art have a very interesting writing style. It is very much like the style of a missing commenter here used to use until he vanished a few months ago. A ?

    2. I have only ever used one handle and have used it for 10 years. I cannot quite recall when I discovered this site, but I have always commented under this handle and no other.

  19. All I know is he throws a baseball like a girl. Even Cuban Commies throw better than that.

  20. First, "Is Obama a Muslim?" Who cares. But for some it matters that the media dropped the ball and never bothered to vet the man for fear of being labeled a racist. His records are all sealed tighter than Jack Ryan's divorce papers. I dare say that is odd for a president.

    Next, "Does Obama love his country?" That answer is easy. The obvious answer is: of course. But much like a Clinton statement, you have to then wonder "What is his country?" There you will start to get to the nub of it.

    The way I see it, Obama has lead his coalition giving them everything they wanted. I do not think he particularly cares about the direction of the country, but rather, he is all about giving every special interest group that supported him their due: "Punish your enemies and reward your friends." This will continue for the next two years. Some time during the next two years he is going to pop the question to these people he has rewarded so generously: "I have given you all you wanted- now it is my turn. I want the Monarchy that was stolen from the people of Hawaii restored." That is the feather he has wanted all along. He could care less about ISIS or Iran getting the bomb. All the crises manufactured by him were all a distraction. He wants to punish the U.S.

    Steyn asks: " If he were working for the other side, what exactly would he be doing differently?"

    I ask: If we had surrendered to the Iraqis, how would things be different?

    1. Hawaiian monarchy? I've got some UFO sighting footage to sell you.

      - reader #1482

  21. The Prime Directive of Obama and his supporters is that he must never be asked a direct question on these matters or on how he got his Social Security number, why he doesn't release the original of his birth certificate, why he is a Natural Born Citizen, what passport he used to travel to Pakistan with, why he has gone to such great lengths to conceal his records, or what he did every minute of the Benghazi betrayal, among others.

    Clearly, it's written in stone that Certain Questions simply must not be asked of him.

  22. why he doesn't release the original of his birth certificate

    Pay attention. It's been released.

  23. Thanks, Dip for being willing to point out some of the troubling aspects of Obamas background and upbringing. The creepy sexual undertones of his grandfather taking him to a porno dive bar, and pimping him out to dirty old man Davis, match the rumors of the Jeremiah Wright church's side services to the Down Low club. I could give a rats ass what he does in the bedroom, but the elaborate secrecy and what can only be called collusion in the press not to dig into facts both durinhthe 2008 election, reminds me of the fawning press' willingness to cover for the Kennedy's peccadilloes, a generation earlier.

    What really interests me is the question you raise: how did this lazy choom gang loser get mentored and channeled into the key resume items, ivy league school, etc. That is not the luck of an old alky communist with skeezy black CP connections, or possible on the budget of a retired bank exec from a second tier commjnity bank.

    The Soros effort in parallel and multiple shell .orgs, the Annenberg, Tidewater, and Ford Foundation Board members and bigest donors might be leads. Rezko, and Valjars slumlord background are another. I'm really curious aboug the musterious tape the LA Times has under lock and key.

    In the end all that doesng matter, its what this Congress and parts of the DC-NY press inner circle, and the shadow govt of corporatists on Wall St , decide to release or coverup...

  24. The original forged one has. Thanks. My mistake.

  25. Quit pretending evidence matters to you.

  26. His father was a muslim, his stepfather was muslim. He was enrolled in school in Indonesia and listed ss muslim. He attended religious instruction and went to mosque. Of course he is muslim and I bet if you asked any imam if a kid with this background is muslim, he would say yes. Jeremiah Wright's "church" is not Christian and in any case, he's just practicing taqqiyah (faking it). I'm sure the myslim world considers him muslim. Interesting no one has ever asked...
