Friday, February 6, 2015

"Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ"

He's done it again.

The One has shown, one more time, that he is not fit to be Commander in Chief.

At this week's prayer breakfast he took it upon himself to remind the audience that people have done "terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

When I first saw the headline, for one very brief moment, a fraction of a second, I thought he might be referring to his friends "Reverend" Al "I Don't Pay Taxes" Sharpton and "Reverend" Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright.

This was not the case.

No, my friends, the "most important man in the world," the "leader" of the Free World, the man who would make us "safe," was talking about the Crusades. Yes, the Crusades; you know the ones from over eight centuries ago. Now, of course, this is the sort of silly moral equivalence that one would expect from an Assistant Professor trying to impress gullible 19-year-olds on some Ivy League campus with his erudition and ability to "see the big picture" full, as it is, of shades of grey, not blacks and whites as "Fox news would have you believe."  The appropriate knowing snickers and snorts would follow, showing that the "highly educated" audience is with their Prof in rejecting the simplicities of the great unwashed tax-paying masses.

OK, that is the behavior we expect from the empty heads dominating our universities and media. Is that what we would expect from a man who has command over troops in harm's way?

We have here an alleged Commander in Chief (CIC) who has the task--one would have thought--of protecting our nation and our very civilization from barbarians who, among other acts, burn prisoners to death; behead aid workers; throw gay men from tall buildings; crash airliners into skyscrapers killing thousands; kidnap and rape hundreds of school girls, and sell them into slavery; murder whole African villages; and, oh yes, vow global conquest. Our CIC, instead, repeats, and, thereby, gives credence to the jihadis, whom he won't name, and their tiresome "Crusaders!" meme. He does this, furthermore, at a time when Christians are being persecuted and murdered all over the Muslim world.

He is willing, furthermore, to name and besmirch the founder of Christianity but not--Allah forbid!--Muhammed, the founder of Islam, a cult of death which has been at war with the West for some fourteen centuries. Islam is a totalitarian cult that seeks our submission and destruction; that seems to escape The One's notice.

Imagine, if you will, Churchill or FDR in the midst of WWII justifying Nazi aggression or the death camps with some infantile nonsense about the Versailles Treaty, or reminding us of our own shoddy treatment of Irish immigrants, or responding to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor or the Phillippines with some discourse on past Western transgressions against Japan, "Commodore Mathew Perry, after all, was not invited by the Japanese people and was very aggressive with his Black Ships." Imagine what that would have done to the morale of our troops and our allies.

We have in the White House, at best, a man who is a complete and utter dolt, or, my fear, a man who actually sees the West as the source of all evil in the world, and in need of a good defeat at the hands of the "Third World."


  1. "a man who actually sees the West as the source of all evil in the world and in need of a good defeat at the hands of the "Third World."

    Moments like this always bring me back to Krauthammer's important essay, "Decline is a choice." The Left really does see the West, and especially America, a a source of the world's ills and in need of being humbled, or at least "restrained" Gulliver-style.

  2. Looked at dispassionately, Obama cannot be a dolt. His academic record is too good for that. Rather, I think the problem is that his default state is to be intellectually inert. Steven Sailer has offered that Obama excels at communication, which is to say in relaying what people have told him. He adds little of his own, which is why I suspect it seems as if everything he says is a restatement of the conventional wisdom prevalent among a certain type of bourgeois. Not a dolt. Just unusually vapid.

    1. Art Deco, we don't actually know what his academic record looks like. All his records are sealed. All we know is that he managed to get into Columbia and then Harvard. All he has is credentials. I've know more than one Ivy-league graduate that doesn't have the common sense to come in out of the rain or tie his shoes.

    2. Wasn't it a nice donation of $10-20 million of Saudi money that got the O into Harvard and the Law Review editor post?

    3. As an interested Aussie i have a question .. Why isn't his academic record a part of the public record? I thought this was a standard for all prime ministers/presidents.

    4. Art Deco, we don't actually know what his academic record looks like. All his records are sealed.

      See William Dyer on this point. He graduated from Harvard Law School with honors. (If I understand correctly, they make use of blind grading of examinations there) and passed the bar exam on his first attempt. His general intelligence is adequate. It's his undergraduate transcript that's well sealed. Albert Gore, George W. Bush, and John Kerry all saw their transcripts leaked, so its a wager that some dean signed out the microfilm with Obama's transcripts on it and threw it in a locked safe. They do not do that ordinarily, but the racial obsessions of academe are odd.

      No clue why 'anonymous' fancies some Saudi prince would drop an eight figure sum of money on the anonymous 27 year old son of Ford Foundation functionary living in Indonesia.

  3. I don't think Comrade Urkel is a traditionalist Muslim, he is a selftheist, seeing hinself as above all other beings.

  4. First the crusades used the best means they had, given the times, mostly as defensive endeavors for a few hundred years against the enemy bandit gang of islam, but possibly not always. Tearing apart and rendering, was how the state of the art of war was back then, much with sharp edges, arrows, and various other toys of war of the time. Seems these days, much the same end, technique varies, and stunning gains in saving victims. More on that of in a minute.

    Poor muslim in chief, (according to the absolute basic facts of islam, he is such, and according to the behavior and words spoken he is really a muslim) such an outstanding example of the practice of taqiyya, and kitman, but never the scholar (which was a small part of his cloud of taqiyya) he bespoke isis not being by a mile islamic-mohammadanism. Such taqiyya is easy to dispel, from one of several outstanding experts in mohammadanism, very much with a deep Western soul, albeit from Persia, originally. Details are found here, in official islam texts, on the burning as being a perfect example of pure basic mohammadanism: moe ordered, as any perfect bandit would: ‘Torture him until you extract what he has,’ so he kindled a fire with flint and steel on his chest until he was nearly dead. Then the apostle delivered him to Muhammad b. Maslama and he struck off his head,…….”

    You must all remember, that whichever of virtually unlimited grotesque crimes moe committed, and occasionally ordered, were immutably to be copied forever, by all the gang members, as it is so deemed by the base texts, that moe is the absolute forever perfect example of a man, and is to be considered on co level with his allah. Of course, these were all illiterates, and the texts were written some long long time later. (“Being the bandit king is good for the soul”, is about all the soul anyone thought of, a joke, by a u know who-ha, ha) Every ounce of flame is pure fundamental islam, always, as is all evil!

    So where does that leave Christianity, and Judaism? Right here, one is always admonished to try to be good, but if given no quarter by an evil enemy, then many verses in the Bible, both the old and new testaments, apply as to it being expected on taking personal responsibility to achieve victory over an evil enemy, a fine example of several being from Psalms, to wit:

    ”Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle” -Psalm 144:1 Faithful ones, and others, please never forget those Divine words, and remain humble as well: ”For there is not a just man on earth who does good, and does not sin.” -Ecclesiastes 7:20

    And also, thank the Living G-d, for the fact that while we all on earth struggle against dark evil forces, through wars, and conflicts, and disagreements, there are occasionally short decades long periods, at best, where there is no organized war, taking place upon earth. There always however, are bad individuals, doing individual and small gang crimes, sadly, and always exist bullies, and those who would demand wrongly from others, as dictators. Such is free will.

    Only America was founded on the principles of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, and even at our founding had to begin destroying our enemy, islam, over there on the Northwest African coast, remember, the Battle of Tripoli? Slavery was destroyed as soon as possible after founding, and at more lives cost and lost, than any other war, by far, in which America participated, in abolishing the abomination of slavery, which we know is so, but many mohammadans, arab and otherwise still don’t! See the history of hussein’s pals, the mohammadans, here:
    And remember, Judeo Christianity can and has evolved wonderfully, but mohammandans are forever frozen to butchery, hatred, and crime, as a bandit gang. Read the Al Azhar approved English translations of satan’s own bandit gang, for True G-ds sake!


    1. Thanks for your post, Jack; and I'm another who thinks that the O is a disaster. But I'm not of the mind that Judaeo-Christianity has "evolved" while Islam has remained static. I believe that the Old and New Testaments are themselves the soil from which our Western notions of life and liberty have grown.

      Sure, I know all the arguments about the conquest of Canaan, hellfire teachings, and the history of the Crusades and Inquisitions. But when push comes to shove, the heart of Biblical ethics is the following:

      ...a lawyer, asked him [Jesus]...Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law, and he said unto him, Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all the mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second like unto it is this, Thous shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments the whole law hangeth, and the prophets (Mt. 22:35-40, ASV, cf. Dt. 6:5, Lv. 19:18).

      We should consider as well Paul's admonition that as much as it is up to us, we should seek peace with all men (Rom. 12:18).

      I look in vain for any teaching in the New Testament that, while many are headed for Hell, I am obliged to hasten anyone on his way thither. As for the scary massacre passages in the Old Testament, I can only note they were for the conquest of Canaan alone, not eternal principles for dealing with the heathen everywhere; and that Israel herself would be subject to a similar curse should she follow the abominations of the Canaanites (and the Israelites did just that--hence the Babylonian exile).

      In contrast, there is no way to escape that violent jihad is one of the pillars of Islam; and Islamic theology makes it a point to call those lands not under Islamic law the Dar-al-Harb, or House of War, which may be legitimately attacked and pillaged. Add to this Muhammad's congratulation of the Umma that it is the "best of men"; yet I see in God's election of Israel only a gracious God dealing with a stiff-necked people (that's Moses' own words), not a boast.

      Sure, I am willing to give individual Muslims the benefit of the doubt. There are many people better than their professed theology, and many worse than their professed theology.

      For two centuries or so prior to our own founding, Christian Europe subjected itself to an intense debate over what I Samuel 8 really meant--the "rights" of a monarch or a warning of what a monarch would do. The Calvinists argued the latter, and noted that the Bible subjects the monarch to law (Dt. 17). Much of John Locke's call for limited government respecting the natural rights of man echoes the Calvinists who wrote before him, such as the Covenanter Rutherford's adage that absolute power in one capable of sinning is an accursed power (Rutherford also saw government as "divine in radice, popular in modo". In more recent years, Antony Black has noted that there is a republican streak in Christianity that runs very deep; contra the common view that THE Christian view of the state is the throne-and-altar alliance of the ancien regime.

      I suppose that I am of the mind that whereas the Bible would restrain the bullies, the dictators, and those who make harsh demands on other, Islam would bless the same crew--provided it recited the shehada.

    2. Thanks Kepha, so nice to talk to you again, a learned and thoughtful individual, through the years. I am other known elsewhere, and am in your gratitude, from way back when I was beginning. I am so glad to hear your last paragraph, hadn't heard of Antony Black yet, but will try to check, and I actually think of Jesus as Rabbi, a name for teacher, to quibble. Most of your commentaries I agree with or tend to. I always as a lurker, look to your comments for extra clues to the learned life some of which I have missed so far. I tended to be more on the nerdy side, less the historical side as a younger stalwart, and although fully read the Bible and studied it somewhat after, it was as a relative child of so long ago, that much of even what I learned, I need to relearn, Ha.

      I wish I could add something more of consequence here, but I'm glad I found some calls to a Christian being responsible to others, especially family, in defending against an enemy, not only trusting to G-d, directly, and that actually does go beyond the Commandments, when all immediate else fails.

      Interesting paragraph sorting out the two centuries of Calvinist query, and the Locke philosophy. A nice review for me, anyway.

      Ah, wouldn't it be a dream if real, (it wouldn't couldn't be) if the one would reveal all that was sealed, and in writing rescind his shahada, forever. Honestly doubt we would want to learn what he sealed, I suspect it to be so dishonest and mediocre or worse. Remember, Pelosi signed the initial Dem. certification cert, and allegedly no one of a hundred queried in his supposed Columbia class, ever laid an eye on him. Much suspicion exists, in my mind, of what he really was, but not what he is.

      So thank you so much for your learned and lively commentary again, and always, from your friend, by any name, Jack

    3. Thanks for your kind words, Jack.

      As for Anthony Black, he is or was a professor of political theory/history of ideas at one of the universities in Scotland. While I took my Ph.D. in political science and wrote about theological precursors to the idea of political compact, and now work as a professional swindler of the young---oops, public high school social studies teacher--I've gotten more and more interested in more strictly theological and exegetical issues as I've gotten older. As for what I said about Calvinism, my researches into it plus extensive experience in the Far East have made me something of a "culturalist" when it comes to the whole democratization enterprise (although I feel that a rights-respecting constitution that is enforced is perhaps more important than the plebiscitory machinery)--well-wisher to Taiwan's recent attempts though I be.

      As for the O, I'm of the mind that somewhere in that supposedly "brilliant" academic record of his, we'll find he probably did or said something very, very compromising. It gets very fishy when the only secret America can keep is the academic record of its supposedly "most brilliant POTUS ever".

      What I see is a frustrated Leftist radical caught in the middle of America's still cumbersome and recalcitrant constitutional machinery (I thank God for it--and speak as a believer). I have always accepted that the O is a US citizen by birth, and have always doubted that he was ever truly an adherent of Islam rather than someone willing to take whatever pose or posture needed to advance his political career.

    4. Yeah, if being muslim would've gotten him the power he hoped being a radical/community organizer would've brought him, he'd be kneeling at the mosque in minutes, if not seconds. It's not that he's "not Christian" (tons of people aren't whether they self identify as Christian or not, and it's nobody in this world's job to judge them), it's more that he's "not anything".

      - reader #1482

    5. 1482, I disagree that the O is "not anything". Our fellow poster who called him an autotheist said it well.

  5. Guy attends my church sent out a "cluster-email" containing a link to the same ObamaGem.

    Just above where he typed his name he included something I considered doggone funny.

    "I remember the last millennium as if it was yesterday."

    (Had he not been of my church I'da stole that and not bothered with the quotation marks.)


    1. Hi Arkie, nice to see you again, I been lurkin' round.. Funny, "I remember the last millennium like it were yesterday......" Ha.

    2. So sayeth the Anti-Christ ...

  6. Just about every day I am reminded anew of Clint Eastwood's speech. Yep, empty chair indeed.

  7. “Savage, despicable evil. That’s what we were fighting in Iraq.” ― Chris Kyle, American Sniper


    We erred as Christians in the Inquisition, and a few other times, no doubt. And our forbears learned, thankfully. But it is only a shame we were not ultimately successful in the Crusades. Thankfully others were, such as Martel-Tours, and Sobiesky-Vienna, and many more. Meanwhile, I celebrate Martel on occasion as a sip of the finest Cognac, and Sobiesky as a fine Vodka. The future will no doubt provide newer such heroes, to celebrate, globally.

    Life and Freedom will out, and the day of reckoning will come. The bandit gang will bring it on, as they cannot figure out except for a brave, bright, exceptional, small percentage so far, how opposite of truth, goodness, and reality, being a bandit member, living off others booty, and doing, or being commanded of to do, pure evil, truly is. That is what most of the Crusades were about, fighting evil mohammadan bandit terrorists.

    Chris Kyle well understood, and it was costly for him, all war, and all civil trauma, is costly, because you most often cannot erase the video in your mind of terrible sights, smells, sounds, and experiences. I know, from seeing more than I would have liked to in the civilian arena, plus online videos of the enemy.

    I close with these thoughts, from an abolitionist, and a former President, the good type.

    The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity. John Quincy Adams

    All men profess honesty as long as they can. To believe all men honest, would be folly. To believe none so, is something worse. John Quincy Adams

    America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. John Quincy Adams

    No, we go to save nations for freedom, never forget. Including our own saving on occasion. And we always pay prices, usually for others, but sometimes we get gratefulness, at least.

    Think of this: ...Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.” —Melody Beattie Author, Journalist


  8. For those who may think I'm whistlin' Dixie, try this on for size, from one who calls a spade a spade, for a fact, just as I have:

    Four Star Admiral: Muslim Brotherhood Has Penetrated ALL of U.S. National Security Agencies Under Obama
    February 5, 2015 10:46 am Obama Nation

    (TPNN) – Retired 4-Star U.S. Navy Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons, speaking at the National Press Club in January, says that under Obama’s guidance, the Obama Regime has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood terrorism front group, saying that the radical anti-freedom organization has penetrated every U.S. security agency. Admiral Lyons said that “the transformation of America has been in full swing ever since 2008,” the year Obama was elected based upon his campaign promise to “fundamentally transform America.”
    Speaking about Obama’s refusal to attend the recent march in France, reportedly attended by more than 50 world leaders to condemn Islamic terrorism following the gruesome murders of cartoonists who had the audacity to lampoon Islam, Admiral Lyons said that act was a “signal to Islamic Jihadis,” and is “one of many signals he sent over the years while in office.”
    “There’s no question we got a hell of a job ahead of us,” Admiral Lyons said. “With the Muslim Brotherhood penetration in every one of our national security agencies, including all our intelligence agencies,” he proclaimed.
    Admiral Lyons said that our “lead intelligence agency” is “headed by a Muslim convert,” a reference to Obama CIA head John Brennan.
    The new GOP majority in both houses of Congress were elected to “stop the transformation of America, not to see how they could work with the president.”
    Admiral Lyons asserted that there is no such thing as radical Islam, but that “Islam is Islam.”
    “The threat is Islam. Let’s make no mistake about it. There’s no such thing as radical Islam,” Lyons asserted.

    You've just heard the truth outright from the real top. Now all put on their big boy pants in camo, and girls their camos, we are all in this together, now that too many voters sat on their buttocks, because there will be new heroes a comin'. Seems this is far from over, my friends. Twenty three months supposedly left.......
    As you were......


  9. Let's get something straight, please. The Inquisition was a church court, established to investigate wrong doing in the Church, like using money given to feed to poor to provide a high living for a Bishop or some monks. The Bishops used to do this work, but when it became evident that there were Bishops who were involved, an alternative arrangement had to be made. "Benefit of Clergy" meant the RIGHT to be tried in a Church court, which did NOT use torture, and which meted out punishments more reasonable that the civil courts might do. When ignorant people, like President Corpse Man, refer to the Inquisition, they are probably thinking about the Spanish Inquisition, although they do not know the difference, of course.
    Michael Adams

    It is always useful to point out that the death toll is reckoned to be a million dead in "Christian wars", ten million victims of Mohammadanism, a hundred million killed by the Communists. To get to that million, one must include the dead in the Thirty Years War, in which French Catholics fought along side German Protestants. Fine points like this do not fit the Party line, and so must be obscured,if they actually must be mentioned.

    What a maroon!

    1. Well said, thanks Anon, I actually was thinking of the Spanish Inquisition, but have little memory of all the details. Thanks for the explanation, and I agree. As I just heard of it a moment ago in an interview on TV, it only killed 450 total from the Christian Inquisition I think. Currently a weak area for me, but I recall way too many wrongs even if one. But we've long past that poor area of history and Christendom. Never anything that measures up against the evils of train loads of evil by barbarian bandit islam gang. Mirrors of nazis, in so many ways.

      Additionally, It looks like Al Azhar U. doesn't like al Sisi, or Christendom and Judaism, darn, and they approve the translations, see this recent missive: Oh well, another bunch of haters for us all, eh?

    2. It should also be pointed out that in the 20th century alone, more people were murdered or imprisoned in PEACETIME over wrong interpretations of Marx or disbelief in his doctrines than suffered for heresy or non-Christianity in the 1500 years between the conversion of Constantine and 1811, when New York upheld imprisonment for blasphemy against Jesus Christ in Ruggles v. New York.

  10. Jindal, of East Indian extraction, (they know who islam is, since 1000 AD) has my vote, here, and see the commenters remarks, including Dems betrayed by hussein and his large mb entourage


  11. I think a pushback is beginning as exemplified by this story.

    "The Washington-based civil rights group says the Arab-American family was aboard the plane Monday preparing to leave Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for Detroit when a passenger berated the hijab-clad woman and her four children, saying, “This is America.”

    There is more coming from where that is. Meanwhile, I wonder if Obama thinks the crusaders spoke Austrian. He is a credentialed uneducated fool. Reads a teleprompter well and has his own (and Valerie's) agenda, but still a fool.

  12. Note that The One has no problems calling out Christians for things done a thousand years ago, but cant bring himself to use the word Muslim regarding acts done yesterday.
    Also noticed the inclusion of slavery and Jim Crow Laws. So if Christians should still be held to account over the Crusades of a millennia ago, shouldn't Democrats still be held to account over THEIR policies towards blacks of less than a Century ago?

    1. Great point. I must steal that for another post.

    2. Please do. It's quite humorous watching The Left twist themselves into mental contortions trying to deal with the truth of their past.

    3. religious asymmetry: a religion will be formally blasphemed by the left to the point it tolerates without violence.
      Remember that 'coexist' bumper sticker, Obama probably has it on his headboard.

      - reader #1482

    4. The Democratic Party "owned" the South from Reconstruction through the early 1970s. The KKK, Jim Crow, gun control, etc... were all enforced by Democratic Party governors. Bull Connor was a Democratic Party alderman. And so on...

  13. It seems "our president" is getting in some practice at being a good Iranian puppet.

  14. Recommended reading,
    Mohammed and Charlemagne Revisited: The History of a Controversy

  15. Jindal had the best response. "“We will be happy to keep an eye out for runaway Christians, but it would be nice if [Obama] would face the reality of the situation today,” he said in a statement reported by National Review. “The Medieval Christian threat is under control, Mr. President. Please deal with the Radical Islamic threat today.”

  16. Anyone who has been paying attention and can process information, must conclude that Obama sees Jesus (the kind, loving, self-sacrificing) as no better than Mohammad (the blood thirsty, sadistic, mass murdering, mass torturing, mass raping, including raping little girls – his specialty, mass enslaving sub-animal), and that he gives very strong indications of preferring Mohammad, and by a wide margin. Such a thing is almost the very definition of total depravity.

    To keep calling this depraved psychopath, “Mr. President”, has reached the level of utter absurdity.

  17. I dunno, one of the most commonly phrased quotations is that allah is merciful. I'm not sure how adherents of Islam can quote that just before beheading an innocent, but they somehow manage to do so.

    - reader #1482.

  18. Just a comment I read the other day, don't remember where"

    Chair_Force_One 8 hours ago
    The First Crusade began in 1095
    460years after the first Christian city was overrun by Muslim armies.
    457 years after Jerusalem was conquered by Muslim armies.
    453 years after Egypt was taken by Muslim armies.
    443 years after Muslims first plundered Italy.
    427 years after Muslim armies first laid siege to the Christian capital of Constantinople.
    380 years after Spain was conquered by Muslim armies.
    363 years after France was first attacked by Muslim armies.
    249 years after the capital of the Christian world, Rome itself, was sacked by Muslim armies.
    And only after centuries of church burnings, killings, enslavement and forced conversions of Christians.
    By the time the Crusades finally began, Muslim armies had conquered two-thirds of the Christian world.
    So much for being the victim.

    End of comment
    The Crusades were defensive wars, and would never have happened except for
    the Islamic Jihad. At a rough estimate 270 million people lost their lives because of the islamic jihad of the past 1400 years. (

    Only an idiot would think that the Crusades, the Inquisition and burning witches in the Middle Ages racked up that much of a body count, not to mention the fact that Christians are not on the rampage anywhere and that the "religion of peace" is daily adding to its number of victims. Obama, however, is not an idiot. He is covering for Islam, using taqiyya, just as a Muslim would. Personally, I would not be surprised if he turns out to be a Muslim Brotherhood "sleeper" that has gone active. He certainly seems to like them a lot.

    1. wouldn't've been anything to call 'the west' if it weren't for Martel... yes, we owe all of liberal democracy to a frenchman... (now I'm going to use my first ever 'lol')

      - reader #1482

  19. I still don't understand why Muslims get so upset about the Crusades. Excuse me guys, but YOU WON. Not only did you win, but you took (arguably) the heart of Christianity -- Constantinople -- a couple of hundred years later.

    1. by the time of the crusades, they'd already lost. the ideology can't survive setback.

  20. paul vincent zecchinoFebruary 8, 2015 at 9:55 PM

    The gravity of his ominous remarks must not be underestimated.

    He was not speaking in manner of an idiot.

    He was speaking in manner of a predator speaking in company of his intended victims, telegraphing his malevolent intent as well as signaling his comperes around the globe to do their worst.

  21. A simple way to understand isis and of course islam as well, is to listen to Dave Wood, do a top ten countdown of koranic mohammadanic verses, here:

  22. Actually, Dave Wood give truth to "the one's" islam lies, in the process, as well.
    A highly illuminating piece on some core tenants, quotes that is from the trilogy, mostly koran.

  23. Ouch, grammatical foul ups, "gives truth to" and "that are from", meant to say, tired.

  24. I think here Obama has gone beyond foolishness, this is malfeasance pure and simple. There is no way that a man in his position would say that by accident.

    God help America (and by extension the free world).

    We seem in the West to have a crop of "leaders" at present which has to be about the most staggeringly unimpressive in history.

    Which can only be a comfort to those who would do us harm.

  25. I'm sure they say "Allah is merciful" but silently add "...but I am not."

  26. History writ large, detailed and short, but too long to present here, on exactly what lead to the Crusades, worth reading, will fascinate the history buff, and anyone desiring to become more learned:

  27. I would like to send an email to the White House reiterating your points, which I also share, but I am actually afraid that the government would come after me via the IRS or any other agency they could conjure to shut me up. It is a very sad state of affairs when the citizenry is afraid of their government.

  28. I note Diplomad, Bill V over on Maverick Philosopher ... should "the idiots" bring it back to what, for them, passes for The Light.


  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
