Tuesday, February 3, 2015

"Whatever Ideology They're Operating off of, it's Bankrupt"

I know I should not be shocked by President Obama's sheer stupidity and vapidness when it comes to major foreign policy events, but he manages to shock me again and again. This President is a nightmare.

You can go here and see his "off the cuff" comments on the brutal burning to death of a captured Jordanian pilot by ISIS.

Obama conveys zero empathy or concern for the victim or family, just a bored and bloodless recitation of a string of words, and the kicker, wherein he says that this act shows that "whatever ideology they're operating off of, it's bankrupt."

That's it? That's the most he can muster when referring to the pilot of a friendly nation who was captured carrying out a US-led operation? He can't even utter the words "radical Islam."

He rushed through his impromptu statement so that he could get back to promoting his insane Obamacare folly.

This is a Commander-in-Chief? This?

All I can say is that when it comes to Obama and his followers "whatever ideology they're operating off of, it's bankrupt."

I miss Jimmy Carter.


  1. This is what I notice about the O's supposed brilliance and eloquence: (1) The only secret America can keep is the academic record of the supposedly "most brilliant POTUS ever", and (2) During the 2008 debate, I watched McCain make points, bring up facts, and develop arguments while the O seemed to say nothing but "hope...change...hope...change" as if a key in his back had been wound up--yet all the MSM commentators went ga-ga over his performance. It was one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen.

    1. McCain actually had a pretty good health care plan but could not explain it. It's here. The basis was I propose to spread the tax subsidy for health insurance more equitably. I would change it to a refundable credit amounting to $5000 for all families and $2500 for individuals purchasing health insurance-regardless of the source of that coverage, regardless of how one purchases it, and regardless of one's income.

      We may yet get there.

    2. what do you expect? your county has been taken over by gangsters, in fact its been like this for over 100 years

  2. I don't believe it's in his narcissistic make-up to display empathy. He thrives on ramming through his domestic agenda and scoring cheap political points, but when faced with foreign policy, every policy initiative exploded in his face, from his Cairo speech, to his Russian reset, on to Benghazi, walking way from Iraq and Afghanistan, backing the wrong horses in the Arab Spring derby, and the list expands on and on and on. Does he realize he is way out of his league or is he bored with the job? Hard to tell, but it's obvious he doesn't really want to be bothered with the foreign policy problems; mayhap he feeds on the power trip of his pen and cell phone brand of political one-up-man ship. The glaring reality, frightening in its implications, is not the One, but rather his inner-circle, swarming with foreign-connected confidantes and unsavory radicals from academia.

  3. Don't you know, climate change is a far bigger problem; it will kill the grass on the golf courses.

  4. Who is this, uh, uh, uh, entity?

    I just learned that the emperor has no clue.

    Start screamin! NOW! LOUD!

  5. Please: He is frighteningly deliberate; he does not say "Islamic radical" because between Muslim jihad and Marxist take over, seemingly strange bedfellows at the moment, he is a player for both. He may be narcissistic and someone's puppet &/or tool, with both foreign and domestic policies, but his is a blatant drive to take our country down. M

    1. Agree - why do we not hear this, more?

    2. I agree he wants to take our country down, but revolutions happen on the home turf - that's what I meant - his focus appears, to me at least, to be, i.e. "fundamentally transforming America". Some of those puppets around him might be playing to assure that transformation subverts America's position globally, i.e. enemies both foreign and domestic, whom we should be vigilantly defending and protecting The Constitution from, as the rule of law, which keeps America alive.

    3. Equally worrisome is his political party seems to be willing to go along, their oaths of office be damned. Also, consider that a majority of voters put him in office twice. Through Obama, the Democrat party has been revealed. They like it.

    4. The most dangerous sleeper cell is the one in the White House. Nobody really knows who Obama/Soetoro is, or his citizenship. His half brother belongs to the Muslim brotherhood, and his closest advisor is Iranian Ma Jarrett. It's an illegal Presidency, but nobody dares admit that the installation of O was a coup.

    5. Nobody really knows who Obama/Soetoro is, or his citizenship.
      He was born in Honolulu, and spent about 2/3 of his formative years there. He is not all that opaque. There has been no evidence adduced that he ever had an Indonesian passport and has not lived there since 1971.

  6. Victor Davis Hanson has a very interesting article this morning on National Review Online. His thesis is that Obama DOES have a foreign policy, essentially being that the USA should stop oppressing/leading the world. Look it up. Good take.

    Now, as to missing Carter -- that is a momentary rise de coeur. No one, and I mean NO ONE, misses Carter. Even faced with the empty chair we now have in the White House. Just think back for a moment -- I think you'll agree with me.

    1. Sorry, I miss Jimmy Carter. He has an abrasive public persona and is all too influenced by the Davos kultursmog, As Michael Kinsley used to say, his abrupt policy reversals while not acknowledging any reversal were maddening (though Jerry Brown was worse on this metric). Still, his domestic life was clean (compared to Ted Kennedy or George Wallace) and largely free of embarrassments (recall for a moment Ronald Reagan's wretched children) and regarding public policy his integrity was adequate compared to certain of his peers (Henry Jackson, Morris Udall, Gerald Ford) and superior to the Democratic Party median (typified by Tip O'Neill and Robert Strauss). Keep in mind also that he was only a f/t politician for about 11 years (1970-81). Politics was his 3d career, and he had prospered as a naval officer and engineer and had creditably run the family agribusiness. Obama's an empty suit and a running mouth. Also, we have reason to believe that Obama's got missing pieces in his psyche that Carter does not. Comparing Carter to Obama is unfair to Carter.

  7. Jimmy was weak. Barry is complicit.

    1. George Under the Hill says:
      As to missing Jimmy Carter - I never in my wildest dreams thought we would ever again have a president as incompetent as Jimmy Carter. However ethical and moral his intentions were, he was hopelessly naïve both economically and on the world stage. Mr. Obama is an altogether different story. No doubt, he is also naïve, but his goals appear to be fundamentally in opposition to the interests of the United States. You can almost predict his actions by saying "what would you do here if your hope is to undermine the position of the US and its citizens". It might very well take years to undo all the harm Mr. Obama has done our country, or we may be incredibly lucky and see things turn around with our next president. In this perspective, Mr. Carter is preferable over Mr. Obama simply because Mr. Carter was not intentionally working against our interests.

  8. Obama is the Manchurian candidate.

    1. But not nearly as goodlooking as Lawrence Harvey. (forget the remake, it was total BS)

    2. Casting Jarrett in Angela Lansbury's role -- Methinks Valerie-the-Viper would make Angela look like Maria from "Sound of Music" in comparison.

  9. Radical Berkeley ideology with Chicago style politics. Throw in Obama's self-regard and there you go.

  10. I can't stop thinking about that poor pilot. I know he was a soldier but his death--I really have no words. And the President? He is finally revealing the bloodless mindset I always feared was there. I am truly frightened for our country in the next two years.

    1. I'm rather out of my depth here, but I cannot help recalling that the president is the issue of two hopelessly self-centered individuals and his first year was spent largely in Seattle with his college student mother. You have to figure he was left unattended in a bassinet a great deal.

      You recall that as his mother lay dying in Honolulu, he was attending that waste-of-time exercise called the Million Man March. Recall also Christopher Hitchens remark that you rarely get to see a man in the proverbial act of selling his grandmother, but you saw it with BO. He's also so weirdly secretive that he would not release his long-form birth certificate until Gov. Abercrombie publicly chided him. There's something wrong with him at a fundamental level. I do not think he's capable of serious engagement (emotional or intellectual).

  11. Frightening thought: as Obama's term dwindles, he will be LIBERATED to pursue policies even more openly & grievously damaging to our country than the subtler ones he's pursued so far. He's had to pretend to be pro-American so far to avoid election losses or impeachment, but now those possibilities are all but non-existent.

    His cold-blooded response to this latest ISIS (he still won't speak their real name) atrocity made any human observer's blood run cold.

  12. Theory: NEVER AGAIN!

    Reality: every day of the week....

  13. Yet he gets away with it time and again. Nearly every one in the Congress checks their manhood at the door when elected.

    1. McConnell and the Republican majority in the Senate had an opportunity to do something sensible and get rid of what remained of that idiot exercise, the filibuster. They preferred having a tool to play games with rather than real accomplishment. You can thank cretins like McConnell, Richard Burr, and Orrin Hatch for the utter ineffectuality of Republicans in Congress.

  14. From the ages of 4 to 10, Obomber lived in a Muslim country. He has sympathies for islam, that's why he cannot bring himself to state the plain fact that the Whatever Ideology of the Islam State is in fact Islam.

    Hey whatever difference does it make?

    He is not stupid but he is vapid and malevolent.

    1. I suspect the man is too self-absorbed to have any sympathies. The significance of the Indonesia experience was school bullying (about which his mother seemed not to care), his mother shipping him back to Honolulu while she did anthropological fieldwork, and his mother yanking him away from his good-natured stepfather. Ann Dunham's signature, from age 18 to about age 41, was having other people cleaning up after her.

  15. Ozymandias-on-the-Potomac would show more passion if he were reading the nutritional label on a bottle of drain cleaner, or if he missed that 6" putt than when he's addressing the utter sadistic barbarism the Islamo-Facists routinely exhibit on a daily basis.

    If only some Tea Party or conservative Republican-backed group was even remotely involved, he'd be all DEFCON 1, launching all missiles.

  16. "Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool than or him." (Proverbs 26:12)

  17. Here's something that I posted over at Tim Blair's blog that explains Obama's comments. Suddenly it all makes sense.

    As a follow up, I just read this story over at Vlad Tepes which provided new information (to me) and now everything falls into place. The last two paragraphs:

    In Islam, slander is anything which makes Islam look bad, especially to an outsider and wholly irrespective to the truth of the claim. In other words, anything which is said which may give another person an unfavorable view of Islam, no matter whatsoever the truth of the claim, is legally slander in Islam.

    The moment you come to understand this, Obama’s words and that of his senior staff make perfect sense. He is observing and applying the Islamic definition of slander. This is not to say he is a Muslim, he may or may not be I have no idea other than one can bet the actions he will take will favour Islam uber alles. But certainly, as he was raised in a madrassa in Indonesia for most of his formative years, he knows that definition cold and if one examines his speeches, words and actions in terms of what can be said about Islam, such as (famously at the UN) “The future must not belong to those who would slander the prophet of Islam” down to his instructions to the FBI., it suddenly becomes clear, easily understood and utterly contortion free.

    Quite so!

    1. Quite right, DC. On the right track, except the mohammadan rules are once a land is moham, and once a person is moham., always moham. The land must be recaptured, and the individual can only leave mohammadanism, by formerly declaring anti-shahada state of apostasy in writing, at which point automatic sentence of death occurs with the act, to be performed by any handy mohammadan who feels able and inclined.

      There is no proud such statement ever shown, for hussein. In fact, if one realizes he is an enemy imposter president, who is muslim thoroughly, through and through, probably mildly sunni, due to Indonesia, and relatives of same in Kenya, He is surrounded by same, valjar, and sympathizers, too, of low morals and ethics, in love with their income and power.

      Also, lying and half truths, in unlimited daily usage by hussein, called taqiyya, and kitman, allow him to state matters beyond your wildest imagination. And he has pervaded his entire upper and some middle regime.

      The Qur'an openly states many times that Allah is the 'best deceiver', never forget that, and all believers of allah are expected and ordained to practice this to advance the ideology, of the greatest bandit gang of history......You needn't believe me, read the median verse of the sword 9.5 koran, the hadiths, and the surah, and the Reliance of the Traveler, and learn for yourself the terrible truth of the gang, and why isis is the perfect application and example of moe and allah, more than any other mohammad gang sect.

      And never forget, since the beginning 1400 years ago, all non or inadequate believers, are to be made war on, essentially, and automatically. Always, and forever. And since it is perfection already, no changes ever are to be allowed, just so you all know.


    2. jack your last paragraph sounds pretty much like american foreign policy. just take out the 1400 years bit , i am sure if you were on the receiveing end of good old" american exceptionalism" you would probably feel different, you know why dont you try and ask some of those folks who have had a visit from a predetor drone, i mean on that special day , no silly not christChristmas! no i mean there wedding of course i forgot to tell you , you cant ,why becouse there all dead! god bless america , and jack please find your soul , have nice day!

    3. Sorry you misunderstood my last paragraph, I should have used more mohams in it, but for brevity, shortened it. It refers to the self superior belief of pure fundamental mohammadans, a bunch of lazy losers living off booty, in being required to conquer all others who were lesser, or non believers forever, and the fact that moe and allah are so perfect, that no changes are permitted forever in the written strategy, and said gang ideology must continue never changing because it is perfect, which is a joke to me, and millions of others.

      Anon Not sure what you're really trying to say, since American foreign policy never had colonialism as a part of its founding, nor the requirement of the Roman and above all mohammad style to conquer everyone forever. Just never was a part of American founding or practice.

      I am a staunch, Patriotic, American, and know the difference between good, as it appears, and 1400 years of pure unadulterated continuous evil from the get go.

      Personally, to a large degree, I'm in agreement with this piece, especially the last paragraph: https://unclevladdi.wordpress.com/2015/01/15/islam-is-against-the-law/

      Sorry you don't have the love of a nation, and the exceptional good it was created in the belief of, never quite Godly perfect, but so far more exceptional, as a large entity, than all others in history, so far.

      The concept of the nation is superb, unfortunately, many of the defective leaders, especially the liberals, were less able to be protected against their failures, and mischief. In fact, the voters, like you, Anon, and I, who were supposed to be intelligent and informed, in whose hands were placed the trust to elect intelligently responsible and wise statesmen. I know I did right in these last two elections, knowing one was good and capable, and the other was evil and deceitful, and exceedingly undeserving of trust for any purpose, much less Presidency. I would do far more than droning, on behalf of this scarred but beautiful nation of America, given the choice. Et tu, Anon?

    4. jack you sound like a fun sort of guy, but wow! that last sentence man thats to much! jack what are you suggesting we nuke em!

  18. muslim clerics in Egypt have decried this torture-death... easy to hear them after the silence surrounding all the other torture-deaths of non-muslims.

    - reader #1482

  19. Sorry to quibble, but one is not bankrupt until the notes/debts are called and one cannot pay. Until then the term is insolvent.

    The world is afraid to call the notes because they know the chasm that awaits.


  20. Damn, I love this blog !

  21. This Mosaic Magazine article attempts to explain Obama's foreign policy vision. I don't know if the article is true but it sounds like something Obama might believe and do. If so, the good news is Obama actually has a strategy. The bad news is that it's ridiculously inept and dangerous.

  22. I see Michael K already discussed the article I linked at a blog post he linked above. I recommend Michael K's post.

    1. i could suggest better , try pepe escobars lattest offering "the dirtiest secret of the war on terror" you can find it on sputnik international.
