Good or Bad for the Jews

"Good or Bad for the Jews"

Many years ago, and for many years, I would travel to Morocco to visit uncles, cousins, and my paternal grandmother. Some lived in Tangiers;...

Monday, April 11, 2016

At War with the History of Mankind

Apologies for light blogging. Sick dogs is my excuse, yet again. One has developed a nasty limp and we have been taking him to the vet; going to see a specialist later this week and hope he doesn't recommend surgery. The other dog has developed a small lump on his muzzle; we are having the vet do a biopsy and are waiting for the results. As I have said before, I hate it when my dogs get sick or hurt. I feel guilt and that I have let them down--although I did buy them a Chevy Silverado pick-up truck with a Century Hi-C cap to transport them around in comfort. Fingers crossed for both of my big goofy guys--the best friends a person could have.

Anyhow, all this got me reflecting on how progressives are at war with the history of the human race. PETA, of course, under the guise of great concern for animals wants, among other things, to end the man-dog bond that goes back thousands of years. PETA, as is well known, is similar to Planned Parenthood (PP), to wit, an organization that has little if anything to do with its stated lofty goals.  Instead, PETA, PP,  and others are just agents of the most extreme portions of the progressive movement and its war on the history of humanity. They exist to destroy that which exists, especially if it brings joy and happiness and individual freedom.

Listening to some progressives go on and on about nature and Gaia, and of the need to crush economic growth, I can't help but think of the great line from American comedian Jim Gaffigan, "Camping was a tradition in everyone's family until we invented the house."

He nailed it.

Above all else, the history of mankind is one of struggle against nature, against Gaia. Wearing clothing, seeking shelter, hunting animals, creating agriculture, building cities, developing medicines, and devising public health schemes, among others, are all efforts by mankind to defeat nature and, yes, to overcome Gaia--a murderous entity if ever one existed.

I remember when our AID program got it into its head to provide poor farmers in Africa and Asia with environmentally correct solar powered miniature ovens. Total disaster. The farmers did not want the things and much preferred cooking with wood, kerosene, coal, etc. Rich, well-fed bureaucrats and NGO activists in America and Europe had decided what poor people abroad needed to ensure that their carbon footprint did not adversely affect global climate. This is not unlike the virtual banning of DDT which allowed malaria, dengue and other insect-borne diseases to return with a vengeance--sacrificing the poor in poor countries on the altar of progressive-liberal political correctness,
I provide the following bumper sticker, "Liberals love humanity and hate people." Oh, and by the way, liberals will get you killed. Yes, killed. Modern liberalism kills people, and does so by the millions, all in the name of humanity, of course. It should have a warning label that asks you not to practice liberalism at home, or something along the lines of "I am a trained professional, do not attempt liberalism on your own." 
Liberals hate all sorts of people but their special, most lethal hatred is reserved for the poor and the "uneducated." They kill the poor by the bushel, by the ton, by the hectare . . . they kill them at home and abroad. No poor person is safe from the lethal loving embrace of the liberals.


  1. Liberals have certainly CAUSED massive air pollution by blocking nuclear power plants. Instead, countries build dirty coal plants (US coal plants are now pretty darn clean of REAL pollutants.)

  2. My continuing question is when, if ever,these progressives are going to start being culled wholesale?

    1. If history is a guide, they begin that process on each other after a while. Then interested parties from the other side can help along the warring factions, with extra help to a group that is falling behind. "Progressives" are herd animals.

  3. Patience, Gerard, patience. While you're waiting, continue to stock up and make friends with the right people. And read Beevor's book on the Spanish Civil War. The first chapters are instructive: slow burn until it really got going and then the pace ramped in *a day*. Where one was on that day had significant actuarial implications.

  4. the irony is that China will supply these things, along with showing Africans how to grow enough food to feed themselves by using GM food with herbicides and fertilizer and irrigation.

    and unlike the USA, they won't insist on legalizing male sexual abus in the name of gay rights.

  5. Saying some healing prayers for your puppers!!!

  6. Hope the boys are better and OK

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Sorry to hear about your dogs, our dog-camper shell is from ARE. :)
    We got the Tundra, which is actually much less fuel efficient than the domestics, but our bet has been paying off with gas prices lately. Hope it remains so.

    ... and feed those pesky refugees of communism to the... commies. Seriously, deporting Taiwanese passport holders to China? At least, that's a new one to me.

    Pretty certain there'd be an uproar from the US if China did this on the watch of a President who wasn't dedicated to sinking US influence abroad.

    - reader #1482

  9. Sorry to hear about your dogs. They're truly wonderful animals--as long as they are someone else's responsibility (I've always preferred cats).

    Every so often, I'm tempted to put this bumper sticker on my car: PETA advocates taste like pork. I am so sick of these high-minded types who want some creep to be able to dress with my granddaughter because, in spite of his XY chromosomes, he insists he's a "woman"; the parroters of the current Leftist orthodoxies demanding "safe space" on campuses, and their ilk.

    #1482--re your passage on the deportations to China, it's Kenya doing it. I suspect that for all his claimed patrimony from an anti-colonialist Kenyan, the O probably doesn't give a rat's patootie about what happens there. And anyone notice that he hasn't filed any immigration petitions for any of his sibs?

    1. PETA...People Eating Tasty Animals.

    2. yeah... I think it's novel for Taiwanese to be 'repatriated' to China though? China certainly has more sway here than Taiwan, but i'm guessing that previously countries didn't do that because the US has a vague obligation to assist Taiwan... is that accurate?

      - reader #1482

    3. #1482--We have something called the Taiwan Relations Act. It's military provisions call for US assistance to Taiwan if the Mainland attacks.

  10. Hmmm ...

    I'm supposing now, all we gots left to do is apologize for building the two towers the Saudi pilots flew into?


    1. One item never addressed is that without the deployment of nuclear bombs in WWII, the situation post-WWII would have been more likely to descend into a global nuclear conflagration. Deployment in war is different from blowing up the gadget in the desert.

      - reader #1482

    2. "Deployment in war is different from blowing up the gadget in the desert."

      Affirmative #1482~~~
      Still, the thermonuclear image of 'glass parking lots' fast-track constructed at Islamist venues does convey a certain Je ne sais quoi, in my humblest opinion. "Let's Roll"

      On Watch

    3. Pilots? I don't think that word means what you think it means.

  11. So odd, I would swear there was a lost post today... and a good one!

  12. Sorry about your pooches. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
    My shelter dog, a "corgy" for the insurance co, hee hee, got into a fight with a raccoon a few weeks back. Came inside with his head covered in blood! So I know what a sad and sorry pooch looks like.
    He is getting a bit old as he has 2 raccoons, a possum and a squirrel under his belt but couldn't bring down this raccoon... He is the friendliest dog in the neighborhood. He just doesn't take to furiners...
    As for DDT, I would think a little bit would go a long way.Keep it away from the fricken bald eagles and help people in 3rd world countries.

  13. Sorry to hear the boyz have health issues Master Dip! Hoping for a quick recovery from their ailments, and ours too!
    Viz the Progs and Libs continued assault on US, I was hoping that that the downturn in the economy might result in a funding shortfall. With today's news touting record tax collections it sounds like we'll have to wait a bit longer for the long overdue reconciliation of accounts! "Let's Roll"

    On Watch~~~

    1. Collections aren't the issue. SPENDING is the issue. They've already spent more than collected, and have before, and will continue to do so.

  14. If all the birds that DDT would have killed, if any, were laid end to end, how many malaria deaths of children under twelve would that be worth?

    Show your work. Be quantitative. You may use calculators, and may cite statistics from the humorously-yclept CIA Factbooks. Final answers should be rounded to the nearest thousand.

    1. None, nada, zip, zilch, nichts, de nada. And I only need one finger to demonstrate my contempt. Okay, 2 in England.

  15. PETA, Planned Parenthood, eco-agitators, and many others of similar propensities, communists who had to find something else to do when the Soviet Union tanked. Names changed, goals, not so much. Scratch their skin, they are all Red underneath.

  16. Oh yeah, hope the pooches do well. Not fun when they don't. Had to put one down coupla years ago, was a mercy for him but still...

  17. The experiment that showed DDT caused thinning egg shells was faked. The birds that got DDTalso had all of the calcium removed from there food. The "control" group did not
