Friday, March 15, 2019

Christchurch Massacre

As this is being written it appears that some imbecile(s) "white supremacist(s)/ecofascist(s)" has/have carried out an inexcusable and horrific act of terror in New Zealand. Press reports indicate that somewhere around 100 innocent people have been shot at two mosques, with about half of those fatally so.

I am sure the details will change, and the facts we have now might not be the facts we have later, but there is no justification for this sort of action; based on what we know so far, it is terrorism just as would be a similar act by some lunatic jihadi.

Terror is terror. Stamp it out.


  1. Besides the horror, these crazy people usually accomplish the opposite of their intentions.

    Just nuts.

  2. I just read through the sicko's 75 page manifesto. He states that he deliberately choose firearms rather than explosives or a vehicle to force the left to try and repeal the 2nd in the U.S. because he feels that will press the U.S. into civil war, which is something he finds very desirable. He is closest to the Norway terrorist in motives and beliefs.

  3. Just watched the go-pro video (17minute version). It was hard, but not too hard to acquire. Had to use gogo duck search engine and first 4 version had been removed within 12 hrs of facebook live. most remarkable impression was how much it resembled a first person shooter video game. Compared to the beheading videos it was relatively aseptic although still graphic. The guy struck me as preternaturally calm and i suspect he was on beta blockers or something. He probably spent more than half his bullets shooting the poor people piled against the wall dead or playing dead. Must admit i find myself very worried and uneasy.

  4. Ah... Eco-fascist. So another radicalized leftist with a gun, trying to screw things up for everyone else.

  5. Let's hope New Zealand reinstates the death penalty, simply to be ready for the next killer.

    1. Nothing so sensible. They have however, banned semi auto rifles today

  6. This killer is motivated by ideology. Banning a rifle is an opportunity and not an answer or solution to anything. A Bandage over a social and cultural gash.

  7. The difference between the first mosque and the second? Second had an armed congregant, and about 1/6 the dead (41 vs 7).

  8. Oh, I am wrong. The man at the second mosque wasn’t armed - just alert, quick-thinking and very very brave.
