Thursday, December 31, 2020

If Possible, Have a Happy New Year

I sit here, grumpy, before my computer screen, tapping away on a little keyboard made by Chinese teenagers in a sweatshop so that Apple can become the world's richest "prog" corporation.  

The Diplowife is in an adjoining room doing a step class with her "friends" on YouTube. The Diplowife, by the way, is alternately amused and disgusted by the "Hilaria" Baldwin story, in which this New England "progressive" claims to have been born in Spain. The Diplowife is an actual Spaniard, well, Basque, but close enough, and can't understand the level of mental illness that drives "progressives," such as the Baldwins, to claim to be something they are not--the Diplowife, by the way, has no trouble pronouncing the name "Baldwin," and, unlike "Hilaria," knows the English word for "cucumber,"which is "cucumber." 

I tell her that nothing about the leftists is real, except their desire for power at any cost and via any means. Yes, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, I am thinking of you, you lying frauds.

The "President-elect," trying to channel his inner Churchill, tells us that dark days, "a dark winter," lie ahead because of a viral infection with a nearly 100% rate of survival. How inspiring. We will be led into "battle" by a senile moron. This gaga idiot can't even deliver a poorly written speech. No matter what happens on January 20, I will never consider that corrupt criminal plagiarist fabulist pervert as MY President--neither he nor that "fraudulency" he has as a Veep who likely will take-over soon if Beijing Biden gets "inaugurated."

Oh, and, of course, now that we have a vaccine for the ChiCom virus, the progs come up with the story of a new form of the virus, a mutation, to justify keeping us all locked down: more pucky from the leftist horse ranch.

I can only hope and pray that 2021 will prove a better year than 2020. Could it be worse? Maybe . . .  "President" Harris . . . .

Happy New Year.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Childhood Reminisces of Boxing Day-Kwanzaa

December 26. 

I remember growing up in  Hawaii and California, as my family sat around the Christmas tree celebrating Boxing Day. We would gather and discuss the latest news on boxing: Was the IBF champion better than the WBC champion, or the WBA, or the WBO champion?

We would then re-enact the latest bouts we had seen on our black-and-white Zenith TV. My mother would serve as the cut man and my father as the ref. Ten rounds or until somebody got knocked out. Ah, yes. What memories. 

We would then jet over to Kamala's house and share the Kwanzaa festivities with that family. You know, of course, that Kwanzaa is very popular among Indian families in Canada. 

Good times, good times.

My recollections were inspired by the tweet from Vice-President-Pretender Kamala Harris about her childhood memories celebrating Kwanzaa. I'd love to see the pictures of those Kwanzaa get-togethers. I am sure I am in them . . .  . 

OK, OK, everything I just wrote--except for the Hawaii and California bit--is FAKE. Is anything from the Harris/Biden team real? If not, why can't we all just make up whatever we want? Would Corn Pop mind?

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas in the Midst of the War on Joy

Many years ago, in another Christmas season, I wrote a long-forgotten piece on the left's "War on Joy." In that little post in 2013, I noted that what really fuels the left, aside from the quest for unlimited power, is the need to destroy "joy,"

The war on happiness and joy, of course, goes well beyond the assault on Christmas traditions. The left cannot stand the thought of individuals doing things that bring them joy and happiness. Automobiles. Yes, automobiles form a major target of this assault. Driving an automobile can bring joy, excitement, and independence into a person's life. Driving an "impractical" automobile such as a Porsche, a Corvette, a Nissan GTR, a Cadillac CTS-V, a Ferrari, or a 700Hp modified Shelby GT-500 is fun and brings joy. The leftists would have us all in grey buses, trains, and, at best, in subsidized pokey Priuses and Volts, stifling our joy and happiness in the name of protecting Gaia against a fake warming threat. They will use taxes, and EPA and safety regulations, and absurd speed limits to ruin our joy. The same with gun ownership. Guns are fun; they bring joy to the owner, and assert an individual's right to independence and self-defense. Gun ownership, of course, also limits the power of the state, and the ability of the leftists running the state to dictate the arc of our lives. We see the same in the assault on drinking, smoking, eating meat, homeschooling, and on individual choice in medical care. The state will decide which schools our children can attend, what they will learn; the state will decide our medical choices. They wage war on small businesses, which bring joy to the owners and, again assert independence, because after all, "you didn't build that."
Since that seven-year-old exposition, of course, the left has increased its assault on joy. We have seen the destruction, for example, of the Boy Scouts, professional sports, music concerts, the rewriting of history to stress misery and greed, the attack on our pride in the beliefs and institutions that built this country, the fomenting of hatred for Western Civilization, the destruction of statues, parks, etc. This assault knows no bounds, as we have seen so dramatically in the last presidential election. 

The ChicCom virus has given the attackers new weapons. Now, we are banned from gyms, bars, and restaurants; owners of such establishments get arrested for trying to run a business; we get told to stay home OR DIE!! We must, a la Middle Ages, wear masks to ward off the "invisible enemy" and, more important, to signal our submission to our "science-driven" overlords! The police get called if a mother reads a story to her child in a public library without wearing a mask! Families are thrown off airliners for not suiting up their little children in the approved mask manner! Families and friends may not gather to worship or celebrate! Unless, of course, they march or loot for social justice . . .

So, friends, as we enter the Christmas season in the midst of all this leftist gangsterism, terrorism, and dystopian cloud-cuckooism, it is important to rebel by being happy. 

Yes, express joy and happiness. Do not let the prog thugs ruin your fun.  

In other words, have a Merry Christmas . . . fighting words in these times.


Thursday, December 17, 2020

America: Heading not for a Good Place but a Necessary One?

Sorry for the long break. 

I have found myself in a foul and down mood about all that's happening to our country and to the West, with little to cheer me on. In addition, of course, the mundane events of my mundane life get in the way of deep thoughts and "important" actions. Having now to deal with a surprise bill from the IRS--out of the blue!--alleging back taxes owed. No way. I am a fanatic about keeping my taxes current and accurate; if anything, I overpay. My trusty accountant is doing battle but, so far, can't get a straight answer out of the IRS as to from where these new fees originate. 

Also dealing with a long-delayed real estate purchase in Raleigh which had thundered into the Valley of Death, and I assumed lost to the Russian artillery, but now has galloped out the other end alive and well. Dealing also with doctor appointments which I hate. I don't want to live forever; just long enough to become a burden on society. Doc won't cooperate; wants me to live well-beyond my assigned time. And I won't even mention the proudly self-declared transgender employee of a construction firm with whom I had to deal on the phone re a repair to a rental property: "My pronouns are she and her. I am this company's first openly transgender employee," boomed out a voice which could have belonged to Orson Welles . . . Did I need to know this? But I ain't gonna mention it at all . . . nope. 

So, lots going on, much too much to capture all or even most of it. 

Let's start with a habitual theme of this inconsequential and demonetized blog, to wit, we live in a time of the Great Fakery (more on that here and elsewhere over the years). We now know with almost 100% "scientific certainty" (a now meaningless phrase) that the COVID pandemic is a colossal hoax; almost on the scale of global climate change. It is not real. It is, as this little blog said so many months ago, just akin to a flu. Sufferers from this thing have a survival rate of nearly 100%. 

The much-ballyhooed CDC COVID death numbers are false, grotesquely inflated for political and financial reasons; we will see them adjusted downwards, quietly, with little media notice. The hospitals are not overwhelmed; the morgues are not at the bursting point; there was no need for a vaccine as very adequate treatments already exist; no need for a crash ventilator-building project--you will soon buy the things at the bargain bin in a Dollar Store, right next to the Star Wars blue-ray discs, and those CDs of Pat Boone's Greatest Hits. And on and on . . . oh, and, of course, no need, well, no scientific or medical need, that is, for the destructive economic shutdowns that we have seen implemented all over the world. 

All Fakery. 

Fakery, however, with a purpose which we have discussed before: the destruction of our nation, its values, our very way of life--and not just in the USA. Most of Europe is on total lock-down; my friends and relatives in Spain report a nightmare of repression in the name of fighting the DREADED VIRUS!!! Franco seems like a breath of fresh air. Sadly, we see the insanity has spread--not unlike in the dystopian novel On the Beach--even to a place I thought free of cowardly insanity, Australia.

As noted, all this done by the authorities as part of a "fight" with a "deadly" virus with a nearly 100% rate of survival. Bungee jumping probably has a higher mortality rate.

In keeping with the theme of the Fake, we here, in the once Great and Mighty United States, still churn through a highly Fake electoral process. Everything seems Fake, starting with the gaga Democratic candidate and his Fake "Doctor" wife. Please. Two total losers. It seems very certain that Biden will not serve as President for very long, EVEN IF he gets a Fake "virtual" inauguration on January 20, 2021. He has shown himself as not only a corrupt fool, but mentally and physically unfit for the presidency.

There remains no doubt that the "election" of Biden/Harris was a complete Fake, produced by massive and widespread fraud of an unprecedented nature. Our political and judicial systems seem incapable of dealing with this corruption. The state courts and the US Supreme Court have proven, so far, spineless, and possessed of no vision of what will happen to them and to our country if the Criminal Organization Known as the Democratic Party gets away with this enormous crime. Today's Democratic Party, sold out to Beijing, is a rehash of Nazism with its alliance of leftist street thugs, corrupt union bosses, and big capital billionaires, replete, of course, with a complicit media machine, wacko racial theories, demands for censorship and the "cancelling" of opponents, and insane economic prescriptions. As did the original Nazis, they will replace gaga Von Hidenburg, aka Biden, with a cackling loon of unbridled ambition.

A few days ago, I glumly went over all this with Diploson1. I sadly noted that I had no idea where we were going but, "we are not heading for a good place." He perhaps wisely replied, "Maybe not a good place, but a necessary one." He sees a possible rebirth of American patriotism, idealism, and greatness coming out of the Great Betrayal we are now experiencing.  

Maybe he's right? May he be.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Without Shame and Shifting Blame: The Commies March On

Eric Swalwell. 

The man was already a bad joke before, but now . . . well, it turns out not only was he a bad joke, an on-air farter of renown, a relentless purveyor of the Russia-Trump collusion hoax, and a reliably "progressive" mouthpiece, he was, for years it seems, compromised by a sexy Chinese spy. As I have noted before, the Chinese are far superior to the old Soviets or today's Russians when it comes to espionage. It's an all-hands-on-deck matter for the PRC. In essence, even if you are not an official member of the Chinese intel apparatus, if the PRC/CCP let you travel to the USA, Australia, UK, Canada, etc., you owe them big time. They will collect. Swalwell is a member of the House Intelligence Committee with full access to our nation's top-most secrets. The FBI knew he was compromised and, in essence, said nothing until very recently. Well, let me correct that: Nancy Pelosi had been briefed some time back but seemed, per her own statements, to have no problem. 

Republicans have demanded that Swalwell, who at one time had presidential ambitions, be removed from the Intel Committee and even from Congress. Nothing yet. I don't know if the once-venerable but now hopelessly corrupt FBI is investigating his staff for their links to China. The press, for the most part, looks rather hesitant to cover this story in its full glory, and instead gives lots of space to Swalwell's demands that the leak of the story be investigated: not the substance, mind you, but the leak. Typical. He, by the way, blames President Trump . . .  but, of course, you already knew that. 

Repellent little traitorous creature. How many more are there?

Now, oh so very reluctantly, the press also begins to report on the Hunter Biden scandal. With the election over, apparently it's safe to do so. This was, of course, the very same scandal labelled "Russian disinformation," and which would get you banned from Twitter for mentioning. Now it's OK. 

A friend noted that, perhaps, this is progress; no, my take is quite different. This is the first step in removing Biden from the White House were we so unfortunate to have that happen. The prog-masters, aka Communists, now have little need of the gaga old fool, America's answer to Paul Von Hidenburg. 

President Harris, here we come!


Friday, December 4, 2020

The Communists Make Their Move

As have all six readers of this inconsequential blog, I have watched in horror as the evidence of massive electoral fraud piles up higher and higher. 

I have bored you for years stating that I served as an international election monitor in several Third World countries, including in Guatemala in the midst of an active guerrilla insurgency. I have NEVER seen anything akin to what I now see in my own country. The 2020 election was a total fraud, starting with the fake candidacies of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: two corrupt, unethical politicians who have zero accomplishments to their names. In addition, of course, Biden is mentally and physically incapable of serving as President, and we all know it! In that "ALL," of course, I include the leadership of the criminal organization known as the Democrat Party. 

One of my sons called the "election" of Joe Biden "the ultimate prank," equivalent to leaving a flaming bag of dog poop on your doorstep. That would be funny, except it is not. 

This, after all, is not some crappy screenplay for a reboot of the old Woody Allen film, "Bananas." This is a life and death situation for our country. No exaggeration. 

The evidence of massive electoral fraud cannot be hidden or ignored, as much as the legacy press along with Twitter, Facebook and all the other corrupt manifestations of "social media" seek to do so. Gangsters have gone to prison on the basis of much less evidence than what we now have. But, then, the evidence is not really the point is it? Nope. They don't care. Doesn't matter how blatant and plainly obvious it is. 

This is a full scale Communist/Fascist (yes, I used those words) assault on our country. These evil bastards know exactly what they are doing. The Communists/Fascists are making their big move. They have used the cover of the absurd hoax known as "response to COVID-19" to create a grotesque dependency on government elites, to generate an atmosphere among us of fear of one another --"He's not wearing a mask!"-- to disrupt the economy, crush traditional lifestyles, ban all joy, and, of course, the icing on the cake, alter illegally the electoral laws to permit the fraud, the very coup, we now see underway.  

It is genuinely sad and heart-breaking that our country's future might now depend on a few courageous state legislators and Supreme Court Justices. 

Will they stand up to the Communist/Fascist mobs and their threats? Will they have the courage to say, "This election is invalid"? If those legislators and Justices do not do their duty, then it might well fall to us . . . with all that implies.

Dark days.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Thanksgiving 400

Seems just like yesterday when that hardy band of Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving four hundred years ago, yep, 1620, or in Joe Biden math 16,200,000! I don't know if they read from the Palmists or not. Again, we need to ask Beijing Biden to enlighten us.

All around us the powers-that-be told us to keep the festivities on the dour side; YouTube regaled us with the sufferings of Native Americans who have nothing for which they can express thanks. Well, then I guess I shouldn't ask that of the local Lumbee Nation which went overwhelmingly for Donald Trump and his America First message . . . TV ads showed lonely looking grandparents staring wistfully at their grandkids, mixed race, of course, over Zoom or Face Time or whatever other technology is being pushed to keep us atomized. 

We were told to keep gatherings small, and how to serve the meal to avoid spreading of the deadly COVID virus (which has a survival rate of nearly 100%) and how we should all wear masks . . . right. We didn't do any of that. I am glad to report that we had a very nice traditional Thanksgiving at one of my sons' homes in Raleigh. No neighbor counted up the number of cars in the driveway and out front, and called in the sheriff. Why? Simple. All the neighbors were doing likewise. 

The main topic of discussion, of course, was the non-election. We all agreed that if President Trump manages to defeat the Demo-Commie power grab/coup, he should immediately launch criminal investigations into the elections in all fifty states, gut the worthless FBI, DOJ, State, and CIA, and take a long hard look at the senior civilian and military ranks of the DOD. Section 230 immunity for the tech bastards should be annulled; let them fend for themselves in the courts. And so on: you get the drfit of the conversation.   

OK. Just picked up the three big dogs from the boarding kennel and they look hungry. Not allowed to have a hungry dog in my house.

More later.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Thanksgiving and Feathers

Always one of my favorite holidays. Too bad the progs seek to ruin it. We won't let that happen to us. The Diplowife and I will head off to Raleigh for a big Thanksgiving with the three Diplosons--Diplodaughter is in Texas--significant others, grandsons, and carefully chosen friends.  Undoubtedly, politics will provide the main topic of entertainment; none of us wants to watch any NFL nonsense. 

In light of these festivities, my posting will be light for a few days. I, however, leave you with a recounting of a Thanksgiving Day, long, long, long ago, in a place now much different . . . it's a re-post from the past.


Yes, feathers. Not the figurative kind that fill leftoid heads, but the real kind that cover birds. We are going light today. Our topic is feathers and how they nearly produced a civil war in the Diplomad clan, and how echoes of that strife apparently will reverberate on the 4th of July.

As the six regular readers of this blog are painfully aware, during the Reagan years I served for a time at the UN in New York. We loved New York City, even with all its inconveniences especially with two rambunctious boys. Schooling was a problem as the local PS was, well, pretty bad. When two of the vastly overpaid teachers at the school told us that they would never send their own kids there, we decided to yank our boys out and send them--at considerable cost to the Diplomad bottom line--to private schools. One went to a school run by Irish Catholic nuns, who wanted no parental involvement, "Thank you very much, but we know how to do this." The older son went to one run by strangely liberal, yet oddly conservative Jews who wanted lots of parental involvement in the school as long as the parents did what the school wanted. Hey, it's New York. Live with it.

Well, as it does every year, the Thanksgiving holiday rolled around. You must understand we had spent most of our lives overseas. The boys had been born in Spain, and hardly had been in the US. Educated abroad, they--God help me--had grown to love soccer football soccer with both of them becoming (and remaining to this day) rabid fans of Spain's La Furia Roja. Their grip on Americana was a bit weak. Please remember that as this saga proceeds.

Another piece of background you will need. My Spanish wife hates, detests, abhors, loathes, etc, feathers and any creature sporting them. She shows a special wrath for chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese. She cannot stand the thought of fowl on the meal plate. I have seen her blanche and break out into a cold sweat at fancy diplo dinners when served quail, duck, or some other feather-bearing beast. It is not funny; better said, she has no sense of humor about this matter. My efforts to convince her that chicken tastes just like iguana have had no positive effect. Whenever we go to a restaurant, regardless of what she orders, she insists on, ahem, grilling the waiter on whether any foul fowl was involved in the making of her pending meal, "Uh, no ma'am, our salmon is, uh, salmon. It's a fish, not a bird." "Yes, yes, but the rice and the vegetables, were they cooked with chicken?" I am used to it by now.

Thanksgiving Day in New York, 1985. My older son, then about six was in a bad mood. I asked what was wrong, "You have no school today. Mom is making a nice Thanksgiving meal. What's wrong?" He glared at me, "The Pilgrims did not eat paella! They ate turkey!"

Given the Diplowife's aversion to feathery creatures, our overseas Thanksgiving Day meals consisted of seafood paella. My wife had, ahem, implied in some way . . . oh, heck, she flat out told the kids that the Pilgrims ate paella with the Indians. Maybe she was thinking about Cortez and Pizarro, I don't know, but anyhow the kids had gotten into their heads that paella was the meal on Thanksgiving. Now in NY, the older boy had been asked the previous day to make a presentation at school on Thanksgiving. He, of course, reported that the English Pilgrims sat down and shared paella with the Native Americans. This caused a bit of a commotion and, I guess, led to some considerable ridicule, or what the politically correct nanny-staters now would label "bullying."

He was furious with us. He refused to eat paella and demanded a turkey. Even my wife was shocked into submission by the uncompromising fury coming from the tyke. It was Thanksgiving Day. I had to find a turkey in Manhattan! I dashed out of our building on the upper east side. All of the supermarkets were closed. A turkey! My kingdom for a turkey! I wandered the cold, darkling desolate concrete canyons, my despair growing and threatening to overwhelm me. I had let down my kids! The wages of sin, the consequences of falsehoods! God give me a sign that You will allow me to redeem myself . . . Wait! A deli! Still open but about to close! I ran in! Turkey sandwiches! They must have a turkey somewhere! A bizarre negotiation followed in which I finally convinced the suspicious Pakistani owner of the "Jewish" deli to sell me a whole kosher turkey at the price per pound of the sliced sandwich meat. I paid him a fortune--in cash--for a small bird about the size of a Chihuahua, and ran like the Grinch with my turkey under my arm.

My kids had turkey that day; every other Thanksgiving since has featured a big bird on the table. My wife refuses to sit anywhere near it, and has her own separate fish-based meal.

This will become an issue on the Fourth of July. The Thanksgiving paella got moved to Independence Day. The kids, now grown, of course, alas, have started making noises of impending rebellion against paella and in favor of hot dogs and other beast meat. The Diplowife mistrusts hotdogs, even the kosher all-beef ones, as stealth chicken missiles. She does not want anything with the potential of bearing fowl touching our BBQ grill, or near anything else we have cooking. It appears that we might have a split Fourth meal. One side of the family eating chicken wings and hotdogs, and the other with the paella. Now that I think about it, this seems an appropriate metaphor for what is happening to our country.

Sunday, November 22, 2020


Strange days in America, and around the world. 

The COVID-19, AKA Chicom, virus continues to provoke insanity on the part of global "leaders," or, perhaps better said, greedy opportunism: a chance to increase their already vast powers over "We the People." In Europe, the western part, anyhow, governments head for yet more brutal shutdowns of their economies and of normal life, and of an almost unimaginable destruction of  Western democratic norms allegedly to "defeat" a contagious but relatively very mild virus. Even in a place which I had assumed a repository of common sense, Australia, we see power-mad state governments unleashing police forces on peaceful citizens trying to live their lives. 

Here at home, we see the same: governors declaring nonsensical curfews, demanding people cancel traditional holiday celebrations at home, and insisting nay ordering that they wear masks, of unproven utility, even while at those homes. They seek to use police to enforce these measures--measures based on no science, just on a lust for power and a hatred for tradition. These totalitarian madmen, of course, get the support of the mass media, legacy and new, who seek to make us all fearful and begging for more government "help."

A couple of encouraging signs, in an otherwise bleak landscape, are the indications of a growing popular rebellion: we, for example, see curfew-busting protest rallies in southern California--the heart of the woke beast--a lengthening list of  sheriffs and police chiefs who refuse to enforce governors' illegal and unconstitutional edicts. Let's pray for and actively support such acts of revolt.

Here in what the late great French philosopher Raymond Aron called the Imperial Republic, a country once also proudly known as the UNITED States, we continue a furious battle to prevent the theft of our national elections--a heist on a scale never before seen in our nearly one-quarter of a millennium of history as an independent state. No intellectually honest person can dispute that Trump won the election, and did so overwhelmingly. The losers, a vast criminal organization known as the Democrat Party, have undertaken a breathtakingly brazen effort to steal that election and give the White House over to a gaga old fool, as corrupt as the day is long. 

That old fool, of course, would not, in fact, serve as president; he would act as the Trojan horse for a 1930s-style Hitlerite coalition of wealthy industrialists and milling mobs of thugs. 

Yes, there, I used the "H" word. I know, I know. 

In this case, however, it seems highly appropriate to invoke the memory of that old and unlamented socialist, aka Nazi. The parallels, while not perfect, of course, appear striking. We have Biden playing the role of gaga Von Hindenburg, totally and cruelly unaware of what's happening around him, while real power would go to an another unscrupulous and power-mad "H," Harris, supported by the corrupt public sector unions, the lying mass media, and gangs of street thugs--all given social and legal cover by deranged educational, and thoroughly infiltrated law enforcement and security organizations. They emit calls for "lists" of Trump supporters, advocate banning them from the public square, undermining their employment possibilities, re-educating the miscreants, and, of course, annihilating our history and proud traditions. 

I don't know if Trump and his allies can pull off this defense of America. If they do, it will prove one of the most amazing feats of political maneuvering in history--but, what comes next? What about 2022? 2024? And, so forth? If Trump perseveres, we will need the most fundamental cleansing of key institutions in our history. For starters, disband the FBI, the CIA, the State Department, and big chunks of the Pentagon; move federal offices out of Washington. And so on, and on.

I feel too depressed to continue . . . 

I did, by the way, get my stolen gun back from Wilmington PD, so that's one nice development in these otherwise grim days. 

More later.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Monday Musings on a Tuesday: Stolen Votes and Gun

We got back late last night from Miami. The trip took us nearly 14 hours: we hit heavy traffic coming out of Miami, had a long lunch at Sonny's BBQ in Georgia, and then I missed a key turn-off in North Carolina and ended up wandering in the dark in and around Lumberton with a glitchy GPS (made by Dominion systems?) before I got myself straightened out and on the road to Wilmington. No time for posting, just enough to sit down and watch the first episode and a half of this season's "The Crown." I don't know. The portrayal of PM Margaret Thatcher by that hack American actress Gillian Anderson does not seem convincing. I hear she's getting some critical praise for that portrayal, but I find it very bad. She has got the accent down, but the exaggerated mannerisms and the insistence on making Thatcher out as some sort of frail, pre-Parkinsonian, hunched over asthmatic hits a false note. The Thatcher I saw in action at the UN seemed far from that! She came off as a vigorous woman, with a commanding voice, and a quick and rapier-like wit. You did not want to debate her! Maybe the acting will improve as the season rolls along; I, however, have little faith in how Hollywood portrays conservatives. 

Events also keep rolling along in the great Biden heist story. On the way up from Miami, we stopped at a turnpike rest stop which had, ugh, CNN on. The banner at the bottom of the screen said it all: "Trump should concede and go." They also ran a vote total for "President-elect" Biden. These people are beyond disgusting. There, of course, is no "President-elect," no state has allocated its electoral votes, and, again, of course, there are some very serious challenges to the whole 2020 election making their way through the courts and via various recounts. There is virtually no coverage of the nature of Trump's challenge to the election results; for any person with any intellectual honesty those results are highly suspect, and quite literally incredible. Biden out-polled not just Hillary but Obama? Right-o. He managed to get 100% of the vote in certain districts? Yeah, sure.

My simple reading of roughly what happened follows. 

For many months, the Dems and their media and high-tech allies pushed fake opinion polls showing Biden with a double digit lead not just nationally but in nearly every state in the union: all nonsense, of course, meant to suppress the Trump vote, and make a Biden "victory" somewhat more credible. One fly in the ointment, however, was the unprogrammed death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and the quickness with which Trump-Graham-McConnell moved to fill the position. Notice the Dems great insistence in trying to get Coney Barrett to commit to recusing herself from any cases involving electoral challenges: the Dems knew fraud was on the way. 

As shown by some internal memos that leaked, the people around Biden knew their candidate did not have a double-digit lead; they thought the election would have a razor thin margin of victory.  

The Dems had gotten their allies in many states, perhaps most states, to buy the corrupt foreign-made Dominion voting machines running a foreign-made software program--one used in Venezuela under Chavez and Maduro--which allowed vote flipping. The machines, at least in several key areas (maybe more widely), were programmed to begin flipping votes once a certain number of votes had been cast. A problem quickly became apparent: the Trump vote was overwhelming, well beyond what the Dems and their magic machines had calculated. The original vote flipping algorithm proved insufficient. As happened, therefore, in Venezuela, they stopped the count to reset the machines, and institute an old-style back-up plan for extra security: e.g., massive vote dumps of quickly filled out ballots, tossing Trump ballots in the trash, running the same Biden ballots multiple times, and so on.

The same FBI that sent 15 agents to investigate a fake noose story at NASCAR, can't be bothered to check out a major attack on the Republic.

The whole thing is a massive national disgrace, and a threat to our most basic institution of free and fair elections.

Meanwhile, I continue trying to get one of my handguns back from the police in Wilmington. Last May, we had gone to one of our homes in Wilmington where we had some issue with the a/c. The Diplowife and I stood in front of the house dealing with the repairman with our backs to our Chevy truck parked next to a copse of trees. Without us noticing, a creepy creep klepto creepily crept through said copse upon the Chevy, opened the truck door, stole my wife's purse and my Sig P365. Obsessed with the a/c issue, we never noticed, at all! When we got back home, we found two police cars in our driveway and three officers wandering around our yard and knocking on our front door. We pulled up, identified ourselves; one officer asked my wife if she had her purse. "Yes, in the car." He asked her please to get it; she reached into the vehicle, and blurted out, "It's missing." He then asked if I had a gun in the car, and I said, "Yes." He asked if I could retrieve it. The gun, too, had vanished. He asked me to describe the handgun, which I did; he said they had recovered it and my wife's purse. A fellow by the name of Yusuf Abdesalam, had stolen the items. Instead of calling it a successful day, returning to his cave with the ill-gotten swag, greedy Yusuf continued his activities. The police snagged him some 20 minutes after he stole from our truck, as tried to break into other vehicles in an nearby neighborhood. Ol' Yusuf, apparently a Somali "refugee," has a long rap sheet; one wonders why, given his criminal record, he roams the streets or even remains in our country. We got my wife's purse back the next day, but the gun, ah, the gun, the officers informed, would remain in the police evidence locker until the end of the legal process. 

OK, to make this long story even longer, as we drove to Miami, an attorney in the DA's office called to say the "process" had ended: the scruffy one had received a sentence, and I could get my gun back. Well, as it turns out, not really--nope, not that simple. A whole other process must now begin wherein the police run a complete background/criminal check ON ME before I can get back my legally purchased gun. They will send me some forms to fill out and turn in . . . ah, the wheels of justice . .  .

It feels like a Monday. 

Off to walk the beasts.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

In the Heart of the Anti-Woke: Miami!

The Diplowife and I got bored sitting around in Wilmington no longer watching FOX or any of the other Wokenets. We decided at the last minute to motor on down to Miami. The twelve hour drive went well, except for a flat tire once we reached our hotel in the Dolphin Mall. The very nice young AAA man switched it out with the spare--I don't do that stuff anymore--and engaged me in about 30 minutes of political talk. Turns out he was an immigrant from the Dominican Republic and a USMC veteran. Needless to say, he had voted for Trump, and seemed genuinely outraged by the attempted theft of the election by the Biden crew. 

Took the flat to a local tire repair shop, and before you know it, we got some more of the great Miami experience--at a tire shop! The place was owned by a couple who had fled Venezuela some five years ago and now had three repair shops in the Miami area--the one I went to is in Doral. Diplowife and I enjoyed about an hour's conversation with the couple who, although they had not voted since they are not yet US citizens, were strong Trumpers. They repeatedly called Biden an old fool and a communist. Both said they had seen what happens in a country when the left takes over. They had stopped watching the networks. 

The tire business done, they didn't want to charge me, but I insisted on paying, we went on to have a cortadito cubano at the Latin American Restaurant and Cafeteria #2 near the FIU campus. The coffee was great, and the Cuban waitress, noticing my wife's Spanish accent immediately engaged her in a political discussion about politics in Spain and in the USA. She was strongly pro-Trump, and said that she and her whole family had voted Trump. The people in the surrounding tables jumped in to say Biden sought to steal the election.

There just ain't anybody more pro-American than people who have experienced leftist rule in their home countries! They are also very good at spotting fake elections.

I love Miami. My favorite American city. The coffee and the conversation are perfect--not to mention the politics. I am in the anti-woke fortress. Free at last!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Random Musings on Veterans' Day 2020: Has My Country Disappeared?

Veterans' Day and Memorial Day get me into a reflective mood. 

As a child, I remember these days as very solemn events, with old timers still calling Veterans' Day by its original moniker, Armistice Day. Since those long ago days, of course, both days have suffered substantial degradation. We don't teach history anymore, and instead of understanding and appreciating the sacrifice so many have made to preserve our freedoms, those days have become gimmicks for retail sales events: "25% off on Mattresses for Veterans' Day!" I would think we owe our veterans and our dead a bit more than just promoting discounts on retail junk.

Not just in the USA but throughout the West, in the name of "social justice," we seem intent on erasing our history and accomplishments, on degrading and canceling the great men who made the West great, and on destroying our institutions both great and small. We have rampaging mobs of illiterates unable to tell the difference between Hitler and Churchill. We see calls to "cancel" Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, etc. 

Thanks to billions upon billions of dollars dedicated to decades of garbage university and high school instruction we have secured the triumph of Pol Pot: Back to Year Zero! White Man Bad!

The destruction of our institutions seems quite clear. There are so many examples I can't bear to list them. Just take one, quite in the news today, as a sample of what we have done to ourselves: our electoral system. The United States, the great fortress of democracy, cannot run an honest election. We have managed to help set up very good electoral systems in places such as Guatemala, El Salvador, and even Iraq, but not at home. The elections of 2020 are a national disgrace, not, however, one achieved by incompetence alone; no, years of careful planning went into this achievement.

I have noted before that I have monitored elections all over the world; in all of them voters had to produce a nationally issued voter id card. Simple poor Guatemalan peasants can do it, but rich "sophisticated" Americans cannot. In addition, we have the world's most mysterious system of vote counting. Very few of us really know where the ballots go after we have marked them or entered our vote into some machine running Chinese software. We turn on our TVs and let the media tell us the vote totals and "call" winners and losers. 

In some very poor countries where I monitored elections, the votes would come in a sealed box placed upon a table around which sat representatives of all the parties running candidates. Election monitors, national and international, would also be present. The box would be opened in the presence of all, and the votes would begin to be pulled out one-by-one. Each party representative would have the opportunity to review the ballot. If all agreed, then that vote would be assigned to one or another candidate. Each representative kept his or her own running count, aside from the official count entered on a openly visible blackboard. The vote total had to match the number of voters who had appeared at that polling station. No mail-ins, no absentees. With all the votes counted, the president of the electoral board would prepare a fax, signed by the party reps and monitors, which would go with the tally results to the central polling office in the capital. There the faxed data would get reviewed, again by party representatives and monitors before the numbers went into the national total: a laborious process, but fair and open. We can't do something similar? Nonsense. By the way, let me repeat, US tax dollars helped set up those voting systems in many countries.

No doubt that our election of 2020 was rife with fraud. We do not know the final result. This fraud had, as noted, been planned well in advance. We now see a gaga, corrupt, lying, delusional, sexual predator, old fool, Joe "Beijing" Biden, running around with a cardboard sign that reads "Office of the President-Elect"--there is no such office--giving garbled press conferences in which he thinks he's not just President-elect but President. Surely those around him must know--do know--that he is not-President elect, much less President, and that, of this writing, NOT ONE state has been officially called for either candidate. The electoral vote total, therefore, is 0 to 0. Would be funny, except it is not.

The media are lying and trying by all means possible to have President Trump concede, and to give the Biden presidency an air of inevitability. Don't buy it. This all forms part of the fraud, along with hundreds-of-thousands of fake ballots, destroyed Trump ballots, etc. 

For this our veterans sacrificed so much?

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Fraud on a Retail Scale: Electoral Manipulation Hits Home

I wrote previously about the industrial scale electoral fraud we have witnessed in these so-called elections. In that fraud, of course, hundreds of thousands of votes have appeared magically for Harris-Biden in just the right states, of course. Well, we in the Diplohouse have witnessed fraud right here in North Carolina.

Two days ago, grinding away at the gym trying to do something about my "lockdown" weight gain, I got a call from an unknown number. My habit consists of not answering such calls, but since it had a local area code, I did. You never know, perhaps Publishers Clearing House with my $50 million winnings, or the local branch of the Nobel Prize Committee? But, nah. It was the local Republican Party office calling to say that my wife's vote had been cancelled by the local board of elections (BOE). They said that the BOE claimed that my wife had tried to vote twice. The GOP has been checking on line whether those registered as Republicans had any trouble voting, and my wife's name had come up. I was livid.

When I got home, I went to the BOE website and looked up my wife's voter registration. Yes, indeed, her vote had been declared invalid, not just once but twice! I called the BOE and got put on hold for exactly 23 minutes and 52 seconds. The person who finally answered, an amiable dolt, listened to my complaint and said, and I quote, "I am sure her vote went through. That call you got is from a third party (AKA GOP) just trying to make trouble for us." I exploded, noting that the BOE website had my wife's vote tagged as invalid, not once but twice. "Oh," she said. "We will have to check." Put me on hold. After 11 minutes and 4 seconds, she came back and said I needed to speak to the office of "absentee and provisional" votes. I said that the Diplowife and I had voted early and in person and at the polling site where we were registered. Made no difference. I got transferred to the "absentee and provisional" office. The phone rang (I counted) 22 times before I hung up and called back the original BOE number.  

This time I only had to wait 3 minutes and 5 seconds before somebody new answered. I went through the explanation again, and this time got passed (5 minute and 8 second wait) to some manager woman who told me there had been a "clerical error." I unloaded about the grotesque incompetence I found in the BOE, and pointed out that when I monitored elections in Bolivia, Panama, and Guatemala, those countries did a better job than my American BOE. I got the standard, "I am sorry you FEEL that way." Does a more stupid phrase than that exist? Well, I mean, with the possible exception of, "I am speaking." Anyhow, she said that all the votes would get "reconciled" on November 13. The elections took place November 3! We voted October 15! On the magical date of November 13, my wife's vote would get tabulated. I told the "manager" that I believed nothing of what she had told me. "I am sorry you feel that way." I said I would check on November 13.

I told my son this story and he related that two of his friends in Charlotte, big Trump supporters, also had their votes declared "invalid return" although they had voted in person on November 3.

Fraud as far as the eye can see . . . 

I went to my local gun store, had to make my way through a pretty good size crowd, and bought a new STI Staccato 9mm, compact version, made in Texas. The full size Staccato I have is by far the most accurate gun I have ever fired. And, yes, that is the way I FEEL . . . and I am speaking . . . 

UPDATE: Notified on November 10 that the "clerical error" has been corrected and my wife's vote accepted. Yeah . . . .

Friday, November 6, 2020

Fraud on an Industrial Scale: Mexico's PRI Stands in Awe

My apologies. 

I have tried repeatedly since the "election" to write about that travesty. I have found myself repeatedly unable to finish my post, overcome by rage and depression as I see the world's greatest criminal organization, the Democrat Party, try to destroy my country. Let me try again.

Seeing the Democrats openly steal this election should come as no surprise. They have prepared this heist for the past four years since they failed in 2016--actually they have prepared this robbery for decades with their growing control over our basic institutions. 

Looking back over the past few years, it all makes sense now. 

In no particular order, I offer some key features of the Dem strategy:

the iron-clad refusal to have a voter id requirement;

the fake Russia collusion narrative; 

the fake Ukraine collusion narrative and subsequent fake impeachment; 

the relentless fake stories based on "anonymous" sources about this or that skulduggery by Trump; 

the insistence that Trump accept the election result and commit to a "peaceful transfer" of power in January; 

the nominating of barely awake corruptocrat Joe "Beijing" Biden as standard bearer; 

the failure to run a real campaign--obviously not needed, and seen as a hindrance; 

the massive well-coordinated censorship of anything that showed the massive corruption at the heart of the Democrat enterprise; 

the grotesque exaggeration of the dangers of COVID-19 which required us to lock ourselves away, shut down our economy, and not vote in person

the enormous and unjustifiable--and possibly illegal--expansion of early voting and voting by mail, and extension of vote counting deadlines; 

the relentless, often violent, assault on our symbols, history, and identity as a nation, and the threat to increase those if Biden did not win; 

the fake election polls that showed widespread support for the non-candidate; 

the fierce opposition to filling a Supreme Court seat, and demands that the new Justice recuse herself from any cases involving electoral fraud; 

and, of course, a prog-dominated media empire, legacy and new, that refused to call states for Trump while obviously waiting for word as to which states would get the strategic and massive vote dump at the last minute. 

You, without doubt, can add to that list.

All this has come together, and now we watch Donald Trump, the hardest working man in politics, win re-election, and then have it stolen by bogus vote counts in four or five Dem-controlled cities. It seems hundreds of thousands of Democrat votes suddenly appear at 4 am. Funny how that happens in key swing states . . .

We have witnessed an outrage beyond all known political outrages in our history. 

I remember, years ago while assigned in Latin America, laughing about Mexico's elections. At the time, Mexico came under the rule of the PRI, perhaps the most successful political party in all history. I recall, in particular, an account from a small Mexican town in which the opposition candidate received not one vote; it would seem that neither he, his wife, his parents, nor his children had "voted" for him. Now, my country has reached and even exceeded PRI-levels of fraudulent elections. 

Does any rational human being find it believable, for example, that suddenly hundreds of thousands of votes appeared in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia marked nearly 100% for Joe Biden? Not even the PRI would have dared that on such a scale.

What comes next? I don't know. Can Trump save the Republic? I don't know. Will we get hand recounts? Re-dos? Will the election get thrown to the Supreme Court? Go to the House of Representatives? 

By the way, on that scenario about the House of Representatives, I hear Speaker Nancy Pelosi boldly announcing that the House stands ready to resolve the election. Has she actually read the Constitution, not that this document matters much these days, and the role it assigns the House in case of a disputed election? She gives the impression, as do other Democrats I have heard, that the Representatives as currently constituted would elect the President--and since the Dems have a majority in the House . . .. She and they need to read how the Constitution actually describes that process: If followed, Trump would win. Go ahead, Nancy, read it. 

Anyhow, what a disgrace. The legitimacy of our institutions is shot. Our principal institutions have fallen into the hands of people who hate our country, who hate our people and our history.

Some wag, I can't remember whom, famously noted that, "Decline is a choice." That seems, perhaps, perhaps, to have been the prog choice forced on us on November 3. If they get away with it, we might be seeing the death-throes of our nearly 250-year great experiment as a Constitutional republic, a situation brought on by the apparent triumph of the radical left over the will of the people. I look at my grandchildren and wonder what sort of world we have left them. I won't have to live in it much longer, but they will.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Re-elect President Trump

Pomposity alert: In this post, I give my reasons for having voted for President Trump, and will urge others to do the same. You have permission to stop reading right now, and say, "Who cares what some retired Foreign Service weenie has to say?" Go ahead, say it. I even will refund every cent you have spent on this blog . . .

As noted many times, I voted for Donald Trump in 2016, although I did not initially see him as my preferred GOP candidate. The more, however, I listened to him, and not to what others said about him or said that he had said, the more I realized that this New Yorker seemed exactly what the doctor had ordered for what ailed America and the West. I soon found that he was not a buffoon, not a racist, not a xenophobe, and certainly not into gaining the presidency to get money and fame. It, of course, helped my decision to vote for Trump that he ran against somebody, Hillary Clinton, of whom I had some direct knowledge thanks to my old job at State. While at Foggy Bottom, I came to realize that she was a total, let us say a compleat fraud and crook. Hillary Clinton ranked among the most insincere persons I ever encountered: a disgusting self-absorbed character out to make herself and her corrupt family rich and powerful at the public expense. 

Donald Trump, on the other hand seemed, as noted, to have no personal material incentive to become President--he already had plenty of wealth and fame. More important, his message of "America First," hit me as one I had argued for, ineffectively I might add, during my many years at State; the bureaucracy seemed more interested in having good relations with foreigners by giving them what they want, i.e., providing "deliverables." Above all the bureaucracy opposed change. I, for example, saw the State bureaucracy's resistance to Ronald Reagan's drive to bring down the USSR. So when Donald Trump spoke of the "Deep State Swamp," I knew exactly what he meant. It is a real thing which threatens democracy and the pursuit of American interests.

On domestic issues, I felt a frustration bordering on anger with the facile manner in which our political-bureaucratic-Wall Street class (Democrats and Republicans) casually shipped away America's manufacturing base, lecturing us all the while on "free trade," and how we all gain by buying products from China and Mexico instead of making them here. It never made sense to me; I kept saying, "In that case why don't we buy our military systems from China, too?" These same elites told us we would benefit from millions of poor, uneducated, and often violent Third World aliens pouring into our country because they not only brought new ways of doing things, but, above all, they brought "diversity" to our society, something hailed as good in and of itself--no further explanation needed. We were told that "Islam is a religion of peace," while jihadis rampaged through the streets of the world murdering and destroying. 

This same elite's obsession, fake of course, with "Climate Change" also always seemed to translate into suffering for America's middle class and blue collar workers--big promoters of this Man Made Climate Change nonsense such as Gore and Obama have become quite wealthy and have lavish homes on the coasts, the very coasts the rest of us must avoid because of "rising sea levels." In the atrocious Paris Climate Accord, we agreed to destroy our coal industry while allowing those of China and India to prosper. Made no sense to me why Chinese coal would prove better for Gaia than American coal. The efforts to stop the building of oil pipelines and refineries, destroy fracking and our energy independence, and to impose ever higher "gas guzzler" taxes and automobile MPG requirements, all meant more suffering for the middle class and those aspiring to enter it, and put our national security at risk.

There are endless examples of this sort of elite diktat, one more being of course the hypocritical stance on gun "control": the uber-rich have guards and walls, the rest have 9-1-1, you know, "When seconds count, help is minutes away."

Trump spoke openly about all this. The reaction from the elites proved fierce. We have discussed all that at some length in numerous prior posts, and won't repeat it here.

So I have stuck with Trump for 2020. Simply put, he is the most honest and effective major American political figure I have found in my lifetime. He, above all, seems genuinely to love this country and its people: that, of course, should serve as a basic requirement for anybody aspiring to high office, but, alas, it is not--and, yes, indeed, I do question the patriotism of people such as Obama, Biden, Kerry, Omar, Harris, Sanders, etc. 

President Trump does what he says he will do. 

Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden, Romney, et al, accepted, and profited from, the disappearance of American manufacturing. Obama, famously told us, no "magic wand" will bring back those jobs; McCain agreed, saying those jobs had gone forever. Trump did not agree, and acted to prove it. We have seen the rebirth of American manufacturing thanks to the actions undertaken by Trump in taking on the destructive "trade deals" of the past 30 or so years, his reform of our tax code, cutting crippling regulations, and in his insistence that America achieve energy independence, which has happened. That alone should earn Trump the vote of every American worker. 

Trump questioned, as noted in prior postings (here, for example), the assumptions that undergird American foreign policy since WWII. While at the same time confronting China, avoiding nuclear conflict with North Korea, destroying ISIS, and boxing in Iran, he has begun the process of disentangling us from pointless wars, and from seeking overly complex and unattainable solutions to long-standing problems. He has shown an ability to cut through the nonsense and focus on the real, e.g. in the Middle East. He has rebuilt the US military, suffering from severe neglect over the previous eight years.

Trump's opponent? Former VP Joe Biden, a semi-gaga crook of the old corruptocrat school, has been a fabulist, a fraud, and a hoaxer his whole political life; he now serves as the Trojan horse for a gaggle of leftists out to destroy America--AND YES, in fact, I do question his patriotism and that of his enablers. Biden and his family have become wealthy laundering money from China, Russia, Ukraine, etc. Biden is hopelessly compromised; his backers know it, and that includes the corrupt mass media running interference for him. They, of course, have no intention of letting him be the real President, as we have discussed many times before. 

Trump 2020.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

2020: The Most important Election in US History?

Just for fun, let's see how many US history nerds reside out there among the five or six readers of this little blog. Aussies are welcome to chime in.

We hear from both sides in the current electoral campaign that the election next week will prove the most important in US history. Do we all agree? Any dissidents out there who want to risk getting shut down by the media moguls?

Allow me to lay out some thoughts on the topic. 

We do have a stark choice unlike any I have seen in my life (born in 1952). Yes, the elections of 1972 and 1980 also had some sharp distinctions between the two major candidates and between the party platforms, but nothing like what we see today. Agree or no? 

I see, therefore, the 2020 election as the most important in my lifetime, barely ahead of the 2016 election when we managed to avoid electing one of the most corrupt politicians around. That Hillary corruption, however, pales next to what we see coming out about the Biden Crime family. We have a doddering only semi-lucid presidential candidate in the pocket of the Chinese Communist party, AND beholden to a number of other foreign corruptocrats, as well. Really quite extraordinary. The only thing one can say in his "favor" is that if he wins, he won't hold office long. Little time will pass before either nature or the radical leftists who surround him, and want to turn America into a giant version of Venezuela, force him out. So, therefore, this election is DEFINITELY an important one.

Looking back over US history one can find other elections which were major inflection points.  

You might argue that the Andrew Jackson elections of 1828 and 1832 would qualify. If so, argue that! 

Certainly the elections of 1940 and 1944 proved historically very important. How would WWII have turned out if FDR were ousted? 

For my money, the two most important elections in our history, at least up to now, were those of 1860 and 1864--not sure which would be number one. The first, of course, saw the election of Lincoln to the White House and served to spark the Civil War. The second saw Lincoln re-elected in the midst of that war at a time when war fatigue was serious; the public had begun to doubt that the war was worth it or that the Union would prevail. His opponent, of course, wanted to reach a deal with the CSA, and end the war by splitting the USA into two countries. Arguably only word of major victories by Grant and Sherman in that year saved the Lincoln presidency by making victory look attainable, and saving the Union.

Let fly! Show no mercy!

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

At a Pence Rally & the Horrific Corruption of Joe Biden


The Diplowife convinced me to do it, to go to a political rally. I have been to dozens of political rallies while overseas, in places such as Spain, Guyana, Pakistan, India, Guatemala, Bolivia, Panama, Sri Lanka, Indonesia. I had never been to one in the USA. The Diplowife read that VP Pence was coming to little ol' Wilmington, and insisted that we register for it and go. So yesterday afternoon, we climbed into the ever-faithful Jeep Wrangler, put on our long-hidden red "Trump 2020" baseball caps, and headed for the rally's venue at Wilmington's small but very pretty airport. We were joined by a couple thousand very enthusiastic and good-natured Trumpers; quite ethnically diverse, by the way, giving the lie to much of the Dem narrative that Trumpers are white racist "chumps." Security was tight. Lots of very large police, sheriff's deputies, and uniformed Secret Service. I noticed sniper teams located on top of trailers. There was good rapport between the cops and the crowd, many of whom wore "Back the Blue" pins. 

We arrived early and got seats close to the front; then we waited nearly three hours for the VP.  During those hours, we were "entertained" by extremely loud music blaring from giant speakers just a few feet away from where we sat. I don't like loud music, never have, and thought the selection kinda strange: patriotic country themed songs (good), some Chuck Berry (always welcome), and then some weirdness from Elton John and other odd-balls--I wonder if the people picking the music actually listened to the words of some of the songs. Oh well. Just an old guy complaining. As the VP's arrival grew imminent, we were led by a retired Navy Captain in the "Pledge of Allegiance"--the version with God included--and then a young lady sang a touching a cappella rendition of the "Star Spangled Banner"--gets me every time. We also heard from our local Congressman, an impressive fellow by the name of David Rouzer, and Senator Thom Tillis, who is in a tough re-election campaign against the ethically-challenged Cal Cunningham.

The arrival of Air Force 2 was greeted by a thunderous reception from the crowd, which had grown in size and noisiness. Look, I had never paid much attention to Pence, BUT, since his debate performance against the execrable Kamala Harris, I had begun to focus more on him. Although this was his third rally of the day, he ran, yes, ran, from the plane and jumped up on the stage. The guy's obviously in good shape. He is, in fact, also a very good speaker. He had a sense of humor, knew how to tailor his remarks to the local audience, and gave a very solid and uplifting defense of the Trump/Pence four years. He savaged the radical Dems, and got the crowd to its feet, and wildly cheering on several occasions. Cynical, old guy me was impressed. Pence would make a very good President. He spoke for about an hour and then dashed back to his waiting plane. The audience was pleased. More important, the Diplowife, too, was pleased; as we left the rally, she kept muttering "Trump has got to win."

We retrieved our Jeep from the muddy field where we had parked, and slowly inched our way out to the streets of Wilmington, and home to our waiting and by now quite hungry dogs. A successful venture into American politics. 

Joe's Corruption

We got home just in time to flip on the Tucker Carlson interview of Tony Bobulinski, the Biden family's old business partner. 

You have to watch it. See it before the media-industrial complex has the interview taken down. 

It is clear from the interview that Joe Biden, while Vice President of the United States, was DIRECTLY involved in the shady deals being made by his drug-addled, pedo son, Hunter. 

Mr. Bobulinski, a former Naval officer, called out the media and the Dems, especially the horrid little liar Adam Schiff, for trying to dismiss the scandal of Biden's corruption as just another "Russian disinformation" plot. He's got the goods on the Bidens: documents galore, and even a tape of Biden's representative trying to talk Bobulinski out of going public, "You're going to bury all of us." 

Bobulinski, for example, gave the exact date and place, Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel, where he met Joe Biden for the first time to discuss how the business with the Chinese would proceed. He made clear that Joe Biden was "the Big Guy" and the "Chairman" mentioned in some of Hunter's emails and texts. He challenged the Bidens to deny the meeting took place and to state openly that it's all a hoax. I was just saddened and appalled that we had such corruption at the top-most levels of our government. 

Watch the interview. Watch how the mainstream media is still trying to dismiss the growing pile of verified and easily verifiable evidence of Biden's massive corruption.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Trump's Foreign Policy

It seems we have two big topics that nobody cares about in this election cycle: deficit spending and foreign policy. 

In the past, those two topics would have featured highly in any electoral debate. 

Not now. 

On the debt/deficit topic since nobody knows what to do, everybody ignores it, and just keeps spending--and I mean both Dems and Reps. Measures to deal with the budget deficit and the national debt have zero, and I do mean ZERO, political support. I don't even see much rhetorical support for restraining spending--an occasional bleat from the Pauls, father and son, but that's about it. The recent way over-the-top and destructive reaction to the ChiCom "pandemic," of course, has brought that out quite clearly. Both sides compete to produce the biggest possible "stimulus" package so that the government can "stimulate" the economy which it needlessly shut down in the first place. The government creates the problem; the government seeks to resolve that problem, and, thus, creates more problems.That's how it happens, here and in every other country. Some day, a future generation will face the day of reckoning. But, not now: so party on! That's the extent of my sage comments on this topic. You want fiscal and economic wisdom, go somewhere else; I am not giving away the solution for free, you know. And I ain't leaving it on my laptop in any repair shop, either . . .

The other topic? 

Trump's foreign policy has succeeded so much that it has dropped off the public radar. I can't remember an election in which foreign policy played such an insignificant role. The successes have proven more than impressive, and, in no particular order, some are: rebuilding and strengthening NATO over the objections of NATO; destroying ISIS; establishing a cooperative relationship with both Brazil and Mexico; checking China; checking Russia; checking Iran; checking North Korea; rebuilding the alliance with Israel and the Arabs; reaffirming our support for Taiwan and Japan; renegotiating the idiotic NAFTA; pulling out of the idiotic Paris Climate Accord; killing the idiotic TPP accord. There are others, too, which I am sure the six readers of this inconsequential blog can list.

I can't recall another administration with this many foreign policy successes in such a short time. Trump's approach to foreign policy runs counter to the advice of the "experts" in the Deep State. He insists on keeping it simple--something which my old colleagues at State refused to do. His policy is based on American strength, economic and military, on common sense, and a keen understanding of American interests. America First is a real thing. Successful foreign policy begins at home, e.g., making clear we are no  longer going to be the intellectual property rights and economic piggy bank for China, or a dumping ground for illegal aliens from Latin America and elsewhere. He has restored the United States as a popular place to invest, and has brought factories, long thought lost, back home. Remarkable.

For the first time since roughly WWII, the United States is not only energy independent but a net exporter of energy. Who among the smart classes would have predicted that--I mean aside from this blog, of course? This energy independence has freed us from worrying about what energy policies might be followed by OPEC, Venezuela, the Arabs, Russia, etc. Energy independence gives us remarkable freedom of action on foreign policy. Energy blackmail is no longer an option for our adversaries.

Trump has avoided the easy interventionist attitude of past administrations, while at the same time he has rebuilt the US military into a genuinely awesome machine with which no sane adversary would want to tangle. Trump has shown that, when necessary, he will pull the trigger: ask the 200 Russian mercenaries in Syria annihilated by the US Marines; ask al Baghdadi; ask Soleimani--I mean, that is, if you can find enough of them to ask. He made clear to Kim il-Sung's chubby grandson that whatever nuclear capabilities North Korea might have, we have a lot more, "my button is bigger and it works." North Korea would be on the losing side of any military exchange with the US; Kim Jung-un seems to understand that. Trump, however, will not get us involved in weird little endless wars over issues marginal to our core interests. 

In the Middle East, Trump's achievements have been exceptional. He not only put an end to the idiotic issue of Israel's capital, he marginalized the hopelessly corrupt and double-dealing Palestinian Authority. No more money for them. He adopted a version of a policy I long advocated when I worked at State--to no avail--of active inaction: take the position that we already have a two-state formula for Palestine called Israel and Jordan. If those two want to create a third state, that's a matter for them. Not us. Meanwhile, of course, put the embassy in Jerusalem, drive home to the Arabs that their enemy is Iran, not Israel or the US, and that we are independent of Arab oil. So up to them to make the next move. And that's what is happening: we see Arab countries end their state of war with Israel, and establish economic and diplomatic relations with Israel--to the chagrin of John Kerry, Iran, Ilhan Omar, and the Palestinian crooks.

China now knows that while Trump holds the White House, the nature of the relationship changes. No wonder the Chinese have invested so heavily in recruiting the Biden family. China faces serious push-back around the world. Even Sweden agrees with Trump, for example, that there should not be Chinese involvement in developing 5G in Sweden, and that Chinese companies should not have access to Sweden's telecom infrastructure. We see Australia, India, and Japan strengthening their cooperation to counter China. There is renewed interest from several quarters in strengthening relations with Taiwan.

The bad state of affairs between the US and Russia is a needless problem. In my view, we could and should have better relations with Moscow. Yes, we all know that Russia can be sneaky and--horrors!--Russia pursues a "Russia First!" policy. We can deal with that. Trump has been partially crippled in dealing with Russia by the insane Russia collusion hoax promoted by his domestic enemies. It is tough to talk to Putin with shouts of "Collusion!" echoing across the American political landscape. Total insanity. Despite that destructive insanity from the Democrats, Trump has managed to check Russia--as noted above--and perhaps in a second term establish a more productive, less confrontational relationship with Moscow.

None of this seems to matter for the elections. Too bad. Trump has made the world a safer place.

Friday, October 23, 2020

The Final Debate: A Lot of Ink Left in the Well . . .

I won't bore you all TOO much with my thoughts on the debate, both what was said and what coulda/shoulda been said. You saw the debate and don't need some inconsequential blogger to tell you about it . . . but of course, I am going to . . . 

OK, who won? 

In ALMOST every part of the debate, Trump dominated. Biden got rattled, confused, and dumped a big ol' word salad on the stage that won't convince anybody to vote for him. 

The moderator, although better than Chris Wallace, still interjected herself into the discussion too much; she repeatedly stepped on President Trump's line of argument, in particular on his asking Biden questions, e.g., about the "laptop" from hell, who actually built the immigrant "cages," etc. In addition, of course, the topics came out of left field--literally--and meant to play to Biden's "strengths," as seen by the progressive media-industrial complex. She asked no questions, for example, on the Supreme Court, on additional states entering the Union, on foreign policy, on veterans, on the Second Amendment, on law-and-order, or on the amazing rebuilding of our military. No. It was the usual tired prog agenda of race, "climate change," and the poor dear illegal undocumented aliens, with some legitimate issues such as health care. 

Despite having the format and questions rigged against him, Trump managed to flip the debate discussion onto Biden's crooked dealings, and his disastrous energy policy and Covid recommendations. Poor ol' befuddled Joe even took a page from Bush, pater, and anxiously looked at his watch: "When will this end? I am running out of gas." Trump skillfully introduced the topic of Biden's sleaze as documented by his drug-addled son's laptop, and poor old Joe had no response, except "Russia! Russia!" Joe didn't even realize that his character and honesty had been savaged in front of millions of viewers, and resorted to his obviously previously scripted closing address on, wait for it, CHARACTER and HONESTY. The old buzzard had just been painted accurately as a monumental crook, and he ends up arguing that this is an election about character and honesty. Yep. Agreed. And Joe is on the losing side of that . . . .

Trump's greatest victory came by forcing the "big guy" both to disavow and reaffirm some of the most radical proposals in "his" agenda. He flipped and he flopped, right there on stage, Trump nailed him on the fracking question--Joe blatantly lied--and got Joe to make the devastating confession that he, in essence, would eliminate the American oil and gas industry. Wonder how that went over in Pennsylvania, Texas, Oklahoma, etc.? Trump also showed the Paris Climate Accord to be a pro-Chinese fraud, one which Joe kept vowing to return us to despite its horrid effects on our coal industry. 

Trump also handled the potentially loaded race topic well. He nailed Joe as the incarceration chief who locked up tens-of-thousands of mostly black men for non-violent crimes and called them "predators," which Biden dishonestly denied doing.  Trump laid out a pretty impressive record of his work on behalf of the black community. Biden had nothing except empty words; too bad Trump didn't hit him on Biden's past associations with avowed racists.

To be fair, Joe did OK on healthcare by lying quite effectively about his "Biden Care" plan. He couldn't, however, explain his previous defense of Obama Care, and why it now needs replacing by Biden Care.  Trump did not have great answers on this topic, and needs to sharpen those up. Joe was shown to have no plan on Covid except some blather about locking things up again. He also lied, yet again, about his initial opposition to Trump's shutting down travel from China.

It was Trump's night. 

Impact on the election? I don't know. So many people already have voted that the potential audience of converts is shrinking rapidly. That said, anybody truly undecided, or only weakly for one or the other candidate, might have been swayed to join the Trump Train.

Off to walk the dogs.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Biden: Democrat Party's "Cleanest Dirty Shirt"?

These are not good days for our Constitution and democracy. 

We now know with almost 100% certainty that Joe Biden, while Vice President of the United States, gave foreigners access to him via large payments to his drug-addled son and other members of his family. That access gained these foreigners the changes they apparently sought in US foreign policy. Along with SecState Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden probably ran the greatest pay-for-play scheme in our government's history. This Obama administration corruption took place on an historic scale. 

We know, for example, that Hillary Clinton, the Democrat candidate for President in 2016, cooked up the Trump-Putin collusion story, paid foreign operatives to produce a fake dossier outlining that "collusion," and then, with the support of the DNC-mass media complex, important corrupt Congressmen such as Adam Schiff, key DOJ personnel, the FBI and even a Special Prosecutor got the government to spend years "investigating" the fake story in an attempt to take down a legitimately elected President of the United States. 

We also know that the Clinton Foundation was a "pay for play" scheme, along with Bill Clinton's huge speech fees, which served to launder bribe money for the Clintons in exchange for access and lucrative contracts, e.g. mobile phone service in Haiti. The Clintons are proven masters at laundering bribes--look at the old Whitewater scandal, for example. I, my very own self, recall how we State Department types got dragged into "raising money for Haiti" following a major earthquake. Over at the OAS, we hosted a big meeting with wealthy Haitian-Americans--they do quite well as immigrants--and put the squeeze on them to pledge huge sums of money. None of us ever heard what happened with that and other moneys pledged for Haiti. I remember that State had a number of dueling offices ostensibly in charge of Haitian relief. Total confusion; nobody knew who had control, how much money existed or where it sat. All this ended with an announcement that Hillary's long-time aide and lawyer, Cheryl Mills, would take charge of Haitian relief. What happened next? Silence. Total mystery. 

It seems certain that Obama knew about this corruption by Biden and Clinton, and either kept silent or actively abetted it. Biden also played a role in the Russia collusion scandal by promoting the idea that incoming NSC head General Flynn should face prosecution and persecution for "contacts" with the Russian Ambassador. It, of course, proved a giant fraud, one that to this day continues to ripple through the media with continued references to the thoroughly debunked Trump-Russia collusion tale.

What now has become ever clearer is the massive scale of the corruption by the Biden family. Let us not forget that Biden, a life-long "public servant," has become a multi-millionaire. The info thus far released from the Hunter Biden laptop--which the FBI has had since at least last December--provides a look into how the scheme worked. Joe Biden was the Capo, while his brother and Hunter were the collectors. They took in huge sums from China, Ukraine, Romania, and elsewhere, maybe even from little Costa Rica. In exchange for large sums, they, for example, hooked up corrupt oligarchs with the VP. We know that Joe used his power as the point man on Ukraine to get the cash-strapped Ukrainian government to fire a pesky prosecutor looking into the corrupt Burisma energy company on whose board Hunter served for a huge salary. Joe has bragged openly about how he bullied the Ukrainians into firing the prosecutor. It also seems from preliminary information that members of the John Kerry and the Mitt Romney clans took part in the great cash grab. Silence from the hopelessly corrupt FBI.

Rumors exist, and they might well prove true--I'll bet they are--that the laptop contains highly pornographic pictures and video of drug-freak Hunter Biden in action, including with underage girls, apparently while in China. If true, the Chinese intel services have this stuff, and the PRC has no reservations about using it to blackmail Hunter and Joe. This might help explain Obama's reluctance to push too hard for Biden's nomination, and his warning to Joe about running, "You don't have to do this."

The shameful attempt at a media blackout on the story is failing. With only two weeks left until the election, Biden has disappeared from the campaign trail. He does not plan to reappear until the Thursday debate, where, presumably, President Trump will press him on the scandal--leftist debate moderator not withstanding.

Think about it: Joe Biden was the best candidate the Dems had. To steal a line from Kris Kristofferson's "Sunday Morning Coming Down," Biden was the Dems' "cleanest dirty shirt." That tells you what kind of closet they had.

Sad times for the Great Republic.

Friday, October 16, 2020

At the Voting Booth & Censorship

I oppose the enormous expansion in early voting that has taken place in recent elections. That stated, however, if you offer it, I will take advantage. In that spirit, the Diplowife and I went yesterday afternoon to vote in Wilmington--the good one in North Carolina, not the home of the Biden bunker in Delaware. We stood in line, socially distant, masks on like good little servants of the state, for about 45 minutes. We had with us a good-natured crowd. I find surprising that local law allows campaigning so close to the polling station: lots of signs, banners, and activists for local, state, and national candidates within close proximity. No problems, however, and we all voted without incident.  

Need I say it? Nah, but I will. I voted straight Republican; any spot where only a Dem candidate stood, I left blank. Republicans have to get their act together at the local level; a surprising number of key jobs had no Republican candidate. 

That evening, visiting Diploson 2, Diplowife, Diplodaughter-in-law, and I watched on two TVs the pathetic and competing "Town Halls" that ran on ABC (Biden) and NBC (Trump). I also live texted with my sister in Texas who flipped channels between the two. Diploson, et al, could not stand either of them; I joined in that sentiment. 

The Biden "town hall," of course, wasn't one at all. ABC held it in what looked like a set from the creepy Twilight Zone "The Obsolete Man" episode: dark, foreboding, dimly-lit, with carefully selected questioners staring down from on high into the pit where sat a fumbling Joe Biden and a fawning "moderator," George Stephanopoulos, a life-long Democrat operative. All save one of the questions were absurd. The only decent challenge came from a young black man who asked Biden about his "you ain't black" comment. Biden gave an incomprehensible answer which left the questioner unsatisfied. At another point, Biden had to pull out a cheat sheet from his pocket so that he could read it and still ramble incoherently about how raising taxes would not really raise taxes but that raising them would create jobs . . . yeah, yeah, yeah . . . for tax collectors, maybe. A totally fake black "Republican" woman asked a convoluted question, which somebody clearly had written for her--she didn't seem to know what she was reading--about pollution and poisoned water in a part of Pennsylvania. Biden gave a weird non-answer about how he's not against fracking but only in accord with the law--as though that's not the case now, eh, Joe? Then he launched into something goofy about giving 120,000 workers in the gas/oil industry "jobs" capping old wells in Pennsylvania . . . yeah, that's a career path. Nonsense. The whole shtick with the mother of a "transgender" eight-year-old went beyond insane: child protective services needed calling.

 Just in case you wondered, NOT ONE QUESTION came re the Hunter Biden emails and the ongoing censorship of that story by Twitter and Facebook. Not one: not from the audience; not from GS. Who could have predicted that?

The NBC "Town Hall" also proved infuriating. A lively and energized Trump sat champing at the bit ready to go; the moderator, a Democrat operative from NBC, however, took it upon herself to debate and interrupt the President repeatedly. She hogged so much air time that only a few questions came from the audience. She went on about Trump taxes, "white supremacy," mask wearing, peaceful transfer of power . . . the usual BS we have come to expect from the Rad Dems. God forbid, of course, she never mentioned the Biden corruption story, a story her network has almost entirely ignored. At least the well-lit Miami setting looked far superior to the drab Biden meet, with an audience present and visible. The sound was horrible. Trump handled it well; I continue to admire his willingness to go into what he knows will prove hostile and rigged settings. The man in the arena . . . to cite Teddy Roosevelt.

I didn't get the point of these events. 

If they could be held, why couldn't the originally scheduled debate between Trump and Biden take place? Nobody seemed to be in mortal danger. The corrupt liberal moderators would have been there, too. 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Can't Hide Your Lyin' Biden Eyes . . .

This humble and inconsequential blog has discussed many times the corruption of the Biden family. Joe and clan have gotten wealthy from Joe's 47 years in "public service." Paterfamilias Joe long has been in the pocket of Delaware's LLC racket, and the many credit card and other financial institutions that characterize that odd little state. 

Joe, let's be blunt, is a crook; an old-style Democrat Party hack, who will say and do anything needed to keep the cash flow coming. He believes in nothing except power and money for the Bidens. Joe is a plagiarist, a well-known fabulist, borderline pedo, possible rapist, and a nasty bully . . . oh . . . and, maybe I forgot to mention, he's a crook . . .  Did I mention he's a crook? 

Before I forget, he, to use the scientific term, proves increasingly gaga, suffering some form of mental incapacity, aka Sundowner's syndrome, which becomes ever more obvious as time passes. I was looking at some video of Joe Biden from 2018, and the visible decline from then is nothing short of stunning. 

OK. Nothing new there, or . . . ? 

It now seems that the NY POST--and its trusty band of Aussie journalists--have gotten hold of thousands of Hunter Biden's emails and photos from a laptop that seem to show Joe clearly helped his ne'er-do-well, drug-addled son Hunter in his lucrative foreign dealings with the corrupt Ukranain Burisma energy company. Most of us already knew that, but confirmation is always good. 

Yes, the mainstream media is trying either to ignore the story, censor it, or label it "debunked." This from the same clowns who spent years pushing the patently fake Russia-collusion hoax to bring down an elected president with an effort based on lies and illegality to carry out their coup. Now, I know some "journalists," those who even bother to mention the story, question the emails. Fine. Do that. Look into the provenance of the material, but discuss it, let the people know what you find; present both sides. Too much to ask? The fact that Twitter and Facebook, and the main news organization have ignored the story, and even have tried to suppress it by blocking Twitter and Facebook accounts, is a scandal of the maximum degree, and, irony alert, lends credence to the story. BTW, if the NYP is to be believed they have more info coming re the Bidens and their dealings with Ukraine and China.

Let's see if in the scheduled "Town Hall" Biden holds tonight any questions are allowed about the old Veep's involvement in supporting Hunter's doings in Ukraine and China. 

If there are, Joe better have an answer other than "C'mon Man!"

Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Crazy Lives Loudly Within Them: America's Democrats at Work

In the last few days in our Great Republic we have seen lots of weird doings by the Democrat Party, ostensibly the world's oldest "political party," but, in fact, one of the world's Great Criminal Organizations. Let me highlight just a couple or so of these doings; surely you can list more. I would find it all funny were not our beloved Western Civilization at stake . . . not to mention the future of my equally beloved Corvettes, as well. No way will I make them electric . . .

We have Joe "Bunker" Biden refusing to answer a question of fundamental importance to the shape and fate of American democracy: if the Democrats win next month's elections will they proceed to "pack" the Supreme Court, i.e., increase the number of Justices from the current nine a la FDR's failed attempt to do so back in 1937? Not only do he and his boss, Kamala "Lock up the Black Guys for whatever! Boost my Prosecutor Stats!" Harris, refuse to answer, Joe takes it one step further: he denies voters "deserve to know" his stance on the issue! The utter contempt and disdain shown for voters comes through loud and clear. Joe Biden, servant of the people. Right.

Got it.

We mere peasants have no right to ask His Masked Majesty for His view until He feels good and ready to give it--or better said, until His bosses tell Him he can . . .

This, of course, is a key issue. Yes, yes, the history of the number of Justices on the Supreme Court is not a straight-forward one. The Constitution says nothing, and, therefore, it does not take a Constitutional amendment to change that number; Congress can do it. Up until 1869, the number fluctuated between five and ten, until set at nine, where it has remained, despite FDR. That number has served us well--most of the time--for just over 150 years, as the late and sainted Ruth Bader Ginsburg, her very self, noted. 

Voters have the right to know if a Harris-Biden administration intends to undo the Court structure of the past 150 years, and to analyze openly the consequences. I take away from this too-cute-by-half non-answer--as I do from the non-answer on banning fracking--that, if elected, a Harris-Biden administration, if it holds Congress, will pack the Court, and do other nefarious things, e.g., erase the second amendment, destroy the Electoral College, make DC a state, etc, to ensure one-party rule for decades and decades. They effectively will destroy our imperfect but quite workable system of "republican democracy" in order to guarantee themselves and their cronies power and riches, in saecula saeculorum. Maybe we should call it the Hunter Biden Permanent Wealth Creation Project. 

Perhaps a goal for the GOP should consist of getting an amendment to the Constitution fixing the number at nine? Just an idea.

Speaking of amendments, we have Nancy "I love expensive ice cream" Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, calling for the creation of a Congressional commission to study invoking the 25th amendment. Let me note for this blog's two foreign readers bored of American politics, that this amendment provides the process by which to remove a President from office, either permanently or temporarily, voluntarily or forcibly. Now, of course, Pelosi has made no secret of her disdain for American voters, refusing not only to accept the results of 2016, but to overturn those. She and her minions, for example, supported and pushed the fake Russia Collusion narrative, and, of course, the fake Ukraine "quid pro quo" impeachment. She now raises the specter of declaring the President incompetent to hold office . . .  but, aha, which President? In one of her highly caffeinated press shows, she let slip that this proposed review does not necessarily apply to Trump! 

So, again, I state, aha!

We get another glimpse of the Democrats' master plan, and what they really think of Joe "Where am I?" Biden. Her Majestic Imperial Speaker clearly believes polls that show Harris-Biden winning the election; as a self-appointed leader of the American National-Socialist Revolution, she has decided to dispatch ASAP America's Paul von Hindenburg, and have his number two take office. We all know, of course, how well that worked out for Germany and the world. 

Nancy, you should try decaf; on a Nespresso machine, it's quite good.

Off to visit a grandkid.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Veep! Veep!

Full disclosure before I provide my unsolicited comments on the Veep Debate. 

Of the approximately six or seven regular readers of this inconsequential blog, I'd say that approximately six or seven of those might have detected that, although I did not start out that way during the GOP primaries of some four years ago, I support President Trump. I want to see him re-elected. I, however, haven't written much about VP Pence, except for an old piece on his debate with Senator Kaine: an unfortunate oversight. I should have devoted more attention to him. Without doubt, he feels deep offense, finding it difficult to sleep at night, knowing that The Diplomad has not paid him much mind. I intend to rectify that, hereby launching the Pence for President 2024 campaign; I remain available for a cushy job.

One more thing re my bias: I left the beautiful state of California precisely because its politics got taken over by Kamala Harris and her ilk. It's personal.

OK, all that aside (sorta). Quick reaction. Pence won the debate with Harris; he won it convincingly, hands down, overwhelmingly, decisively, completely, etc. This, although, Harris proved a better debater than Kaine, and did not come off quite as brain-dead dope as Biden. Pence, as did Trump in the Presidential debate, had to deal with a hostile and biased moderator, Susan Page, this time from a second-rate newspaper. Her questions, from the left, meant to catch Pence off-guard and put him on the defense. I found particularly heinous Page's nonsense about "misleading" health information from Trump's doctors, and her question based on standard leftoid-prog foolish assumptions re climate change. She never asked, for example, about Biden's health status, his gaffes, Harris' prior savage criticism of Biden, etc., nor about the amazing developments in the Middle East. She had no interest in hearing why we pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord. She should give me a call; I will tell her.

The debate started as a snooze-fest but picked up. Harris initially put Pence on the defensive re the ChiCom virus but that didn't last long. Pence laid out what the administration had achieved re the ChiCom virus, and pointed out that the Biden "Plan" for dealing with the matter sounded plagiarized, "something Joe is familiar with." The stiletto, it hurts!

Let's jump around. 

On fracking, Harris flat out lied

The position repeatedly and openly taken by Biden, Harris, and the Democratic Party calls for a ban on fracking, and even, to get rid of fossil fuels entirely. Harris looked into the camera and denied that a Harris-Biden Administration (and that's what it would be) would ban fracking. Yes, they would. Doing that would kill millions of jobs and make us dependent, again, on foreign oil. Pence did a good job pointing that out. 

He tied her to the crazy job-destroying Green New Deal, citing the New York Times which called Biden's environmental plan the same as the Green New Deal, the very one Harris had co-sponsored in the Senate. Pence did a clever job of divorcing pollution from climate change, pointing out the tremendous progress made by the US in fighting pollution and in conservation. He demolished the claims of the Green New Deal. He also pointed out that the US has reduced its CO2 emissions below those of countries still in the Paris Accord--thanks largely to the revolution in natural gas--that the fires on the West coast occur because of bad forest management in Democrat-controlled states, and that we have the same number of hurricanes now as 100 years ago. Harris had no response, except to state that a Harris-Biden administration would "return with pride" to the Paris Climate Accord. Readers here know my view of that nonsensical anti-American accord, and I won't repeat it. Susan Page, give me a call.

Pence's best moment came when he ignored the moderator and asked Harris point-blank whether her administration would "pack the court." She did her patented giggle, and claimed she was going to answer, and then didn't, turning instead to the argument that the Trump administration had not named any blacks to the appeal courts. Pence wouldn't let her get away and finally answered the question for Harris: yes, a Harris administration would indeed pack the court and increase the number of justices for the first time in 150 years.  Harris tried to go all smart and arrogant with her little tale about how Republican Lincoln held off nominating a Chief Justice in 1864 just before the election, claiming that he said he would wait for the people to vote and decide. Nonsense. He didn't name a replacement for Taney because the Senate was not in session. He had other things on his mind, as well, e.g., waiting for critical war news.

OK, that's enough. 

As of this writing it's not clear we will have a second Presidential debate; the Debate Commission and the media are trying to shield Biden by demanding a virtual debate. We all know what that means: teleprompter to guide the old Biden loon.

Kudos to Pence.