Good or Bad for the Jews

"Good or Bad for the Jews"

Many years ago, and for many years, I would travel to Morocco to visit uncles, cousins, and my paternal grandmother. Some lived in Tangiers;...

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Fighting Panzers with Custard Pies

I imagine that the gods of tech eventually will catch up to this little blog. Once they have finished de-platforming the much more popular, effective, and consequential messengers of the anti-tyranny and pro-Trumpist elements in our fracturing society, they will come for us little guys, too. Twitter already has kicked me to the curb, and, for unspecified TOS violations, Google has demonetized me--there went my ammo funds. Banning this blog, and thousands others, will come. So, once again, once they have finished with Trump, Bannon, GAB, Parler, Instapundit, etc., they will mop up this little outpost along with the other micro bastions of free thought. 

Well, better keep writing and posting until they do. One day, I won't be able to do so.

As with my previous post, I want to say a lot, but my mind keeps racing, suffering a sensory over load, making calm, rational exposition difficult. Profuse apologies, again. 

Does anybody doubt that the tyrants have begun their big, public moves? 

We see a steady cascade of news re Trump getting banned from social media, demands for the elimination of "hate speech" by the Silicon Valley oligarchs, the cries of "outrage" as the progs move to impeach and humiliate Trump in every manner possible, to wipe out his supporters, and the steady drumbeat of lies and distortions coming from the approved media. All this mixed in with the pseudo-science and fake news governing our response to a virus from which nearly 100% of "sufferers"emerge unscathed: keep us locked up in our homes, atomized, our businesses destroyed, dependent on government hand-outs, and our means of communication controlled. 

It is now Orwell's 1984. No need to go see Wonder Woman.

I find myself "perplexed"--not really--by comments from Europe, and even from within our GOP implying, in fact, openly stating, that the US avoided a coup on January 6. That pompous ass, just to name one, Angela "GDR Babe" Merkel churned my stomach with her sneering little lecture that elections "have winners and losers," and losers need to know how to lose. Please. No lessons on democracy from Europe, especially not from Germany, and most especially not from Merkel, who has done more damage to German and European democracy and society than any other German Chancellor since You-Know-Who. Merkel and her ilk, of course, rejoice that the USA under Harris/Biden will return to its pre-Trump docile state, so that Europe can go merrily about making deals with Russia, Iran, and China--and not have to pay for its own defense. 

We see the theme that with Trump gone, as noted above, the Constitution and the Republic will survive, and get told stories about Trump trying to get the military to intervene--in fact, Nancy Pelosi sought to intervene in the legally established military chain of command. All Fake News Nonsense. 

The coup has happened! 

I wrote about this coup attempt years ago (here, for example). For the past four years, we have seen an ongoing coup launched against President Trump by the DNC, and its allies foreign and domestic. It entered its final and most successful phase with the fraudulent elections of November 3. It continues today: we see the alliance with big tech come into full play as a curtain of censorship descends upon us on a scale never before seen in a modern democracy.  

I am blessed with some very bright children. My two oldest sons noted that it gave them a little jolt of cheer to see our political class on Capitol Hill cowering under their desks and chairs, afraid of the wrath of the people. As one son wrote, "These politicians have no problem sending off young kids to die in endless wars over nothing, and destroying people's livelihoods with b.s. lock-downs over the flu, but they prove themselves cowards when confronted by the people. For once, they got a glimpse of life outside the DC bubble." In Spain, when the golpistas erupted into the parliament (Las Cortes) brave deputy Prime Minister and General Manuel Gutierrez Mellado stood up and confronted them. Did any of our politicos go out and meet the crowd, talk to them, listen to them? Unlike in Spain, I note, our so-called "golpistas" were not armed.

Even politicians who should, and probably do know better, such as Governor Noem and Senator Paul, have adopted the line that we must move on, that the GOP needs to reassess its messaging and candidates, etc. Again, what are they talking about? The prog forces have marshalled their vast resources to avoid another 2016 from happening again. They seek to crush all independent thought and centers of power, political and economic. Unless we get an effective resistance right now, the country is gone; our Constitution just an interesting old document in a museum.

Can we put up an effective resistance? I don't know. 

The enemy--and that's what they are--have control over the communications nets, the economy, the schools, the courts, the police, the military, etc. What do we have besides the truth and tens-of-millions of people? Is that enough? I don't know. 

For now, we fight the panzers of tyranny with custard pies. 

I would be delighted to get some Polish cavalry.


  1. Thank you for the posts. Good information.

  2. "When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson

    Your son's pleasure in the fear of the Congressmen is based on for just that brief moment, he had liberty and our government was put in its proper place.

    We cannot and must not fear the government. We must put it in its place in a lasting way. What form that effort will take, I dont know. What I can say is that we must stay together and make it happen. Please keep writing Dip, you are making a difference.


  3. Be of good cheer! Big wheel keeps on turning.

    Yes, the Democrat gerontocracy has prevailed, with the willing assistance of their Republicrat allies. But don't for one minute think that the Far Left is unified. Now they have established their One Party State and have total control over the results of all future elections (independent of however the peons "vote"), look for a Bolshevik/Memshevik struggle. Far Lefties vs Further Left Lefties. It will be fun to watch!

    Keep in mind that Left Wing politics has already created a Cargo Cult economy in the US, where we are dependent on the continued willingness of foreigners (especially Chinese) to accept freshly-printed IOUs in exchange for the real goods & services we need but can no longer produce in the US. Does anyone imagine that the competent rulers of the Chinese Communist Party will not use that immense leverage -- and then kick Beijing Biden to the curb when they are done with him?

    What do we do as individuals while the CCP is getting ready to kick the Democrats?

    No more voting -- it is pointless. No more contributing to the Republicrats -- they are part of the problem. Contribute instead to organizations like Hillsdale College. Pass samizdat literature (like the Constitution) around young people. Reconcile ourselves to the reality that it may take several generations for the phoenix to emerge from the ashes.

  4. "Approved Media" is a very good update for the political correct (PC) quarters - well, really the whole of it now - of the mass media. Thanks for introducing that term to me, Diplomad.

    I've been using the euphemistic, if not polite term, "Mainstream Media"(MSM) for far too long and "Fake News" is a term that both sides use to attack the other when facts must be discarded to make way for opinion or raw manipulation. Only the Approved Media can get away with that!

    I'll take Polish Cavalry for my PC any day!!!

  5. "These politicians have no problem sending off young kids to die in endless wars over nothing, and destroying people's livelihoods with b.s. lock-downs over the flu, but they prove themselves cowards when confronted by the people."

    Uh, yeah, but not all of them.

    Ronny Jackson, Tony Gonzales and Troy Nehls, all three Republicans and all three TEXANS, drew their concealed carry pistols and stood their ground while the rest of the people we consider the last stand against a dictatorship donned their gas masks and were herded like cattle to their secret bunker expecting someone else (the Capital Police) to be responsible for their safety.

    So do I have to tell y'all that Texas is the last stand for the freedom everyone in this nation has the right to enjoy? Why were there no other Republicans standing their ground? Romney, are you reading this? Mr. Badazzed Dan Crenshaw, where were you when Ronny, Tony and Troy were standing their ground?

    The Capital "riot" achieved exactly what the Democrats wanted to achieve; when the roll call came to dispute the Arizona and Pennsylvania elector votes, most Republicans folded and voted "Nay" to the motion (don't confuse the "nay" vote, it was really a vote to accept the fraud perpetrated in those two states.

    So here is my suggestion; if you are a weasel, afraid to stand your ground for the rights God gave you, stay out of the Lone Star State.

    1. Watch out for infiltrating Californians. Not all California refugees are like Dip or me (AZ 2017)

  6. Dip keep writing as long as you can, they will come to silence all blogs.
    As a military history reader my whole life the Left doesn't surprise me how fast they can take over, this was a political coup d'etat the fraud entirely covered by the Democrats Propaganda ministry, courts that have no desire to get into the fight and state legislatures afraid what real mobs will do.
    We are between a rock and hard place

  7. Just wait till the people who think they are going to land at the top of the heap find out they're not treated any better than the rest of us. Their tears will be the only enjoyment the rest of us will have.

  8. Whilst On Patrol in Nortern Waters, Sonar reported odd-screw noises from the surface~~~ Radio picked up voice transmission and reported non-American voices~~~as it turned out it was a quartet of Canucks on a Sea Cruise~~~ since they were squalorin about their loss of Free Speech, I decided to intercept the traffic for playback, as follows~~~

    . . . "Mark talks free speech with three of his compatriots - author and blogger Kathy Shaidle, singer-songwriter Tal Bachman, and broadcaster and parliamentary candidate Andrew Lawton. They also take questions from the audience on free-speech issues in North America, Europe and elsewhere." Standby~~~

    It's all yours Dip~~~ sorry I couldn't find that
    Polska Kav Troop~~~ Got my best Lookouts topside
    scanning the horizon~~~ will report back after SunSet~~~

    On Watch~~~
    Sea to Shining Sea~~~

    1. Kathy left us. Mark did an obit for her.

    2. Yes, Tks Mike, I read it and her version too, in her own words... "Get off my Lawn"~~~ a piece of work she was, G-d rest her soul + Amen~~~
      OW~~~ Been a long day, I stand
      relieved by 0000-0400 Duty Section~~~

  9. Normally I would suggest moving to Parler, however a homicide is currently underway. Amazon Web Services, in collusion with Apple, Goolag and Twitter have sent out a hit team.

    Parler will be offline shortly.

    Gab and Mewe are seeing so much traffic that they can't keep up right now.

    This is going to explode in the faces of Big Tech. Rumor has it, people are saying they want to take out the AWS data centers.

    I've also heard another rumor, (and we know what rumors are worth), that a lot of retired SpecOps people have suddenly gone dark.

    I think the Boogaloo is going to kick off in a few months or so. :(

  10. This is something I never thought would happen, especially not with Republicans eagerly joining in. Do those idiots realize they are done? I guess they don't care. They figure the rigged system will protect them indefinitely.

  11. Polish cavalry lost to the Nazis. President Trump will win. Four more years. Today is Rubicon day. The enemies of America have crossed the Rubicon. They will lose, bigly. MAGA.

  12. I'll leave this here for your perusal:

    The next 10 days are going to be interesting.

  13. I feel the same, especially pondering the next 4 years of an Obama restoration economy.

    I’m in shock at what big tech just did to Trump while still POTUS.
    >my mind keeps racing, suffering a sensory over load

    There will be a lot more Blue State refugees, I see their economies tanking even more.

    1. Then the conservative states need to tell those refugees that they carry a plague with them, that they were responsible for what happened where they came from and that if they do to their refuge it the same thing will happen there. They need to amend their ways.

    2. Gyro Cadiz, Amen! It's like some of them carry political small pox.

  14. Don't forget that we the people have to give our consent to be governed.

    I, for one, have withdrawn my consent.

  15. Perhaps somewhat dated however, in my humble opinion it stands the near decade and a half of its time:


  16. Take heart. Trump is invoking the Insurrection Act. You will see proof of it this week.


  17. Seems long overdue PWG~~~
    But timing is everything~~~

    Affim your last JK:
    “I love the man,” Paine wrote, “that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection...

    Off Duty~~~
    Winding down~~~
    "Let's Roll"

  18. We have to be realistic. I don't see any way that Joe Biden isn't President come January 20th. That doesn't mean we don't keep fighting (note to BIG BROTHER I don't mean fighting in a literal sense).

  19. I'm feeling like I'm a 17 year old country boy on December 8th, 1942 - I'm eager to run down to the recruiter and join the Marines so I can get in the fight pronto!

    But I'm 70 and living far away in a distant country with a kid in college in California and a new family.

    I will be thinking long and hard as to what I can do to save my country from this fascism.

    My direct ancestor put down his boot-making trade to join the militia to fight with General Washington at the battle of Trenton. I can do no less.

    But what? The so-called "Republican Leadership" is in on the destruction of the Republic and the erasure of our liberties. They are at best fuddy-duddies and at worst co-conspirators.

    At this point, a military suspension of normal government is looking like an almost welcome option, however unlikely that might be.

    My one hope is decisive leadership from the Republic of Texas.

    1. So did I "whitewall"...
      Think some stowaway
      slipped us some SPAM, aka
      'Breakfast of Champions'~~~
      Damn CCP types
