Good or Bad for the Jews

"Good or Bad for the Jews"

Many years ago, and for many years, I would travel to Morocco to visit uncles, cousins, and my paternal grandmother. Some lived in Tangiers;...

Sunday, February 27, 2022

And the Truth?

The news shows are nonstop "coverage" of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The usual instant and pre-cooked "experts" suddenly appear and tell us everything about the military tactics, the political objectives, and even the mental state of Vlad Putin. Must be nice to be so very smart and in the know. 

Not much, actually, makes sense. We know that Russia has invaded Ukraine despite weeks of US and other Western policy gurus telling us that this or that sanction was aimed at stopping such an invasion from happening. Not much commentary on the fact that Putin's war was made possible by the morons of the Green Universe who have gotten the West to degrade its energy independence, thereby, gifting Putin billions and billions of dollars to use to upgrade his military, and hold a swath of European countries hostage to Russian energy supplies. I hope the environmentalists, such as that moron John Kerry, hold fast to their hopes that Putin will work with us to reduce carbon emissions as they watch Ukrainian cities and oil depots burn from Russian missile strikes. 

A lot more things don't make sense. Why haven't the Russians, "masters" at cyber warfare, cut off Ukraine's connections to the outside world? I see Ukrainians walking around with iPhones freely making calls all over the world, and Western journalists "embedded" in Lviv and Kyiv freely broadcasting to that same world. Are the Russians that incompetent? Possible. Whatever the reason, Putin and his boys have lost the propaganda war bigly. We even see the usual tech giants moving to suppress "Russian propaganda and misinformation." The Iranians? No they can go ahead. The brave boys of CNN and others were enschonced in Baghdad during the Gulf wars, but I don't see much coming from Moscow. Putin gave a couple of long speeches barely carried and characterized as "insane" and "historically inaccurate." That might be an accurate depiction, but those speeches provide an important insight into how Putin and others around him see the world, and Russia's relationship to it.  Worth knowing, I would think.

I have written about this before, some eight years ago:

It does not require a genius to see what is happening in the post-USA world of the Obamistas. Other actors, many of them ruthless opponents of Western values of democracy and liberty, are stepping in to fill the power vacuum and reshape the world--and do it while laughing at us. Of these actors, Putin is the most determined and committed to reforming the globe into a place much less congenial for those Western values, and much friendlier to Russia's rise to the top. His plan is exceedingly simple. No Snowden-like revelations required. Taking advantage of the weakness and self-loathing of the Obama misadministration, Putin is out to neutralize Europe and make it into an economic resource for Russia, e.g., gas sales, investments, access to high tech, and to ease the US out of the picture. NATO is to be seen for what it increasingly has become, to wit, a joke. 
With his cost-free move in Crimea, Putin has put on notice all the former republics of the old Soviet Empire. Their freedom of action is severely constrained; they must never go against the perceived interests of Russia OR of Russians. He is reasserting Moscow's predominance over the "Stans" aided by our precipitous withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. In the Middle East, Putin is the savior of his Assad ally in Syria, and a behind-the-scenes force in getting the US and the West to give up on blocking Iran's nuclear ambitions.

I want Putin to have a major foreign policy reversal. I want the Ukrainians to triumph. My point is to make it irrelevant for the US. We should have the freedom of choice to decide what is in our interest not have Putin and others make it for us. We need to reestablish our energy and industrial independence. We need real leadership committed to Western values and strength.


  1. Putin's Generals should have reviewed "Operation Market Garden" before undertaking this action. The Russians appear to set their objective to use Special forces to capture the center of power quickly, and then the logistics and heavy weapons rush in as fast as possible to re-enforce. It didn't work in Holland because the allies underestimated the amount of resistance they would meet, and it looks like the same is happening in Ukraine today.

    I hope that some face saving exit for Putin is presented so the conflict does not start escalating to artillery shelling of cities. Like the wars in the Balkans did in the 90's.

  2. I am especially worried that Taiwan, the world's main supplier of semiconductors, will be absorbed into Xi's National Socialist China.

    1. Well that's a really interesting topic. The Taiwanese have always known that they were at existential risk from communist China, so what to do? What did those other peoples with comparable IQ do about the same existential risk from a vast and hostile population I wonder? Hmmmm.

  3. "I want Putin to have a major foreign policy reversal. I want the Ukrainians to triumph. My point is to make it irrelevant for the US." -WLA

    'Great mind/s', with a touch of 'Blue
    Velvet, to slay the Savage Beast:

    “Mr. Putin, we are as human beings charged as to how we treat our fellow man,” Lynch said. “And there is a law of nature, a hard and fast law for which there are no loopholes and no escaping it, and this law is what you sow you shall reap. And right now, Mr. Putin, you are sowing death and destruction. It’s all on you.” -DL

    On Watch~~~
    "Let's Roll"

  4. According to this item, a triumphant news analysis based on the premise "We've won! Kiev has fallen!" was quickly deleted from Russian media when Kyiv *didn't* fall. It might explain what Putin wanted ...

    Basic premise: Putin doesn't want to re-create the old Soviet Union. He intends to restore the historic Great Russia of the tsars -- Russia, Ukraine, and Byelorussia as a single entity. (The Stans can be vassal states,)

    Interesting, if true. Even if not true, still interesting.

    1. Interesting indeed. Add Kazakhstan and it would be RUB-K.
      B and K had recent uprisings against their Putin friendly governments. If U is added, that will be three restive populations. Hard to be Great in that circumstance.

  5. When reality bitch slaps the silliness out of a government.

  6. While I can only condemn Putin's invasion of Ukraine and hope it fails, I see Xi Jinping as the bigger threat. We did, after all, allow Communist China to take our economy and technology. Communist China also has an toxic mix of jackboot nationalism and Marxism-Leninism

    1. I'm thinking our own government is our greatest threat to we Americans. Ukraine news on our media is straining believability as are these military guest 'experts'.

    2. "I'm thinking our own government [Feds, Blue state, & media Lackeys] is/ARE our greatest threat to we Americans..." -ww

      Roger~~~ your last, 3 comms,
      Meester whitewalls, sir~~~
      Your Southern~most amigo in
      Spam analeeTicKs!~~~
      On Watch~~~
      Happy, and a lil dusty, Trails:

      "Lets Roll"

    3. "...Communist China also has an toxic mix
      of jackboot nationalism and Marxism-Leninism" -K

      {|MOT|} as usual Mr.K~~~
      You and Yours, from
      here to Taiwan & back
      are in my Prayers~~~
      On Watch~~~
      'Welcome Back Teach':

      "Let's Roll"

  7. I am surprised at the lack of recognition that "Our Guys" created a casus belli by expanding NATO towards the Russian border. It is understandable that the expansion would make Russia nervous -- especially since NATO has transformed from a defensive alliance into the aggressive force which has invaded Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan. This is not to defend Russia's invasion of the Ukraine, but it does suggest that a little more skill & awareness from the US State Department might have headed this off.

    The other big surprise is the CovidScam-level 24/7 propaganda promoting war, rather than the usual pearl-clutching diplomatic flurry seeking a cease fire. Western leaders are pumping weapons into the Ukraine, rather than trying to stop the fighting.

    I suspect we are all being had, one way or another. There are no White Hats in this situation, but it is likely that the Blackest Hats are sheltering in the DC Swamp.

    1. "likely that the Blackest Hats
      are sheltering in the DC Swamp."

      Yesssss Monseur Longmuir~~~
      and the 'Peterbilts' are coming
      coming, to take them away, HA HA,
      coming to take them away,
      oh my~~~
      Duck n Cover, goils n boyz
      cause there's a new Sheriff,
      a coming to Town,
      with warrants~~~
      On Watch~~~
      "Let's Roll"

