Good or Bad for the Jews

"Good or Bad for the Jews"

Many years ago, and for many years, I would travel to Morocco to visit uncles, cousins, and my paternal grandmother. Some lived in Tangiers;...

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Coke is It: White House, White Lines, White Lies

Just a quick one before I head off for lunch.

Looks like the Biden Crime family has decided that, "Coke is it!" As you all know," a "bag" of a white substance was found somewhere in or near the White House. The story has changed repeatedly: the initial account reported that a "bag"--size, weight never given--with a "white powder" had been found "near" the White House, and would be tested to see if it was "toxic." 

When that story would no longer hold because of the leaks, then the bag was found to contain cocaine, and had been located in the "library," no, no, well, in a common work area accessible to staff and "tourists." Oh, by the way Hunter was at Camp David; well, no, he had been at the White House for part of Friday, but since the bag was found a day or so later it couldn't have been his, because, well, you know, the place is intensely searched every day, except how did it get there in the first place?  

Look, it's been years since I have visited the White House or the Old Executive Office Building. When I worked at State, and especially for Maureen Reagan, I went there many times; every time I got thoroughly searched, briefcase opened, pockets emptied, metal detector, pat down, the works. Cameras everywhere. So, all that now has stopped, and anonymous tourists roam as at some sort of Safari park? Yeah, right. The only people not searched--drum roll!--family! 

I love the media's attempts at helping with the cover-up. A tourist did it, in an area not covered by CCTV. Staff did it.  My favorite, "We likely will never know who brought the coke into the White House . . . " 


We all know some poor low-level employee is going to get the blame.

This White House is a total disgrace.


  1. I think the culprit’s initials are HB

  2. The new White Privilege

  3. Hunter did it. In the library, with the white powder...

  4. What's for lunch?

  5. Everybody knows who left it there. They have a habit of forgetting about incriminating evidence.

  6. As for other suspects, remember that the Clintons had to get waivers for half their staff who could not get security clearances.

  7. Guessed, and still not out of running I add, is a staffer but ditched the bag when it was too hot to handle getting it in.
    Just taking that long shot pony

  8. How about this was planted by a deep state faction that doesn't like Joey Biden LLCorruption

  9. In fact, this White House would need to do a decade of good deeds to even rise up to the level of total disgrace.

    At the moment, they are lower than whale dung at the bottom of the ocean.

  10. i think there is cocaine found in several locations, not just 1


  11. Revolver NEWS
    New video suggests Jill Biden knows exactly
    what is going on in her family…
    1st Lady looks PO'd as last son takes another hit~


    Roll Tape~~~

  12. I find it odd that 'library' and (any) Biden could be used in the same story.

  13. "We will never know" elicited fond recollections of the bubba 90s, in specific the, ahem, suicide of one Vincent Foster.

    Bubba reassured us, 'we will never know...' But of course, we do.

    As lenin said, 'anyone can commit a homicide. But to commit a suicide requires many experts.'

    The bubbas bequeathed many fine legacies including the language of deceit.

    We all know whose coke it was. The question is, do the handlers administer coke when adderall fails to keep the paterfamlias semi-coherent?

    As Dr. Freud did say, coke made him strong like a gibbon.

    We've a regime filled with them. All due apologies to gibbons.

    Paul Vincent Zecchino
    Room 404, undergoing special interrogation

    1. Yes Sir, PVZ~~~coming up on the Anniversary~~~
      "The Mysterious Stranger To explain Patrick Knowlton's stumble into history and why there is a civil suit against more than 34 known and unknown defendants, we must go back to that fateful day - the day of Vince Foster's murder, July 20, 1993. Foster left his White House office at 1:30 p.m., saying, "I'll be back." He never returned.Since Foster Was Murdered - 'Suicide' Was Fixed -

  14. Now that coke is available in the White House, it won't be long before they put a school bus stop across the street to provide easy access to "hookers".
