Saturday, March 30, 2024

Elections 2024

Let me start with the obvious: I did not vote for, nor under any circumstance, would I ever vote for Joe Biden. 


Well, Biden edges ever closer to the status of mental vegetable. Out of his depth, confused, physical and cognitive decay glaringly apparent, he cannot utter a complete sentence, and should not continue as President. All that aside, he has no core moral principles. A plagiarist, serial liar, fantasist, borderline pedophile, friend of racists, and a thief of US classified documents--which he hid for some fifty years, and tried to use for a ghost-written book--Biden has proven perhaps the most corrupt person ever to hold the title of President. Of limited intelligence, past years saw him regularly deemed the most stupid member of the Senate, and a renowned bully, he nominally heads a criminal family, which has enriched itself astronomically thanks to the sale of the only product of "Biden Industries," i.e., the Biden name, and, nowadays, almost exclusively for export. The Biden clan have expanded their long-established corruption well-beyond their original pandering to Delaware-based credit card companies and LLC businesses. They now sell "Biden" to the highest bidder, regardless of nationality. Iranians, Ukrainians, Russians, Romanians, Communist Chinese "businessmen," Gulf Arabs, and only God knows who else have poured money into the Biden family coffers--with "ten percent to the Big Guy." Garbled, weak, and self-destructive foreign policies have resulted, wasting the lives of our military and those of our allies. 

Along with his aforementioned lack of moral principles, he has no apparent core political values, and, to the extent that he's aware, allows leftist, race-obsessed mountebanks who seek the destruction of the United States to run domestic policies; we see this in "his" cabinet and judicial appointments, in the insane immigration and border policies "he" pursues, in the DNC rigging of elections--yes, they stole the 2020 election--the use of high-tech and legacy media firms to censor opposition voices; the employment of the legal and intelligence apparatuses to protect the Bidens and surveil and persecute political opponents; and the disconnect from the crime on our streets, and chaos on our borders which "his" administration has produced. "His" spending, energy, immigration, and environmental policies will destroy our economy, culture, and independence. In sum, Biden & Co. have shown themselves enemies of the United States. Period. 

Now, to Trump. The extreme Trump haters can give no solid reason for their hate of him except to repeat garbled accounts of already garbled and untruthful press reports about Trump. They scream, "Fascist! Racist! Putin puppet!" with no evidence that he is any of those. Lacking such evidence, they make it up, e.g., the Steele Dossier, anonymous quotes. We witness a genuine derangement unlike any ever seen before in American politics. I, frankly, fear for his physical safety. The opposition to Trump has become so unhinged, so frustrated with his ability to thwart legal and political moves against him--e.g., fake Russian collusion stories, having him banned from the ballot, ludicrous criminal and civil charges--that I see his life in danger. I hope I am wrong. 

I did not start as a Trump supporter. I admit that I liked Jeb Bush, with whom I had spent some time in Indonesia. He struck me as smart, honest, funny, and a genuinely decent sort. I sighed in frustration when I saw Trump descend the "golden staircase" at Trump Tower to announce his bid for the presidency. I gave him a near zero chance of winning, thinking this a publicity stunt. Despite my father's prediction in the early 2000's that Tump would become President, I saw Trump as a distraction that would split the GOP.  My three sons, however, began to turn me around on Trump. They went to his rallies and came back very impressed; I began to listen to him, instead of about him, and, thought, "Wow! This guy thinks like I do! Hmmmm? Could I have been wrong?" My whole family voted for Trump; an island of red in the deep blue California ocean.

He won the presidency in 2016, despite all the media prognostications that he would not: Bloomberg, for example, gave him zero percent chance of winning; the NYT, more generous, gave him ten percent. The Clinton campaign proved a classic example of arrogance, hubris, and complacency; it laughed off warnings from leftists such as Michael Moore who saw the stirring unrest among blue collar workers set to defy their pro-Clinton union leadership. His win was greeted by leftist violence on the streets, a violence which continued throughout this term in office. The physical violence was followed by an attempted coup via fake stories of Russian collusion, idiotic impeachment trials, and in the end, censorship, and blatant vote rigging in the 2020 elections, all aided by, honestly, some terrible personnel choices made by Washington newcomer Trump. The swamp proved deeper, more dangerous and perfidious than even he had thought. He got conned by many of his supposed allies, e.g., Paul Ryan who delayed and delayed on Obamacare "repeal and replace," and sought to prevent the border wall.

He, above all, got caught in a no-win situation with the advent of the Covid "epidemic." The demand from nearly all quarters, now conveniently forgotten by many of those same quarters, came to shut down Trump's booming economy and superlative military, immigration, and foreign policies! The networks began running death clocks reporting, on the basis of deeply flawed information, an ever-escalating toll of Americans "killed" by Covid. The fraudulent dancing TikTok nurses got hailed as selfless heroes, working with "defective hazmat gear," yet plowing ahead to "save" America. Going to church, Trump rallies, and voting in person became unpatriotic acts posing an intolerable risk to the public welfare. Taking part in BLM/Antifa riots got a pass. We saw the result of the chaos, hysteria and vote cheating in the 2020 elections. Biden allegedly got 81 million votes, more even than the Saintly Obama; Trump "lost" and our current disaster commenced. 

I think Trump has learned his lesson. I have trust that Trump's appointments will be a significant cut above many of those in his first term. I also hope and trust that he will seek revenge on those who sought to destroy him and prevent America from making a come-back. 

Trump was a great president, despite his newbie mistakes, and will be even greater the second time around. 

Trump 2024


  1. Biden's hate for Israel also. Trump's biggest mistake was the Vaxx I gave him a pass at the beginning but he still touts this shot and says it saved millions. Disappointing

    1. If he said otherwise, he could never win the election. Too many people got the jab. He will tell us all once he gets back into the WH.

  2. Good to see you return to the blog. Your absence created a vacuum of reasoned commentary.

  3. Welcome back, Dip. I doubt that Trump will have the subtle intelligence or backbone necessary to defeat The Swamp, but since nobody else would even try Americans would be foolish to vote for anyone else.

    Like you, I suspect that if the Dems aren't confident of their vote-rigging this time they'll just try to kill him. And blame Putin.

    If, however, he does win office, I wonder whether releasing the last of the secret paperwork on the JFK assassination might do some of his enemies great harm. I'm thinking of the AIC. No, the ICA. No - you know the outfit I mean.

  4. I'm glad you are back. It was a long wait. Too long.
    Trump will win if the election is honest. I'm not convinced it will be.

  5. You and I are on the same page.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ☺

  6. Trump made a lot of rookie mistakes early on, but he started getting things sorted. I suspect his second term in 2021 onwards wold have been very successful.

    One thing he is going to need is an AG who is loyal to the Constitution, then Trump, and who will be absolutely ruthless in cleaning out the DoJ and FBI.

    He's also going to need to fire an awful lot of bureaucrats and hang civil service. He should break the federal worker unions. If they threaten to go on strike, PATCO them and then replace only those who are actually needed.

    And after Obrador's threat last weekend? He will need to be dealt with in a way that will scare the cr** out of him. (As far as I'm concerned, his threat is an act of war)

    1. Mierda a Obrador!


      On Watch~~~

  7. Trump needs, if he gets back into the White House, to channel his inner Milei. With more than a smidgen of Pinochet thrown in. We need Operation Wetback 2.0 on Steroids. The DemonRats are actively working to destroy America, and are thoroughly embedded throughout government at all levels, media, entertainment...pretty much everywhere. Letting them teach other people's children has been a disaster of Apocalyptic proportions.

  8. I seem to remember this from somewhere - "I can't spare this man - he fights".

    1. Lincoln, about Grant; One of my favorite Abe quotes, together with “Well, I wish some of you would tell me the brand of whiskey that Grant drinks. I would like to send a barrel of it to my other generals.”

  9. Just a reminder, I am on X/Twitter and write a lot there.

  10. Replies
    1. I'm on neither so stop by your old stomping grounds every now and drop a line or two. You were gone too long. Your insight and observations are needed.

  11. Welcome back! What a pleasure being notified that there was a new post. I was beginning to fear that you had given up in despair, as I sometimes feel like doing.

  12. So am I [ glad to see you back]. Do not have FB or X accounts on principle. I am rather more pessimistic on the upcoming elections; the last 4 years had a depressive effect.

  13. I thought I would check one last time before finally giving up hope that you would return. Glad I did.

    From outside I would say that the Biden campaign for presidential re-election is going well - for "The Donald". I hope I am right because the alternative is not good for the US or its allies.

    Are you still around Whitewall and JK?

    1. Ahoy David!

      Yes I'm around but not so frequently. Been kinda cautions about sticking my head above ground since the lamestream started hollering "insurrection" as regards fairly much everything not in agreement with their diktats.

      Been awhile David since I last commed with Whitewall but sad to say a common friend of Whitewall's and mine posted this on this blog:

      I'm only online perhaps one day per week nowadays but I'll make an effort near future to re-connect to Whitewall.

      Fair winds and following seas David from Oz


    2. Thanks Kindly JK~~~
      for sharing the 'sad-news'
      of our dear friend Whitewall's Loss~~~
      Sending my heartfelt prayer topside
      and sincere condolences to our
      former corespondent as well,
      hope you make contact re:Ww
      a Hat Tip to David from Oz~~~
      On Watch~~~

      " Let's Roll"

  14. Welcome Back!! Home Run!!! From your mouth to GODs ear.

  15. Glad your back Dip.
    One can hope Trump learned a hard lesson from his first term, trust no one before actions are seen.

  16. Anonymous 4:29 is Skip

  17. So glad to see you back here.

  18. So glad to see you back. I was worried. Greetings from Canada.

    1. I was also worried. I am very happy you are back!

  19. The Biden family is a bunch of miscreants and felons.
    When will people understand that when Progressives are elected, everyone loses.

  20. Biden's social programs are certainly doing more damage to America than the last forty years of 'social programs' combined. That damage isn't quite as clear or immediate as foreign policy wrongheadedness, but it'll hurt us in the long run for sure.
    Can I vote for Biden? Maybe if he changes direction and pulls a massive spend for Israel's war against evil, then.... maybe. I see the more likely scenario as Biden cutting support for Israel as a result of unhinged university attitudes (and I think Biden is extremely susceptible to the whims of such idiots).
    The two things I have a hard time getting over with regards to Trump: I value marriage extremely highly (pretty much death before divorce), I consider the DOHA accords (both the agreement - Trump, and the implementation - Biden) to have been the worst strategic blunder in US foreign policy history.

    Trump is not a racist, he's pretty much not anything anybody in the media accuse him of, because the media doesn't 'accuse' people of things like philandering, it 'congratulates' them on it. Biden is pretty clearly senile, though I'm sure with sudden and large quantities of certain anti-alzheimers medications he can be 'temporarily lucid enough to deliver a speech'

    Fundamentally Biden made his name on opposition to Vietnam... As a result, acknowledging *anything* good coming from the US military would be to reject his entire 'career of success'. He pooped his bed, he now lies in it. We should all stay away.

    I'm not in the tank for Trump... his policies are clearly better than Biden's.. I'm hoping that in 2028 we'll have someone with similar policies to Trump yet also being a more upstanding person.

    - reader #1482

    1. "I'm Trump
      ...yet being a more upstanding person. #1482"

      Your wish sounds like a prayer Brer #1482...but
      Such things as "upstanding" don't always come easy
      for a Rich Boy raised in Queens, New York~~~
      Still, that our Donald, was stalwart enough to beat
      the Blitch's named Clinton to the punch, & smoked
      her n' him nationwide nay, worldwide those 2 Pack o'Rats!
      And then whilst counter-punching, against the Joe BiteMe Charade, aka in his 'HOLE in the Wall', the Crime Family & Intl Scum~Bag Brigade...not to mention the ChiCom fentynal Poisoners, and their trans-national border busting Demo~Crap slime family, the hired Grubs, Studs & Slugs keeping our U.S. N&S borders, porous, for Universal Communist Penetration, Yeah! You Shumer, "the Whirlwind should be looking for you to reap"! I do so Declare~~~

      Dear lord,
      Now if I may, and if I might, Dear Brer 1482,
      have this wish, that I pray tonight~~~
      Amen~~~On Watch~~~
      God Bless+
      "Let's Roll"

    2. yeah.. not to mention... a '24 Biden win would almost certainly result in a Harris presidency before '28... The last thing I want is her 'california values' going nation-wide.
      maybe I can justify trump more by saying he's "not harris"

      - reader #1482

    3. Now you are really making me nervous #1482!
      Next you'll be telegraphing me that Former 1st
      Ladies, Jill & Michelle, have united, in fact, to form
      the 1st mixed race, All Broads, US Presidential Ticket!
      Now I lay me down to sleep~~~
      quickly now>>>
      "Let's Roll"

    4. when you said 'former first ladies', I presumed you were talking about Hillary!

      - reader #1482

    5. Speaking of Dr. Jill,
      she/they seem to be feeding
      him enough dope to insure
      that the alleged # 46 will
      not face an indictment.
      Although a trip & fall
      may be a righteous
      departure, after his
      last flight~~~ ?

      "Let's Roll"

  21. I dunno... Biden admin just had to cancel a bunch of 'ramadan celebrations' due to their muslim invitees refusing to attend. I mean, if an atheist organization like the biden presidency invited me to a dinner in celebration of Jesus at Christmas, I'd probably show up for the free food.... but it would be pretty duplicitous on their end "oh yeah, we celebrate Jesus, just like we celebrate Mahomet and Buddha and..." You can't really respect any religion by doing that.

    It's a bit like those lefty 'coexist' bumper stickers: "You have no idea how offensive that is to just about every religion listed... just be glad you live in a country founded on Christian principles."
    "We love your religions... all religions are the same to us.. they're great! Celebrate!"

    But that said... you kind of know you're on the right track when a bunch of HAMAS proponents refuse to attend your dinner. Unfortunately I suspect Biden will cave on this.... because being popular on university campuses is a core value to him.

    - reader #1482

  22. I also fear for Mr.Trump's life. I would not put assassination past the Democrats.

    1. Hear ya Loud & Clear, Scott!
      I Pray that no such event
      will come to pass~~~
      Amen +
      again +

      "Let's Roll"

  23. Trump is one of those who likes to fight for the fun of fighting, the Left ( apology crowd) will never understand that.

  24. Must Admit, I too am one of those who
    enjoys fighting & winning righteous battles...
    as for "Fun", it most often depends upon the
    the measurable caliber of the opposition~~~
    On Watch~~~

    "Let's Roll"

  25. Well said Sir! Well said....

  26. Wow. Your evisceration of Biden is completely perfect in every facet. I have loathed him since the 80s when I first became aware of him and his utter BS, and he has done nothing but drop in my esteem since. The one point I would add is his utter hypocrisy with regards to his taxes after leaving the vice presidency, when he and "Dr" Jill registered an LLC to launder their book "earnings" through, thereby cheating the Treasury out of its "fair share" of FICA taxes.

    While I will definitely vote for Trump, I find it hard to forgive him for his covid response. A smarter man would've looked at the data from the Diamond Princess in early February and concluded the disease was mostly dangerous for the elderly and infirm, and responded accordingly, a la Sweden. Instead, he doubled down on a risky, experimental vaccine and gave Fauci a medal.

  27. Like it or not we're in a two front proxy war with the PRC already. Oil is 40% of Iran's economic activity. The PRC consumes 90% of Iranian oil exports. Xi could end this hamas-israel war in hours if he wanted to. The other proxy arm is Russia, which has *nothing* without the PRC's backing. Yeah, it may come as trains from North Korea, but Kim doesn't issue a bowel movement without Xi's express permission.
    We're at war, and Israel is the USA's best hope at this point, because Washington is still pretending we're not.

    - reader #1482

    1. On Target yet again, #1482!
      And so is Israel as usual~~~
      it was almost entertainment watching
      the Iranian's 300+ "rockets red glare" display,
      that sadly killed one young girl, so I was told...+
      I believe the stronger message came from
      the 3 Israeli jets the took out the Iranian
      Nuke Facility defenses, now that was
      some fine Expert Target Practice!>>>
      Perchance the simpatico Ruski's
      could retain a trio of Israeli
      pilots to teach the Red's,
      how to get more bang
      & less kid killing
      for their $$$
      almost like

      On Watch~~~
      Have a Happy Sunday Br'er!

      "Let's Roll"

  28. Great to see you back, Dip. Your insights have been sorely missed. Not on x/twitter, always enlightening to read you here.

    Will look for you on twitter/x.

    Your father said Trump would run and win? Your Dad was a man who could think around corners, seen beyond the horizon. No doubt you inherited that admirable gift.

    Paul Vincent Zecchino
    Manasota Key, Florida

    Current plaudits: Permanently banned from commenting on NYPost and The Guardian, aka says Dip, 'the world's stupidest newspaper.'

    And they are!

  29. Johnson now receiving plaudits from leftist politicians and media.... Much like McCain,. Christie, and so many other conservatives that "go RINO" in response to friendly media and fawning celebrities, Johnson will become "the next hitler" in all the media outlets just like every other conservative the moment the liberal elite finds a modicum of value in his demise.
    The phrase is "strange new respect". I hate to see the media doing this... but the woo of flashing lights and celebrities is apparently too much for people to withstand.

    - reader #1482


    1. Butt Butt ole Buddy~~~

      ..."The bottom line is clear: the new speaker has been compromised and is a literal disaster for our cause. Johnson might as well be the best Democrat Speaker we’ve ever seen, given how things are turning out.

      In other words, the point Darren made about ousting Johnson on principle is fine, because yes, he deserves to go, but if you think someone better, stronger, and “uncaptured” is waiting in the wings, you don’t understand what’s really going on. The Revolver piece goes on:

      Here’s the harsh reality: The United States is a one-party republic, quietly governed by a “uni-party” regime. This setup is becoming more obvious to everyone as this cabal scrambles to cling to power. Whoever sits in the Speaker’s chair eventually ends up playing by the uniparty’s rules—that’s just how our system has evolved. We, the people, have lost focus on what’s important, and in the meantime, a massive network of unelected bureaucrats and elites has quietly taken the reins. And if you think the average Joe or Jane from a small district in Kansas can outmaneuver this entrenched and powerful network, then you’re not fully understanding what we’re truly up against.

      Now, this isn’t a message of defeat. We can and will overcome these ghouls,
      but it’s going to take a lot more
      than just debating between
      >>McCarthy and Johnson,
      two ends of the same turd.<<<
      That’s a distraction. We have bigger fish to fry,
      and the better we understand their goals and
      what we’re really up against, the quicker we
      can come up with a plan that will strike
      at their core..."

      "Let's Roll"

    2. Pretty sure they got over their hurdles for passage at this time *because* the deadlines for primary challenges has passed... ie, trump had no way to put up a primary challenger for GOP reps this late in the game... I can at least agree with people here that providing assistance to Israel is vital to US interests.

      - reader #1482

  30. There will not be an election this year.
    They perfected the algorithms in 2020, again two years ago so what makes you think they haven't improved their game going into this year? They have, but to steal again would wake up the normies who would in turn revolt.
    No, the steal 2.0 will be too obvious so they will create chaos. An event or events designed to create an environment wherein they can postpone or suspend altogether the next election.
    Our government is a single party giving you the illusion of choice, but you are Hobson.
    This has been going on a long time. Wake up.
