Friday, June 7, 2024

"Decency and Democracy on the Ballot"? Yes, but Not How the Dems Want You to Think.

I am sure you've noticed that the DNC talking point flooding the social media platforms is some nonsense about "democracy and "decency" being on the ballot this November.

OK. That's fine, except for one little inconvenient truth: the man they promote as the savior of democracy and as a paragon of decency, Joe Biden, is neither. The Biden regime exhibits classic fascist/communist traits: The use of censorship to silence debate; the use of the powers of the state to imprison and impoverish opponents on bogus charges pursued through compliant prosecutors and judges; attempts to remove opponents from the ballot; consistent efforts to disarm the populace; flooding the country with illegal "migrants" to pervert the census and the voting system; and on and on.

It is the Biden regime, nominally headed by a zombie-like "president," that presents a clear and present danger to democracy. The "decency" label does not belong to the Bidenistas, either.

Biden is clearly, at best, a gaga borderline pedophile who showered with his teenaged daughter; stole for financial gain thousands of classified documents since at least 1974; participated in his crackhead son's money laundering and bribery schemes, all the while unleashing "intelligence" officials to label such evidence as "Russian disinformation." He is a serial liar and a plagiarist.

Biden is not decent; he is corrupt and has produced corrupt policies everywhere he turns. Under Biden, our immigration situation is disastrous; our military a woke husk of its former self; crime and prices though the roof. He fuels the Iranian repression and war machine, and eagerly pushes for a war with Russia, while backstabbing our Israeli ally.

Chaos rules. Our fate and that of the West is at stake. Biden and his criminal fascists/communists must go.


  1. The fact that Biden is a crooked degenerate makes him representative of Democrat voters and large segments of the American people.

    1. I wish I could refute what you say; but am unable to do so.


  2. Much of the West is under attack; here in Brazil a corrupt Supreme Court walks hand in hand with a corrupt president to attack the opposition, whose main candidate - much more popular than the president itself (rings a bell?) - has been declared ineligible to run until 2028.

    The US still has a fairly serious and independent Supreme Court, so it is no coincidence that progressives are trying to dismantle it. When that happens, kiss goodbye to what's left of your country - it has happened here.

  3. The Trump conviction tells you everything about the Biden administration and the democrat party. They will do anything to stay in power and destroy America. ☺

  4. A man like Biden always makes me wonder why political assassins almost always assassinate the wrong sort of politician. Even the loathsome JFK had more merit than Biden.

    1. Through American history assassination have been leftists.

    2. JFK's policies today would likely be entirely out of step with the current radical left/Democratic party.

  5. We keep talking about "Biden".
    I do not think this problem is "Biden".
    Every time I look at him (even as VEEP), I am reminded of a marionette: somebody/country/thing is manipulating his strings

    1. Obama, Jarrett, and Soros are the puppeteers.
      ~ Doctor Weasel

  6. The Bidens are a family of miscreants.

  7. I wish biden were the US' biggest problem... the only reason he's a problem is that the rest of the left is so incredibly extreme that they need a much stronger commitment by the country to unaccountable mail and e-voting in order to 'win' an election... at least with biden, they were able to make a credible claim... with any of those likely democrat-primary winners other than biden... there would be zero support throughout the country and they would have no choice but to attempt fraud on an incredible scale.
    this is all so stupid... we've got a massive war brewing with Russia/PRC/Iran lining up on the dictatorship side... we don't need this crap... we should be on-shoring tech and mfg and putting people to work building out drone fleets and nuclear launch interdiction materiel.... washington should stop trying to manipulate our elections and culture and start doing what they're supposed to... safeguard our borders. I really don't care who does it.. but you know these politicians aren't doing it because they spend all their stupid time 'talking' instead.

    - reader #1482

  8. Biden is leader of the Corruptocrat wing of the party.
    Because he has no core beliefs, other than 'ten percent for the big guy', he gives plenty of power to the progressive/communist left wing in exchange for their support.
    ~ Doctor Weasel

  9. I heard him on the news, tonight. He was mumbling to President Macron. He is walking dead, kept going with drugs.

  10. It's becoming obvious the Sundowner administration has its fingers in ever Trump court case. Will Marchan jail Trump at the sentencing? You know many Leftists want to see that.

    1. I don't think Trump's yet begun to send up the pretty obvious appeals. What kind of law converts a misdemeanor to a felony based upon some intent to commit an independent felony without requiring a conviction of that other felony?
      A lot of states have felony murder laws whereby if a person dies during the commission of certain crimes (I think felony generally), the criminal is tried for murder for that death. But those laws require a conviction for the crime that converts the death into murder.

      - reader #1482

  11. HAMAS: "We surrounded the hostages with hundreds of refugees PRECISELY so that you couldn't come in and take them without massive bloodshed bloodshed of 'civilians'."
    UN: "Yeah.. what HAMAS said! If somebody doesn't want you to do something, they throw a tantrum and then you don't get to do it... hasn't Israel ever been to a modern preschool?"

    What the crap is WRONG with this world now? When did hostage-taking, blackmail, and extortion suddenly become 'honorable'?

    - reader #1482
