Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Tump Trial; From Kafka to Freisler

When I first started following the NY criminal trial of Donald Trump, I kept comparing it to Franz Kafka's novel, "The Trial." You will remember that the novel tells the nightmarish story of a young clerk, Joseph, suddenly arrested and put on trial without being informed of the charges against him. I always had thought that such a scenario could only play out in the old Eastern Europe, Stalinist USSR, Maoist PRC, or in some Big Man dictatorship in Latin America, such as Castro's Cuba, or an Idi Amin-type African country. It could never, I thought, happen in the USA with our "checks-and-balances," our Anglo judicial system, and our precious Constitution. Sure, I had read and followed miscarriages of justice, e.g., the Scottsborough Boys. I thought, nevertheless that such injustices would be corrected and were rare events happening in "backward" regions of the country. I never, in a million years, could have imagined a trial such as the one just concluded in NY in which the felony crimes were never spelled out, and in which the Judge, Juan Merchan, would in essence TELL the jury to convict Trump of something, anything, and actively stymied Trump's defense. The Judge made clear he would accept nothing less than a conviction. The more I followed the trial, however, I thought that instead of the corrupt judicial machinery in Kafka's book, what we were seeing was an American equivalent to the trials run by Karl Roland Freisler in his Nazi People's Court from 1942-45. Watch some of the documentary footage of Fresiler in action and you will see what I mean. His insulting of the defendants, the refusal to allow an effective defense, and a pre-ordained verdict of guilt. At the risk of being called overly dramatic, Merchan seemed to have learned a thing or two from Freisler's behavior. This is a sad day for America. This is the most blatant attempt in American history to stop the major political opponent of the incumbent president. Our system needs to redeem itself. We need a full investigation of Merchan and Bragg and the whole corrupt NY judiciary. The Appeal Courts and even the SCOTUS need to jump in right away. In the meantime, Repubican AGs and DAs need to open cases against Democrats--NOW. I would start with Obama's corrupt real estate dealings, ex-Gov Cuomo, the Biden family for a whole host of corrupt actions, put the word out that President Biden will be investigated and prosecuted the minute he leaves office for a number of crimes committed before he was President, etc. This is hardball time. This cannot stand or we are Idi Amin's Uganda or worse. The stink of Freisler must be removed from our courts.


  1. Evil is walking our country openly now. This must not stand.

  2. I am an English man living in New Zealand ,so I have no skin in the game ,but to me it has always seemed a manufactured trial. It has all the appearance of a political show trial with the purpose of preventing Trump from being elected again.I have long had the feeling that the American Justice system is open to corruption either political or financial and this matter only serves to reinforce that feeling.

  3. We are in a cold civil war. It won't take much to make it go hot and the Democrats are busy pouring gasoline all over the place and are holding a book of matches.

  4. As an interested Canadian and a friend of the USA I must say I am astonished that this travesty has occurred.

  5. As ol' Ben Fruitlin said "A banana republic, if you can keep it".

  6. Like a lot of people my first reaction was anger followed by a $100 contribution to Trump for President.

    1. 'You You Gangsta's~~~'
      So De Niro calls Trump supporters 'gangsters'
      The rebuttal went "If you had a brain, you'd be
      dangerous Robit" ~~~adding more background to
      the Biden/De Nero attacks on the Trump supporters...
      Some have said that Biden's mama is so dirty, she makes mud look clean. But that's the way developMental disorders get started in PA & DC~~~
      Rolling Rolling Rolling~~~

  7. From what I read of the volokh conspiracy, the main point of contention is that the crime accused is only a crime if the actions were taken to conceal a felony. There was no prior felony conviction and that particular felony wasn't part of the case (statue of limitations, I think?), so the jury was speculatively determining guilt. I'm confused how they got 12 people to go along with that... I'd like to see first hand accounts from all twelve of them.
    As far as I know, other than refusing to serve, a juror can't be held in contempt of court... ie, a judge could tell me as a juror that I must convict, but I'm under no obligation or threat to do so. It's still improper for the judge, but how would there be 12 people selected that would do this? Jury tampering by the government?

    - reader #1482

  8. Starting this trial went to a used books store where I saw a book by Arakady Vaksburg, the Prosecutor and the Prey Vyshinsky and the 1930s Moscow Show Trials. The only difference was the torture and immediate after executions was missing. The Judges, Prosecutor and Defense lawyers were all connected to get a conviction.

  9. I congratulate the NY lawyer Allan Beria on his win.
    I am now a citizen of the world's largest banana republic.

  10. Some of us were raised on righteousy indignant castigations of those 18th century English judges who would say to a man condemned to hang, "May God have mercy on your soul."

    Yet that old-fashioned expression reflected the common cultural consensus that there is a judge over all judges, lords, kings, clergy, leaders, and commoners whose justice can be neither bought nor beaten; and awareness on the part of those old judges that they, too, were sinners in need of grace.

    The self-righteousness of our progressive jurists such as His Dishonor Juan Freisler and NY attorney Allan Beria is worse than any hypocrisy of the past. While Trump is not a man whom I would want my sister to marry, the NY court's desctruction of that man could well be the beginning of the end for our republic.


  11. Well since we all figured the fix was in at this trial, I prefer to enjoy the obvious and more important outcome: the much more likely victory of DJT over FJB in November.

    1. From your keyboard to God's monitor.

    2. And All Points in Between~~~
      "Lets Roll"


  12. The trial and the findings of guilt are a travesty. The Rubicon is crossed legally, politically and socially and I don't know that there is a way back. If Trump doesn't win in November then America as we know it is finished. I guess the question for American voters is whether they will accept the destruction of the foundational ideals on which the country is based; because if the light goes out in America there is nowhere to hide.

    1. As someone - Edward Abbey? - once said: "There's no America for Americans to go"

    2. I don't think so necessarily... if non-progressives capture both houses, Biden (and likely Harris) will get nothing. Executive branch would have to basically declare martial law to ignore both other branches.

      I don't like movements to be too focused on a person other than Jesus.

      More than that, America's true and only hope lies in the 'house church' movement inside the PRC. This movement will cleanse China of the CCP's fascism. Hopefully for America, it will do so before a nuclear conflagration, but we don't control that timing.

      - reader #1482

  13. The Republicans are too cowardly to do anything in relation to this kangaroo court. They will run their mouths on every talk show they appear on and it will end at that. I have watched this happen time after time for the last 50+ years and nothing will change. Just like two years ago the Republicans promised to hold Fauci accountable fi they were given a majority in either the House or Senate, and what exactly happened. The worst mass murderer in this country's history and he is walking around a free man because no Republican has the balls to prosecute him.

    I spent over 30 years of my adult life in uniform, and the last 8 years has proven to me how much of a sucker I was. I have watched this country go down the sewer faster and faster. I put my life on the line for what? Yeah, my reward is to spend the last years of my life watching this country turn into a banana republic like sewer. And it is not just the Democrats' fault, the Republicans are just as much if not more guilty because of their abject cowardness. So I see absolutely no sense in voting anymore. My vote means absolutely nothing at this point. Any way I vote, this country is royally screwed and I will no longer participate in destroying this country.

    1. Well as the old ss Senior Chief
      lamented in his Sonar Shack,
      during the "Cuban Crisis",
      in reaction to the latest
      scuttlebutt, circa 1960's~~~

      "More BULLSHIT than the
      the Kansas City StockYards"

      ~~~Dive Dive~~~
      On Watch @^@

      "Let's Roll"

  14. This is DJT's opportunity to repent and accept Jesus as his lord and savior. With that, he will certainly win in November and these malicious convictions would set him on the path to follow Jesus. There could be nothing more motivating to the Christian base of this country than to see Trump apologizing for the wrongs he's done to his ex-wives and family members (note, not a single apology to the lefties or RINOs who smugly believe they would be entitled to such an apology). If he wants this to be the 'Trump century,' that's *all* he needs to do. There's no human better placed to have such an outsized influence on this world. I want to hear Trump exclaim that Jesus is lord more loudly than he lays into the corrupt elites of the country. Then I won't have to choose the lesser of evils in November.
    Get this: even the corrupt mainline protestant churches would be forced to switch their allegiance from 'kill-em before they're born Biden' of his faux-catholic 'faith'. Certainly there would be some push back, but they would be pulling the crosses off their churches in doing so.

    - reader #1482
