Good or Bad for the Jews

"Good or Bad for the Jews"

Many years ago, and for many years, I would travel to Morocco to visit uncles, cousins, and my paternal grandmother. Some lived in Tangiers;...

Friday, August 18, 2017


We add yet another city to the list of public arenas for the Religion of Peace to demonstrate its core beliefs.

As they did in Nice, in Barcelona the jihadis used a vehicle to plow through a congested pedestrian area at the height of the tourist season. At least 14 innocent people are now dead, and scores more injured. In nearby Cambrils, the cops managed to put away five jihadis with some well-placed rounds--press reports indicate that one cop killed four of the five himself. It also seems the jihadis were planning on building a truck bomb but they accidentally blew up their shop in Alcanar.

Spanish friends and relatives of mine had told me well before this that they felt "relatively" safe in Spain for a mix of logical reasons: Spain is not a big actor on the world scene, no reason to be attacked; Spain has always had good relations with the Muslims (El Cid, calm down); and most cynically the refugees entering Spain don't really want to be in Spain because they can get better public benefits elsewhere in Europe--in other words, they only use Spain as a pathway. Well, the facts scream otherwise, it would seem.

So Barcelona joins the long, long list of cities rewarded for their generosity to the "refugees" of the Religion of Peace with death and destruction. The blame for this, of course, goes first to the Islamists, but then to progressive loons in the EU and European national governments, and to Obama's feckless and destructive policy of abasement and surrender in the Middle East.

One final note. My wife and daughter are currently in Spain (far from Barcelona). The Diplowife tells me that where she is marches are being organized in response to this massacre to reject Islamophobia and right-wing racism. OK . . .

Yes, that is a society hell-bent on suicide.

Well, back to worrying about an imminent attack by century-old statues of Confederates . . .


  1. I would be grateful if a psychologist would offer an explanation, in terms that a layman could understand, how millions of presumably sane individuals in our Western civilization could accept the premise that these outrageous acts against humanity can be accommodated as an integral part of our normal way of life.

  2. I appreciate the qualifier on the 'right-wing' racism. As I'm guessing you intended, there is indeed no shortage of left-wing racism. It's draped in terminology acceptable to our ruling class, but it's still racism.

    - reader #1482

  3. I'm not American, so I hesitate to make this comment.

    I've wondered for some time about the fracturing of American society. My thoughts have centred on the practice of the last few decades of hyphenating an American's identity. That is, putting their ethnic background first then join it with a hyphen to "American".

    It's a relatively small thing but so widespread.

    Could this have led to the Identity Politics that seems to be splintering your country?

    I hope it gets back to normal where all citizens are proud to be "American", and not part of a squillion different sub-groups.

    1. I have not liked that hyphenating use in my country either, but it has become normal and accepted now.
      In most cases it is not tribal, IMO, but it can be seized as a way to split Americans by actions of politicians. Years ago a book was written about the polling breakdown of Americans and how to adjust a politician's message to capture their vote.
      The Democrats have used tribalism. i.e. identity politics, to tune their message to different groups. I would have thought that with video so easy to place online, that this catering to different groups with different messages to obtain their support would have died a modern death, but for some reason it has not. Just look at Mrs, Clinton's campaign.
      I believe those who do polls started this dissection of Americans for political messaging before the Internet was around and it still goes on regardless of the ability of voters to catch them at it. I have an intelligent, progressive friend and know others who cannot/will not accept any facts showing this identify politics use by their party. I have given up trying to really change their minds; too close to reality for them it seems for some ungodly reason; they love to use a straw men arguments against me show how some aspect of conservatism is doing something worse than what I mention about their politicians actions.
      Just look at progressive Juan Williams on FOX/FNC. Fired from NPR for saying he had some fears/nervousness when boarding a plane and seeing people in Arab garb and caught heck for writing a book showing the "misguided" actions of Jesse Jackson and other civil rights activists who used race to forward their agendas. FOX hired him and, IMO, he has learned nothing from what I see when I watch "The 5" program on FNC.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I am an American and I totally agree with you. I also find it quite ironic that an Egyptian who became an American citizen would truly be an African-American, but would likely be rejected as one by both the U.S. government and by the American born blacks who have never set foot on African soil.

      Hangtown Bob

  4. Progressive madness has infected Western thinking. An un-historic, spoiled generation is infiltrating culture, media and politics. Their main idea is that Western civilisation is bad or at least not better than others such as the Islamic civilisation. So here we are, with calls for removing statues in the US and with people organizing support for Islam after another Islamic mass murder. DiploMad, I hope your wife takes notice of who participates in these marches. How do they look ? Do they look MidEastern with beards or headscarves ? Or do the have dreadlocks and tattooes ?
    One thing that complicates the picture is that Barcelona is in the Catalonia province and this province wants independence. They have their own language and culture.I have sometimes heard that some of them prefer Muslims before tourists. There are extremists there as well .Spain has a long, early Muslim history, take a look at Alhambra.
    We have already this year had 7 mass murders by car in Europe. And let´s not forget Nice and Berlin last year. MSM and politicians want us to think that this is the new normal. Because they can´t and won´t save us. Many of us understand your president, what he stands for, what he tries to do. We understood his talk about the Muslim ban and security controls. We also understand how everything he says and does gets distorted in the media because that is what happens to outspoken people here as well. It is sad to watch his Untergang.
    Well, I feel like a confused poor soul living in the MiddleAges noticing plagues, wars and misery passing. Like them I look at the sky, at the stars, is there a sign, is this a grand scheme ?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ah, Swedish Lady, we don't know. However, You see the problem and do not yield to despair. For that you deserve a big Cyberhug. We watch and pray, and help one another when we can.

    3. Dear Unknown, very kind of you.The same day the Barcelona attack took place something happened in Finland that was very under reported. A Moroccan man, asylum seeker, attacked random people, killing two, wounding at least eight. He targeted women, the victims were women. I think it is under reported because the authorities did not use the T-word. Big manifestations in Finland, people obviously do not agree with their authorities here. And now I read that police is investigating it as terrorism. Well, nowadays terrorism isn´t of the spectatular kind, just some car , some kitchen knives, the new normal. And that makes it even scarier. Our open societies are sitting ducks.
      Swedish lady

  5. I warmly approve of action that might make Americans more skilful users of hyphens.

    But back to the point: I've always objected to references to Obama as African-American. Surely his wife is African-American, he is African/American.

    1. And because of that, Obummer was in office illegally. The Constitution requires that the POTUS be a natural born citizen -- born in the USA to two US citizens.

    2. "a natural born citizen -- born in the USA to two US citizens." What an absurd fantasy: "a natural born citizen" is simply a citizen by birthright. Apparently he is, so that's that. The man may have been hiding a huge amount about his life, but that's no reason to invent spurious readings of the Constitution.

    3. @ dearieme

      So the phrase "natural born citizen" means nothing, does it? Apparently our Founders included that phrase because they had no idea that all birthright citizens are natural born, is that your theory?

      I hold to the belief that the phrase wasn't meaningless, but had the meaning that Vattel's 'Law of Nations' indicated: "Natural-born citizens are those born in the country of parents who are citizens – it is necessary that they be born of a father who is a citizen."

    4. The colonists used English Law, and in English law the situation is clearly summarised by Blackstone, a writer whose work would have been familiar to the writers of the constitution. The key bit is "... all children, born out of the king's ligeance, whose fathers were natural-born subjects, are now natural-born subjects themselves, to all intents and purposes, without any exception; unless their said fathers were attainted, or banished beyond sea, for high treason; or were then in the service of a prince at enmity with Great Britain." So unless you wish to claim that it would not be valid to extend the law in the light of sexual equality, there you have it. "Natural-born" need have nothing to do with being born in the King's (and thereby the Republic's) realm, nor does it place demands on both parents; one's enough. Since nobody has disputed that Obama's mother was a natural-born American, and since only loonies claim that Obama was born in Kenya, I conclude that the bloke is qualified to be US Prez, unless of course some stunning new revelation appears about his mother or his birthplace. It is true that it is laughable that there is no formal procedure in place for checking his eligibility but that's hardly his fault. On that subject the Congress has been dozy for a couple of centuries.

    5. Dearie, much of the commotion was Obama's doing. He may have used an allegation of Kenyan birth to sell books and may be even to get into Harvard. Nobody knows because he is the least known American president ever. The initial accusation came from a Hillary source. The birth certificate finally produced is not the original. They are not hard to obtain. There is probably some irregularity about the father being concealed.

    6. Yeah, it is ironic that (in 2008), it was McCain who was not the natural born citizen (wish someone would have challenged him and forced him out). He became a U.S. citizen by act of Congress when he was less than a year old.

    7. I agree, Mike, about Obama's endless efforts to hide much about his life. It's remiss of the press not to dig out the truth of all those matters. But then this is the same press that hid so much truth about Wilson, about FDR, about JFK.

  6. Diplomad

    Curious about your comment that Spain always had good relations with Muslims.

    1) Isn't the Golden Age of Andalusia and tolerance a myth in that Christians (and Jews) were officially dhimmis?

    2) Didn't the Spanish spend 750 or so years kicking the Moors out, finally succeeding in the late 15th century? And later kicked their descendents, even if Christian, out?

    3) Didn't the Inquisition also look for Muslims?

    So how do the Spanish view their years of Moorish occupation?

    Two more questions:

    1) Are dark Spaniards like Rafa Nadel and many others I saw in Spain a result of the centuries of Moorish occupation, or is there no sign, other than some architecture, of those centuries? My history courses taught me descendents of Moors were kicked out in 17th century, so I don't know where the very dark-skinned Spaniards come from if not Moorish genes.

    2) Most important: Could one say it was the force of Christianity that survived, made a European identity survive and kept different Christian kings fighting the Moors? That today, the increasing Western apathy towards religion has allowed Muslim colonization to be virtually welcomed into the West? Hence, one of the many reasons for the unceasing attacks on Christianity. Personally, I'm not Christian, but I believe continual weakening of Christianity is fatal to Europe. The Europeans seem to feel they have nothing that needs or is worth defending.

    Diplomad, I have asked the last question (about role of Christianity) before. I hope you will comment because with your knowledge of Spain I think you will have especially good insight.


    The Barcelona attack needs mention of CNN asking whether it was a copycat attack of Charlottesville, both Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper. Cooper is not at all stupid, and Blitzer was once a serious journalist. How far into lunacy will CNN and others - e g., the Congressional GOP - go to bring down Trump. We are seeing there is no limit.

  7. Diplomad

    Curious about your comment that Spain always had good relations with Muslims.

    1) Isn't the Golden Age of Andalusia and tolerance a myth in that Christians (and Jews) were officially dhimmis?

    2) Didn't the Spanish spend 750 or so years kicking the Moors out, finally succeeding in the late 15th century? And later kicked their descendents, even if Christian, out?

    3) Didn't the Inquisition also look for Muslims?

    So how do the Spanish view their years of Moorish occupation?

    Two more questions:

    1) Are dark Spaniards like Rafa Nadel and many others I saw in Spain a result of the centuries of Moorish occupation, or is there no sign, other than some architecture, of those centuries? My history courses taught me descendents of Moors were kicked out in 17th century, so I don't know where the very dark-skinned Spaniards come from if not Moorish genes.

    2) Most important: Could one say it was the force of Christianity that survived, made a European identity survive and kept different Christian kings fighting the Moors? That today, the increasing Western apathy towards religion has allowed Muslim colonization to be virtually welcomed into the West? Hence, one of the many reasons for the unceasing attacks on Christianity. Personally, I'm not Christian, but I believe continual weakening of Christianity is fatal to Europe. The Europeans seem to feel they have nothing that needs or is worth defending.

    Diplomad, I have asked the last question (about role of Christianity) before. I hope you will comment because with your knowledge of Spain I think you will have especially good insight.


    The Barcelona attack needs mention of CNN asking whether it was a copycat attack of Charlottesville, both Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper. Cooper is not at all stupid, and Blitzer was once a serious journalist. How far into lunacy will CNN and others - e g., the Congressional GOP - go to bring down Trump. We are seeing there is no limit.

    1. You're right. That was not my comment. This is what Spanish friends and relatives used to tell me. It's nonsense.

  8. "Yes, that is a society hell-bent on suicide." The result of a century or more of Leftist onslaught. The Left needs chaos to thrive but the Right needs order to survive.

  9. The jihadis have been crying "Today, Falastin; tomorrow, Andaluz" for a while now.

    Were I young and energetic, I would start finding disgruntled conservatives of all walks of life--unemployed, students failing, etc.--organize them for marches, and wave some placards for the liberal judges who embrace the idea of "hate crimes" and "hate speech" to step down as perjurers (for their betrayal of the First Amendment).

    1. Kepha

      I have been trying to get someone in Trumpworld to set up a web site/facebook site to mobilize support for Trump specifically and opposition to left generally. Specific actions (starting with bombarding Congress), boycotts, counter-boycotts, protests, rallies, etc., etc., times, dates, addresses, all necessary instructions. Bulletin boards so people themselves could organize. I used to own an internet company. I know how easy this would be to do for someone with resources and access. I have gotten idea read, but have had no response or feedback. As an outsider with no direct contacts to Trumpworld, my idea will probably never be given a second thought. But I know how necessary this is, so I keep trying.

    2. Msher - contact Mike Cernovitch. You can do that via Twitter...

      We will see what Breitbart does...

    3. Anonymous @2.59 am


      Ideally it would be the Mercers. Site would need wide publicity (easy to do) so everyone knew it existed, and would cost from low to high hundreds of thousands (depending on scope) to set up and then again annually to maintain. That's the web site, for which I have an outline of format and capabilities I would gladly give to anyone who would take it on. Although idea is self-explanatory and my input not necessary. I have no knowledge about cost or working of facebook pages tied to web site, as I haven't run a facebook page and never look at it.

      I have gotten really frustrated, as need becomes increasingly obvious and I feel it is a complete screw up in whoever advising Trump: he tweets and holds rallies to garner support, but nothing is in place to MOBILIZE SUPPORT INTO VISIBLE ACTION. That's why Ryan dares say GOP has no need to defend Trump and Russia investigations continue.

      Why Cernovitch? And I don't know how to do a workable 140 character tweet on this. 3 sentences, yes. But not a tweet. Thx for suggestion, but I don't understand it exactly.

      Bb has been bashing Trump because they don't like McMaster and Cohen and Powell. I post little there except angry comments asking why they are demanding 1000% ideological purity of a man who has already delivered miracles (e.g., defeated Hillary, killed TPP, approved pipelines, pulled out of Paris, Gorsuch, etc.), when no one has ever demanded anything of any other Republican before. If you mean that Bannon's going back to Bb, well, I don't understand Bannon. His N. Korea remarks in that last interview undercut U.S. policy and, imho, came close to treasonous - unless Trump has approved. But why would Trump approve Bannon saying Trump's apparent policy was an empty bluff? So I don't know what you're looking for from Bb.

    4. Breitbart will have to sort itself out with Bannon back in the yoke. Maybe it can wage war on the enemy- MSM, GOPe, Left etc. Andrew Breitbart said it right years ago: politics is downstream from culture and our enemies currently own the culture. Most R senators seem to be little more than duck for cover cowards only interested in self preservation. They want no part of this oncoming culture war. Truthfully, the Democrat Party wants no part of it either because they will most likely lose.

    5. Msher
      Coulter is like a lot of conservative writers, they want everything now and if not, then all is lost. They let the gettable good get in the way of the unattainable perfect.

      By oncoming culture war, I mean one that the right finally takes part in. The left has waged a war on the traditional right, aka Gramscian damage, with total success. Our culture and institutions reflect that. The reason partly that Trump beat out all 15 or 16 other Rs is partly because the right is tired of living in a progressive sewer. We have been under attack. To have a war, it is time to counter attack as the left exposes its excesses. It takes time and we didn't lose it in a decade. It is dawning on middle America-finally- what is being done to us. The left will be its own worst enemy. That is what I mean by "Dems will lose". As the left organizes more...they are always organized or organizing...that is their nature. Democrats and the left are not always synonymous across the country.

      We on the right don't need to take to the streets in violent demonstration because then we lose because, as you say, the left owns the media etc. Let the left drag rank and file Democrats into choosing. Their excesses will be our opening. You are right about elected pols and culture wars...they aren't much use but we get frustrated at them for not standing up. They more than likely will sit and waste time reading "Pravda on the Potomac" or "Pravda on the Hudson". Sorry, WaPo and NYT. I couldn't help it.

    6. whitewall

      Counter-acting (plus defending Trump) is precisely the purpose of this website (plus associated facebook page) I am trying to get someone with access and resources to take notice of and launch.

      I agree completely about the perfect being the enemy of the obtainable. I am therefore 100% behind Trump even though I sometimes detest his ego and style and even though he has made mistakes, will make more and cannot possibly keep all his promises. I knew during the campaign he was over-promising and hoped others would also realize and not turn against him when he couldn't deliver. Coulter believes displacement of European populations with third-world will destroy America and she was gung ho for Trump because of his wall promise. I think she has given up on him unfairly, too soon and unwisely. Same with Breitbart and Bannon hectoring him about members of his Administration. How do they think that helps?

  10. I highly recommend that anybody believing the fantasy of "Spain has always had good relations with the Muslims" disabuse themselves of the notion by reading The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians, and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain, by Darío Fernández Morera.

    1. My daughter was working on a PhD on the "Andalusian period" and I took her to Madrid in 2010 to a conference that is supposed to be held only every decade to attend it. She has since given up on the PhD as she did to want to be an academic. She did however learn Arabic as part of her studies and her sister, who is an FBI agent, has been trying to recruit her for years.

  11. Al Qaeda members have no religion. ISIS members have no religion. Muslim Jihadis have no religion. Clearly they are all atheists. Anyone who does what Mohammad did, or commanded his followers to do, is not a Muslim, because Mohammad wasn't really even a Muslim. Islamic terrorism is not Islamic.

